Aerin Mifflin

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Aerin (Scenesys ID: 9321)
Full Name: Aerin Vanessa Mifflin
Gender: female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Farmer's Daughter, Student
Citizenship: American
Residence: Reedsburg, Wisconsin
Education: High School (Attending)
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 12 December 2011 Actor:
Height: 175 cm (5'9") Weight: 54 kg (120 lb)
Hair Color: Metallic Purple Eye Color: Purple
Theme Song:


Aerin is from a small town in Wisconsin. Her parents are Genoshan refugees transplanted to the US by the CIA - which means they probably assisted with something important at the time. From a farming community she's known to be a rather good mechanic and fabricator. It's pretty easy to tell that she's a mutant as she has purple eyes and long metal purple hair that falls to at least her feet.

Current Player Approved: N/A



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Aerin is a fairly tall young woman standing at 5'9. She has a rather moderate build with classic hourglass feminine features. So she is tall, she is curvy, but what brings immediate attention to her isn't that form or height. Not at all. It's actually her long shiny metallic purple hair. Having a shine to it like only metal can, it's from head to toe. Little in the way of styling, it's all the same length yet in the front there's a part that somehow manages to stay. Her hair is largely behind her back. Purple eyes of matching color with a youthful face that betrays her as being under 20.

Caucasian, she has on a snug pair of jeans and a black sleeveless tee. Her arms are toned with a little muscle to them. On the collar of her shirt is tucked a pair of prescription glasses, ready for easy and quick use if needed.


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Aerin was born in Reedsburg, Wisconsin to Rachelle and Daniel Mifflin, refugees from Genosha that were placed by the CIA after cooperating with them. The only thing that Aerin knows is that things were really not good there for her mother and father and her mother was likely in extreme danger. She knows that her father is not her birth father however since Daniel was there since she was born she fully embraces him as her only father.

Aerin was born as a mutant, having purple eyes and purple metallic hair at birth. Besides these traits she was a rather healthy baby. Rachelle and Daniel were given farmland on a work-to-own contract as part of settling in. They worked with the family that was selling them the land and taught them how to farm the land. Rachelle was an obvious mutant as well, having glowing red eyes. Hardworking the couple were accepted by the community and after Aerin arrived, she grew up as a farmer's daughter. Being around cattle, dogs, horses, and various different animals.

Aerin was an inquisitive child and her power over magnetism began to manifest early on. She learned the trade of agriculture, growing crops, milking cows, upkeep and training of horses. Her family was not particular poor but they certainly did not have a lot of money. Learning how to upkeep their own equipment was important, and Aerin would always tag along when it was time to work on vehicles, equipment, and other things.

Electronics never really agreed with Aerin's body, so she always swayed away from them instead of having an interest in them. She was a studious young girl, and as the years rolled on she found herself surrounded by brothers and sisters as her parents were certainly fruitful. She remained the only mutant known so far in the family.

One of Aerin's big accomplishments was when her father acquired a junked out 1972 DeTomaso Pantera GTS car. Some of her siblings were actually quite tech savvy, and they had purchased a 3D printer to help with maintaining some of the equipment as it had helped with fabricating replacement parts. For the past 5 years the car has sat in one of the family's barns as Daniel and Aerin worked on restoring the classic. From rebuilding the exterior, to the engine, she learned how to really hone her abilities and transform metals into different parts and pieces. She managed to complete the car which was her gift for her sweet 16.

Aerin has friends, enemies, and is a well known person in the small town of Reedsburg. She does well in school, has a group of friends and is surrounded by family. While she is happy in Wisconsin, the fact is that her education opportunities are rather limited.


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Aerin is a mutant. With extremely long discolored metal hair and discolored eyes as well as magnetism traits it's obvious mutations that can't be hidden. She's been sheltered but even in her rural home she's experienced looks and racism. Most of her home has come to get to know her and accept her. Some are still leery, and even the bullies have come to a uneasy peace due to her good standing in the community.

Aerin has learned to find boundaries. Even the most stalwart racists can be useful. She's used to observing their behavior and getting a sense to where they can be pushed to, what they will and will not put up with. She has a strong sense of self, and can have a sharp wit which she uses to cut, jab, and manipulate those that would seek to cut her down. But first she will wait for the right opportunity. As a well timed snip can be more effective than random admonishes.

She's intelligent and studious. She does not do very well with high levels of technology considering her handicap, but isn't anti-technology. She prefers mechanics to electronics and has no issue getting her hands dirty. She prefers to work with her hands in fact. She will work away from electronics and tends to prefer to not use them or not be around them largely when possible. She prefers a book to a computer. She prefers radio to youtube.

Being a farmer's daughter she is used to early mornings and being in bed by 10. She gets rather sleepy past 10pm but wakes around 4:30am. She's used to a lot of physical activity getting most her chores done by 6.

Aerin is sociable and enjoys being part of conversations. She enjoys spending time with people her own age, even though her town doesn't have a great breadth of such. She is compassionate and will come to the aid of others, often verbally or using intellect or indirectly. She doesn't like to draw too much more attention to herself as she already stands out enough.


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Aerin has the ability where she can modify and control the magnetic sphere around her. She can sense the magnetic poles in the planet and it's general magnetic field. She taps into that field in the area around her.

Using her ability she can perform the following:

  • Flight - a fairly new ability she can tap into the magnetic field and manipulate herself. She is not very controlled and inconsistent, she might be able to fly up to two floors with time and risk. The higher, the more likely she'll lose control and fall.
  • Metal Fabrication - She has the ability to take metal and reform it into a different form when it is in her personal space. This can be done with expertise and precision within 50 feet of her. She can do less intricate fabrication up to 250 feet away. Most fabrications can be done within seconds (intricate things like bolts, screws, etc.) to several minutes (thicker or larger items).

The fabrication or transformation of different types of metal are transformed into metal consisting of the same properties that her metal hair consists of. She is unable to transform metals that are of a abnormally superior kind - metals like Adamantium, Vibranium, or Nanotech controlled metals (with active nanites) such as Iron Man's suits (per Nanite era). While this metal is within her magnetic field of influence (3000 feet) it will remain with the same properties. After it leaves that field of influence it loses it's enhanced properties and remains as something with properties near that of steel. The metal will always be purple colored (though if not kept clean will lose it's shine). Her hair is always in her magnetic field therefore never loses it's properties.

  • Magnekinesis - Aerin can move metal around with her ability. Much of it is mental, however larger items have some emphasis on physicality (moving hands, arms, etc.
  • She can control minor metal, like rings, screws, etc. with mastery within 500 feet of her. Larger and heavier items are more difficult to control up close.
  • She can control up to about 500lbs with any reasonability, though the heavier the item the less control she has. It's more like pushing something. She can have actual control of something up to a car in size and 1 ton with strain and without complete control or consistency.
  • She can control up to 3 tons (about the size of a farming tractor) 1000-2000 feet as the ideal range for larger heavier objects. She has decent control with 1-2 tons being the ideal without causing a greater strain with less weight offering more control. She can rip apart metal without finesse with these heavier weights and larger items, but to actually use the metal to fabricate it into something more intricate than metal strips/chunks/threads/etc. She must pull the metal much closer (250 feet or less) in order to perform those more intricate actions.

Metal Bodysuit:
Aerin has the ability to create a very thin sheet of metal and apply it over her body like a bodysuit. She can make a thin layer like clothing within 30 seconds. This gives her the ability to move her body in abnormal ways, such as pulling herself through water and assisting with swimming and diving, it can give her more agility in the water than normal and with time may be able to develop into assisting with additional agility outside of the water.
*Using a metal bodysuit has it's disadvantages. It does not protect from cold, heat, or electricity. She prefers to use the metal bodysuit over a diver's wetsuit as it insulates and also provides heat/cold protection.
*Depending on the thickness of the metal the more resistance can be given physically. The average bodysuit is 1/16th of an inch and offers little protection. At 1/8th an inch it is much thicker and can resist handgun bullets. There would be bruises from the bullets but they would not pierce. If wearing a wetsuit bruising would be minimal due to the slightly better insulation.
*At 1/4 of an inch to an inch handgun bullet hits are minimal, assault rifle rounds can be resisted (but cause bruises), punches have minimal impact. It takes about 5 minutes to pull enough metal into this form.
*At 1 inch bullets have minimal impact, but it takes significant time to build this level of protection. Punches and kicks have minimal effect. Hand grenades do minimal damage if not at point-blank range and most modern non-heavy weaponry has a reduced, survivable effect. At least a half hour to pull metal into the form.
*At 2 inches movement is somewhat restricted as it really takes concentration to move, concentration she isn't used to doing. This may lessen over time as she becomes acclimated to her abilities. There isn't much in the realm of modern weaponry that will pierce. She can survive a direct grenade, assault rifles, handguns, etc. It takes significant amount of time to pull metal into the bodysuit, taking between 2 and 3 hours or more to form the bodysuit.

Metal Hair:

Born with metal hair Aerin's hair has been found to be unable to be cut. They haven't found anything that is able to cut through it and as such it's grown to a untenable length often threatening to touch the ground. Her hair is bound to her head by a powerful magnetic effect that keeps it from being ripped out no matter how hard someone pulls on it. (It doesn't mean that they wont yank her around by it though). Her hair is controlled by her magnetism which she uses to keep it out of her eyes, it also is rather reactive. She can use it to deflect or grab objects, and use it to create a imperfect shield to try to deflect oncoming threats. She can use many different 'hairs' to weave together, or all at once to slice through things by using brute force or to try to grapple with objects.


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Growing up on a farm they had fresh meat, dairy, and produce. Aerin is skilled with Wisconsin dishes including various types of cheese, frying fish, venison, grilling meat, smoking meat, making different kinds of jerky and more. She is skilled at comfort food like chicken fried chicken or steak, sautéing green beans, onions, and bacon, and creating deep fried Oreos. She is comfortable cooking for a large family and has often helped out in the kitchen.

Aerin is an experienced Fabricator. She has used a 3D printer (largely with her father's help) to make molds for custom parts, and her magnetism ability to mold metal into what it needs to be. She knows how to make molds, or craft something without a mold - but molds or measurements are best for precision work. While her magnetism lets her skip a few levels typically as she can skip to a more controlled process than most, she could be considered an advanced fabricator able to make very intricate workings with and without measurements (Measurements/molds will give the best results).

Farming Skills:
Aerin has been a farmer's daughter since she was born, and has been raised in the craft of framing. She is familiar with how to grow things, specific soil and good and bad ways to grow crops. She is also skilled with milking, and this has been one of her many daily chores. She knows how to use modern equipment and farming methods. She has moderate skill in horseback riding, basic horse training, and basic farm-animal veterinary care for birthing, wound care, giving shots, etc.

Aerin is used to working on older engines and mechanical equipment. She tends to be pretty terrible with anything with a lot of electronics, however older vehicles or tractors she is used to needing to build parts for. She has used a 3D printer to make a mold, and her magnetic abilities for fabricate parts that are difficult to get as they are out of circulation. She has been regularly working on cars with her father or other neighbors and is a talented junior-level mechanic.

Music - Bass Guitarist:
Aerin has novice experience with music and has taken classes in music, can read sheet music, and taken up the bass guitar after receiving a hand-me-down. She likes the sound and feel of the guitar and experiments with how she can make different sounds using her magnetism, though prefers generally not to as it has less interference. She is a moderately skilled novice, however has no real experience performing with others.

Aerin is trained in SCUBA equipment through a school program offered on the state level. She has acquired at a discount SCUBA gear, and occasionally will swim in different lakes or ponds. Her magnetism abilities make her a rather talented metal-detector. She is certified to use the equipment.

Shielding Electronics:

Though not being particularly adept with electronics, she understands EM and Magnetic interference on a moderate level, and has a good knowledge of how to add shielding to cabling to make it less susceptible to interference. That interference is usually from her, some components like her guitar's amp cable, radio components, components in older TV's, etc. can be reinforced. TV's can use shielded cables for connections. Things like cellphones do not have this kind of ability however and cannot be shielded without more extreme measures.


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1972 Pantera GTS:
Aerin has a 1972 DeTomaso Pantera GTS car. It has been restored through a process she has been working on with her father and siblings on at least 5 years. Crafting many parts by hand (using her fabrication abilities) the car has minimal electronics being from a pre-computerchip in cars era. All of the electronics, like the starter, have been reinforced with shielding. The radio was replaced with a more modern version that is also shielded, but not immune to Aerin. The car is in good running order, and most things from the body to the engine have been completely rebuilt.

Em Shielded Laptop:

Aerin owns a older, outdated Panasonic Toughbook designed with EM Shielding which was given to her by her family's contact within the CIA. It's about 8 years old, however it is completely EM shielded and Aerin's magnetic quirks have little to no affect. It is not particularly light or portable, weighing in at 10 lbs and being rather bulky.


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Emotions play a large part in changing the control of Aerin's magnetism powers. If she likes someone, is drawn to them, is attracted to them, or generally feels positively about them any metal in a 25 foot radius is drawn to her. If she dislikes someone, is repulsed by, or feels negatively about someone instead of metal being drawn to her it is repulsed away from her. The effect is minor depending on her feelings.

Emotions also have a large effect on her powers in general. Overly strong negative emotions have a more chaotic affect on her abilities, positive will have a more control (but might require more 'force' than she would usually give to perform an action). She is usually rather even-tempered but if someone gets under her skin, it becomes rather apparent, especially with her hair as it will flow largely without her complete control in strange ways.

Hair Care:
While Aerin's hair does not rust, it can smell or dull if not taken care of every few days. It requires metal cleaners to truly stay clean as shampoo will dull the hair and make it look strange. Personal deodorants or other products will leave a visible residue. It can take a significant time each week to properly clean her hair, especially since most of the products are not meant to be used on skin. Her hair must be cleaned then sufficiently dried off to not cause her skin irritation.

Magnetic Interference:
Aerin's body will intermittently emit an altered magnetic range on a low frequency that will play havoc with electronics, particularly personal electronics. This field is affected greatly by her emotional state and is something she has little to no control over. The affected range is between 6 inches to 2 feet and the results are random, including the strength and interference. She can cause disruption, distortion, or even for devices to lose their power source temporarily. These affects are usually very short, lasting a few seconds at a time.

Aerin is near-sighted, she can see fine over long distances but anything within 3 feet of her gets fuzzy. She cannot read properly and loses fine details unless wearing glasses.

Physical Mutations:
Her hair is metal, looks metal (shiny) and purple, and she has purple eyes. Add to it her hair is extremely long and she doesn't blend in with normalcy. She's fairly obviously a mutant and is used to this bringing her extra attention, though not always negative it doesn't surprise or shock her when it is. Considering her physical traits her body makes an impression, and easy to remember impression that makes it extremely difficult to not have a public figure.

Technology Adversity:

Due to her body's magnetic nature and her innate nature to disrupt electronics she is not the most tech savvy teen. She prefers non-electronic means to do things typically than the high-tech or modern method. She's prefer to read books than to use a computer. While she has learned how to work with computers they are just a means to an end and she does not enjoy using them. She can type at an average speed (around 40wpm) however cannot text for the life of her. She is aware of technology like GPS, Cellphones, etc. She just prefers to use maps and such as electronics have proven to be unreliable in her experience.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Mutant Metal Hair Band September 30th, 2020 Random jam session at the Institute music classroom.
The rocker and the quiet one. June 8th, 2020 A random passby in the main hall between teacher and student.
The Kitty is in June 1st, 2020 Aerin has an appointment with Kitty
Wednesday Water Day May 27th, 2020 Some students learn that the stuffy, serious oldtimers are actually capable of smiling - and pranking back - when off the clock.
Cookies, Kitty and Kicking Back May 26th, 2020 Rec Room chilling's a thing...and tongue twisters happen.
Winging It May 25th, 2020 Aerin visits Shannon to clear the air about their initial meeting. The two wind up discussing ways they can hopefully reach Jeremy and be friends to him.
Brand New World. The first step. May 23rd, 2020 Jeremy's first day at school. He's awkward. He's always awkward.
SpyderByte finds the computer lab. May 23rd, 2020 Aerin tries to give Jeremy some boost in morale.
Orientation at Xavier's May 22nd, 2020 Scott and Jean introduce themselves to the new student.
Cooking and Coyote Walkers May 21st, 2020 Mercy and Aerin share a booth and a mutual respect for cars....and Mercy tries to not create a new lake.
Farms, Friends, Finding a new friend May 20th, 2020 Kitty flies to Wisconsin, meets a new student at Xavier's and then comes back East with them.
We want YOU as the new recruit! May 20th, 2020 Food's eaten, new recruits are talked to.


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