10488/Just One More Mr. Queen

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Just One More Mr. Queen
Date of Scene: 19 December 2019
Location: Empire State Building, Midtown
Synopsis: Peter Parker gets a scoop and some pictures of Oliver Queen visiting a company he may invest in
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Spider-Man, Green Arrow

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The meeting with Rothchild Electronics was to discuss some advancement the company had made dealing with miniaturized circuitry. Advancements that had a particular synergy with a product line of Queen Consolidated. It was the sort of situation that often might lead to a larger company like Queen purchasing a portion of the smaller company, the money helping fuel Rothchild's growth and further development, while putting Queen at the top of their partner list plus giving the larger company a share of future earnings.

In short it was normal business stuff. A quartet of people accompanied Ollie, including an engineer to handle hardware discussions, a lawyer for the legal side, and Ellis, Oliver's personal assistant. And one woman from IT who would make sure the software side worked.

Much to Ellis's chagrin, that woman was Felicity Smoak. Even before he could get out the suggestion to bring someone else on the trip, her choice had been approved.

How J Jonah Jameson got the wind of the meeting, no one knows. Perhaps someone he knows saw Oliver Queen going into the offices of the Rothchild executives in the Empire State Building. But however he found out, he wanted some pictures. Just in case.

Spider-Man has posed:
Jonah always knows when it comes to things happening in his city. Whether he's paid off an official or owns part of the airlines, the media mogal has ears everywhere and so Peter Parker has been dispatched to catch some photos of Oliver Queen here in NYC.

Dressed in blue jeans, a brown leather jacket, a Captain America t-shirt, and a backwards METS cap, the photographer is standing outside the Rothchild Electronics HQ with his digital camera around his neck and his hands in his pockets.

Truth be told, he didn't really know Ollie and had only ever seen him in tabloids or news programs, but he's hoping.. like really hoping... that he'll be able to spot him if he does actually arrive. "Jonah, you better not have sent me out in the cold for nothing...." Shivering as the wind kicked up down the busy street.

Green Arrow has posed:
And let's not forget the kind of advantages that this particular technology may bring to the Green Arrow's more secretive endeavors. It might mean more efficient gadgets, or making them more portable even. The best of both worlds. So Oliver is happy enough with this trip to New York. Lots of 'smile and wave' though which he should be used to by now but..., sometimes it just drags on.

They are on a break now from further negotiations with Rothchild Electronics, just now right outside the building that is their HQ. Tough negotiations as the company feels the miniaturized circuitry they developped are the future so it's been .., hectic. But then again it's why he brought his own share of experts. The engineer, Stewart, has been giving his approval to what was shown by the company, saying they are the real deal, Oliver listening attentively while Ellis notes something down on his pad. Ellis often looks towards Felicity, some disapproval evident. But for what reason, who knows?

Oliver is dressed in a business suit, formal, and even brought a tie to it. Serious business so it also demands formality.

It's like a dream come true for an expecting photographer.

"And what is your opinion on their product so far, Ms. Smoak?" Oliver's voice, his green gaze turning towards the IT woman.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity normally dresses like most IT people. Scratch that, she doesn't wear khakis and a polo shirt every day. She dresses in nice business casual most of the time, but for the trip she's put on a charcoal grey skirt suit with a white blouse. As the small group from Queen Consolidated wandered in the direction of the door, she'd tried to draw nearer to Oliver. A silent look from Ellis was enough to cause her to drop back again though.

But when addressed directly, Felicity moves forward within the group, Ellis making way, his demeanor neutral. "Really some amazing stuff," Felicity says. "The throughput can get around a number of processing bottlenecks. It should allow a lot more 'smarts' in some some of our 'smart' gadgets," she says, making air quotes at the appropriate moments.

"Not that they aren't already smart. Just... smarter," she says with a tiny little side-to-side head wiggle. They approach the front doors, Ellis moving ahead to open them for Mr. Queen.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter pulls his hands out of his pockets to blow warm air into his cupped palms, leaning up against the wall beside the doors. A little glance over reveals the quartet of peoples making their way through the lobby, one of whom appears to be Oliver Queen, and a sense of .... dread rises up in his gut.

This sort of photography isn't exactly why he got into the business. Truth be told, he just got into it to make some extra money taking pictures of Spider-Man, but that can't really pay all the bills, now can it?

"Mr. Queen!" Pete finds himself croaking, probably sounding like a teenager going through puberty for how cold his throat is and how quietly he's been standing out in that cold. Whatever he was going to say after is gobbled up in a fit of coughing into his palms, trying to clear his throat.

Green Arrow has posed:
Stewart is of agreement with Felicity, bobbing his head briefly. He's not getting any younger, near his 50s and already gaining a portly gait to him but still one of the good sharp minds of the company. "And let's not forget that the less space we use in hardware we can use in making sure everything is properly ventilated. Some of what I saw could increase processing capacity by at least 15%."

Ellis opens the door, and keeps it open for the group, or at least until Oliver and Stewart are through, a bit of a shit-eating grin on his expression when he lets the door for Felicity to hold. That little rascal!

Mirroring Peter's own motion Oliver rubs his hands together. It's that New York cold..., not that they have it much better back in Starling but now he thinks he should had brought a warmer coat. "Both your advice seems to be pointing that this would be a good buy, now we need to---" but then he hears his name. Some enemy all the way from Starling here?!! Or worse, a reporter? And here he was thinking this meeting was mildly secret. But then it seems like it's neither so he watches the young man. Ever polite he asks. "Can I help you?" his tone polite, mixed with curiosity.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity motions over to Stewart's comment. "Absolutely, the heat is a big deal. And there have been a lot of comments about how hot Queen is," she says. Felicity notes a look from Ellis. "The Queen products I mean. Not Mr. Queen. I mean he might be but... but I'm going to just, stop talking and stand over here," she says, motioning to the side.

That's when Ellis hands her the door and passes through, Felicity giving a little sigh and waiting for everyone else to pass before following. She steps out into the New York City December and Peter's call gets her attention as well.

The blond woman doesn't say anything, just watches as Oliver responds. Ellis looks at Peter like he might wish to intercede, but also just stands by as Oliver addresses the matter personally.

Spider-Man has posed:
Oh look, everyone's attention is on Peter now... That's a lot of pressure! "Hello..." That's all he can come up with... At least at first! "I mean, hello! Mr. Queen, I'm a huge admirier of yours! At least your product line. My name's Peter Parker and I work for the Daily Bugle." Credibility lost, at least in Peter's mind.

"My boss, Mr. Jameson sent me out here in late December to get a picture for the morning web edition, I was hoping maybe you wouldn't mind if I caught one?" He doesn't just bring his camera up and start snapping shots, at least?

"Maybe a quote?" Eyeing Felicity having to hold the door.... he lets his camera fall and slides his hand out to push it open for her, tilting his head at Ellis, "Come on man, it's Christmas.." Because that was rude, even for a business person guy.

Green Arrow has posed:
Stewart has a goofy grin on his face at Felicity's comments, shaking his head a bit to himself. There's always that bit of a rivalry between the hardware and software departments, but it's a friendly one, so he is aware of those tirades already, "I am going to tell Ellen about this one, she will laugh her little heart out." with Ellen being his wife.

Oliver settles his green gaze fully on Peter now, choosing to ignore the earlier comment from Felicity and really, perhaps for the best! But now he is face to face to what he feared. A reporter? A brief sigh when the mention of the Daily Bugle is made.

"Good morning, Peter." but he is not exactly heartless, and the young man has been waiting out here so he can at least be considerate, "I wasn't expecting this meeting to be known. Mr. Jameson seems to have his sources." that making him lift a brow somewhat. Yet the man did mention being here waiting, and maybe even catching a cold so it's perhaps the least he can do. "Of course, you can take a picture."

Not having noticed what happened with Ellis and Felicity he glances at Ellis, "Something the matter, Ellis?" to which Ellis shakes his head, "No, sir. We are fine." then his dagger-sharp gaze falling on Peter. "Mr. Queen is a very busy man. Perhaps you should request a meeting for another occasion." to which he most likely would refuse any and all requests. He can be mean like that.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Boy can Ellis ever be mean. Even when on Oliver's schedule, getting past Ellis and through the door can be like getting past the farmer into the room of his daughter. Or, maybe that's not a simile that Felicity thinks her thoughts should run towards.

Peter's defense of Felicity earns him a small smile from the bespectacled young woman. But she doesn't make too much of it. Not wanting to get on Ellis's bad side. Well, any worse than she might already be.

Felicity moves over beside Stewart, blushing just a bit. But only a little bit. Once you've gotten used to the taste of your own foot in your mouth, it doesn't quite get to you like it used to. "Are we going to get to see her at the Christmas party?" Felicity asks the engineer. She leans over to whisper, "I think Dinah Drake is going to sing at it. Though, not sure if it's a done deal so don't let that out to everyone just in case."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Thank you Mr. Queen." Pete says with a grin, not really rising to the dagger eyed challenge presented by Ellis, instead rising the camera as if to snap a picture. "Mr. Jameson is... uh.. yeah, connected. I guess that's the word." The guy owns every major news outlet on the East Coast afterall.. he didn't get that way by missing the arrival of someone like Oliver Queen!

"Without revealing too much, can I get a little comment on the record what brings you to New York?" Half expecting to be told business or be brushed off by the ever so polite Ellis! Everyone needs a super villain as a personal assistant!

Or in Peter's case..

A boss.

Snapping a few pictures.

Green Arrow has posed:
Well, Oliver is photogenic at least..., even if with that broody look at times, it's just that knack vigilante billionaires can't shake. So dark. But at least his profile pics look great! "Better than everyone else." he giving the surrounding a good look. "Considering you are the only reporter present here. Or at least.., let's hope so." a brief grimace. There may be a batallion of them approaching. There goes a nice, calm visit to NYC.

Stewart has neared Felicity, and when the woman whispers he does the same. Not that their conversation can't be overheard. "I haven't been able to make her shut up about her dress. She's eager to try it! I am more eager to take it off.." perhaps Stewart has been infected with the 'foot in mouth' disease that Felicity carries. He pauses, "I mean .., because then it means we will be back home resting.." he nods but looks surprised at the mention of Dinah, "My lips are sealed." no they aren't.

"Mr. Queen is here visiting -lovely- New York and enjoying himself." Ellis states in dismissal to the young Peter, "And speaking of which, we should be going, shouldn't we?" his tone with that annoying quality of those used to brush away reporters as a profession.

But Queen says to Peter, "I am hoping to invest in the company you can see behind us. They have been working in some technologies that I believe could bring advancement to both Starling but also right here to New York, and the companies here." his tone smooth and firm, "If this goes well, who knows if more partnerships may be in line for the future?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity somewhat manages to moderate her smile at Stewart's comment. It's just so refresh to see someone else being the one making such comments instead of herself. Her next whisper really is a whisper no one else will pick up, as she even turns away for a moment so they won't see she's speaking, "I think Ellis may burst a blood vessel."

Felicity turns back watching as the photos are being snapped of Oliver. She reaches the camera is pointing a bit too closer her direction. Is she in the background? She moves away to make sure she's out of frame as she watches the enterprising young photographer going about his craft.

Felicity wanders over, neck craning just a bit, looking towards Peter. Is she interested in him? Or what he's holding? "That's a nice camera," the amateur photographer tells the professional one. "Oh. Sorry. Don't mean to interrupt your work," she tells him.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Re-... really? That's huge news!" Peter realizes with a few blinks, he very well may be the first person to get that information in the private sector! Nevermind that he is, himself, a huge techie. Lowering his camera, very much wanting to get nerd rage with a host of questions that aren't any of his business, Pete cleans the leans of his camera and playfully snaps one of Felicity when he sees her moving out of frame. "Yes Ma'am, a Nikon D2020... I saved up a few months for it." Now letting it hang around his neck, scratching just at the base of his skull.


A glance at Ellis, then back to Ollie by way of Stewart and his awkward foot in mouth, "Thank you for the.." Waving, all inclusive, "Sorry to interrupt your business and all, I try not to catch people off guard, but-" It's the nature of the business sometimes, much to his own chagrin. "You have a wonderful holidays and try not to work too hard-" Maybe his sudden urgency comes from the amber alert beep on his phone because he's fidgeting a little after reading the screen.

High speed pursuit- Shots fired. NYPD clearing traffic on Madison and Lexington

"Thanks again Mr. Queen!"

Green Arrow has posed:
The attention Felicity gives to Peter's camera makes Oliver's expression turn into a faint, knowing smile. He does know her interest in photography so he watches the interaction briefly. "Least I can do, Peter. For having you waiting here for so long." well, at least he seems like one of those nice billionaires. If there are those. Of course that it's also a good thing that news of more investments is known, it will give those stocks a bump, that Queen Consolidated is looking to invest.

Ellis continues to stare at the reporter, then at Felicity, a hmph, "Yes, I am sure you will be able to buy a few more cameras with this scoop." none-too-happy about what Oliver shared. But the young man seems to be leaving so his works seems to be done.

"A merry christmas to you. Take care." Though Oliver's look turns strange, the boy is indeed leaving so fast, right after he gave him that scoop. Could had pressed for more. But he puts it as inexperience, Peter does look young afterall.