1345/Gold Rush

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Gold Rush
Date of Scene: 08 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Corusca, Booster Gold

Corusca has posed:
    Broad daylight. That's generally when armored trucks prefer to move gold no matter how small the quantity. Of course, it's easier to rob an armored car than it is a gold repository so whenever it gets moved.. there is tight security. Security well paid for by one of the bank's trustees no doubt. Being the northwest of North America, it's a pleasant 25 Celsius and partly cloudy. Rain is called for later in the evening but for now the roads are dry and business is as usual. So it is that the Brinks truck pulls out of the repository and turns onto Pleasant Drive. Surely, it will be one, right? The driver looks to his partner and smiles, "I always like pickups from central. It's always such a pleasant drive."

    "Will you give it a rest, Harry? You keep talking like that and you'll jinx us." His companion is not without his thermos of coffee but he's presently pouring it to get his morning cuppa.

    "Oh come on, Larry, we've done this run dozens of times. Nothing ever goes wrong. The sun's on the right so I don't get blinded driving. The road was paved last week so there're no bumps. Just relax." Harry gives a little shake of his head as he keeps on driving.

    "Whatever you say, Harry." Larry grouses mildly. Still, Harry was right. There were no bumps to spill his coffee. Maybe this was going to be another cake run after all. The truck stopped for a red light then.. BOOM! The front end of the armored truck lifted off of the ground a few feet then crashed down hard. The men inside were shaken. The hood was steaming. The coffee... it was spilled. Naturally, this travesty, and the explosion beneath the armored car, caused much screaming and dismay.

Booster Gold has posed:
Though a Gotham-city son, Booster's great and dark shame was that he was actually born in Star City and got into Gotham U on an athletics fellowship. So Star City is a home to him, or at least, would be, in the future-- was, from his perspective, which is what will be, that which was--

Chronal grammer sucks. Booster, feel nostalgia, decided to fly out to Star City to see the sights, but he's clearly as adrift as a Boston resident would be in 1750. There are few, if any familiar landmarks, and the streets all smell terrible.

<<Sir! You see? That's the site of Balcony Hill megaplex!>> Skeets says, projecting an augmented reality holograph around Booster. To the Gold Hero, he can see Star City as it will be in a few centuries-- shining metropolis, home to several millions.

Right now, it's barely one million over a large area, and he sighs.

"It's just not the same, Skeets. Where's the McSanders Arena? The Sodercola Dome? The monuments to Mad Jim?" he asks, gesturing vaguely as he hovers in midair.

Then there's a *BOOM*, and screams, and Booster perks.

"On the other hand, violent crime-- that's something I recognize. C'mon, Skeets!" Booster says, pivoting skywards and swooping dowards towards the armored car-- an amazing blue of gold and blue!

<<Right behind you, sir!>> says the little golden drone, keeping up pace with Booster easily.

Corusca has posed:
    Naturally, anyone planning a heist in a city street in broad daylight is going to be fast. The detonation shattered windows, rocked cars, deafened the masses... resulted in about three hundred 911 calls. It also netted one industrial class tow truck, the sorts that tow tractor trucks, pulling out in front of the armored vehicle. Four men in masks jumped out of the back end and began chaining the heavily damaged front end. Soon, that same front end was being lifted and two of the men jumped back into the cab while the other two jumped onto the rear of the tow truck and readied assault rifles. With a roar of an overlarge diesel engine, the tow truck began hauling away it's prize.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Hey, fellas. Somehow, I don't think that belongs to you."

Booster Gold sweeps into action next to the truck, easily keeping pace! He sketches a two-fingered salute to the men in the tow truck, and when they veer the vehicle at him aggressively, he slows his lateral flight and flings photon discharges at the truck's tires to try and disable it.

Naturally, Booster forgets that he's in the Dumb Ages, and also forgets his basic physics-- a two truck moving that quickly with an armored car on a crane, /suddenly deprived of two tires on the same side/, is not going to behave in a very predictable fashion!

Corusca has posed:
    Now this is the sort of kink in the plan that most ordinary thieves don't plan for. These, however, are not ordinary thieves. They are highly paid mercenaries with a lot of money backing them. So when Booster appears and tosses his little bombs are the tires.. there is surely an explosion.. but the expected shredded rubber just doesn't happen. The tires are scarred heavily to be sure and likely won't take too kindly to another such assault. The.. apparently armored tow truck.. has bent plating.. but aside from being rocked heavily it keeps on rolling. The men in the back end are thrown onto their backs but one of them keeps a steady hand and aims his rifle for Booster. What follows is most assuredly not your normal bullet. No, these are gyrojet weapons rapid-firing tiny rockets with explosive tips that do their best to track the heat signature of their target. At this close range, some of them are sure to miss.. and track for engine blocks and tail pipes. The fellow whose unable to shoot Booster on account of having half of an armored tow truck in the way? He gets out a little vial of green and chugs it. Bottoms up!

    Meanwhile, Harry and Larry are slumped in their chairs in a resounding state of unconsciousness.

    In atmospheric news, a cloud shifts and a shadow rolls over the scene. A very oddly shaped shadow.

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster's got some good armor, but multiple explosives in short order are enough to knock him flying out of his trim. His energy shield flickers twice and goes out, which means the third tracking missile impacts right against his breastplate. With a grunt Booster hits the ground going about thirty miles an hour, rolling ass over teakettle and smashing through a mailbox and a bench before slamming square into a planter.

"Owww..." he wheezes, barely sitting upright. Skeets sweeps in front of him and promptly aims a litle turbine fan at his face.

<<Sir! Are you injured?>> Skeets asks, sounding concerned.

"I'm fine, just... ow."

Corusca has posed:
    The thug with the rifle seems quite pleased with himself and holds his fire as he watches Booster careen off into collateral damage land. He doesn't seem to care one wit that the rounds that missed Booster have destroyed a half dozen cars and caused no shortage of civilian injuries. He sits back and enjoys his ride.

    Now the fellow who drank the potion prematurely? He seems to be enjoying a remarkable transformation. He's getting bigger. He's getting greener. He's popping out of his uniform and crumbling his rifle in his hands for no good reason. In fact, it explodes in his hands and he is knocked out of the truck which drives on without him. Greenie doesn't seem to care. He picks himself up and ROARS! Naturally, Booster is a brightly shining metal object that must be crushed and Greenie begins loping in his direction.

    That oddly shaped shadow.. it's getting bigger. In fact, it's like.. the sun is being obscured by something but that something is shimmering so it's hard to say if that thing is a trick of the light or really something with large bat shaped wings flying out of the sun. By the time the guy in the back of the to truck even realizes this could be a conundrum, a dragon the size of the tow truck crashes into it and locks claws onto the crane. The mighty bellow of rage is something primieval that makes every wild animal in five miles piss its pants and run. Fire is breathed upon the cabin but it might as well be rain what for the armored glass and sealed compartment. That doesn't stop it from raining inside the cab mind you.. inside of pants.

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster gets his bearings just in time to see Big Mean Green charging at him.

"Ack!" he says, raising his hands defensively. Fortunately, his defenses are a lot more like one hell of a good offense-- he cuts loose with a rapid fire of photon blasts that hit harder by the second, easily scaling up to the point where they top out with the explosive force of dynamite. Booster flies upwards effortlessly, getting out of melee range, and keeps peppering the big guy.

Then he realizes there's a DRAGON WHAT THE HELL AAGGGH!!!

Booster screams this, and many other profanities, as the dragon seizes the car and starts savaging it with claw and fire.

"SKEETS! CALL SUPERMAN! CALL SOMEONE! DRAGON! DRAGON HERE, THERE'S A D-DRAGON!" Booster screams, flying away from that awful roar and noise with bone-deep instinctual panic.

Corusca has posed:
    Now see.. when big mean and green is coming at you? Shooting him is the proper response. The problem is that he doesn't seem to mind being shot. Not until the last few blasts does he really notice. The last one takes him off of his feet and he lands a dozen or so feet from where he was soon to be leaping to pummel Booster Gold. "RAH!!" Green man is angry! He looks left, looks right, rips a bumper off of a Dodge pickup truck and flings it javelin style up at the flying Booster.

    Now as for that dragon. It is probably forty feet long from tip of the nose to tail. It's wingspan is easily that and is held aloft presently for balance. Its claws are dug into the rooftop of the tow truck but its maw just isn't big enough to gain purchase on anything more than the yellow emergency lights the tow truck wasn't using anyway. Those are ripped off and spit out with spite before the long neck reaches back and clamps down on the crane keeping the armored car aloft. Cables snap with a series of metallic twangs and protesting twists of metal until, finally, the car drops to the street with a crash.

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster moves with supreme aerial agility, dodging the bumper by dropping twelve feet and lurching sideways as if he's diving. He turns up the intensity on his hand cannons and starts really laying into Big Green, trying to aim at his face and eyes. The photo blasts are not just powerful, they're /blinding/ up close-- which neatly covers a sudden juke and rush as Booster sweeps downwards to swing a fist right for the Big Green's big dumb jawline.

Corusca has posed:
        Now when you have a dragon riding shotgun, it makes it really hard to steer. Especially wing a giant golden wing is covering the windshield. On the flip side, the dead weight you were pulling is now gone so the truck gets to move a lot faster. On the down side, those two tires that had been blasted and shredded? They don't like the extra weight of fifty tons or so of dragon. Their axles snap under the stress. Combine the three and the tow truck soon lurches to one side with a dangerous tilt and begins scraping asphalt with great sparks flying. The dragon? Well? It seems to like this turn of events and leaps into the air.. with its tail coiled around the stump of the lift. The truck gives up the balance and crashes onto its side. Meanwhile, the dragon lands and begins circling its now heavily wounded prey...

    Greenie RAHHHH! He missed. It makes him more mad. He was reaching for another piece of truck when the rapid fire blasts start coming in with bright explosions about his head. He raises both arms to shield his face and so he doesn't see the incoming punch. KAPOW! It doesn't exactly lay him out but he does get laid down. A few feet behind where he was standing and crushing the hood of a BMW. He takes a moment but shakes it off with a grunt.

Booster Gold has posed:
Whatever, the dragon's dealing with the truck, and Booster-- Booster's got someone he /can/ fight. Something that is very punchable.

Boost breaks into a sprint and just as Greenie starts to rise, Booster's rushing at him full tilt and drives an armored kneeplate into the big guy's face.

Then again, for good measure. Booster's scrappy as hell, though it's pretty obvious he doesn't have a lick of real combat training aside from just being wildly athletic, and he basically pummels Greenie while he's down until he /stays/ down.

Booster zips skywards a second later, angling towards the dragon warily-- she seems benign so far, but then again, maybe she just hasn't /seen/ him yet.

And he gulps at the slash of those teeth and claws. They can peel open the truck easily enough-- what could they do to HIM?!

Corusca has posed:
    There is something to be said for experimental super serums. There have been all kinds of success stories. Captain America. Hulk..ish.. but when it comes down to it their rate of attrition is quite high. So it is that big mean and green ends up being a strange hood ornament on a crushed car at the end of Booster's pummeling.

    Of course, turning your attention to a dragon digging its claws into an overturned armored truck and ripping off the armored door.. that might bring someone to pale. Like the two occupants. They're screaming their fool heads off in a rather unintelligable fashion. So it is that the dragon fishes into the cabin and plucks one after the other and holds them down with the weight of its tail. A serpentine tongue sniffs at the whimpering men then the dragon lifts its neck and looks around. Ahh. The third fellow is a half block down the road and laid out on the street. An outstretched claw gestures towards him and the man begins to float towards it.. eventually joining its fellows. "What to do with you..." The dragon muses in a husky feminine voice.

    "Please don't eat us. Please god..." One of the men from inside pleads.

    The dragon seems to recoil at the notion, lifting its head and regarding the man in disgust. "Eat you? /Eat/ you? You aren't worth the indigestion." There is a steamy snort.. then she spots Booster. "You." Her long neck cranes his direction and blue crystaline eyes seem to peer into his soul. "You.. tried to stop them." It is a thoughtful statement. "You will remain with them for the authorities." She nods firmly on that point.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Phew. Okay, she's not a carnivore," Booster mutters at Skeets. "Better tell the League that we don't have a rampaging dragon on the loose."

And then she's speaking TO him, and Booster blanches and soars backwards six feet out of reflex. "Huh? Me?" he asks, jabbing a thumb at his chest. Well, yeah, I guess, I did," he concedes, though his chest swells a bit.

"Booster Gold, at your service, uh, ma'am," he says, flicking a glance down her sinuous length. "I'm the leader of the SUPERBUDDIES out of New Jersey."

Corusca has posed:
    "I'll have you know that I /am/ a carnivore." With very good hearing, apparently. She tilts her head back down to regard her.. captives. "I simply have discerning taste." Eww. Again, the head turns back to look up at Booster. "Booster... Gold..." Draconic eyes turn shrewd as they study the armored man. "Leader of the Superbuddies.. of.. New Jersey." Is the tone skepticism? Or merely committing to memory. Hmm.

    Her head turns back to the now three capitves. "Cooperate with him and the authorities when they arrive.. or I /may/ just change my mind." To emphasize the point, she licks one of them with a tongue the size of his arm. That's when she turns and steps away from the overturned tow truck. "And how may I meet your Superbuddies.. should I require your assistance in future?"

Booster Gold has posed:

Booster looks at Skeets. Skeets shrugs, which is impressive for a drone with no arms. Booster shrugs at him and looks back at Miranda.

"Well, we've got a YouTube account, and we're on Facebook and Pinterest, and Instagram... you could call our mobile nubmer," he says, rattling off the ten digits, "or text us, or tag us on Twitter," he suggests.

Real digital natives, it sounds like.

"But, uh, we're in Jersey, and you're kind of a ... giant... dragon, so if you just fly around going 'Hey, Superbuddies', I'm like... 100% sure I can find you," Booster says, confidently. "If you make it to the East Coast, anyway."

Corusca has posed:
    The dragon lifts itself to all fours and assumes a more regal position.. as if insulted somehow that Booster might limit its travel to the west coast. "I think I can manage the journey." As if to emphasize the point, the dragon extends its neck and breathes a sort of mist before it. The air shimmers and coalesces into a circular window.. or portal? "Be well, Booster... Gold." It is as if the latter word has significance to her and she gives him one last look before passing into the portal and memory.