10373/You can Tag Team crazy

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You can Tag Team crazy
Date of Scene: 09 December 2019
Location: Upper West Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Harley and Deadpool meet on a rooftop. Some serenading and business and crazy happens.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Harley Quinn

Deadpool has posed:
    "I knoooooow, you belooo-OOoo--ooong to soooooomebody new....
    But toooo-niiight, you be-LOOOOOONG, to mmeeeeee."

Deadpool is singsonging in horribly high falsetto, laying on his belly on a rooftop. He has an array of various Los Pollos Hermanos goodies in a spread to his left, and a sniper rifle in front of him.

    "Although we're apart; you're part of my heeeeAAAAAAAaaaart,
    And toniiiiiight, you belonnnnng to MEEEEEEE."

Deadpool kicks his feet a little. His mask is up around nose bridge because he's eating. Fries at the moment, and then he dips some chicken fingers into sauce, and munches on those. His feet kick a little more and he licks his gloved fingers.

"Num num num."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley just so happens to be working nearby, and by work, we mean she's beating poor Joe "Chirping Chicken" Daley with her trusty bat. She's not dressed in her famous jester costume, because this wasn't work or anything. Just a bit of investigation, trying to find some info about the whereabouts of Spoiler and Red Hood. Joe wasn't called 'Chirping Chicken' for nothing...well, it was because he ate lots of 'chirping chicken' but it sounded like he might be chirping some info as well. Turns out, it really was just because of the chicken, because bloodied and battered, with a few broken bones, he's still refusing to give Harley any real info. By refusing, we mean he's begging for dear life, sounding quite close to a dying zombie.

Not that Harley cared, she kept on swinging and batting enthusiastically, screaming louder and louder, "if you don't tell me where the Spoiled Brat and Red Dude are, I swear I'll beat you three more times and yer out!" She does this uber convincing psycho twitchy eye glare at him, just to sell her point, but poor Joe seems to be out cold. "Awww, schuks, I can never win!" Harley growls as she kicks Joe to the ground along with the chair he's been tied to.

Just when she was about to call this day a total loss, a rather beautiful singing voice drew her attention through the open window. Well, maybe the voice wasn't all that beautiful, but it was a very romantic song! Walking up to the window, she jumped out to the fire escape, and made her way up to the roof, calling out, "who dat singing romantic songs at...this now hour?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool flips his mask down over his chin and neck automatically, mid-chew, and turns his head. Priorities are things like putting his face back on, nobody wants to deal with people shitting themselves, they might not be in the brown pants.

There is the clown lady. From the prison-crazyhouse. It's nice that she's updated her outfit, prison khaki is enough to drive you mad. Madder? Maddest. Khaki isn't brown enough either. It's the camel side of runny shit.

Deadpool pauses, to aside to her, loudly:


He also salutes, without getting up at all, flipping his elbow out to complete the gesture.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley was full on meaning to compliment the dear nightingale for his serenaded romance, even if he was unaware that's what he was in fact doing, "and I thought gallantry..." but before she can even finish the sentence comes the very convincing "I AM BATMAN" assertion. The last thing Harley was prepared for is a fight with the Bat, especially now that he's a zombie. Dead? Undead? Whichever it was, he was already a bat, so could have easily been turned a vampire on death. The thought freaks her out, and she responds by shrieking hysterically "AHHHHHH!!! I'M NOT GOING BACK TO ARKHAM YA VAMPIRE BAT ZOMBIE!"

Her reaction is fairly atheltic, one backflip towards the fire escape stairway, while a couple of smiling Joker Grenades<tm> get tossed in the direction of the voice for good measure.

"In the name of Mistah J! DIE!"

Deadpool has posed:
"My nuggets!" Wade yelps in a voice that's entirely not Batman. He spiraled his legs in a sweeping kick that would make a breakdancer sob in jealousy, kicking one of the grenades clear to rocket out to the neighboring roof to explode, but the other one lands out of range of a kick: but in enough range to cause Wade to wail and throw his body over his chicken nuggets, protecting them.

The grenade does go off. "You're all right, babies," Wade says to his food. He's wearing some of it now, on his front. He sadly picks off a piece of chicken stuck to his uniform. He's a little explodedly singed, but not bad. His sniper rifle fell over.

But there's no Batman leaping at Harley. Maybe she WON?

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley crouches on the highest sublevel of escape roof access, looking upwards, reaching for her bat once again, ready to try and home run the Bat when he leaps after her...but there's no follow up! Weird. B-man is usually nimble, he usually reacts fast, and he more often than not anticipates unexpected mayhem, like Harley.

She gives it a good minute to be clear, before cheering loudly "WEEEEE!" Following with a song of her own...

"Yes it's a good day, for killing a Bat!"
"And it's a good day, for double grenades!"
It's a gooooood day..."

But her singing ends when she leaps up back to the roof, partially celebrating with a shimmy slidy step, until she spots the poor victim of her Joker Grenades. The poor, poor chicken nuggets. Oh, and the beautiful freak who helped her out of Arkham that one time.

"Mr. Deadly Pool?" Harley asks with disappointment drowning her tone of voice, "can I gal never catch a break? What gives! I thought I was blastin' Batsy to kingdom come, instead all I got is stupid chicken." She approaches Deadpool further, taking a closer look at him, "you ain't hurt, are ya? 'Member me? Harley Quinn, a sidekick to a clown, and a clown of a sidekick." She extends her hand as if this was a random encounter at the line to the post office teller.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool had since sat up and was picking bits of gravel and debris off of himself. He isn't screaming in pain or complaining, in any event, if she did get him. The big mark on the roof shows it DID go off pretty close to him. "WAT?" Deadpool yells at her, as if the blast took his hearing. He pats at his head, pulls a /literal/ piece of concrete out of his ear area, and drops it to the side.

"Sorry, had shrapnel in my noggin. Somebody tried to murder m' nuggs," Deadpool says with dismay. "I did lie about the Batman thing. I can see how his velvety stylins could get that reaction. I might throw grenades myself. As like, a flirtation. Like throwing panties on the stage at a concert. Maybe it should be /exploding/ panties."

Right, things. He finger-waves at Harley. "Yep. I forgot your name. I coulda looked up the log but I'm laaaazy," Deadpool asides. "And you told me anyways so that's gonna work. Did you come up to be serenaded?"

Wade considers. He picks up a piece of chicken like a mic, and with a flex of body, flings himself forward on his knees across the roof.

    "Iiiiif you said goodbye to me tonight;
    There would still be music left to write;
    What else could I do? I'm so inspired by you,
    That hasn't happened for the loooooongest tiiiiiiiime!"Liu (talk)

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Sharpnel will do hell to yer hearing!" Harley expresses her medical opinion as she observes Deadpool curiously. If anything, he seemed like a tough cookie, not fazed by much. She ought to consider running more ops with him, which brings one to mind...

His mannerism gets to Harley, as she giggles at his meandering thoughts about a grenade welcome to dear ol' Batsy. "I knew you'd understand, no harm no foul, that was a pretty good impression, you scared the grenades outta me and I usually save those for when it matters!" Harley points out, index finger held up to punctuate her point. "Good thing I didn't have the dynamite sticks on me."

She doesn't seem too upset that Deadpool forgot her name, she was a sad sap last he saw her imprisoned in the borefest that is Arkham, where shock therapy was the only thing to look forward to on a given day. "My name is easy to remember, there's a trick to it, it's just like Harlequin, get it?" Harley giggles, "Mistah J came up with that one! He's so sharp."

She pauses on her line of thought to do a little dance along to Deadpool's stylistic singing, which somehow wasn't improved by her grenades. But once he's tone, she politely claps, before inquiring, "you're pretty impervious to work related injuries, ain'tcha?"

"How about you tag along with me, I could use a tag team partner...I'm taking on a Spoiled Brat and Red Dude for a bunch of money. Probably more than you can save by switching to GEICO, pretty good deal, huh?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sits back on his heels after he finished singing and got the golf-clap. He's already on his knees, so he doesn't bow at all, but does flare both arms out to either side like he was finishing a solo in a Disney movie. If she's seen Frozen 2 she might get it, there's a hell of a lot of it in that movie.

"This actually was probably worse than superhero landing for the knees. Because it was in fact both knees. Not that I'd take it back. You're worth it, and don't let any Bat tell you otherwise," Deadpool tells her kindly. He gets to his feet with a little bouncy grunt, and strolls right over to her, hands on his hips. He'll circle her to look her up and down, a strutting bounce to the masked mercenary's step. He's loaded with weapons; knives, swords, guns. Bits of shrapnel that arguably could be used as weapons.

"Those? I think I remember that job. I'm trying to seduce Captain America, so tryin' to stay OFF heroes," Deadpool says playfully. "Buuuuuut, when do heroes steal money? Guess they're villains now. And there's two, could each have one," Deadpool answers. He's mulling it over. He pats down his pockets, and produces a pack of condoms. It's teal, with writing on it. "Has my number written on it. Let's hunt sometime. I gotta finish this sniping thing tonight though. Coolcool?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley puts two fingers to her lips as she lets out a rowdy whistle to celebrate Deadpool's big finish, "you should consider Da Voice, you gots real talent Death Pool." Her hands soon move over her heart in an exaggerated show of appreciation to his flattery, "awww! Ya see through the lies of the media! Only April ever spoke truth about me, god bless her heart."

When offered the condom in lieu of a business card, Harley doesn't seem in the last bit shocked, fazed or otherwise offended. Instead, she holds it up to her face and beams, "wow! That's the most functional business card I've ever seen! You're a true innovator Pooly." She holds a thumbs up to Deadpool.

"It's a dealio deal, I'll be in touch once I steal someone's cell phone. It's very risky ta use yer own, everyone listening in on ya these days, it's a mad world! Toodaloo!" She calls out and rushes to dive off the roof...seems crazy, but should Deadpool care to observe, she manages a rather impressive feat of parkour-slash-gymnastics to flippy-flop off one railing, to the next, to a commercial sign, to the fourth railing, before sticking the landing for at least an 8.6 performance.

Deadpool has posed:
"Don't sell yourself short! ..... 8.9!" Deadpool yells. Makes sense.