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Date of Scene: 20 November 2023
Location: Kitty's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Boom-Boom, Meggan

Shadowcat has posed:
Meggan is back! Kitty Pryde knows this!

Meggan had mysterious things happen to her upon her return, in the neck region! Kitty Pryde doesn't know this!


It wasn't all that long ago that she and Meggan had been residing in foggy old England; the amount of lighthouses involved during her stay in the United Kingdom is debatable, but overall, Kitty enjoyed her time there. It was good, to get a different perspective on things. Be away from the stress of New York, and college, and killer robots trying to exterminate your kind. And Meggan was an indispensable part of making the entire trip worth it! They made so many great memories together!

    \<span style="color:xterm196"\>SOME GREAT MEMORIES\</span\>


The nasal delight of ARCADE'S voice rings out far and wide in this hellish, British spin on a United States classic in supervillain chicanery: MURDERWORLD!

KITTY PRYDE and MEGGAN PUCEANU must face the horrific obstacles of their hideous KILL COURSE -- an entire, abandoned RUGBY FIELD converted into a BACKGAMMON BLOODSHED! Massive dice crash across the field, determining how many steps the BUZZSAW CHECKERS can take towards dismembering the MUTANT MENAGERIE!

NONE OF THE RULES ARE CORRECT! ARCADE plays by no one's rules -- and he doesn't even know them anyway! The HORROR!

KITTY PRYDE has just one thought on her mind as certain death threatens to BEAR OFF her and Meggan from the backgammon board that is LIFE!

"Why the hell are you even in England?!"

<"I'm gonna make Murderworld into a FRANCHISE!">

This is the worst day of KITTY PRYDE'S life!

    \<span style="color:xterm196"\>BACK TO THE PRESENT\</span\>

Ah, memories.

Anyway after enduring a Murderworld or two people are basically bonded for life and that's why the very second Kitty heard from Meggan that she had finally arrived in the states, she had invited her metamorphic friend to come crash with her at Xavier's for as long as she needed.

And so, Kitty waits for Meggan's arrival, dressed in an oversized beige, ribbed turtleneck sweater and loose, navy blue pants, rummaging hands through her wild mane of curly hair as she double checks to make sure everything's all clean and presentable and her computer isn't putting off TOO MUCH heat and maybe she should clear her browser history or or or--

Great hostess that she is, Kitty's prepared for Meggan's arrival with several things to make her feel at home:

1) a severely unhealthy amount of carbo-loaded junk food

2) beer!



All of these things will, theoretically, be enjoyed, barring any need to talk about something crazy, like random Goth Attacks in the heart of New York City.
Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha Smith's presence was secured pretty easily.

Beer and Non liquid carbs.

Ex-Xavier students coming back after long ass absences.

And everyone has done a Murderworld thing at least twice. She moved into one once. Clingy red corduroy jeans with one knee ripped and the other exploded to show almost a whole thigh. With fishnet stockings fail to keep her covered entirely. Teal cropped tank half hangs off her upper body, one shoulder slide down onto a bicep while she accessorizes with a spiky blue leather set of belt, collar, and wrist cuffs. Even her beat up old chucks kind of match in a slightly different yet shade of blue.

The glasses on her nose through red framed yellow tinted cateye glasses. Keeping the looser strands of blonde hair out of her eyes while the rest is bound up in some loose high set pigtails to complete the Barbiepunk look she prefers. The lightly applied attempt at duskier makeup at her eyes and lips looking darker because of her pale skin.

"You know I'm amazed you didn't put up like banners and shit welcoming her. I came back and spent a couple days crashing on those awful ass chairs before I could pin Jean down for a job. At least we're getting better about that shit now." recalls the blonde Auto Shop teacher.

Things had changed as far as dealing with alumni go compared to when they were kids.
Meggan has posed:
Meggan remembers those times, and the warm depths of--


Meggan looks up towards a falling die that threatens to crush her. "I was BORN here, Kitty!" Meggan cries out, even though, of course, she wasn't the one being addressed.

--memory are things where you can always take refuge.

Fingers tippy-tap at the window as Meggan appears outside of it. She is grinning. She is wearing a hooded sweatshirt and beneath it a scarf; and after that, she just sort of stays there.

(Meggan got out of an Uber. She did not literally fly across Salem Center. Not this time, at least.)

"Pspspspspsps," Meggan enunciates from outside. Once the window is opened by whomsoever, she steps inwards and embraces FIRST whoever let her into the room and SECOND whoever didn't quite manage to do it, saying sunnily, "HellO! It's so good to be back! It's getting awfully chilly, isn't it?"

Don't worry, Kitty - Meggan may well know how to read, but the Internet doesn't seem to excite her, other than Instagram.

"Oh my goodness, look at all these crisps," Meggan says, putting a hand in front of her lips. "Are you all planning a big party and you've had to use Kitty's room for storage?" SHE IS TEASING.

"Tabitha, how have you been!" Meggan continues. She's still gushing. However, she DOES go to sit on the edge of the bed rather than instantly going for the chips.

... She was kidding, right??
Shadowcat has posed:
"What? Pssfffssfhh, I'm not -that- lame,"

says Kitty Pryde, who discretely nudges some cardboard and markers further underneath her bed because she couldn't figure out the perfect color combination to say 'WELCOME TO XAVIER'S' in a way that she felt spoke to Meggan's personality.

("Nobody likes bubble letters anymore, right?" Kitty had asked Lockheed. Lockheed ate her lime green marker to communicate that bubble letters are indeed lame as heck)

SPEAKING OF: Lockheed is perched at the window sill as Meggan makes herself known, tap-tap-tappity-tapping her fingers upon glass pane. Lockheed looks up with big black eyes. Blinks.

Clawed fingers tap back "USE THE FRONT DOOR YOU DAFT GIT" in the tapping code of his people which means it translates to AWW LOOK AT THAT ADOWABLE DWAGON TAPPING ON GLASS!

"D'you know Bishop wanted to use those chairs for 'advanced interrogation'," fingerquotes Kitty, "but he couldn't convince the professor to take 'em off his hands-- huh?"

Kitty hears the tap-tapping and counter-tapping. She blinks. Hazel eyes widen.

"MEGGAN!" The intangible mutant beans a bright and toothy grin as she darts over to the window. "What're you doing out there?? You're gonna freeze to death -- hold your breath--!"

And this is Kitty, phasing through the window rather than opening it so that she can do things the lazy way, take hold of Meggan by the shoulders, and just kind of -- drag her through the wall and window alike until she's inside the toasty warmth of the room and wrapped up in a happy hug.

"It's New York winter, Meggan," Kitty intones gravely after a happy squeeze.

"You are not prepared."

(it's sweet relief that Meggan isn't internet-interested because Kitty definitely hemmed and hawed about history-wiping until Tabitha showed up and it was -too late-)

Meggan makes a teasing quip! Kitty laughs an eye-rolling, "Har har har" of a laugh!

Meggan sits at the bed and does not go for any of the chips! Kitty is now unsure Meggan was actually joking!

A second passes. Kitty looks sidelong towards Tabitha with a quiet, questioning 'that was a joke, right??' and is briefly stalled between questioning Meggan to be sure and assuming it'd be insulting to question her but then she also thought Kitty didn't know she was from England that one time--

Kitty just quietly hedges her bets by discreetly - very discreetly! - picking up a bowl as she moves to flop onto the bed next to Meggan. She sets the bowl between them. Quietly nudges it a bit closer to Meggan.

Lockheed watches this before shaking his purple maw and flying off to a handy perch made just for him in the far right corner of the room.

"Was the trip here okay? Did you find everything alright? ... You didn't... um. Fly all the way here, did you--?"
Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha's browser history would probably have gotten her on a few watch lists. Though amazingly her adult entertainment habits would not have.

But looking up how explosives work and and how to wire things up as IED's might.

Even if she's more into bomb disposal. She don't need no device to explode stuff. She is the improvised explosive device.

The use for the chairs gets a chuckle. "I've been tortured on worse, and I've had more fun on worse. Really should have stuck them outside the Professor's Well Jean's office now. That's how you get people to spill beans. Make them super uncomfortable before the interrogation. It helps build that anxiety." she exposits with a chuckle as dragon's tap at windows and is likely frustrated as hell because of the loss of translation.

But everyone runs with the joke of him being Kitty's 'Pet'.

Tabby does have a beer in her hand, working at it slowly while she plants her backside on the floor in front of the bed where soon there will be two women on it.

"Ya know we could have picked you up. Pretty certain no one is using the Blackbird right now. Or just pulled up at JFK. I got a pretty comfy van." she half jokes.

She totally would have swiped the jet just to pick up a friend of Kitty's. She'd swipe it to get take out.

"I'm doing pretty rad. Currently no one is shooting at us. Unless Kitty's webcam counts." it's probably off.

There is a lean forwards to grab a couple chips at least so at least someone is carb loading. "Parties are wherever they start with as many people as needed. The minimum is three, along with the drink minimum!" she explains some rules to partying that could be entirely made up.

The beer can flicked with an unpainted fingernail as a prop for said rules.
Meggan has posed:
Meggan isn't deterred by Lockheed's backtalk. She beams at him. He's so adorable with his big ol' lantern jaw and tiny body! Awww!

She is confronted with a Kitty, partway through a wall. She grins even more. She leans in. It's a pre-entrance hug; and she does hold her breath, the breathing-inwards making her chest swell outwards and moosh against Kitty as she is brought inwards.

"Aren't I?" Meggan asks, once she's in.

"Don't be silly!" Meggan continues. "Once I got back, obviously the place I had rented wasn't there any more after all this time --"

There is a moment at Tabitha, as she blinks several times. "Ooh! That would have been more comfortable." A pause then, and Meggan points towards Tabitha. "But there's only the one six pack, so we can't all drink--"

"I'm getting off base. Let me tell you what happened."


"I don't want to talk about what had happened in the other place this time, or rather at this time, but --"

"I emerged abruptly inside of an open park on Long Island. I was very panicked and it was quite late at night, so I had to spend the night in my shift and waiting for the dawn. It was only during the day, and when I heard a big horn honk, that I realized just where I was!"

"I thought about flying, of course. And I did, to a certain extent, at least until I caught up with the roadway. Then I got on the bus and took it in to the Port Authority bus station -- at which point I realized that I had been kept from paying the fare... oops!"

"Fortunately, my old housemate, Carol - do you remember Carol, Kitty? - I remembered her phone number. She was able to come down and lent me a bit of money. She'd let my room out but she had many of my things in the storage unit, and she let me shower and everything. So I had my clothing, at least most of it! Which is important because it's really saving us a lot of time and reasoning here."

"So I had to do some on Cameo again in order to get the money to start travelling around anew, since Carol was glad to let me have dinner or eat what was in the fridge but I didn't feel right just leaving her be. So after I finished that I had to wait for the money to deposit... and that's when I got my new phone which is when I texted Kitty!"

"Then about five days later I got on the Metro North to Croton Falls and then I took an Uber," Meggan concludes.

Her toes wiggle. "Does that all make sense? I left out the vampire."
Shadowcat has posed:
For a brief, mooshing moment, Kitty knows the dread feeling of Inadequacy.

It's there and gone coincidentally in the time it takes Meggan to finish the ceremony of the hug. Kitty looks down at herself, frowns, realizes she's looking down at herself, clears her throat, and says a little too loudly,

"Stop giving her weird ideas! All conversations in the Kittydome are strictly off the record!"

She keeps her webcam -covered-. Don't trust an uncovered webcam, kids!

And with that, she flumphs against her mattress with a mild bounce just as Meggan attempts to math out the method by which they could possibly have a party with a mere SIX PACK by Party Law. Kitty is about to gently inform her of the arbitrary nature of Tabitha Smith's Party Rules, but--

Let me tell you what happened.

Behold, the colorful tableau that is not at all childish that enters Kitty Pryde's thoughts as Meggan regales her and Tabitha with her adventures!

Kitty sees a cartoony Meggan, emerging fully formed from a bush in Long Island with a sprightly spring! The implications of this, adorable as they are, inspire a furrow of Kitty's brows and a frown of her lips. She wants to ask what happened that led to Meggan finding herself in a situation like that, but -- she said she didn't want to talk about it. Kitty respects her too much to press.

But she IS thinking of clever non-invasive absolutely-not-nosy-shut-up ways to gently nudge Meggan about it later.

Cartoon Meggan goes on an adventure in a bus! Kitty suppresses a snort imagining the average New Yorker stuck on a bus with Meggan. Many friends and enemies were surely (unknowingly) made that day.

A put upon Cartoon Carol rescues Cartoon Meggan from unpaid bus fare!

"Oh! Yup! I remember, with the whole," Kitty swivels a finger vaguely around her face, "thing." Just what is she indicating?!

"Mensch move, Carol. Wait. So where are your clothes then, did you pack--"

Cartoon Meggan does work on <CENSORED>

Kitty's eyes widen.

"--oh wait, Cameo, okay, that's not so -- you're still doing Cameo work?!"

Cartoon Meggan does work on Cameo! No censors needed (?)!

Cartoon Meggan goes traveling! Kitty closes her eyes and smiles, nodding along.

"Uh huh. And then I invited you to come crash here with me and we should really figure out your luggage situation and--"

Cartoon Meggan has an encounter with a vampire!

Kitty stops dead in her tracks.

"Wait hold up a sec."

Kitty reviews.

Cartoon Meggan has an encounter with a vampire!

Kitty stares at Meggan for five whole seconds, mouth agape. Lockheed also stares.

Kitty draws a breath. She gestures for Tabitha to toss her a beer. If she does, Kitty will catch it, and then turn, going cross-legged on the bed to face Meggan as she leans in and slides that beer into the British blonde's hand. She makes sure it's secure.

"Drink this," she instructs. Then she gets a chip or two, slides them into Meggan's other hand.

"Eat this," she instructs. And then she'll wait, patiently, before she continues:

"Okay, let's rewind... ...

"VAMPIRE?! MEGGAN! Explain about the vampire! Tabby! Tell her to explain about the vampire!"
Boom-Boom has posed:
It could be worse for Kitty's self esteem.

Tabitha could be hugging her as well instead of just sitting down on the floor while the others have a view of the front of that ill fitting tank top.

"There's always more beer to be had." Tabby and Kitty both know all the spots Logan stashes his brew where he thinks no one knows.

The diminutive Canuck may also be planting it as a distraction against swiping his real stash in his room.

At least the flashback imagery isn't stick fingers as befits the sheer lack of actual art skills Tabby's recollections might ensue when safe for work.

She does pay as much attention as she can follow with though. So Cartoon Meggan tm. Is having her adventure. Borrowing money and place to crash. It's fun and adorable.

And definitely warrants beers to be drunk. So two and handed over gently to the women on the bed. No throwing or shaking or they'd explode and that's not a fun explosion at this point.

Then comes the swerve into potential horror and mention of vampires. Tabby brushing loose overgrown bangs out of her view to look back and forth between Meggan and Kitty. "Need clothes, we can spot ya, may be loose up front with tops but should fit everything else." she offers on the wardrobe side till shopping can happen.

Then they get back on distracted tract. "Totes deets Meg, hot vampire, skeevy vampire? Did ya kill it? Did it bite you?" she rapid fire queries while she fails to hook that hair behind a pointed ear.

Tabby had werewolves in her back story, but they just made her ears a little longer.

And became one more thing to wax every few weeks.
Meggan has posed:
"I mean it's not like an ordinary job," Meggan tells Kitty. "I can just do it whenever I want. Shaggy Two Dope does that when they aren't touring!" You can just tell that Meggan said the name of the less intelligent Insane Clown with the full value of his name; but to be fair, it takes a strong man to have beef with the Joker.

Meggan is Beer'd Up. She pops it open and takes a healthy swig of the delectable taste of Brew.

After this she contemplates the question. She weighs back and forth. "Hot, I think, but also kind of skeevy," Meggan says after long seconds. "I didn't kill them," hm subtle shift, "and I think they did bite me but I don't remember a great deal of it."

"I felt just fine after a couple of days, though I suppose it was a bit puny for the next week or so," Meggan says, rubbing her neck underneath the scarf, "So I didn't panic or anything about it. That sort of thing's just New York for you, I suppose, although the power outage made me really quite frightened."

She takes another sip.

"Is that strange?"
Shadowcat has posed:
"Shaggy Two -- Shaggy... Two... Shaggy Two..."

Kitty deflates, freed hands laying on Meggan's shoulders as she lurches forward until her head bumps lightly against the blonde. She utters, gravely:

"Shaggy Two Dope."

As if she just had to force the entire three words out of her mouth before it filled with saliva in the bad way.

"Oh, what is to be done with you, Meggan Puceanu."

kitty you regularly listen to nerdcore you have no room to judge

Concern, however, ultimately wins out over (teasing! (mmmostly)) judgment; Kitty leans back, and she takes her beer, and she cracks it open with a 'psssh!,' and she drinks deep, and she watches Meggan with a nose wrinkled partially in concern and partially in an 'ugh, really?' at Tabby's question.

"Vampires are -all- skeevy!" she insists. Then pauses. "... Okay, maybe I shouldn't cast sweeping judgment or anything but like -- ugh. No."

As if there's some cool badass vampire out there, dressing up in black leather and rebelling against her kind! Ridiculous!

Meggan, however, answers; and Kitty's concern deepens. 'Hot, but also kind of skeevy.'

"Oh no, the worst kind," Kitty murmurs, harrowed.

Meggan's nonchalant explanation just deepens her concern that much more until its reached the level that, by the time Meggan asks that guileless question, Kitty has folded her hands together and pressed index fingers together and planted them against her lower lip and -shut her eyes to rein in the Overwhelming Concern-.

A second passes.

And then Kitty tilts her hands until her index fingers are pointed directly at Meggan.

"Meggan," she begins, very calmly, but also very fast, just in case Tabitha is about to tell her it's totally cool for real, "that is very strange. It is very strange to get attacked by a vampire, Meggan. That's not just New York for you, Meggan. That's like. A step above New York at Night, Meggan." she's saying meggan far too much

"I'm so relieved you're okay but we need to figure this out, Meggan!!" STOP WITH THE MEGGANS KITTY

"Okay. Like. We should get you a check up, maybe Hank could take a look, or or or... Illyana, Illyana would be able to cast some kind of Vampiro Detecto spell or -- /something./"

Hands go on Meggan's shoulders again, beer can abandoned to be cradled against her lap. "Are you sure you're okay, M--mmmmmmust have been so scary!"

She snaps a look Tabitha's way. Support her on this! Meggan needs to get Vampiro Detecto'd!
Boom-Boom has posed:
"The hot guy vampires are the worst. They always pull the 'I'm tortured and conflicted but if someone lets me feed I won't feel so evil.'." she puts on the standard fake woe is mee tone.

"Then they just drain their victims dry. Wounded Gazelle bullshit. Like doing weird pervy stuff is fine, but dude, don't try guilting us into doing it." she complains a bit more emphatically sounding.

There is a look over at Meggan's neck and hmms.

"You should be fine. In any case I know a chick than can fix that shit right up if you stop seeing your reflection. Did great for my lycanthropy." she suggests with a nod of her head. "Same for you if you turn out to be a Juggalo Kitty. I mean, shit, how old are the ICP. I swear when I was in the trailer park one of dad's drinking buddies wore the facepaint and he's like in his fifties nearly sixty now." Tabby eyes Pryde with some greater concern than if Meggan actually was a vampire.

"Vampire chicks are worse. Like werewolves. Total divas karens. Soon as someone thinks they're top of the food chain they get high and mighty and so bitchy when someone smacks them down."
Meggan has posed:
"Yes!" Meggan affirms to Kitty.

A batting of the eyelashes. "I don't understand, he's a musician."

Meggan doesn't judge you by your name.

After this, Meggan reaches up to unwrap her scarf from around her neck and reveals... exactly nothing. Her skin remains as featureless, or more accurately, as /flawless/ as always. She doesn't really get blemishes, although Kitty might have glimpsed aspects of when she washes her face that explains this. Best not to ask too many details you don't want answers for.

"It was completely terrifying," Meggan tells Kitty as hands clasp her shoulders. "Are you afraid I'm going to turn into one? I don't think that's how it works, I think they have to feed you their blood, don't they?"

She explains to Tabitha as she eyeballs her neckball, "Oh, she didn't bite at the neck."

Her head cants to the side. "When were you a WEREWOLF, Tabitha, you never mentioned that!" She says it as if Tabitha had just admitted to dating the aforementioned Mr. Two Dope.

This may be an important topic, but likely not an immediately relevant one.
Shadowcat has posed:
"oh my god" laments Kitty Pryde.

"why are we talking about about pervy vampire crap in front of poor meggan."

Meggan, at least, seems to be taking it well, even if she admits to how terrifying it is. Kitty's worry manifests a sympathetic smile at her lips as Meggan reveals her throat and neck; the relief that suffuses her expression is a thing small but palpable as she sees that flawless skin she's so familiar with and mildly - MILDLY - envious of.

She has glimpsed the hidden truths of Meggan's skin care routine. They shall stay with her for the rest of her life.

Ultimately, though... ultimately, when Meggan admits to how terrifying it was, Kitty wraps her arms fully around Meggan's shoulders. She draws her into a second hug, beer sloshing and spilling just a bit with the movement. She doesn't notice or care, exhaling a quiet "pffft" as the British metamorph speaks about the mechanics of vampirism.

"Of -course- I'm afraid. I wanna make sure you're okay," she asserts quietly against blonde hair. "It's okay. I'm gonna reach out to Illyana. Better safe than sorry. Until then... you're here now. That's enough. So we're gonna -- you and me and Tabby -- we're gonna get -super drunk-" can meggan get drunk? --has she ever seen a drunk meggan--?? "and eat -way- too many chips, and then we're gonna watch a -bunch- of Dr. Who." Because - god help her - that is Kitty Pryde's idea of a good party.

"And we'll figure things out from there, like, with Tabitha's supernatural doctor or whatever--"

Same for you if you turn out to be a Juggalo Kitty.

"Oh my god!"

Kitty's hands go up in pure exasperation!

"I am not a Juggalo! That's a crazy goy bridge way too far!"

A second passes. And, realizing something, her arms fall over Meggan once more.

"Uhhh it's okay if you like them though, Meggan--"

Boom-Boom has posed:
the rules for becoming a vampire really differ. There's so many differing types now it's a pain to keep track from. "Some don't, and the bite is infectious. Like weird enzymes and stuff. Others gotta drain you dry and then feed you their blood as you die. Some don't need the death but that'll happen anyway. There's fake vampires from like attempting to cure diseases." Tabitha explain, drawing what knowledge she can after her time hanging out with a redheaded monster hunter. "And so on!"

As for why Tabitha admits to having been a werewolf she just shrugs and pokes out her tongue. Which briefly dangles a couple inches past her chin. "So, after graduation I got recruited into what was supposed to be a funky BlackOps spy squad. Learned a bunch of crap, how to fight, fly planes and stuff. It was bullshit. We were a test subject. For super human responses to various attempts at weapons of mass destruction.

She goes on and sliumps back with one hand propping her up while the other sips her bear, chuckling as the other girls spill theirs mid hug. It's cute and Tabby could watch that all day.

"One mission was to contain an outbreak of lycanthropy at Coachella couple years back." she goes on.

"I got the job of honeypotting a whole pack to get them in one spot. Those ladies were rough. But that's influencers for ya." she goes on and flicks one of her ears. "Thankfully cures exist. And I only need one bra. When I deign to wear one." Rahne gets to maintain her position as cutest wolf girl to have attended the school. But best and worst Coachella ever."

As for helping Meggan she nods along with Kitty's hugs. Tabby is right in agreement. "When we finish these beers there shall be more beers. There shall also be weed.
Meggan has posed:
"Oh, that sounds lovely, Kitty," Meggan says with a smile. "I don't know if I've - wait."

She looks at Tabitha.

The halachic validity of Juggalo Thought escapes her. Meggan pauses.

"Just to make sure," she says, "which year is this exactly, then?"