Samus Aran

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Samus Aran (Scenesys ID: 1617)
"Try me!"
Full Name: Samus Aran
Gender: Female
Species: Enhanced Daibani
Theme: Other (SFC)
Occupation: Galactic Bounty Hunter
Citizenship: Galactic Federation
Residence: Mobile
Education: Shi'ar Trained
Status: Dropped
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 6 August 2000 Actor: Brittany Snow
Height: 191 cm Weight: 90 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Them of Samus Aran" by Kenji Yamamoto


A Galactic Bounty Hunter from the Galactic Federation, Samus Aran is well known for getting the job done in one way, or the other. The mysterious figure is seldom seen without their very much imposing combat suit Causing people to really not know if they are dealing with a woman, a man, or some sort of super insane bounty hunting machine. Rumor has it they have a single bounty they will do for free.



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A towering, Imposing figure is before you. There is no sign of species. No Sign of gender. Just this suit of armor. The red helmet has a mat finish on it. A Green visor stretches across the the front with what appears to be an air purification system beneath it. A person would have to be extremely close to see through the green visor, as though its designed with concealing the identity of the person inside completely.

Looking down over this person's build, It is very difficult to discern the person's sex let alone any other physical traits. The shoulders on this thing are massive. Larger then her head and very much circular. The arms give the look of a mass of muscles. The right arm from the elbow down is a full on blaster cannon. The Breastplate of the suit is done in red while the rest is several shades of yellow. The lines on the suit show that is is VERY flexible, able to move in any way needed and beyond. The legs of the suit give the slightest hint of anything that may be inside with the subtle curves that could pass for female. On their feet is a pair of boots running up to their knees, all part of this full body armor. One thing is for certain... whatever is inside, definitely has a narrow waist.


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Year 1996, Young Couple Virodney and Roginia Aran, Daibanites living on Daiban, moved to a Deep Space mining facility designated K-2L. Virodney was in part of security in charge of keeping a highly valuable, Fuel source which was mind from the nearby Asteroid safe. After 3 years, He became the Chief of Security on the station. 9 months after that, Roginia gave birth to a little girl who they named Samus.

Samus was a pretty happy child. She laughed and played. Just a regular little girl. Her parents taught her to talk, walk and so on. She wasn't doing calculus in a playpen or anything. She was just a child. This was her life. Quiet and joyful for all of 3 years.

A few weeks after her Third Birthday, A group of Shi'ar came to the mining facility. One of their elders took a shine to the little blonde haired girl. The Elder, One T'Ryan Adare, began talking with the girl. She called him Grandpa.

Sadly they weren't the only visitors to the station that day. With little warning, A band of space pirates attacked the station with the intent to sack it, stealing fuel and anything else they could get their hands on. Their leader, A dragon from Otherworld by the name of Ridley, moved to eliminate the civilians living on the station. The target was the fuel. He would come up on the little blonde haired girl. The innocent child asked him if they could be friends. Ridley was humiliarted and tried to kill the child. Her mother stepped in the way and was killed in front of Samus. As he began eliminating more people Chief Aran made a call. He used his sidearm, detonating the fuel.

When the smoke cleared, Only a few remained alive. The Shi'ar, Little Samus, And Ridley. Ridley took off seething. Loathing the man that robbed him of his bounty and wiped out his crew in one massive explosion. He swore he would get his revenge for that day. T'Ryan would take Samus with him to the Shi'ar Imperium. To a small planet, not very far from Dominion. A planet called Zebes. There, the broken young girl was able to begin her life anew. A life without her parents.

Zebes was a harsh world. One that a normal Daibanite would not last very long on. This lead T'Ryan to alter the girls DNA, Infusing it with Shi'ar DNA. This granted her heightened strength, heightened endurance, Greater agility and superior flexability.

The young girl had a fire in her. A thirst for vengence. She wanted her parents back. T'Ryan began training her. Teaching her how to fight and how to defend herself. How to show restraint and go all out. She was trained to use energy weapons. As she grew, she was given a pair of suits. The first, Called the Zero Suit. It acted as a light weight environment suit as well as buffer between her and the second suit. The Second, A Bio-Mechanical suit of armor which provided her with Envioronmental protection in harsher terrains, It had upgrade compatablities, built in energy weapon, Rocket launcher capablity and then some. These two suits would be her life. She would only take them off while sleeping and even that was a stretch sometimes.

By Age 14, She was showing herself to be a solid fighter, capable of far more then any of the Shi'ar could have expected. One thing though shined bright with her. Compassion. She had helped a number of animals not because she was told to but because it was the right thing for her to do. This lead her to be granted permission to return to Galactic Federation space.

By age 16, she was given a ship. She had joined the Federation Police. She would be made a Star-Tracker, a group of special forces which very very few would be accepted into. Everything was going great until she was 18. That is when the Pirates returned

Word Spread that the pirates had attacked Planet Zebes, Ridley had finally tracked the Shi'ar that aided the young girl. Samus broke rank with a few others to go try to aid the shi'ar. There she discovered the plans of the pirates. That the Mother Brain which gave them orders had ordered the aquisition of the whole of Shi'ar knowledge. A small group of scientist there were studying a Brood in their outpost. This would be turned loose on the planet.

Then her first fears came to life. After being offered a chance to become the head of the Space Pirates (She refused of course), She ran into Ridley. Ridley discovered just who was in the armor. He taunted and insulted the girl, Drawing out the most horrid memories which she had long since aimed to hide. She shut down, Post Tramatic Stress kicked in hard. Ridley left, laughing.

Later, Samus was rescued by her squadmates, The planet was sacked leaving most of the people there dead or dying. When Samus realized what had happened, She took off to her former home to find a recording from T'Ryan. It was all that remained. That recording was, "Samus, I leave the rest to you. You have become strong, so strong. Samus I know that your fate is harsh but, though this will be hard for you, there are many people in the universe who need your strength, I want you to save them, be it one or many, I want you to help them, this is my request. You have become strong, my child"

After this, She joined the Federation Army, serving under 1 General Alvam Malkoviatch. She stayed there for several years, developing a report with the General. Still She left, taking her own ship to go off on her own.

Samus began earning a name as a Bounty Hunter. Her Targets were often SPace Pirates and she was good at her job. She took down a large number of them herself, even stopping an assassination attempt on a Chairman. She was so different in this time in her life, the people she served with in the army and in the GF Police didn't recognize her. They assumed she was a male cyborg. This continued until one day she was given a job.

Her reputation for getting stuff done lead her to be given a job from the Galactic Federation. They had sent people to capture some Brood for study. These were stolen by Space Pirates. The Space Pirates were attempting to use them as weapons. They promptly set up base on Zebes and this is where Samus was sent to deal with the problem...


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Cold, Calculating, and Compassionate. These words describe the personality of one the best damn bounty hunters in the Galaxy. Samus Has been through a lot in her life. So much so that she struggles with PTSD from time to time. She has a burning hate for space pirates and a distinct dislike of Brood. She is really quite intelligent, able to think quickly on how to overcome the many obstacles she faces, causing her to have gotten the reputation for doing the impossible. She does still have a little joy in her. The type that comes out in her work. Namely when she is able to do something she deems cool it will bring a smile to her face. She is very much disciplined and trained to deal with the worst of the worst. One thing is certain, pity the person who underestimates this masked woman.


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Another benefit of the Shi'ar DNA, She a little bit more agile then an Olympic level Athlete. This allows her to do some crazy maneuvers while moving, including wall jumping and hanging from ledges.

Another benefit of the Shi'ar DNA, Samus is able to function at high performance for up to 24 hours without growing tired.

Unknown if this is from her altered DNA or what but Samus' body is extremely flexable, permitting her to contort her body in various ways, including into the ever impressive Morph Ball.

Due to the alterations to her DNA she is able to lift up to about 1 Ton without without her power suit.


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Samus knows how to get information. She knows how to find people and she knows how to take enemies down in record time. She is the bane of Space Pirates and frequently will attack them. One bounty is always on her list and she will always doe that one for free. Ridley.

Samus has spent much time near Brood Space. As such she has learned how to deal with them when she encounters them. After all, the last thing she wants is to be the carrier of one of those nasty buggers.

Samus has been training in some way shape or form since she was a little girl. She was trained by the Shi'ar first in martial arts and firearms, then combat training as she got old. Then with the GFP Where she excelled. Then with the Galactic Federation Army.


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This is essentially Samus' home. It is the vessel that gets her around. It recharges her energy, ammo and of course keeps her safe. The Ship does have guns on it, Allowing for space combat if needed. Though ground combat is more her thing. It contains a grappling beam as well as contains a very powerful computer which she can access information across the Galaxy.

In the event of her Powersuit being unable to be used, She carries the Paralyzer pistol. It is a really weak backup weapon but can stun enemies for a short time, allowing her to get away as needed. She only really uses this in her Zero Suit.

The suit that Samus is known for. The power suit is bright yellow with a red helmet and breast plate. Her right arm holds her beam gun. This amplifies her strength by 1 more ton. It assists her with going into a morph ball. It can be up graded, be made stronger with suit modifications and so on. At the moment, its just the bright yellow basic number.

Samus' Power Suit comes equipped with 2 beams to start. The Power Beam and the Charge Beam. The Power Beam is Essentially the first line of defense. Its about as strong as a Shi'ar Blaster Rifle. Potent but really not much to write home about. The Charge Beam is a very useful weapon capable of turning any beam that Samus may acquire up to 11. The charge beam, on its own will charge the Power Beam causing it to create a much larger round, Taking it from a blaster Rifle round to a cannon round. As she attains more types of beams I will add more charge effects as each beam charges different. The downside about the charge beam is it takes a few seconds (3-4 seconds) to charge for a round.

The various beams she can acquire, regardless of type, can be fired accurately up to 150 years. Beyond that, she begins to lose accuracy quickly. The beams will disapate at 300 yards.

Samus' suit allows her to use small bombs while she is in her morph ball. They strong enough to blow up some things but they aren't super strong. She can be in the blast range of these. They will do some damage to her but unless its a bunch of them going off, they won't kill her. If she holds a charge with the Charge beam and goes into her morph ball she will release five of these bombs. The bombs take about 2 seconds to go off but again... They aren't big enough to do major damage to things.

Samus's suit is very much capable of firing off missles. These missles are small but pack a punch. They won't go through walls and can do some minor homing. To biological creatures they can do much more damage then her charge beam.

This is one of the most iconic abilities that Samus possesses. When she is wearing her power suit, she can curl up into a perfect sphere and roll around through tight spaces. She can control herself when rolling.

The visor on Samus' Power Suit is very much upgradeable. Currently though it provides battle information such as her current energy level, Where she is, and how many enhanced weapons (Such as missles and power bombs) she has.

The first of two suits which Samus always wears. The Zero Suit is blue in color and overs light environmental protection. She is largely susceptable to attacks in the Zero suit as it contains no armor. It also does not allow for the use of a number of abilities such as her morph ball and screw attack.


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Its not enough to simply say being without a home is a weakness. The fact is her first home was obliterated with the defeat of the Space Pirates. The second home she had was obliterated by the Space Pirates. She doesn't stay in one place. dispite the funds she has acquired over time, she simply keeps working to avoid sttling down and bein hunted again by her enemies.

Samus is the poster girl for PTSD. She seen her mother killed before her and witnessed the aftermath of the destruction of her adopted family. She has in the past broken down and been unable to fight due to this.

If there is one weakness she has more then any, its the Dragon Ridley. This Space pirate has destroyed her life, not once but twice. She has encountered him in the past and no matter what, he always seems to survive and get away. She never knows when he is going to show up and ruin everything again.


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