4375/Follow Up With Bucky

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Follow Up With Bucky
Date of Scene: 01 May 2018
Location: Unkonwn
Synopsis: Fury and Barnes meet up for a catch up conversation, and to set Bucky's role in SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Winter Soldier

Nick Fury has posed:
    It was another day at SHIELD, and the Director was walking down the hall in Operations with his eyes down, looking at a data pad full of the latest and greatest intel that he had to sign off on. With a sigh, he taps the down key to the next page. And the next page. Shaking his head, Fury's frown grows deeper and deeper. "Glad it's not my money..." He says, with a slight smile.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    James Barnes has been missing a while. A great deal of it was expected, though: as the assignment was known by Director Fury: that the Winter Soldier was infiltrating the War Dog group. However, since the event bringing down Triage, Barnes 'disappeared.' In the sense that most didn't know where he was, though with the intel available to Fury, it was clearly evident he was under Steve Roger's care, and obviously at the Avengers mansion.
    The reasons? That's still mysterious. What is certain is Barnes has reappeared at the Triskelion, and has made himself known clearly. He took the time to clean up, but now has made a rapid pace through towards Operations.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Barnes. Just the man I was hoping to see. I thought you would be here. I wanted to discuss...some things with you." Fury knew full well that Barnes was at the Trisk. This was his maneuvering so that they could talk further abiut what was happening. "Anything you wanted to talk about as well?" Fury looks the man over with an appraising air.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Director," James 'Bucky' Barnes greets without much inflection. There's a resistance there suddenly, but a subtle adjustment is made. And it is followed with a natural training to immediately fall into step physically, adjusting path to align with Fury's.
    "Yes. But it may well be the same things." A smile surfaces to his face. While relaxed on the surface, there is a slight lag of something in Bucky. It is as if there is a slight twist in one of the wheels of his social or mental grocery cart: one of them is twisting just enough to cause a pull or deviation, and while he's correcting for it, it is still there. So instead of prompting, Bucky waits, with a slightly disconnected stare.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Barnes." Fury says matter-of-factly. Fury nods as Barnes talks to him, and he says, "Please, feel free to unburden yourself. What's up?" Fury takes the pad, and puts it in his inside jacket pocket wanting to give the man his full attention. "Is it about that stuff with Triage?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Bucky gives a shrug, as if Triage itself didn't make that big of a difference to him. "Not directly him. Them force-controlling their people bugged me a bit," Bucky says, clearly massively downplaying how much that probably really did get to him. "But my head's on straight now. Looking for more to do." Bucky drops his hands to hook the thumbs into the pockets of his pants, relaxing his shoulders back.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Sounds good to me. Thanks for the update." Fury frowns, and says, "What would you like to do? Feel free to discuss this with Agents May, Johnson, Barton, or Coulson. They can find you work, for sure." Fury says, "I am sure you will get yourself in trouble anyway, so they can get you out of it as well." Fury allows a shadow of a smile.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    The indifference is clear, with the shrug that Bucky does again: not much is given an opinion right now. But that's a coping mechanism: distance. "So long as I can be of use. I did like getting Rhodes /out/ of trouble though, instead of needing it myself. A good change of pace." Fury's sliver of a smile is mirrored.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury nods, and says, "Rhodes needs /a lot/ of getting out of trouble. Daily." Fury shakes his head, and crosses his arms across his chest. "Thank you for that. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you already. Keep an eye on him." Fury adds, "ANything else you need? We're good I think. Keep feeding me any intel you have, look after Rhodes, and please, feel free to bug any Agents you can. Keeps them sharp."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "No. Just on deck to do something interesting," Bucky answers. "Done sitting and thinking. My pool of reflection is too empty to do that for long." Time for action, less sitting in his own marinade and lack of memories. A simple nod is the response to looking after Rhodes and honing agent sharpness. "I will." Bucky is withdrawn, relaxed.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Excellent. Sounds good to me." Fury starts to move to leave, stops for a moment, and says, "Glad to have you aboard Barnes. We could always use good guys like you. Just don't do anything /I/ will regret later, for letting you on board. Hill would kill me." With that, he nods, and heads towards his office. Over his shoulder Fury says, "Let me know if you need anything!"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    There's a little bit of lag there, as if Barnes wasn't really there or present, but his soft laugh and lift of hand prove otherwise. "I'll keep that line in mind," Barnes smirks, with a wave Fury probably doesn't see. Barnes heads back off the other way, after staring at the office door for a few long beats.