11105/And vamps come out to play

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And vamps come out to play
Date of Scene: 21 February 2020
Location: Unknown Cemetary, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: The Scoobies use a tracking spell to find Buffy's missing friend..And encounter an army of Vampires in the making.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Karrin Murphy, Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith
Tinyplot: Blood of the Ancients

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been a while since Buffy last saw Harry and since time is of the essence, she is growing more concerned about her missing friend. As it is he is probably dead but she is still clinging on to a sliver of hope that he might still be alive. And so she marches up to his office, knocking on his door and hoping he is not in the middle of something as is often the case. "Hello? Is anyone home?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph's here, too. She's got her back to all the things, in the kitchenette slicing up sausages for use in sandwiches. Some sausage meat, some cheese, some...this and that? Sure, why not ad things in. Two slices of bread. Cheesse. Sausage, some vegetables, a bit of tomato and....hmm...something's missing. Though she turns, plate and sandwich in hand.

"Harry, Food's ready" she calls. "Your desk needs a spot to put sandwiches"

Because no, no. the wizard P.I. is not getting takeout. That's too techie for him. Plus Karrin wants a working phone. And she likes making sandwiches too, she makes her food for the day at work before sliding off to the PD. Today though? Shift over. She did the shopping on the way back, and she relaxes some. Looking to the door Murph calls for whoever it is to come on in.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yeah, yeah...just a minute..." says an annoyed voice coming from the lab down the hallway. "Just put it somewhere Mouse can't get to it. If you put it low enough he will think it is his. Oh, and a Coke too, if you don't mind."

The voice dies down to a slightly audible grumble that lasts a few minutes before an excited "AH HA! GOTCHA!" shout is heard from the lab. Harry bursts out of the lab, tossing his 'robe' onto the floor as he rushes down the hallway, "We don't have a lot of time...I am not sure how long this spell will hold. We need to move."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hears all sorts of noises coming from the other side, like someone making sandwiches and Harry yelling and being generally weird. Which is pretty normal for him. And then he's getting excited and she has to wonder if it's to do with her case, or if he's discussing weird stuff with that giant talking skull because that'd probably be normal for him. At any rate, she tries the door again, knocking more loudly this time. "Come on you guys! is this a bad time?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph opens the door and waves Buffy in. "Come on in" she grins. "I'm making sandwiches" she says by way of greeting, then smiles, still holding the plate. She's not sure putting it amid the clutter of Harry's desk is safe. So it stays in the kitchenette. She does though pause, grabbig a Coke for Harry. Then she turns her attention to Buffy. "Would you like anything?" she adds with a grin.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Bypassing the food but grabbing the Coke, Harry makes his way towards the office door, reaching out over Buffy's head to grab his duster on the way out. "We should grab Buf.." he starts to say when he realizes that the Slayer is standing right there, "Oh. Right. Of course you are here...well, come on then." Harry says as he slips the duster over his shoulders and grabs his staff. "Time is wasting, and the signal isn't that strong to begin with. Murph, you're driving."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, "Ohhh, Hii Harry."she smirks, "What, you just noticed me standing here?" towards Murph she just nods, "Heh, how about packing some sandwiches to go? Alright, guess that answers that question...Thanks Harry, I knew I could count on you.." and she follows him out.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Where to?" Karrin asks, sliding her holster on and checking her pistol, and lastly sliding her jacket on. Sure, take Murph's car then?

Because Harry's Bug is good and all. But Karrin's got a car.With legroom. Looking to Harry, Murph brings the sandwich anyhow. Because, food's a good idea. A very very good idea. Packing more sandwiches like this is some sort of twisted school trip, Murph nods. "Ready when you guys are" she calls, sprinting out the door for her car.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I have no idea." says Harry as he heads out the door towards Murph's car. "That is what the tracking spell is for. And this one was a bitch to get, so we best hurry before the mojo runs out. It doesn't exactly give me GPS directions, so we will just have to try and triangulate as best we can with the time we have. Hopefully we can at least narrow down a general area to keep looking if not find the place itself."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip as she slides into the back seat. "Wow, that's pretty vague. How does this work then...We just drive around randomly until a giant neon sign lights the way?" She half jokes But is half serious. "Oh yeah, I wonder if those two business cards I gave you might be good places to start too? You still have em?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Buckle in" Karrin calls starting up the car. She's waiting though. And debating throwing a light on the roof and a siren to clear traffic. Just to make it easier. Murphy really, reallly isn't a fan of driving on sidewalks. People tend to be rather squishy and get mad at that sort of thing...

So she's sticking to roads, where cars are supposed to be. Nobody can get mad at her for driving on a road, really.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry tosses the compass in his hands to Buffy, "It's simple. The compass needle points to your friend, or at least where his hair thinks he is. We just have to follow the needle. Unfortunately the needle doesn't take into consideration buildings or anything, so we have to drive the streets and narrow it down as best we can."

Harry climbs into the car and tosses his staff in the back, "Just call out right or left as Murphy drives and eventually we should at least get a general area to search."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grabs the compass staring down at it and nods. "Yeah..." she sighs, "I got it.." she still has doubts about all of this but she keeps her eyes on the compass, trying to pinpoint the position. For a while it does nothing. Then suddenly it veers east bound. "Ummm turn right!" she calls out suddenly but yes there's a building in the way. "Ummm next right?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You heard that. I can't drive through buildings" Karrin says starting up her car. "Buckle in, Harry. Keep your staff and .44 handy too" Murph adds. Screw it. Siren and light it is. She can hop out at a stop light and sort this out. Still, she pulls out into traffic and keeps an ear out for Bufffy's directions. Looking at the road, Murph nods watching it all. She's a cop. She's used to this, riding with Harry and Buffy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, "Sorry this thing is finicky. I hope it's not broken? Now it's just stuck to east and nit moving!" She shakes the thing. "I really hope the three of us will be enough. If he's in trouble.." she shrugs, peering out the window. But what's she afraid of? She's got her trusty tonfa and is loaded up on holy water and crosses. But she'd always feel better with Thomas as at her side. Or even Angel now that he's back in town..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods. "East. Okay" she says whipping the car around to follow the direction of the compass. The Three Musketeers? No no. Three Amigos? Sure. But....a slayer, a wizard and a cop....that's like the setup to a bad joke. So, Murph nods. "Okay we're going east. Call out when it changes direction, and dig your heels into the floor. I don't drive subtle. Harry rode with me before, but grab onto something so you're not pinballing in the back, Buffy" Murph advises with a nod looking uneasy too. She's got her guns, and....a wizard P.I. and a slayer at her back. Sliding to a halt at a stop light, Murph gets out to put the light on the roof and the siren on. Earplugs? Maybe. But she kills the siren to hear Buffy's directions.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins, "Heh, porta siren. Cute. Guess it comes in handy when you don't feel like waiting for a red light." she bites her lip as she continues to stare intently at the compass. "Keep going east...,No no...North! West! East, east east! Ahhh North!" she just shot guns those directions, "Huh, I wonder if the target is on the move...?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That results in....exactly what Murph expects. Wheel tugging to keep up with Buffy's directions. She looks a little bemused. "Next time. We get a helicopter!" she says between gritted teeth flicking the siren on. It's not that loud inside the car, true. "See" Murph calls over the wail. "I'm gonna get reamed for this. But if it breaks a case wide open, I'll be a hero. And you guys get the glory too. Okay, we're going..." Murph says stepping on it. "80 in a 35 zone, lights and sirens on. "North, last direction you gave me. If you yell south we'll go on two wheels, Just remember that" Karrin says with a nod, slowing it down to slightly more reasonable speeeds.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Damnit!" Harry exclaims as he hold onto the 'Oh Crap' bar in the car for dear life. "Killing us while trying to get there isn't going to help anyone, Karrin! And the siren does wonders for the element of surprise!" exclaims Harry as he hold onto the handle. "I know we are in a hurry, but we aren't helping anyone if we are dead!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, "Sorry, this compass is all over the place...Okay, looks like it wants us to go east some more...Oh wow, are we heading out of the city? That's nuts. Just a bit further, I think.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph kills the siren. Fair point. But it also does wonders for getting rid of traffic, too. Heading east, Murph grips the wheel with white knuckles. "See. You're right Harry" she says. "But the compass is all over the place like Buffy said. I'm just following what it tells her and she tells me" Karrin offers, light off, siren off, slowing down to a more sedate pace, Murph rolls down the windw, and pulls the light back inside and throws it in the back, too.

Looking to Harry, Murph grins then looks in the mirror to Buffy for a moment. "Keep going east?" she asks,eyes back on the road again.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Grumbling, the Wizard glares over at Karrin and mutters something about insurance money. "I told you it wasn't going to be a direct route. I mean, unless you were a bird or could fly...and no, I can't fly. I tried once with a broomstick. It was bad."

Casting a glance into the backseat, Harry looks to Buffy and flicks his eyes down towards the compass. "If it is heading out of the city, the needle should be a bit more consistent in direction at least. Not so many turns."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers at Harry as he mentions the broomstick part. "....You flew on a broomstick." she tries not to laugh. Because Harry's weird enough without even trying. It takes her a moment or two before she can collect herself, shaking her head. "Ever trying flying on that magical hockey stick you got for Christmas? Probably a heck of a lot sturdier." she smirks as she looks back to the needle. "Okay...It's just saying keep going east..On this road..Out of town I guess."she shrugs as they drive a little into the country, towards an old seemingly abandoned cemetery. "Um wow, I think this is the place.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I....nope. No words" Murph says focusing on the road. Sure, she's going the speed limit now. But there's that silent giggling at the image of Harry. On....yes, yes, a broomstick. Really. Harry. Broomstick. Okay, add that to the 'list of weird Harry facts' file Murph has in her brain. Still, Karrin shakes her head, looking to the road. She squeaks when she giggles, or at least does this time. "So. East down this road. Got it" she adds with a nod. Better arrive than be dead. Good point #2

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Maybe we scope the place out first?" says Harry as he reaches up and scratches at his stubble. "Graveyards make me nervous. To many bad experiences in them. Maybe drive around it first, see if the needle stays focused on it. It could be the wrong place."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph pulls the car up short of the graveyard. "You getting anything, either of you? I don't want to drive past and have a big demon magnet or whatever it is on my car and you two" Karrin offers with a sigh. She looks....genuinely worried and stares out th ewindshield. "I guess we can drive past it a few times. right?" she ventures carefully. Is that nervousness in her voice?

Yes. Yes it is.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Harry, "Oh yea? I figured you weren't afraid of much, given your line of work." she shrugs and smiles, "Me? I'm right at home in the cemetary, given it's my main hunting ground." she nods to Murphy. "Could be large but I don't think we can take a car past the gated fence. Better park and walk around, it's definitely pointing to something in there.." she sighs. "I guess this means there's a good chance he's dead. Or a vamp.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I'm afraid all the time." says Harry with a sense of honesty that for once isn't masked by his humor or wit. "I would be an idiot not to be. I just hide it well, because the last thing you want the things I tend to face to know is that you are afraid of them. But just because I might be afraid doesn't mean I am not going to do the right thing."

Harry reaches out left hand and tries to get a sense of any magics that might be coming from the graveyard, "Besides, as I said, my track record inside graveyards is less than stellar. Nightmares and vampires both have had a good run at me in them, but at least this isn't the one I have a plot in."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shakes her head. "See. Harry. You got the two of us to protect you. So we walk in and stick together, right?" Murph asks glancing in the mirror to meet the Slayer's gaze. Karrin wants Buffy's input on this too. It's alll well and good saying sure we do things. But everyone has to be on the same page...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Then we stick together. No sweat. Maybe we'll be home for dinner.." she grimaces as she glances around. It's late afternoon by now and the sun is just starting to set. "I'm not familiar with this particular cemetary though, it looks so...So tun down and unkempt. But so many fresh graves, did you notice?" she shivers. "I really don't like this.." she pauses, holding out the compass, moving it around and it twirls uncertainly for a moment or two before pointing east. Again. Her eyes widen, quickening her pace. "I think we're getting close. This way!" and she leads them down a hill, towards more freshly dug graves.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods to Buffy and climbs out of the car. "Okay....so....let's see" she says looking worried. "If we're out of there by dark then nothing that undead can hurt us, right?" she adds looking uneasy. With a nod o Buffy and Harry, Murphy checks her pistol. She's not sure if just bringing a gun's a good idea. Or bring better gear. All she's got is her holster and pistol. Stick together, stay alive...

That is the plan in her head. Help those two out and not become a walking Lunchable for a vampire or zombie or whatever's in there

Harry Dresden has posed:
Exiting the car, Harry reached into the back seat and grabs his staff. Shaking out the shield bracelet on his wrist, the wizard takes a deep breath and steadies himself as he looks towards the cemetery. "Depends on the vamp, Murph. But yeah, most types aren't a huge fan of the light. Zombies or other nasties may not be as adverse."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pauses, waiting for the others to catch up. She's started wearing a utility belt with the holy water, stakes and crosses along with her favoured tonfa topped in sturdy pointed wood, "You guys ready? I think we're close.." she nods to Murphy. "Don't forget Mr. Pointy..." and then she's gone, briefly hidden behind the hill as she tries desperately to follow the signal. And then when she finds what she's looking for, she lets out a sigh, sinking to her feet. "No...."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Ever seen a cop run with a stake? Hey. Murph grabbed Mr. Pointy and sprinted after the Slayer? That was up to where she is now. Tracking Buffy. Looking at the ground, Karrin watches her out the corner of her eye, Mr. Pointy in both hands ready to be used to pin anything down that needs it. "Harry" Murph calls.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry approaches slowly, not in a hurry like the Slayer or the cop. Cautiously he walks forward with his left hand out in front of him, ready to throw up a shield of magic and will in an instant. "What is it?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is sitting in front of a freshly dug grave, looking rather defeated. "He's dead, it's over.." she sighs, touching the headstone. "I'm sorry Robbie, I couldn't save you either.." even as she speaks, the ground behind her starts to rumble and shake. Suddenly 'Robbie'claws his way out of the grave, fangs bared and leaps for a distracted Buffy, grabbing her in a Nelson hold, plunging his fangs into her neck for a quick snack.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph wheels and lunges with the stake. She's no Slayer. But Murph's also not a total and utter beginner either. If anything....she's going with how she thinks it works. Pointy end first. She's grunting with effort, and looks serious at the fight breaking out. Damn vampires...

They deserve to die, horribly. By stake.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Stakes aren't Harry's thing. He deals in magic. Mostly brute force things like force, or wind...or...


Seeing the ground breaking and moving, Harry reaches into his duster to grab the blasting rod, thrusting it forward with his right hand and as he starts to focus his will, the runes and tip of the rod start to glow a bright orange as wisps of wood smoke curl from the wooden rod. His voice coming at a scream, he starts to shout "FUE..."

And then Murphy charges forward into the line of fire, literally, and Harry cuts the casting off short as he chokes the word back. The power that was being released backlashing back down the rod and into him as he screams, hands going to his head as he clutches at it like it might explode if he doesn't hold it in place. Smoke curls from his ears, smelling vaguely of burnt hair as he collapses to his knees.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shakes her head and thrusts the stake. Then turns her attention to Harry. Good job, she's got Harry out of the fight with her idiotic actions. Great. Just....great. She didn't even see Harry getting ready to blast the vampire, being too focused on staking it. Though on the other hand, fire is bad for slayers. So....

She might have in all this screw up of spectacular proportions, saved Buffy brom being BBQffy...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers isn't usually caught off-guard, unless she is distracted and right now she is quite distracted. The vamp takes a disable bite out of her neck before she manages to climb to her feet, hurling him over her shoulder and into the tombstone, cracking it. "Sorry, guess I was late. let me put you out if your misery.." Murphy's stake was off target but it was enough to at least distract the vamp who seems stronger on slayer blood.

But he's not alone and the goth vamp girl who vaguely resembles Tatum steps out from a nearby tree gigging. "Well isn't this fun?" and she rushes at Harry, attempting to tackle him to the ground.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph decides to double down on her stupidty. Crouching by Harry, she begins aiming careful shots at the vampires nearest Buffy and Harry. Never one to ask if shooting through the heart kils vampires, Murph's aiming to slow them down now. She wants to get them away from Buffy and sort Harry out. Smoking ears is a bad, bad sign. Oh and it's her fault, too. She's got a ton of explaining to do for that one. Great. Just....great. She did this. it should be her with smoke out of her ears if anything, she should take the hit for what she did.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances over her shoulder and sighs. "Trudy, I should have known..This was all a set up, wasn't it? What, you enjoy toying with me? I've had it with you..!" she snarls, barely dodging a roundhouse kick aimed at her stomach, darting back and to the side, dancing seemingly, with Robbie, the vampire, strengthened by her blood.

But Harry's not looking so good and Murphy's aiming wildly, "Wooden stake to the heart, that or a beheading are the only things that work!" she yells to Murphy as she pulls out her tonfa, swinging it at Robbie, pushing him back.

Shots hit Trudy in the chest and she staggers back but laughs rushing at Murphy, attempting to grab her by the neck and hurl her into a nearby tree. "This is just the beginning. One stronger than The Master will soon rise. But will you be ready when the time comes?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
The sound like a chainsaw splits the air. And a few seconds later, a motorcycle, which is definitely /not/ supposed on the cemetery grounds jumps the wall of the grave yard and comes flying up the path, weaving between headstones before coming to a stop a few feet away from Buffy. Completely ignoring the rest of the situation for the moment he checks his windswept hair in the mirror before dismounting and smiling at Buffy. "I heard you were having a problem love." He unhooks his saddle bag and tosses it to her feet, the sound of wood on wood is multiplied by about 30 can be heard clearly. "I brought you some solutions."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph is kicking herself mentally for just not bringing a bike. Great, great. Sure, shit on her more, karma....though she's glad for Thomas to be here to help out. Murph's holstered her gun and is trusting Thomas to help out. Looking over to him, Murph nods looking over to Buffy and Thomas again, Murph is grabbed and thrown. Ow. That hurt!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is focused on Robbie at the moment although she flashes a smile at Thomas, still fighting as she talks, "Heh about time..Can you help Murphy?" she winces as Murph is thrown, but she's got her own problems to deal with as Robbie grips a piece of the headstone and hurls it at her. She ducks, rolling and sweeping him off his feet before dusting him, pausing only briefly, "I'm sorry Robbie, May you Rest In Peace..." she murmurs..

Meanwhile, Trudy licks her lips, tossing her hair over her shoulder and steps towards Thomas, "Well hello lover boy, come to join the party? How bout we get in some..Private time?" She wriggles her brows at him, reaching over to grab a stake from the bag tossed at Buffy, pointing it at his neck. "Unless you'd like to..Dance instead.." she wrinkles her nose, the scent of fresh Slayer blood from Buffy's wound is distracting...And even as she speaks, more graves erupt with vamps and at least a dozen or more vamps emerge, hungry and sniffing the air, catching the scent of Slayer blood..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods a bit and turns to watch Karrin go flying. He winces slightly and moves to help her back up. "I give you a 8.5 for form, but only a 3 for the landing." He says amused, He draws the pair of kukri knives out of their holsters and takes a fighting stance beside her with a wicked grin radiating on his lips and in his silver eyes, "so Murph... how's the moving going?" he asks conversational, moving so his back is to the petite cop's. He smirks a bit at Trudy and tilts his head a bit. "Sorry love, but I've decided to stick with the girl who isn't a skanky little corpse thot that seems to have gotten her fashion sense from Hooker's and Ho's." He pauses just a beat and adds "No offense."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry slowly starts to emerge from his comatose state. At first it is the small, quiet sound that forces its way out of the back of his throat, followed by a slow blinking of his eyes. A blinking that becomes more and more rapid as the eyes roll back into his head to only show the whites before the irises come back into view. A low moan, and then he slowly makes his way to his knees, arms pressed to the earth for balance. He feels around the ground in front of him, finding and clutching the staff in front of him, using it for purchase as he staggers to his feet.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is relieved to see that Karrin is taken care of, although with Robbie out of the way she moves to check on Harry, hovering protectively over him as more vamps emerge from the woodwork, "Harry! Are you alright? I think we're outnumbered...Dont think we can take em all.." She grits her teeth, relieved when he stirs and she closes in, standing back to back to Harry, Thomas and Murph. "Vamp army huh? This is ridiculous!" but she won't go down without a fight and well aware that the majority are focused on her and her open bite wound, Buffy utters a-war cry, rushing into the swarm, a blur of movement as she spins and kicks and twirls and dances, spinning her tonfa in a wide arc to take out a couple more..

But more and more are coming in a relentless waves..Buffy is eventually seemingly swallowed up in the masses. And the rest rush in on Harry, Karrin and Thomas. Trudy focuses on Thomas, licking her lips, rushing at him with her stolen stake, attempting to stab him in the chest. "If you won't join us then die!" eyes flare angrily as she rushes at him.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes and calls out in a loud and clear voice "Buffy, can I /finally/ kill this bitch?" he ask in a tone boardering of exasperation. He flurishes the crooked knives in the female vamp's direction, swipeing away at the undead flunkies as well, trusting in Karrin to keep his back protected. He grins a bit as he see's Dresden stumbling to his feet. "Harry! You're not dead! That's probibly a good thing!"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry doesn't answer the Slayer, for whatever reason. His unfocused eyes dart around the graveyard, but don't focus on any one thing as he looks around. There is an audible gulp, the muscles of his throat working as he swallows and grips his staff in his hand tightly, gathering his will as the runes on his staff start to glow. They start off glowing a light orange, then darken to a deep red, then an almost blinding bright white as smoke starts to rise from the staff...the surface of it blackening, charring from the inside out. There is the stirring of a gentle breeze, which intensifies around Harry, his duster starting to flutter and then billow in the winds as he raises his staff high as he tosses his head back.


Thomas has heard this spell once before at Bianca's, but this is different. Harsher. More violent but also more targeted as heat, fire, and wind blast out in a circle, Harry being the epicenter. Jets of flame lash out with almost laser like focus as if guided by some unseen hand to strike at the incoming vampires but seeming to know friend from foe. Those closest to Harry are immolated in an instant, turned to ash where they stand as bricks and headstones melt nearby them. Those that don't ash instantly are set alight, fire engulfing them like a blanket as flames lick and devour flesh and cloth, inhuman screams echoing into the dark of the night air as they burn.

HArry stands there for a moment, braced upright by his staff for a few seconds after the energy rushes from him, and then collapses where he stood like a marionette whose strings have been cut.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is a little busy at the moment to answer Thomas, although she does manage to throw off the pack of vamps who dogpiled her, at least some of whom managed to take extra bites out of her. She shrugs them off, breathing lightly, backing off towards the others. She's about to respond to Thomas, relieved to see that he's still up and fighting, although Murphy seems to be not do g so great. Trudy rushes at the disoriented cop but Buffy reaches her first, grabbing her, tackling her to the ground moments before the vamp grabs her and hurls Buffy repeatedly into a tree.

There is only so much punishment the Slayer can take and she falls to the ground, momentarily unconscious. Then comes the fury of Harry's vicious spell, the the sound of a dozen or more vamps shrieking in rage and pain as they are instantly incinerated, Burnt to a crisp. But more and more come..How many more exist in this seemingly endless army?!

Harry And the others took a sizeable chunk out of their ranks but it seems this is a mass breeding ground for vamps, but just as it seems a second wave is about to hit, a high pitched whistle is heard and the vamps stop, and march instead towards the beacon, leaving the heroes alone...For now..

Thomas Raith has posed:
"EMPTY NIGHT!" Thomas calls out, grabs Murphy by the waist and pulls her to the ground, covering her body with his own, as the heat wave and flames was over them briefly. Even this far away, it makes him feel like he now has Donald Trump's tanline. a Moment later he is pulling the cop back to her feet. "Get on the bike. I'll get Buffy, get my brother out of here!" Wait what?

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry lays in a heap where he once stood, his blacked staff still smoking from the remnants of the firestorm, embers run along the carved ruins like little ants of fire playing along the edges. He takes a shuddering breath, so he still lives at least.