10090/Returned In The Blink Of An Eye

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Returned In The Blink Of An Eye
Date of Scene: 18 November 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Blink returns to the school and catches up with Samuel Guthrie, Kurt and Kitty.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Blink, Cannonball, Nightcrawler

Shadowcat has posed:
The Thanksgiving break is getting nearer. It is getting more difficult to keep the students focused, but a series of tests and quizzes to capture their progress before the week off from school is doing its best to help in that regard.

Kitty Pryde worked the weekend at Stark Industries and so has Monday off. Today finds her back at the school, having finished catching up on the guidance counselor work load. "Thank goodness Kurt is able to focus on it full-time," she says to herself as she takes a break and heads down the hallway, cup of coffee in hand. "Or else I'd burn out in a week trying to keep up with it all."

A certain purple dragon hears Kitty's voice, and Lockheed stirs from where he was lying on one of the heating vents. Winter isn't the fondest time of year for the dragon, but he has learned how to get by after years with Kitty in the school. He takes wing and flies over to land on her shoulder. Kitty grins and ruffles his head, rubbing where his horns meet his skull, a favorite spot.

Blink has posed:
It's been a while perhaps since Blink has been in the neighborhood, busy in Genosha, or keeping up with what the Royals get into in the Brotherhood but today she seems to have felt differently, maybe curiosity, or simply meeting up people she hasn't seen in a while.

Whatever the case may be what's true is that a portal opens up with that characteristic 'blink' sound and a Blink hops out, not too far from where Kitty is. She has her hair tied back today, not one to hide her mutant heritage when among her own people, the 'elven' ears clearly showing.

A glance about is given and then she says through a lopsided smile. "Boo."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is actually just getting back in from an early class he takes in town. He looks around, as he walks in backpack over his shoulder . He looks around "Hey, sorry one of my classes wanted an in person test." He fills in, and says "Hey Blink, all ok?" He asks seeing her back, glad to see folks but always wondering a bit.

Nightcrawler has posed:
One of the few gifts Kurt possesses that few recall is his sense for other Teleporters nearby. A cloud of papers and a now sulphur sullied coffee cup are left in his office when he feels that pressure in the air and then BAMF!

Kurt is there, attached to the ceiling, eyes wide, ready to pounce... Or to be in the maelstrom of the mansion getting blown up. Something, anything. Kurt is quiet, confused and looking from face to face trying to see what's going on. And then he sees Blink, "Mein Gott."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has a moment's start as the swirling purple energy suddenly opens up. Though it only takes her a second or two to recognize it, and as Blink steps through, the Asian young woman is given a bright smile. "Clarice, hello. Welcome back!" Kitty says warmly.

She takes a sip of her coffee and asks the new arrival, "Are you going to be around enough for Thanksgiving here? Or, I mean you can always pop back if not. Such a handy power that is," Kitty says in admiration.

Cannonball gets a raised hand and a wave hello from Kitty. "How'd the test go, Sam?" she asks him. Meanwhile, Kurt teleports in, resulting in Lockheed flapping his wings a few times before settling back down. "Hey Kurt, was just saying how great it is having you around doing the counseling full-time," she tells him.

Blink has posed:
The portals whisks close behind her, Blink's bright green gaze going over the growing group of people and the lopsided smile turns into a more reserved one. "Hey." she says first to Samuel, giving him a thumbs up. "All's good, just that it been a while since I had been around.." but by her tone there seems to be things left unsaid.

Though then her attention goes to Kitty and her widen a little, "Well, if you are inviting.., maybe I will." some hope on her tone, then her grin growing further. "Is Lorna around here today?"

Kurt's teleport and specially the voice coming from the above makes her look up sharply. "Teleporting on people. Tsk." but she winks at him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah think Ah did pretty good one or two questions I was unsure about. Sam may have been a bit distracted from his studies a bit lately "Think she is still out of town aint she?' He asks the others.

Nightcrawler has posed:
With a twist and a flip Kurt is on the ground near Blink, bobbing his head slightly, "Guten tag, Clarice. Good to see you..." a moment of consideration, especially for the company the woman keeps before he asks, "How is Mother?" head tilting to the side while his tail flicks back and forth - apparently anticipating no or bad news.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins to Clarice and says, "We are most definitely inviting. We'll be having a bunch of big Thanksgiving meals with the students who stay at the school. And there'll be football for those who care about it in the Rec Room. And normally there's a pickup game outside too. I might talk to Bobby about making us an ice rink and maybe getting some hockey or broomball going."

Kitty's smile turns something softer and compassionate as she says, "Lorna's down in Brazil, visiting with Roberto." Kitty clears her throat a little and says quietly, "Lorna could use some friends around her supporting her, just to let you know." It's said in a tone that one might guess Kitty's suggesting discretion, and likely figuring the young woman who guards Lorna wouldn't need more than that hint on the matter even if Kitty isn't forthcoming with more details.

Kitty smiles to Sam and says, "Excellent, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. How's your brother fitting in?" she asks.

Blink has posed:
"And you as well, Kurt." Clarice follows the nightcrawler with her eyes when the mutant flips back down to the ground, nodding at him with an apparent easiness to her posture, comfortable with his presence considering how similar they are in certain aspects. But the last question has her smile fade just an hint, "Very focused as is her usual. But .., I am sure she'd like seeing you again. You can travel back with me to Genosha for a visit sometime." some awkwardness there on her tone, maybe not too sure how happy 'Mother' would be on seeing Kurt again.

"Then it's settled, I will be over and ..." but Blink trails off when she gets news of Lorna being in Brazil, her eyebrows shooting up, expression turning more serious, gaze going from Kitty to Cannonball and then back. "Where in Brazil?" maybe she is considering teleporting there now!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well not sure exactly Berto owns a lot of property there but I am sure she is looking after her." He does not mention probably hitting on her to no end. "Jay is doing pretty good, working hard to catch up on the stuff he missed before joining us. I think it is doing him some good, the TMZ thing was a bit of a shock though."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Nodding, Kurt frowns a bit and risks putting a hand on Clarice's shoulder, mouth dropping open to speak and then holding when her intensity ramps up. A moment is spent to compose himself before he speaks up,

"Something in Brazil that we should be concerned with, Clarice?" he moves on from Mystique quickly, easier that way at least.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty says in a tone meant to reassure Blink, "We can call them up. I don't think either is out of touch at all. And Roberto is CEO of an entire corporation. He has good security, apart from the fact he and Lorna together are probably more formidable than Brazil's entire military."

Kitty pulls out her phone and sends off a text to both, including Blink so she'll be on any replies. "She's ok. Just, some stuff she's working through in her head," Kitty says. And not lying in the least on that. Deep in Lorna's head, where it took a psychic to get at the suppressed memories.

Kitty smiles over to Kurt as he gives the fellow teleporter support. "Kurt, I don't know if you heard, but your mother gave Rogue a puppy, which she didn't want to keep him at the school. So Peter and I took him on. He's at the apartment in the city. Jester, he's named."

Blink has posed:
Blink doesn't seem to mind the hand-on-shoulder from Kurt but it is indeed true that her intensity is flared up now, green eyes fully open as she goes from one mutant to the other, lips pressed in a tight line. But she eventually comes to nodding slowly at what is said even if not fully reassured. To Kurt she says. "Yes, if Lorna is there but well, if they are good then it's what is important. I can respect her wanting privacy." but she does roll her eyes at Samuel's 'looking after her' words. She seems to know well what that might mean!

At the exchanged texts she smiles and offers a quiet. "Thank you." to Kitty, nodding her appreciation at being considered. But then, almost as an afterthought but blinking once she asks with some surprise at Samuel. "You have a brother?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "I have 3 err 4 brothers and 6 sisters." He will tell Blink. "Jay is the third of us to come through the school. Paige, who goes by the hero name of Husk has also went to school here. Got two others looking into it. " He looks over to Kitty. "Think Melody and Jeb are both trying get ma to let them start next year."

Nightcrawler has posed:
A blink at that, and the comment about the puppy. "She was here? She saw Anna and she didn't see me?" Tail drooping a hair, Kurt looks between Blink and Sam now as their conversation continues and moves in the direction of one of the many members of the Guthrie clan. He does back out some, seeing as there has been no need for him other than brief presence

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little shake of her head about Paige's name. "She obviously never played Mass Effect, with taking that name," Kitty says, though in a light-hearted tone to make it part joke even if also part serious. "Every time I hear the name I picture one of those husks coming down off the spikes and attacking," she says with a soft chuckle.

Kitty looks back to Kurt, not having expected the comment to affect him as it did. "This was a while ago," she says. "We've had Jester for... oh, weeks now. A month plus? Before the Sentinel put me in the coma. And I'm not sure how long she had him before we took him on, even." Kitty reaches over and gives Kurt's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I imagine Blink would probably be happy to have you tag along back to Genosha to see her sometime," she suggests gently.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Hey Kurt, was curious about something, who do you and Rahne rent from, do ya know if they have any other places nearby?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Rent? I..." Kurt looks sheepish, "I bought it outright... I don't do much with my salary and it's just been building up for years, ja?" The Fuzzy Blue elf looks a little sheepish and sighs, "Don't need to go to Genosha, if she wants to see me, she'll reach out, ja?" letting that drop away, per usual. Raven and her estranged son not having the best communication to begin with.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a little nod of agreement with Kurt about his salary just building up. Not that she's had a salary for very long, but she's not spending too much of it so she's noticing the same thing happening. Kitty lets the topic of his mother drop, picking up on the new one. "I haven't had a chance to see your place yet. I'll have to drop by with a house warming gift," she says, giving Kurt a little nudge. "What is it that you need out there? I hear candlesticks make a nice gift," she says, grinning as she quotes Bull Durham.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Yea, I went with cookies and beer, but you were not there when I stopped by, figured you got the beer and maybe some of the cookies. Doug and I are getting a place in town, probably in Rahne's old building, but thinking about a few options maybe around here too for when Alexis is up visiting.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Well... it's mostly for Rahne, but I'm there often enough - if you're housewarming keep her more in mind than I, ja?" Kurt admits, it was bought to get her to come home after all, and he's intent on using it to build Wolfsbane back up.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods to Kurt. "Will do," she says of the gift advice. "So things are going well there I take it? She's so sweet. I'm really happy for you both," Kitty tells Kurt with a big smile.

The topic makes her glance to Sam then. "And you having Alexis to visit. Look at the three of us! It's like we're all growing up and becoming adults. Who'd have thought we'd ever make it to here, back when we got in trouble for the water fight in the physics lab?" she asks, letting out a soft laugh at the memory.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well we can't stay "X-babies" forever." He uses the term that for a while proved some issues with kitty and the new mutants, but does not seem to hold hard feelings for it "Well, ah guess we all have to step up a bit, and having someone you care about Ah think speeds that up a bit. Oh I think the costume choice helped too thanks."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I think it's going well, better than a... well we had a rocky patch. But I think it's because being in the city" Kurt's brow knits, "I don't think it was good for her. I'm happier to have her home, even if she's out in Breakstone - she's still close, and she can easier reach us when she needs, ja?" looking to Samuel after a moment, considering, "X-Babies... ach..." chuckling.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty rushes over to Samuel, causing Lockheed to take weed as his shoulder-perch is disturbed. She has to try to jump up to get an arm around Samuel Guthrie's shoulder to hold herself up high enough to reach his head to give it a playful knuckle rub. She might totally fail, but either way she says, "You'll never let me live that down will you?" She has a joking tone though, and indeed, she's in a very good mood today from the looks of it.

Kitty looks back to Kurt once her feet are back on the ground, however it plays out, and grins to him with a shrug. "What can I say. I had some maturing to do," she concedes. "Hopefully I have," she says. Then after a moment's thinking, adds, "Mostly."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and will even stoop a bit to keep kitty from having to do some air walking and says "She was not happy when they Prof thought about making her hang out with us instead of you guys, not at all. Even though a few of us were older than her." he looks at her, and says "Hey least your not still bunking on the student hall." He jokes a bit with her.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner hrmmms and nods a little to himself, looking at the other two. "I should get back to the paperwork. it's going to keep piling, maybe if I can get it manageable after break it won't be so much of a headache, ja?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins to Samuel and shrugs. "Well, it was tough being an X-man for that long, having my life on the line that many times, and then get told I was going to the team in training. Which, you guys didn't deserve that comment at all, no matter how upset I was. So, I don't deserve to make excuses," she says.

Lockheed rejoins her, landing on her shoulder. "You bet Kurt. I made a pass through the one stack earlier today," she says, picking her coffee mug back up from where she set it down. "I think I'll join you, see if we can't knock them out."