Owner Pose
Sarah Rainmaker     It's getting late on the waterfront, and with the coming twilight comes many of the produce carts and stalls closing up for the night, as shopper start streaming out. The regular ones anyway.

    The ones who remain are the ones who stay for those special deals created when a produce seller doesn't REALLY want to pack up those last few peppers or heads of lettuce, and are willing to let them go at a lower price than normal to avoid it. Which is why Sarah is here. She doesn't have a lot, so every little bit counts. And she's been cooking for two or three people, meaning she's always trying to find a way to cut some costs.

    The Amerindian woman peers at the vendor she's currently haggling with. "If you threw in the green beans, I'll pay the $5 for it? Or maybe one of those onions? You have plenty left." The vendor snorts. "Yeah, and I can sell 'em fine tomorrow." Sarah grins. "But it's money in your pocket tonight." The vendor rolls her eyes. "...fine, deal." she says, smiling faintly. "But only cuz I like yer hair. Wish I could grow mine that long." She starts bagging up Sarah's purchase in the canvas bag the girl brought along with her.
Miss Martian There's someone else strolling along the waterfront - a perfectly normal pink girl (not at all Martian green OR white) with flaming red hair dressed in a red blouse under a pair of white and black striped overalls. She can't help but everhear the conversation and she steps forward, offering the vendor a fiver.

"She would like the green beans too." the girl says, then she just smiles at Sarah and turns to go.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah blinks at that, turning her head. "Um...whoa, wait..hold on..." she says, as the vendor happily takes the money and tosses the rest of it in the bag, before Sarah thanks her quickly and gives pursuit. "Hey, wait!" She jogs to catch up. "At least let me say thanks..." she says with a faint smile.
Miss Martian The girl stops and turns around. "Oh. It was nothing." she replies. "I hope I didn't spoil your haggling." she adds. "My name is Megan. Megan Morse. Nice to meet you." She tilts her head and looks Sarah over quickly. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I know it's hard to make ends meet sometimes."
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah looks sheepish. "Well, not uncomfortable, though it does help, thank you. I'm Sarah Rainmaker." She offers a hand as she adjusts the bag over her shoulder. "It's mostly just I have a bit more to feed than expected lately, so need to tank about saving what I can."
Miss Martian Megan reaches out to take the offered hand. She is a telepath, of course, and she just can't help but gently make a subtle once-over of Sarah's mind. She's looking to see who the extra mouths may be and their relationship to the other woman. She's not trying to be intrusive, she's not trying to force her way in, she's just curious.
Sarah Rainmaker     It's not too hard to see...Sarah has two women she loves as family who visit her apartment fairly often. One is a younger native American looking girl with long braids, the other a absolutely gorgeous mulatto woman. She doesn't mind cooking for them, but she wants to be able to make good dishes, not just warmed over pizza, as she feels guilty otherwise...like she's not taking care of them properly. There's a bit of protectiveness towards both. And a certain happiness about being a bit domestic and having someone to cook for who appreciates it.
Miss Martian "That's nice." Megan says, which probably seems like a non sequitur. It it is, really, when one only hears half the conversation. "Do you often cook with a lot of vegetables?" she wonders. "Isn't this area pretty in the evening, before the sun goes down?" Another random thought.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah smiles a bit, raising a brow at the odd response. "I try to. I mean, I'm sort of used to using beans and peppers more than what's here, but it's nice to have some variety, especially for stir fry." She grins a bit. "Justifies a cheat day occasionally."

    She looks out over the waterfront, smiling a bit. "Yeah, it is....gets a bit dangerous later at night though. The waterfront, I mean. Sort of an entirely different group of people wandering the streets by then." She looks curious. "Do you live near here?"
Miss Martian "Oh, where do I live?" she replies with a question. "Ah, I live in Flatbush." she lies. "I just thought that I would come see the water here, see if it was any different than the Hudson." and she looks out over the water. "No, the same."

"Dangerous?" she asks and points down at a side pocket in her overalls. Was that there before? Probably just not noticable before. Sure, that's it. "I have a can of mace. I should be fine." she frowns, though. "What about you?" and she 'listens' - how will Sarah protect herself?
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah smirks a bit. "I'm okay, don't worry." Because she isn't...if someone really bothers her, she can always zap them with a taser blast. Or blow them into the water. Or just fly away. Or summon a tornado, but that seems extreme for most thugs. She's pretty confident in her ability to do all these things if pressed, though. "Oh, well...yeah, water pretty much is water this close to a big city." she says amusedly. "Well, I could walk you back to the subway station or however you're getting back?"
Miss Martian "If you would like to, I would emjoy the company." Megan says. "It won't be too much out of the way, will it?" she wonders. "I shouldn't want to be a bother, not when you should be home and cooking."
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah shakes her head with a faint smile. "Nah, I'm in no rush tonight. This is all for later in the week." Since Priss is off at work saving the world from aliens and Dani is back at the school. Sigh. Well. "Well lead on then." she says cheerfully.
Miss Martian     "If you're in no hurry, we could get a coffee or a hot chocolate?" the redhead offers. "If you don't mind sitting somewhere with your shopping. The nights are still warm even when the sun goes down." she suggests, beginning to walk on as suggested.
Sarah Rainmaker     "Sure, it'll be fine. Not like it's going to go bad over a cup of hot cocoa." she says cheerfully. "Um, do you know a nice coffee place around here?" she says curiously, walking along beside the other girl.
Miss Martian "True." Megan says. She continues along, closing her eyes. "Mmm..." she hums in thought. "Over there." she replies, opening her green eyes again. "I f... I smell coffee over there." and she points down a block or so.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah hmms. "Good nose on you then..." she says, turning that direction as she walks towards it. "So, are you not from around here? Not often locals go sightseeing and stuff..." she says thoughfully, resting the hand holding the handles for her canvas bag against her shoulder so it dangles over her back.
Miss Martian     "I'm... uh, I'm from France." she lies again. "My mother was an American and so I'm a dual citizen." still, she smiles like she's telling the truth. "I've seen all the usual sights and I thought I would explore. There might be vintage shops or interesting bookstores to rummage through. Thrift shops." she adds finally.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah ohs. "Well that's cool. You're kinda in the wrong spot for that sort of thing, though. I think that's more...East Village? Depends what you're looking for though." she says thoughfully. "I'm kinda new to town too, so I haven't really looked around a whole lot. Haven't, um, had time until...recently." She slides her free hand in her pocket as you walk up to the coffee shop...there's a little shiver of...slightly paranoia in her. Very briefly, though she fights it down pretty quickly.
Miss Martian     There's the shop, not too big but not too small. They have the usual things: lattes, espresso drinks, fancy pour-overs. "Order whatever you want." Megan suggests. "Macarons!" she says, pointing. "I _have_ to have some of those." She waits her turn at the counter, eager.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah raise a brow, smiling faintly and will order a Azteca....dark chocolate with a bit of chili powder, no whipped cream, before heading over to take a seat at a free table. "Let me know how they are...never really tried them before..."
Miss Martian     Megan orders a hot chocolate and a dozen of the little meringue cookies. She paid, of course. Really. Everyone remembers her paying - she's even been given change back. She sits and shows Sarah her bounty. "There's rose, and chocolate, and I think the green ones are matcha. Oh, and raspberry. And plain almond." She smiles. "Have some, please." she reaches for a chocolate one.
Sarah Rainmaker     SArah smiles. "Well, I guess I've walked off enough today I can probably manage a cookie..." she says, selecting one of the almond ones. "So, from France, huh? Did you come here to go to school or something?" she wonders, leaning back in her chair.
Miss Martian     Megan nibbles her cookie, closing her eyes in bliss. She opens her eyes and eats the rest in one bite. She smiles vacantly, perhaps pretending she didn't understand the question. Of course, she doesn't have an accent. She has a gulp of her drink, but it must be extremely hot still. She must have a throat of iron.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah hmms, then sips from her cocoa. "Sorry, didn't mean to pry." she says when you don't answer. "Was just curious." She smiles a bit.
Miss Martian     "Oh. No, I'm a wastrel." and she frowns a moment. "Is that the correct word?" she asks, possibly she's asking herself. "I travelled here a few years ago. I was lonely, you see." she says sadly. "It was so quiet at home when I woke up, but there was so much happening here that I just had to come and see everything." is her explanation, this seeming to cheer her mightily.

    "And there's chocolate." she points out, as if that were important. She lifts her cup in a sort of toast.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah grins. "I don't think wastrel is what you're looking for. Vagabond, maybe, if you wander around without a home?" She tilts her head a bit. "...lonely, huh? YOu live out in the country, then?" she says thoughtfully. "I can see coming into town if you don't have chocolate where you're from..."
Miss Martian     "I live in Flatbush." Megan says again, automatically. "I live with my mother and my father. We have a cat." Those are probably well-rehearsed lines. "I'm from France."

    "Mo, it was a city, once. Not rural. But there hadn't been anyone there but ghosts for a long, long time." and she shakes her head. "A very long time."
    There's a flash in Sarah's head for just a moment, but so vivid, of sand like rust and ruined buildings of an odd architecture blasted and half-buried by drifts.
Sarah Rainmaker     Sarah twitchs at that, her eyes widening a bit as she blinks at Megan slowly. "...a ghost town, then?" she says slowly.
Miss Martian     "There were ghosts." she says. "I didn't like it. I like it here better." she says with a smile. "There's chocolate here." A moment's pause. "Where are you from?" Megan wonders.
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "I was unaware Sauron had a prediliction for shark girls."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Huh. I didn't know there was a Shark Girl either. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "I think I do like the character design picture for Akula over Shark Girl though."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Eh. Rachel is just an assistant, she's not expected to bodyguard usually. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "She's a Omega level telepath, definitely. Not sure if she's that level of telekinetic too?"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker sticks Madelyne in there about at Jean level. Raw power versus precision.
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker nods. "I could see that because of the blocks, yes,that she's playing catchup a bit."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Phoenix is ridiculous levels of powerful, Jean is separate. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Moonie is usually off running around with Adam Warlock in space."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "And I'd point out...Nate is above everyone on that list."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "He's ridiculously adaptable and powerful compared to Jean and Xavier. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "He's arguably the most powerful mutant in the comics, really. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "And how would you know what all the Greys taste like, Jubi?"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Well, there's a reason why Jean is the most stable and had a block on her, while Rachel and Madelyne both have instability issues. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Branches, folds back on itself, comes into existence randomly in new branches, etc. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Does Madelyne or Nate count as her progeny if she didn't actually give birth to them? Hmm."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "And technically I'm not...quite progeny as Madelyne? I'm more of a clone sister."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Well, after Poison Ivy crossed bamboos with kudzu to take over the world...it's everywhere."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Unlike that nutcase Reed, all opening random dimensinonal portals and stuff."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "From Venture Bros? I've never actually gotten to watch that show."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "You could even find a mush I suppose that has a coded system to help."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Depends what you're going for. 5th is simpler but still solid. Pathfinder is better for options. 4th is...if you want to play an MMO but want to make it a tabletop. >.>"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "I always start people at max HP for first level."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Fun simple system. I want to try the new 2d20 Conan system, it sounds like it's pretty neat in terms of letting players direct the story."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "It's a lot like that game Jean. The GM never rolls, just sets difficulty, and if you fail or succeed tremendously you get to offer a suggestion for what happens to the story."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "FFG Star Wars is my fav of all the Star Wars systems I've played."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Bah. It was super unbalanced for dex heavy characters and Jedi were as to gods. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Or never had the experience to do more than minor things, depending how it was played."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "It's fun because you get to interpret the dice rolls for Triumphs and Despair and such."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "You have to take like...3-4 serious wounds to start getting into 'you might die' area...and you still have to roll above 120 on the chart, with +10 for each wound you've already taken. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Mm, it depends. There's lots of defensive powers that let you avoid damage or mitigate it."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "I mean, a decent soak in that game means you're subtracting 5-6 points per hit."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "My murder ferret (Selonian) was a Marauder so she just sort of shrugged off anything that didn't do more than 8 points. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker nods. "Marauder is good for that. The next Force related book is going to have some serious trees to make Jedi tanks with too.
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "The thing I like about the game is you can mix and match trees to come up with some unique characters, I haven't felt every soldier type is the same or anything like that."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Neat. Yeah, when you get into the Jedi trees you become powerful quick. That ability to put a force die into a stat roll helps immensely. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Because they couldn't have two women have a baby together back then."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "She changes every cell in her body, depending who writes her yes."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "That's because you're dead at the moment Jubilee. Cold and dead."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "On the other hand, totally don't need to worry about birth control, I suppose."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Well depending how that works for Underworld types. Didn't Selene have a child with someone?"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Admittedly I've not watched Underworld in a while so I forget how vampires work there. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "I remember Rogue cried when she took the Thing's powers. And I think Malice took her over when she tried to drain a host of hers."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Superhero series where the main character can animate toys. Or at least she's told that's all she can do by the evil corporation raising her and other superteens to be their pop culture icons."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Yup. It's a bunch of short stories about her after she hits 18 and tells the corp to go to hell, then they make her life a living hell trying to make her come back. And she finds out she can actually animate anything that is humanoid in shape."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "But they were afraid to tell her she was that powerful."
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Because he'd be a ghost after you kissed him? :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "I wouldn't call Meri a brat so much as in a permanent state of sarcasm. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker provides a tub of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker should probably just move over there at some point, seems to be where my mind is today.
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "It's a bat thing. They can't just come in through the front door. :)"
Sarah Rainmaker Sarah Rainmaker says, "Also, he totally needs saving from lung cancer in ten years or so."