10924/No More Room For Jello

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No More Room For Jello
Date of Scene: 29 January 2020
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Day 2 of Shannon's unplanned vacation in Club Med(ical) begins with Jello, and ends with good company, plus hope for a more constructive direction for her healing gift.
Cast of Characters: Dragonfly (Armenteros), Nightingale, Pixie, Cannonball

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     Classes are over for the day.

     Most of the conversation in the halls was about what went on over the weekend. It's not often that pirates come into play and, much to Gwendolyn's dismay, she really couldn't crow about it. It wouldn't be polite, in her eyes. I mean, imagine telling a story about how well you did in a fight? How douchey would you sound telling how you kicked some guy's butt? Besides, secrecy is probably a thing, even though the New Mutants are kind of an open secret in the school, so let's at least maintain the illusion of secrecy.

     A little bit of running around with a manilla folder to classes she didn't normally attend found a nice bit of work for Shannon to do to keep up. It was mostly reading, but there was one worksheet over photosynthesis and another in History over the Civil Rights movement - stuff easily done laying down in bed. A quick stop by Shannon's room for a few things and, arms laden with goodies, Gwendolyn headed for the elevator and down into the bowels of the mansion where Shannon lay, recovering.

     No balloons this time but the cheerful Cuban girl slips in with a small wave after knocking. "You decent? All your parts concealed in ways that they need to be?" she asks, waiting a few seconds before peering around the doorjamb.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's got part of the bed tilted up so she's not entirely prone today. It felt good to be sitting up for a little while, even if moving around much wasn't an option. It was a nicer way to see the world. A late lunch of a turkey sandwich and some chicken soup was long since over, though the dessert remained on her tray. Yep, you guessed it. Jello. Though Sam was in there keeping her company, she still smiles when she sees Gwen, waving over to her. "Hey stranger! Yeah, I'm decent. Well, as decent as you can be in a johnny! Let's just hope there isn't a good, stiff breeze in here!"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     "If there is, I bet if I set up a camera, we'd be able to pay tuition for a few dozen students. Or get the FBI down on our heads for underaged lewdness or whatever it's called." Gwendolyn teases as she steps into the room fully, giving Samuel a nod and a small wave before she heads over to Shannon, depositing her bounty on the rolling table that seems to be ubiquitous to all hospital rooms.

     "okay, so. I got your laptop." This is held up triumphantly. "The charger, the mouse, your homework from the classes you missed..." She rummages around in the bag. "A blanket because, hey, being in a hospital sucks and having a nice blanket is always nice." This is pulled out. No, it's not hand-knitted but it's soft and warm and a light shade of turquoise, and don't think there's not one under production because, if Shannon does this often enough, she'll need a nice security blanket to bring with her to the infirmary. Angel with a Blanket. Sounds like a fun disney short.

     "I also brought white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, made with stuff that has lots of protien in them." She holds up a basket.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon opens her mouth to respond to that, but clamps it shut again, her face turning flame red. With her wings still immobilized so they can heal, she's left to cover her face with her hands, meeping, even her ears turning red. "Urgh. Nobody would wanna see that anyways. I'm kryptonite, didn't you know? It's all good, though!"

     The bounty brought down is a welcome distraction--her laptop bag, with all the peripherals, even the little MIDI keyboard for music composition... the cookies, her homework, and the blanket. There would be no lacking for anything to do, and at least she'd not fall behind on her classes! "Gwen, you are completely sweet! Thank you so much!"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     Gwendolyn is obviously joking in that respect. It's not anything she would ever do to anyone, even with their permission.
     One of the rolling stools is commandeered, and Gwendolyn drops her backpack down on the floor carefully, unzipping it and pulling out her homework. Apparently she's planning to take care of it down here while she keeps you company. "I know you prefer people being around, and down here, by yourself? No chance to be the star of the show, so I'm here to spend time with you. At least until they tell me I can't anymore." Gwendolyn clicks her mechanical pencil a couple of times, flips over the scribbled on notepage in her notebook, and starts to write.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had decided to head down to the medlab in search of something to help her sleep, because insomnia sucks. She is surprised to see the place is busy, but not so surprised to see Shannon hurt. Again. She makes a face. "Wowww, Shannon, what sorta trouble did you get yourself into this time?" she makes a face.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head very slightly at Gwendolyn. "Naah. No star of the show for me. That was Andrea's thing." She too is reaching for her homework, wincing as she turns the wrong way, shifting her ribs and wings very uncomfortably. As Megan comes in, she would see Shannon laid up in one of the beds, with the upper half tilted upwards so she can at least sit up a bit. Her wings are semi-outspread in a natural sort of pose, but they are both immobilized in a series of wraps and splints. There are some bruises that are mostly healed, but knowing her, were probably very recent, and a few well-healed cuts also.

Looking up she smiles and waves to Megan. "Hey, give me some credit, it's been a few months since I've been laid up like this. Yeeeeeah, a routine patrol went not so routine after all. But man, you should've seen it. Illy and Gwen kicked some major tailfeathers! Hell, Gwen here went all Captain America with a big metal hatch for a shield!"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"She imitated a bug hitting a windshield after an explosion sent her spinning. Splat." Gwendolyn claps her hands together sharply after putting her pencil down in her lap. She does lean up to push Shannon's homework just a little closer, so she really doesn't have to move much to get it where it needs to be, although the stuff in Gym might require a bit more healing before it gets taken care of.

Gwendolyn nods to Pixie, giving her a wave and motioning her over, pointing to the cookies. "We were in civilian gear, and I didn't feel like getting shot, so I pulled a hatch cover off and used that as a makeshift battering ram and shield. I don't know if my strength translates to bulletproof, and would rather find that out in a controlled setting instead of fighting pirates."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, watching Shannon sympathetically, "Awwe, you poor thing, are you really comfy there? I mean seriously, you are such a magnet for trouble..Its too bad you can't heal your own wounds. Maybe you should take a break from all that adventuring.." she cringes at Gwen's rendition of what happened. "Wow, you sound pretty tough, I'd better not piss you off.." Megan does arch a curious brow at mention of Pirates. "Ooh, you guys fought real life Pirates? That's soo romantic!"

Nightingale has posed:
     "To be fair, with the exception of this past week or so, adventuring has been more rare for me than you think, Megan. Nobody's been wanting my help, or anything. Kind of sucks." Shannon grimaces slightly. "Weeks and weeks of quiet, and then all of a sudden, there was an incident at a newly re-opened theater in Bushwick last week... a foiled robbery at the museum of Natural History over in New York... I got jumped by three anti-mutant thugs just down in Salem Center while I was out getting pizzas to bring back and share with everyone--and the pizzas never made it home, either, which was just the icing on the cake!. And now yeah, pirates. Honest to god pirates."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     "And it wasn't nearly as romantic as you might think. It was a freighter, the pirates were basic goons with machineguns, and the captain was not sexy in the least." Unless 300lbs of lard poured into a medium T-shirt that hasn't been washed in a good while is what gets your motor running, then you do you. Gwendolyn glances up from her notes - some kind of science thing. She's really trying to study but it's hard. She wants to talk to Shannon and help her not think about being hurt and finally just gives up, setting her things aside. "If I had known you had gotten into so much trouble, and had any idea that this was what was going to happen, I'd have asked someone else along. It was just supposed to be a short flight and a patrol. It's why I was assigned that. Nothing was supposed to happen."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking in from the hall to check on Shannon. stepping in and seeing she had visitors, he will smile a bit "Can I check in on the patient, or did I just walk in on girl time?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, "Really? I would have thought you would be always in demand, especially as you're now our primary healer." who knows where those other two healers went to. "Yeah, you're telling me, I was soo bored, I sneaked out to an exclusive nightclub full of crazy punks.." she shivers a bit. Hey, it was fun but. "I wanna be an X-man already!!" As Gwen mentions a freighter, her eyes just wien more. "Ooh, like a badass pirate ship? Machine guns? Reaaly? Eeeps! I guess they don't make 'em like they used to.." Sad...

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs lightly. "Actually, it was a Stark ship. Not sure what the pirates were after, but we made sure they didn't get it. They were setting explosives roughly admiships among some cargo containers at the end, and there was just no time. I don't know jack about disarming things like that so I did the only thing I could think of. Plucked them right off the cargo containers, flew out over the water, and dropped them in the ocean. Crew was saved and healed. Ship and cargo were saved. Teammates were safe. I became a bug splat when the blast sent me spinning."

She grimaces slightly, fiddling a little bit with her homework papers. "See though, Megan, my gift works in ways that hurt a lot for me. At least, until I learn to direct it in less harmful ways. People don't call on me because they're trying to protect me. It's... a difficult balance, between being useful, putting my gifts to use so they can grow stronger, and protecting me. It's frustrating, but people are really just trying to help. And... this isn't the first time I've been the primary healer. Probably isn't gonna be the last."

Sam's arrival is greated with a much lighter expression, even bordering on a smile. She waves and motions towards one of the rolling stools. "Hey, big bro. Save me from the firing squad, will ya?"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     "I've got duct tape and a box of cotton balls. That'll work just as well, right?" Gwendolyn leans up to snag one of the cookies, sitting back in her chair and nibbling at it. "you know what would be cool? If you could pre-heal. Store up a battery of your ability, or something, and dole it out like a vendor at a fair."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Sounds like you girls saved the day. But I wonder what they were after? You mean like, Tony stark? Didn't he manufacture weapons or machinery or something..? weapons would make sense if they wanted to do badass piratey things. She bites her lip, glancing at Gwen with a nod, then smiles and waves to Samuel. "Hi, Sam, how's it shaking?" with a sigh, Megan glances at her watch and pouts, "Well..I should really get to class..Take care, you two!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Oh, Ah figured you would be happy for the visitors, since you checked into the holiday med." He grins and will move to look over her records to see how she is doing

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs a little. "They saved the day more than I did. Just try telling them that, though!" She waves to the pink-haired pixie and smiles a little. "See you later on, maybe!"

With that, she sighs, waiting till Megan is out of earshot. "Remind me not to open my mouth around her. She's a wonderful, sweet soul but she can't keep a secret to save her life. Why do you think I've kept so quiet about my adventures? It'd be all over the school and then I'd be in bubble wrap, and never get to do anything!"

She waves over to Sam, but his remark about the holiday med gets her wave to turn into the universal salute. "Smartypants."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     "Good to know. I mean, it's not like I tell her the secrets of the universe - not that I know them - but sometimes things need to be kept quiet, y'know? Is she a member of the New Mutants?" A simple question, sure, but that may explain a few things if the answer is no.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "She has been for a while, she is a good kid, but then again I aint been one who has had to deal with secrets."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon coughs lightly and shoots Sam a knowing look, but says nothing more. Secrets? What secrets? None of that here, nope, not at all! "Yeah she has been, but I haven't seen her out in the field but once or twice."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
     It's something that'll inevitably be put forward in training, and Gwendolyn really isn't going to push that too terribly much. It'll happen when it happens, amongst other, more interesting things. Shannon's chart is passed over from its little spot at the foot of the bed, right next to Bean's magnetic sign explaining who this is in the bed - like there's any other blonde angels around. Seeing Shannon hurt like this...perhaps a little research is in order!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "So, either of you two need anything over the next couple days, be it stuff here or things you need for classes gwen?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Anything but Jello!" comes the quick reply from the winged one, with a little groan of distaste. Funny, she used to love the stuff, and had even argued in its favor to the good Captain. Now, it seems they had a shared dislike. "You know, though, I'm wondering with Chris gone to take care of family matters, if perhaps someone like Betsy might be able to step in when it comes to training my gift. When Chris and I talked about it, our gifts are more similar than different, but I'm not sure how to redirect it on my own. Jean's often got her hands full, but I'd be willing to trust Betsy."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"I don't think I've met Betsy. Or I have and just don't know her by that name." Both are equally likely in this school, with so many different people running around. Gwendolyn smiles to Shannon. "Being a part of a team, that I'm assuming I'll be a part of, is shoring up each other. When we get figured out, we'll be pretty much unstoppable, I think."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "British Telepath purple hair." He gives the bases to help. "We can talk to her, see if we can figure out and see if it will work"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a little bit. "The last time Chris did a healing, and the last time he was there when I did, we compared notes. We reach out with our life force in the same way. But whereas his well... sort of helps people heal themselves, mine winds up acting more like a power surge that backlashes on me. But there are enough similarities that both of us were thinking it might be possible to retrain that gift to something more constructive. I can't do it alone, though."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"So we need to convert your a/c power to d/c instead. Simple. We've probably got a backpack that'll do that somewhere, don't we?" Gwendolyn pulls one knee to her chest and brushes her hair back, her homework forgotten. "In all seriousness...it might be good to get some kind of scan going while you both fix things - I.E, you fix something, he fixes you. Monitor blood pressure, heart rate, resperation...whatever we can measure, and see if anything stands out. It'd be cool if, with a little study, we could see that there's a spike in something in you that's not in him, isolate that, and help you learn to control it. I mean.." She lifts her hand. "I can touch things without gloves and not get tastes of the past. I see that as a win."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "well there have been a few differences found with their powers, and you might but it would take a lot more... practice than your wanting to do.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs softly, a tear trickling down her face. "No idea when or if he'll be back, though." She closes her eyes, taking a few deep breaths, wincing a bit. Her ribs might be healing but she was still fairly sore. "So we'll have to do this another way. I do know that I was able to learn to hold back my gift enough to sort of reach out and use it as a diagnostic tool, rather than allow a healing to begin. That's something Josh was able to teach me when he was still here. So I'm fairly optimistic it's just a slightly different step forward from there."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwen reaches over to pat Shannon on the leg - one of the places she's fairly sure isn't broken or bandaged, what with long bones being a little more sturdy than the others that might have been broken. "Hey." She says softly. "We'll get this figured out. Even if it takes us hunting down a healer to practice with."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ok Shannon one of the thing you gotta remember about the Mansion, alot of time you will see one of your friends needs to take time to do a bit of a wander, but 9 times out of 10 they come back after a bit just gotta be patient.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs lightly. "If people leave, they leave. If they come back, they come back. But... one can hope. Even if it hurts like hell." She smiles a little bit for both their sake, wiggling her foot by way of answer to Gwen's gesture. "The way we sort of felt each other's gifts, though, it made me wonder if a telepath stepping in could help. Jean once mentioned that if you're not careful they can really mess you up but good. However, in a controlled situation, and with school staff, I'd like to think there's a level of trust there we can work with."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
The only telepaths Gwendolyn knows aren't around very much. Emma Frost is doing something with her Hellfire club and then...yeah, that's about it. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily, though. And if there's anything that I can do to actually help you out, let me know. I mean...even if I need to start digging into items held by healers to give you some insight with my ability. And that'd give me practice, too. A win-win!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit watching the two but keeps quiet listening to them two.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lofts her eyebrows. "If I were somehow able to find items from healers... that might actually not be a bad idea. But as far as I know there aren't generally that many of us. No wonder they're even more protective of me." She smiles a bit at Sam. "Yeah I know. Y'all are doing what you have to do. It's frustrating, but I do understand."