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Date of Scene: "2017/10/00" contains a sequence that could not be interpreted against an available match matrix for date components.30 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Invisible Woman, Thing

Invisible Woman has posed:
    It's been a little while after the invasion, and Valeria is back to her normal self. Rambunxious as always, but she doesn't cause too much havoc....just makes Sue run after her all the time.

In this case, she managed to find a cartoon she liked......and hacked into Hulu to watch it. Sue is......visibly fretting about it......

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm ambles into the living room, yawning and stetching. he is still a bit sore from the invasion, especially from taking on the huge muscular chick but there were dozens of other parademony things he fought as well.

And there was the aftermath as well.. numberless hours of search and rescue, many times where rescue was too late. It left him numb AND pained..

So seeing his goddaughter enjoying herself is a bit.. heartening.. and he smiles softly at Mother and daughter. "Heya baby girl.. Whut are yas doin, runnin yer momma ragged?" he asks as he sits down on the floor beside her.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Nah.....Just watching Bionic Six on Hulu." Valieria says to Ben as she is lifted off the couch by an inch with Ben sits down. And Ben knows they don't have hulu.....so that MUST be what Sue is fretting about. "It's funny, unca ben. their entire bodies are bionic.....how are they alive?"

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm uhms... and scratches his head as he thinks about that. "I dunno, baby girl.." he admits with a shrug. "I mean.. I ain't a bionicist... That's a thing, I think, right?" he asks. "But anyways, it ain;t like we don't got friends who /aren't/ robots. You think /they/ are alive, right?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "It.....really depends, Unca Ben. Like VIsion....I consider him alive. But someone like Ultron I don't." Valeria seems to bounce at this train of thought. "I guess they are alive....they have human hearts after all. But the Scarab guys aren't."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm Frowns a bit at that. "Val baby... Life is more than somethin ta do with hearts and, ya know, messy biological stuff." he tells her. "And just cuz someone is synthetic and evil don't make them any less alive that someone who is good and organic..."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Hearts don't just mean one that is actually beating, Unca Ben. I'm talking about knowing right from wrong, and helping others." Val then lays her head on ben's hand. "It's why you're my unca ben. Family. Not just 'the Thing'. It's also why I asked mommy to get me a 'thing' plushie for bed. Cuz you always protect me."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm blinks.. then daaaaws.. He would blush if he were able instead he simply melts on the inside. "Such a sweety.." he says ad gently ruffles her hair. "Sadly thought, squirt, right and rong 'ave nuthin ta do with bein alive either.. It just speaks /well/ for them is all. Luife is somethin ya can't quantify.. and if yer dad says otherwise just nod your head, but he would be wrong. Life is not quantifiable by numbers or chemicals or algor.. alg... CODE!" he says. "Ya either are alive, or are not."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "OKie Unca Ben." Valeria seems to take ben's words to heart....and continues to watch TV...with her head on Ben's hand. Sue finally walks up. "Cleared that up. we now have a subscription to Hulu." she then shakes her head. "After we cleared up how we got on their network in the first place."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm squints at the littlest Richards a moment raising a brow. "And just how did we get a subscription ta Hulu?" he asks, slowly. "I mean, how are you /paying/ for it, hmmmmmm?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "/She/ is going to be cooking dinner for the next couple of weeks. Because, somehow, we got onto their network without authorization." Sue looks at Valeria and Valeria just grins. Ben would know this means Valeria hacked it. "So....it was get a subscription, or we would be sued. thankfully, we're paying monthly right now."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm blinks... looks at Susan... then facepalms and shakes his head. His shoudlers heave a little bit and it is quite clear that he is stiffling laughter. "Oooooh, baby girl..." he says, or really guffaws. "We really need ta harness yer brains fer good, ya know that right?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "You can't. Nor do you want to." Valeria says sleepily. "I'm just glad I'm not like that bucket-head Doom. FEAR THE FOLLY OF DOOM! FOR I CAN SLIP ON A BANANA PEEL AND NOT HURT MYSELF!"

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm can't help bit laugh more... he rolls back onto his, well, his back, and clutches his stomach.. laghing heartidly. "Oh.. oh.. Thatz PERFECT!"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue is laughing, and Valeria is laughing, cuz Valeria's doom was spot on......especially yhe face-vault thought....