16278/All work and no play...

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All work and no play...
Date of Scene: 17 May 2024
Location: Angelica Jones' Apartment, Morrisania
Synopsis: Angelica and Logan had a good conversation and had a few drinks as well.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Wolverine

Firestar has posed:
Angelica told Logan to come and go as he needs a long time ago. Tonight she is sitting on her bed, surrounded by books, a laptop, left over Chinese take out, and a slightly forgotten Pepsi. She may love science, but other subjects...less so,"Psychology. Interesting, yet annoying..." she mutters and someone on the other end of the computer link chuckles.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan walks into the place calling out. "Ya decent?" Logan asks. He figures she's buried by a mountain of books or hunched overa laptop. Just in case, he'll still ask because Logan usually knocks and wait. In his hand is a simple six pack of imported bottles in case she wanted a break. "I don't got any pizza," he admits.
Firestar has posed:
"As good as it gets." comes back an almost reflex reply. She smirks at herself a little. She looks to the computer and says,"All right Bobby. I am taking a break. I'll talk to you later." She shuts the computer down and crawls out of her book fort,"Just as well. Pizza only makes me fat anyway." the red head quips and steps out of the bedroom and into the main area.
Wolverine has posed:
"Like good beer's doin' ya favors, but ya look fine darlin'. Don't start thinkin' yer not. I'll punch whatever jackass gave ya that impress," and he'll hand her a beer. It's a little cold. Not quite room temp, but not quite ice cold. A nice chilly middle ground. "How are classes goin'?"
Firestar has posed:
"Only drink the beer in the right company. Lucky for you, you qualify." she quips back and takes the beer,"Thank you." She turns and looks towards the bedroom,"Psychology and basic accounting, hence a call to Bobby Drake. Somehow that sort of thing is interesting to him. I like Psychology well enough, just tricky. Accounting always solves itself, it's just boring. Filled a need though."
Wolverine has posed:
"Since when?" Logan jokes and gives her a nod for a moment. "Psychology I can get," Logan's been mentally dissected enough. He's picked up on a few lessons. "Numbers," lLogan trails a bit. An accoutnatn he is not. "Well, what are ya gonna do after this term?" he asks trying to turn the conversation to soemthing happier that's free of mental analysis and equations.
Firestar has posed:
A soft snort and she clinks her bottle to his and then moves to take a seat on the couch. She settles and indicates him to come join her,"Psychology has its hangups, but yes. I makes sense. Accounting is just boring. If it doesn't balance out it is wrong, but still."

She hmms softly and admits,"I don't know. I am considering working through the summer to get graduated sooner and I have considered going somewhere for at least part of the summer to decompress instead. It's not like I have to pay the airfare after all."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan clinks his bottle before she sits down. He'll sit on the couch and just listen for a bit. "Ya should go somewhere warm or wherever you consider fun. Save up fer a good room or ask someone to maybe help. Then just enjoy a good week there. No nothin' planned," it sounds liek Angelica could use that as he looks at her. Logan just doesn't know where Angelica would consider fun.
Firestar has posed:
She takes a drink and then sighs softly,"Part of me says go up to Canada, see Heather and the others. Part of me remembers the last trip to Canada and doesn't want to really consider that for a while yet."

She is thoughtful and finally admits,"Another part of me is thinking about trying to save up enough money to stay in one of those glass bottom cabins down south, past the Florida Keys. Just a lot of nothing and all day to do it."
Wolverine has posed:
"Glass bottom cabins? Explain," Logan asks as he wants clarity on that one. Logan doesn't poke any questions about Cananda. They've had that talk. He will go with her if, and when, Angelica is ready. However, it's getting to that point. Angelica has to make the decision to be ready and he will not push on that front.
Firestar has posed:
"They are cabins on stilts over the ocean. THe floors are glass except for the bedroom and bathroom." she explains,"They look very nice, but apparently some people started snorkeling under to peek in on intimate moments so the bedroom isn't looking down on the water."
Wolverine has posed:
"Interesting. How enforced are they?" Logan thinks that would sound like fun to try at least once. Then he looks back her for a moment. "Gonna find someone good to go with. Maybe do the swim thing or whatever people do out htere? :ogan imagines it's a lot of water activities given the obvious. "Kinda reminds me of those ice hotels."
Firestar has posed:
"Apparently not enough to stop the swimmers, but enough to screw up the fun for others." she muses softly. She chuckles softly and she asks,"You know anyone good to go with? Swimming a big part of it yes. There are places down the shore to fish and such things if someone wants."
Wolverine has posed:
"I meant for the people in the building. Like those vacationing there," Logan says as he gives a nod. "Bobby might wanna go. Consider askin' him unless ya wanna ask someone else," his ocean blue eyes looking at her for a moment before he knocks back the first drink of his beer. He just savors the taste as it runs down his throat
Firestar has posed:
"It's still a maybe. It's also tropical and he doesn't care for tropical really. I think he is involved with someone fairly recent. Not positive though." She takes another drink and admits,"I haven't convinced myself to go anywhere anyway. Still in the process of deciding."
Wolverine has posed:
"Go. Find someone ya wanna take and go. I'll pay fer it," Logan looks at her as he knows she oculd use it. Thenhe'll take another swig of his drink. "Make a memory or two, enjoy yerself n' go from there," he nods at her. "Might be nice to get lost somewhere that's not a mountain of books."
Firestar has posed:
She chuckles softly and replies,"I think I take advantage of you enough already don't you?" She winks and takes another drink,"Besides, I am not sold on anywhere in particular yet.

She looks at the bedroom and sighs,"Yes the mountain of books. A trek into the mountains is tempting though. Maybe a trip to Mexico and see the old ruins. Educational and relaxing."
Wolverine has posed:
"What man wouldn't want a redhead taking advantage of him?" he winks and then he will nod about not being sold anywhere. "Just ask." He sees it as investing into something that can chang e the future. so, Logan doesn't mind.

Then talk about Mexico happens. There's a visible look. His face scowls a little. "Vacations ain't supposed to be educational unless ya talk about Biology," he says not trying to flirt. Just trying to vocalize himself how that -really- doesn't sound like too much of a vacation. Like a vacation with a field trip crammed between it.
Firestar has posed:
She smirks a little and takes another drink,"I'll keep that in mind." she muses lightly. She laughs softly as he scowls and comments on the trip,"You're right, you're right." she admits,"I can fly to Mexico pretty much any time and see them up close without guids and tourists."

She hmms thoughtfully,"Maybe the Bahamas or Alaska. Maybe the Rockies. I would need a guide for those though. Someone more suited for roughing it. It's been a while."
Wolverine has posed:
"There we go," Logan says as she talks about more vacation centered places. "Alaska is a little rough," there's a pause from Logan and he wonders if she's hinting at him. Those ocean blue eyes look at her for a moment. "Rockie wuld need some research. Need to have a good amount of equipment," he looks at her for a moment. "Why would ya need a guid efer the bahamas? Just find a resort?" he asks looking at her.
Firestar has posed:
She nods listening to the talk about Alaska,"I've heard it is beautiful there. Maybe a little cold for me, but who knows?"

She chuckles softly and shakes her head,"I've seen the world from space, looking down from the Watchtower. The mountains are interesting. Maybe instead of the Rockies, slip over to the Himlayas instead. I am pretty sure there would be a need for equipment and someone to guide me. Maybe I could go to that place...the one you told me about. Madripoor."
Wolverine has posed:
A nod comes from him, "When it ain't winter, yeah. It can be," Logan says aobut Alaska. Not quite writing it off, just remember how the nights literallys tretch onward.

Then he nods about the view from Space. Logan's seen the world from taht vantage point a coupel fo times, but Angelica has seen it more than him now. "Himlayas ya would need a guide," and then he pauses when MAdripoor comes up.

He's quiet for a bit, "Ya would need a guide because there's some good places to party. But there are places where ya can get over yer head n' quick," MAdripoor is not exactly the nicest of places at times. So, Angleica would need a guide, to keep her head on a swivel or both.
Firestar has posed:
She nods and leaves them on the on maybe pile in her mind. She hmms softly,"Yes it will be cold enough even in the spring and summer." she admits. She sighs and looks at the bedroom and the books,"That's a long way off yet. The mountains climbing doesn't seem as adventurous when you can fly up there though so...yeah. Still, it could be fun. Once in a while I want to see the seedier sides of life. Not often, blame it on recent relationships and other questionable decisions."
Wolverine has posed:
"You'll call me fer guidance in Madripoor, got it?" Logan asks as he looks at her intently for a moment. He's making sure she understands that one. Angelica could get in over her head. He's not questioning that she eodes, just that she be smart about it if she does. That's the thing for Logan.
Firestar has posed:
"If I make my way there I'll call you first." she agrees and takes another drink of her beer. She sighs softly and asks,"There's bound to be a movie on if you want to stay for a while and watch with me. I could make some popcorn and forget about homework for the night."
Wolverine has posed:
"Iwill ti get ya in trouble?" Logana sks about the homework rather than anything lese. His gaze on her for a moment as he looks at her for a moment. Just making sure School is not messed with too much.
Firestar has posed:
A shake of her head and she replies,"Not at all. Both are due on Monday. Don't worry. As much as I enjoy your company, I am not screwing my grade to hang with you." she teases and nudges him with an elbow before looking for the remote and starting to cycles channels.
Wolverine has posed:
Then he will slide over so she could do what she needs to do. Logan will then get comfortable and wait to see. As logn as the grades ar eokay then he will not fight watching a movie.
Firestar has posed:
She clicks the channels until she finds something comedic. No sense in anything too serious. She settles into the cushions a little more and sets the controller aside. Getting comfortable she leans her shoulder against his a little.