10008/Well, hello there.

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Well, hello there.
Date of Scene: 12 November 2019
Location: Upper West Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Daken and Carmen meet, the former ends up helping the latter out of a shady deal!
Cast of Characters: Carmen Sandiego, Daken

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
A foreboding fog covers Gotham at night, and the streets are vacant as the city's more law-abiding citizens retreat inside from the dangers of the dark.

Heels clicking softly on a wide sidewalk, a woman in a red trenchcoat and a crimson cordovan is out for a stroll. Her movements are leisurely and unhurried, as if she was taking a morning walk in the park instead of the black streets of Gotham. She's holding a metallic briefcase.

A keen eye would notice she is being trailed. A distance away behind her is a man in a sleek suit. Ahead of her? A woman similarly dressed walking towards her. And in the line of a one of the city's nightclubs and a hotspot tonight, Basque, another figure pulls away and crosses the street.

Daken has posed:
Well, well, well, what have we -here-!?

Daken Akihiro, more commonly just called Daken and sometimes Wolverine, was just walking about. He wore dark green cargo pants with a black shirt, combat boots, a lovely dark blue flannel jacket with baje fur along the trim of...well, everywhere, and with his hair let down, Daken simply whistles for a brief moment before he catches something fishy going on.

Looks like one of those hidden deals. He's currently outside of the club having a smoke, but Carmen does catch his eye.

Was it because she has amazing fashion sense? Is it because she's hot? Is it the briefcase she carries? Well, he'll need to investigate more to find out.

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
Carmen -does- have an amazing fashion sense, there's no doubt about that. She knows it, too, and stops in her saunter at the entrance of a shady alleyway. Casting a brief glance at her trails, she catches Daken's eyes, smirks, and fades into the darkness of the alley.

The tails converge together at that point and follow her. "End of the line, Miss Sandiego," calls the woman, in a black suit and tie. The man to her sides brandish firearms and aim them at her. "Professor says there can be redemption...even for someone like yourself. Just come without fuss."

"I have some trouble believing that, dear," Carmen says, moving the briefcase before her. "Even so, I'd put my hands up, but they're preoccupied at the moment."

Daken has posed:
Ah, its fantastic to have amazing ears.

Daken hears every word, even the loading and prepping of the firearms they pull on Carmen Sandiego. So, he flicks his cigarette onto the ground and stomps it out before rounding the corner...clearly with the intent to go around the building into the allyway, behind the gunmen...only question is, can Carmen keep them talking for that long?

Wolverine's son is about to pop his claws.

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
Carmen is a highly observant woman. By the time Daken comes into view, she had already devised six different scenarios that would see her out of this situation, nine if she left the briefcase behind. The son of Wolverine is an unexpected element but a rather interesting one, so she'll play this one out. "There seems to be a misunderstanding," she says, before they could respond to her last retort. "If you wanted the tech, all you had to do was ask."

With a sharp kick, the briefcase slides over to the feet of the trio, and they exchange glances, surprised. "I knew you could be agreeable, Black Sheep," She nods to the man at her right, and he approaches the case tentatively.

Daken has posed:
The real question is....how does Carmen feel about blood?

Daken walks up behind the main woman, then proceeds to immediately try to kick the guard to her left, aiming for theh ead to knock him into the wall to knock him out, all while his main attempt is to take the woman opposite Carmen hostage.

"Can I join the party, or is it exclusive? I can never tell these days." He smirks, on one of his hands, adamatnium claws break through the flesh, the metal shining rather beautifully in the pale moonlight. He's even playful, giving Carmen a small wink.

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
The red coat is to hide the stains. She watches the scene with naked curiosity, lifting the tip of wide her hat to reveal piercing gray eyes.

Daken's sufficiently silent approach and swift kick catches the three field agents completely off guard, and the man's skull feels the full force of however much mutant strength the former assassin uses. He's out cold. Carmen smiles, pleased, and it is the first indication of a comparatively non-violent woman. No bloodlust in her eyes, at all.

"Damnit! Get the prototype and-" The moment the other operative makes contact with the briefcase, a spray of an airborne incapacitating agent covers his face. Another one down. And the last one, the dark-haired boss, is held by Daken. For the first time tonight, she sweats.

"My, what long claws you have," Carmen notes, stepping over both bodies and ignoring the fearful woman. "Don't suppose you have a name?"

Daken has posed:
Daken looks ath is captive with quiet the grin. "Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? Neither have I, to be honest." Daken says with a sense of humor. Daken was strong, but he was also not trying to commit murder or anything of the sort.

He looks at Carmen then with a smile. "You like? I try and trim them everyday but they always seem to be catching the kind of attention I find myself attracted to." he winks. "The name's Daken. What about you? Or do I simply get to call you Red?"

He waits for her answer before his eyes fall back upon the woman in his capture.

"Your prey, your decision."

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
Carmen pushes the brim down but watches Daken from beneath it. "Carmen Sandiego," she provides easily. The name is akin to legend, thrown around as myth but few can put a face on the title: The World's Greatest Thief. Is this actually her or just a knockoff? "They're clean and shining now. Why bloody them?"

The hostage is silent, paralyzed by fear or simply smart enough to know that her words have no influence over the two. Carmen has never been a murder. That, even her most vile enemies can rely on. She puts a hand on her hip. "Thanks for the assistance," she says, with a mild smile. She was capable but not grateful. "You weren't expecting something in return, were you?"

Daken has posed:
Daken looks at Carmen when she says her name. "Oh wow, what a name. I think I've heard something along those lines before. Either way, I like how it rolls along the tongue." He winks flirtatously at Carmen before he looks at the hostage. "Something in return?" He ponders.

"Maybe a nice little kiss for the lips. You are quite a looker." He smiles, before he tries to bonk the hostage over the head hard enoug hto knock her unconscious. She'll wake up in a few minutes, surely.

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
"Thanks, made it up myself," says Carmen, coyly. A dramatic brow lifts subtly, her face shrouded in shadow. After a minute of silent consideration, her shoulders lift and she adds, "Fortune favors the bold, I suppose."

From the pocket of her trenchcoat, she produces a business card. It's small and black with vibrant red lettering that includes the iconic, roll-off-the-tongue name and several forms of contact. Watching Daken, she presses the card to her lips and leaves a hard, lipstick imprint on it. It's handed to the mercenary. "In case I run into any more shady government types on the streets."

Daken has posed:
Daken smirks and later laughs. "I bet you did. Its kinda hot." But then she decides to pull out a business card and kiss that before she gives it to him. "Huh, I was meaning in the more your lips to mine, but I guess I get what I pay for." He sighs lightly, before he pockets the card.

"Anyway, I hope thats not a nuclear football or something. That'd suck for everyone." He looks at the briefcase before looking back at her. "...so whats in the case?"

Carmen Sandiego has posed:
"It's a prototype of a piece of nanotechnology," Carmen explains elusively. She is one to play her cards close to her chest, no pun intended. A black-gloved hand reaches down to lift the briefcase, "You may be pleased to know that I don't carry weapons of mass destruction on me, but I know a guy."

From her sleeve, a hand-grappler juts out and she grips it with her hand. "If I were you, I wouldn't be around when they wake up," Red lips twist into a rueful smile, as she casts a distasteful look at the unconscious bodies, then a playful one at Daken. "See you next crime.

A zipline tracks her exit, and in a flurry of red, she's gone.