11217/Harry's Hideaway

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Harry's Hideaway
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Harry fall afoul to a bad potion recipe, and needs to be saved.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Harry Dresden, Karrin Murphy, Angel, Rupert Giles, Amethyst

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had not seen Harry in a while through out the whole vamp army attack and had grown a bit concerned. To be honest she never really had the chance to get to know Thomas' brother one on one and perhaps now would be a good time. So she's at his place, without even any warning, knocking softly on his door. "Hey Harry are you home?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry has been hold up in his lab for the last week or so, not even Karren has seen hide nor hair of him. The only indication that he was alive was the sporadic yelling at Bob that would come from behind the closed, warded, and locked door, or loud banging, or just some general cursing. It isn't often that the Wizard for Hire does this, but it isn't unheard of. The last time he spent months trying to find a cure for vampirism, or at least a certain type of vampirism and it took a fairie war to snap him out of things. Who knows what he is working on now, or when he might emerge. Buffy's shout out is met without response, other than the 'usual' noises that are coming from the behind the lab door.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murphy is. She's been staying here more and more. Her house is just lonely when it's her...and she's taken to sliding food under the door, and arguing with Bob because why not. If it's her house or sleeping in Harry's offfice nearer to the lab? Second one.

See. Murph's smart. And oh yeah she hears the knocking and peers at the door. Fine. Buffy gets to come in given Murph knows who it is. Opening the door, Murph waves Buffy in.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, getting concerned. Hey when there's a vamp army on the horizon, she likes to know her friends are at least safe, "Cmon Harry, open up! You can't stay holed up in there forever!" she raps on the door more loudly, and that's when Murphy finally opens the door. "Karrin, hey! Where's Harry, is he ok?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
More clanging and muffled curses emit from the door to Harry's lab. Something like a manic laugh, followed immediately by silence.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"What the fuck?" Karrin asks, looking to Buffy. "I'm not sure what he's doing in there but I'm worried. We need to make sure he's safe, right?" Karrin adds looking uneasy. "Harry!" she calls. "You alright in there?"

Good question, Murph. Unfortunately she's not charging in. She's trying to reason with Harry, mind. "Buffy's here to see you"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, peering back at Murphy and arching a brow, "How long has he been like this?" and deep down, she can't help but wonder if it had something to do with Thomas finally telling him he's his brother. Unfortunately Buffy does not yet realize he passed about before actually hearing that. Yep, this day could get a lot worse. "Alright, enough games.." she charges towards his lab door and bangs on it again, "Open up before I tear it down!"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." says a voice from the other side, sounds like it could be Bob, "Harry has the door preeety well warded. Breaking it down could likely hurt...a lot. But if it makes you feel any better, Harry is fiiiine. He is just...well...working. He's a bit, um, busy at the moment. And stone. And naked. He is most certainly naked. Did I mention he was stone?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"For the record. I'm not getting invovled. Hi Bob. Did you learn when to shut the eff up yet?" Karrin snarks. Oh she's on edge. Cause...Harry being like this is annoying her. "Look. Bob. You talk Harry into opening the door, andI'll not go get the fire axe, okay? Seriously, Bob. You're an ass, but right now you're the talkative one. So please...get Harry to open the door. Buffy's here and she's worried" Murph says.

Yeah she's pleading with Bob.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, "Bob? is that you? What do you mean he's stone...He got turned to stone? What the heck?" and wait, there are wards on the door? Well of course there are. He's a crazy paranoid wizard. "Okay..." she sighs, "Bob, how can we get in, is there a way to disarm the wards?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Oh sure." says Bob, "Taking down the wards are easy. Just have Harry do it...oh, right. Well, if you could find another wizard to take them down, they probably could given time. Or you could just find a necromancer to send a horde of zombies at the door and overload them, that has worked before. But yeah, Harry got himself turned to stone. We were working on a protective potion, something that would help prevent vampire bites of gunshots or knife wounds. I guess we didn't think about HOW it would actually work. My bad."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph sighs. "Bob. I can get an AT-4. What would that do?" she asks. "Aside from kill Buffy and I with the blast, but I meant more specifically...what would it do to the wards?" she adds and looks amused. Get an anti-tank weapon and use it on the wards? Why not, Karrin...

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Another wizard, huh.." she frowns, considering, "Huh, only other wizards I know are Willow who's probably in class..Amethyst, not sure her level of expertise but...And Giles, who is more book savvy than magic savvy but he HAS cast magic in the past.." she sighs and flips through numbers on her phone. "Wait a minute...Bob? Are you saying you did this to him..?" she groans..

Angel has posed:
Arriving in his trademark black 1967 Plymouth GTX convertible, this time with the tarp up all the way, and the windows tinted to prevent the light from, well, killing him, Angel puts the car in park. Takes a deep breath. Stops. Takes another deep breath, pulls the large, black overcoat up over his head and body, and runs for the door! As fast as he can go, which was pretty fast.

Next, arriving in the shade, Angel reaches out, grimaces in pain as the sunlight hits his outstretched hand, and pounds on the door. "Dresden! I need to talk to you." BAM, BAM, BAM. "Dresden! I know you're in there. Dammit."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Well, I didn't do it //personally// to him, no. I mean, we worked on the potion together." the disembodied voice comes from behind the door. "I just helped supplied the formula. How was I to know that the scale of a gorgon would have this specific effect. I mean, I should have...but I wasn't sure. As for your gun, or whatever an A4 is, I have no idea. Maybe?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The office dor's flung open, and Karrin points to Buffy and the lab door. "it's over there. Hey, Mouse?" Murph calls, "Harry's locked in his lab. Bob's doing the talking, something about Harry being stone or stoned. I'm more thinking how to break the wards and get in there" Murph says simply thinkiing over Bob's words.

"See" she says glancing to Angel. "Gorgon scales. Go figure" she mutters, "What was he even doing"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps back, still muttering in her phone, "Giles? Yeah, good to hear you too um...Can you come over? A friend s been turned to stone..Wait what? Oh yeah, there's a ward in the door..Here's the address..." she pauses, considering, "Rash? Me? Hah, okay, just hurry!" and she hangs up, glancing towards the door. "Angel!" she hasn't seen him since rescuing Dawn and she's glad to see he is okay. In fact, Buffy quickly crosses to the door to give him a quick hug. "Umm what are you doing here, did Giles send you?"

Angel has posed:
Angel watches slightly shocked as the office door is flung open. His hand is raised, mid rap, and steaming a bit from the sunlight. Moving inside, and dropping the overcoat on a peg near the door, Angel shakes his hand, and puts out the small fire on his fingertips. "Ouch. Hot. Hot. Thank you." Murphy.

Then his eyes find her and everything else is gone. For a second anyway. Even when he says her name it sounds right. Then, she is in his arms, and he can smell her unique scent, filling him with...releasing her suddenly, Angel grimaces. "Buffy. I am glad you are okay!" Then what Murphy and Buffy says to him sinks in. "Wait...what?"

Looking at the door to the lab, then back at the two women present, then at Buffy, "Um. No, Giles didn't sent me. Dresden has been doing something for me I asked him to handle months and months ago. I was hoping he was finally finished...he's what? Gorgon scales? A petrification spell? Was it a potion or...?"

Rupert Giles has posed:
THere's a much less... appealing, but equally unmistakeable vehicle noise outside, as a battered silver-grey Citroen DS pulls up at the kerb, backfires once with a spring-rattling pop, and splutters to a halt. A moment's pause, and the tall and bespectacled figure of Rupert Giles unbends from the small vehicle, a stack of books under one arm. He nudges the car door shut, clearly considers knocking on the outer door of Dresden's office but instead settles for letting himself in, glancing around. "Ah. Miss Summers." Slightly stiffer. "Angel." A nod to the others, before turning back to Buffy. "I do hope this mad dash across town was necessary."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Well, I assure you," the voice from the other side of the door says, "The potion works. At least in the fact that there is no way a vampire is going to be able to bite him. His mobility //might// be a bit of an issue, which is likely at this point a good thing given the look on his face and the way he was lunging at me as he was solidifying. But safe, oh he is totally safe. I'd go as far as to say he is safer than he has ever been."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shakes her head and sighs. Shaking her head again, Murph grits her teeth. "Fine. Fine" she mutters. "The hell did he even do? I mean, seriously. How...why....what?" she scolds looking just a bit irritated and groans. "So he's turned to stone? Alright. What, why, and who and how?" Murph groans looking unimpressed, then shakes her head. "More to the point. How. Why and how do we even deal with this?" she grouses, looking unamused then starts pacing the office. "See. I don't get this. How can we do anything?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Bob, on the other sides currently with a stone Harry, both in a locked and warded lab. "Umm seriously Bob? Your sense of humorous the worst!" she just nods to Angel and smirks, "Heh, Ill bet you and Harry get along swimmingly.." yknow , both broody, "But we still need to get him out if there and de-stoned and.." and then Giles is there and she beams, hugging him , "Giles! you're back and here! Can you help him? I also called Amethyst but I dunno if she'll be able to make it. Surely between the two of you you can fix this?"

Amethyst has posed:
Amethyst was expecting a call from Dresden. Mind you, a call /from/ Dresden, and not about him. But she's willing to lend a hand. Her arrival is less pyroclastic than Angel's, and certainly less traditional than Giles' Citroen. A magnificent winged-lion-beast flies down from the sky, Amethyst astride on its back. She swings her leg over, sliding down from the beast, and says something in a language decidedly not English to it, as it takes to the sky again once she gets off.

She's in her full-on "magical princess" attire; something she hasn't worn in front of anyone in this crowd, complete with sword at her hip and all. But the blonde heads for the front door as if it's no thing, opening it and stepping into the building, walking with a quick stride towards Dresden's office. She's surprised when she sees the small crowd assembled there. "Did...we just kill a wizard who petrified Dresden?" Buffy's call was non-specific beyond Dresden and petrified.

Angel has posed:
As Giles arrives, Angel takes a moment to look the man over, noticing the books. "Giles. I see you are traveling light as always. Are you sure you brought enough books?" Then, hearing the voice on the other side of the "lab door" Angel moves closer, and listens. "Oh. Bob? Right. Safe is a relative term with this whole thing."

Rubbing the back of his head with his right hand, Angel shrugs at Murphy, and says, "Right. How and why. First off, how do we get in his lab? Sorry everyone, I'm no help. Magic isn't my forte. Stabbing, bashing and punching are more my thing." His eyes follow Buffy. They have that in common at least. Nodding silently as Amy arrives, Angel stands back and lets the magic types work.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles rests the books he's carrying on the corner of Dresden's desk. Looks up at the new arrival, blinks, removes his glasses, pulls out a handkerchief to polish them and carefully sets them back on his nose. Not that appears to change what he's looking at any. "Not... as I understand it, Miss... er...." A vague prompting noise. Angel earns himself a slightly disapproving look. "That remains to be seen."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"What sense of humor? I'm being perfectly serious!" the slightly British sounding voice from the other side of the lab says. "The man asked him for a protection potion, I gave him one. I can't help if he wasn't to specific on the details. Hurumph. I am so underappreciated here. Oh, I know! Call the Winter Mother. She might have one of those 'unraveling' things!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph sighs. "Bob, I swear when we get in there, I am jamming your mouth full of toffee" she warns. "Maybe then you'll learn to think before you speak"

Oh, no, no. Murph doesn't particularly care much for Bob. Though she does loook to Angel and then everyone else in turn, too. "So. We're all here. Now what?" she asks, then raises her voice.

"Bob. You'd give him anything if you felt like it. You could have asked instead of leaving my wizard in the mire" she snaps.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers beams, stepping towards Amethyst, "Amy, you made it!" she grimaces, shaking her head, "Geez, I totally typoed in the text, didn't I? ok here's the deal, Harry drank a potion that accidentally turned him to stone, and now he's trapped in his lab, he door of which is protected by wards. I figured between Giles' book smarts and Amethyst's magic abilities, you might be able to sort out this mess.." and she steps back to give em room, "Ooh I totally owe introductions, don't I? Everyone this is Amethyst, Amy, this is Karrin, Angel, Giles...And Harry who you've been looking for is behind the door.."

Amethyst has posed:
    Amethyst replies to Giles. "Amaya of House Amethyst. Nice to meet you." And then she does a doubletake at Buffy's reply. "He turned /himself/ to stone? This is not inspiring me with confidence in his wizardly abilities." She looks over at the door, and frowns, as she examines the door. "Do we know the nature of the ward, and its effect? I'd rather not have to break two spells if I can avoid it. I can physically get through the door, but only if we can be sure it's not going to hurt anyone when I trip that ward." Obviously, breaking the petrification is the more important of the two.

Angel has posed:
"It is getting awfully crowded in here. All for one man. I didn't know he had this many people who knew him, let alone would want to help him. Good to know." Angel smirks as Giles gives him that same look, every time he was around Buffy, and leans back against the far corner of the desk, all broody and non-chalant.

Shaking his head at what Bob was revealing, Angel pipes in with a, "Bloke should have known what he was getting himself into with that potion. What goes around..." Angel ignores the comments from Karrin but nods slightly at her tone and words. Agreeing with her.

When Buffy introduces them all, Angel waves, and says, "Pleasure to meet you Amethyst. Amy. I'm Angel. Glad to have you aboard."

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles offers a hand to Amaya. "Rupert Giles. The pleasure is... er... mine." He frowns, temporarily dismissing Angel from his thoughts. "I.. am unaware of your abilities, but if you think you are able to dispel this, ah, ward." He removes the bottom book from the stack. "I believe I may be able to assist with Mr. Dresden's unfortunate physical state."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Bob's voice mutters from the other side of the door, "His wards are mostly electrical based. From what I can see anyway. I'd say, oh..a nasty jolt of a few thousand volts that would turn most flesh beings into ash. Try to break down the door, and boom! Though it does look to be localized to the door, so I wouldn't worry too much about collateral damage. At least not physical damage. I can't help it if you explode on them."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well that's reassuring" Murph points out. "That's reassuring because why not risk being fried to get through the door. Hey wait, ca we throw water on the wards to short it out?" she asks looking serious.

See. See. This. THIS is why she is not magic (well, magic compared to Harry that is)...

She'll sit back and follow everyone else's lead, really...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, taking another couple steps away from the door, glancing between Amethyst and Giles, "Gee that sounds dangerous but I know you can do it! And to be fair, Harry is quite adept, thing is, he likes to experiment, and Bob's a bit of a troublemaker when it comes to asking him for advice.."

Amethyst has posed:
"If it's just an electrical discharge, that's not a problem." Amethyst says. "And if Mr. Giles can undo the petrification, I suppose that leaves this for me." She looks at the door, and then reaches into a nigh-invisible pocket within her suit. She takes out a clear, faceted stone the size of a glass marble, and looks to the door. "Everyone else may want to take a few steps back. In case the electricity tries to arc. It shouldn't, but just to be safe."

Angel has posed:
Angel raises his hands up, and leans against the wall. "Not me." Angel says, with a smile. "You magic types can figure out what to do. I'll stay here and stab any demons he brings back with him from his transformation. If it comes to that." Looking at each of the team here, Angel just stands back. He's the brawn, not the brains.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles says, "Mmmhnm." It's a distracted noise, as Giles is flicking pages in an old and dusty volume. "Did I hear someone mention gorgons? Hm... Let me see..." Somehow, though, his feet carry him backwards as he's turning pages, and he avoids tripping as he does so. "Ghost... mmm... ghoul. No." A page is turned. "Golem.." Another. "Griffin... bother. Ahah." He carefully separates two pages. "Gorgon... Petrification. A*hah*.""

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Hold on, of you are really going to be busting through those wards let me get to cover. I can't be damaged!" Bob the skull yells from the other side of the door. "OK! Feel free to char yourself at your leisure!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I didn't bring a gun. But I'm liable to beat them down with a paperback" Murph offers with a nod. "Pen's mightier rthan the sword, right?" she grins. "Oh please can we use Bob as a soccer ball after this? He doesn't deserve cover for being the root cause of all this. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do to him. Maybe make him read through my Captain's reports one by one to make him suffer" Murph seethes. "Oh, he is going to get it! Nobody turns my boyfriend to stone and gets away with it!

Well, she just admitted she's dating Harry to everyoene. Not that certain ones don't already know *cough*Buffy*cough*

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes and clenches her hands, stepping protectively in front of Karrin, who isn't quite as tough as her and Angel, "Angel.." she glances at him, "Cover Giles. Im not sure how these things work but just in case.." and then she braces herself, "Ready when you are, Amy."

Amethyst has posed:
There's a momentary flare of light from the gemstone in Amethyst's hand, as a sort of illuminated crystalline latticework spreads out from it over her skin. She draws her blade, and then sweeps the magical blade down the separation between door and frame in one smooth motion, the enchantment enough to easily break the physical lock. She twists to pop open the door, and discharge the ward, letting the magical electricity use her sword as a lightning rod to send it through the sword and into her, over her invulnerability spell.

Angel has posed:
"Right." THat was for Murphy. "You have first crack at Bob. Good to go." Nodding at Buffy, Angel moves to stand in front of Giles, in case this all goes south, like it always does. His eyes look at Buffy, concerned, but he also knows she can handle herself.

Looking sideways at Giles, Angel frowns. Then, he braces himself for what was to come next as Amy does her part. Wincing, Angel makes sure he was between the door, Amy and Giles. So far so good.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Eyebrows shoot up above spectacle frames for an instant. "Interesting..." It would appear Giles is referring to Amaya's magic, but he might just as well be commenting on whatever he's reading in the somewhat musty volume in his hands. "Ah. Yes." He peers round Angel with a slightly annoyed "tsk". "Most interesting. Shall we open the door?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a bright light and a crack that is as loud as a crack of thunder that emanates from the doorframe as the seal and ward are broken to the lab. Thousands of volts of electricity funnel into the sword, only to be dispersed by the invulnerability cast upon Amy. The smell of ozone is heavy as the crackling of the energy dims as the ward depletes its discharge.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph's in a coughing fit at the ozone smell. Looking around Buffy, Karrin looks relieved the door's open. "Right. Now the door's open. So" she says loking to Buffy post coughing fit. "Now..."

"Now...now what?" she asks looking puzzled.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers braces herself for impact, but it seems Amy has this all under control, and she relaxes visibly once the magic disperses. But the smell of ozone causes her to wrinkle her nose, "Phew, nice job, Amy!" she grins and nods at her, striding towards the door, testing the knob cautiously. If the door is locked, she will twist it open with a bit of force before stepping in, peering around, "Bob? Harry?" Buffy glances back at Giles, "Guess you're up next."

Amethyst has posed:
There's a moment of nervousness when the lightning hits. It's one thing to academically KNOW you have an invulnerability spell. It's another to put it to the test. But Amy pockets the stone again, the magical protective field falling away from her. She'll need to reenchant it later. But for right now, she'll keep the sword out...just in case things on the other side of the door are not as they seem. She'll move to follow Buffy in.

Angel has posed:
"Well, there we go. Looks like we are in. Since there are a bunch of us, I'll stay here...you all rush in there, and try not to get yourselves all killed." Standing back, Angels pulls up his collar and waits for the other shoe to drop.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Angel earns himself a sidelong glance from Giles. "I don't recall suggesting rushing." He sidesteps round the taller... man... and follows Buffy into the room. "Ah. Yes. Right. What have we here?" Apart from apparently a talking skull...

Harry Dresden has posed:
Inside the room the lab looks much the same as it always does. Bookshelves line the room, tables in the middle of the floor, there is a summoning circle made of brass embedded into the floor on the opposite side of the room, and there is Bob on his shelf, the glowing eyes of orange tracking the people as they walk in.

The thing that is out of place is the statue of Harry. It's made of what appears to be granite, beautifully detailed in a pose that suggest lunging towards the skull, hands outstretched like he is reaching for it to grab it. A look of pure rage on his face. Oh, and it is naked.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph's not rushing anywhere. More to the point. She's following Buffy in. And horrified to see a granit, naked Harry. "Oh God" she sighs. "put some clothes on, Harry. jesus"

She looks unimpressed by Harry showing off his goods to the world, in finely chiseled form. "Uh...anyone got a bucket? Not that I'm gonna puke. Rather shove it over Harry's junk" Karrin offers. Then again...then again...

Murph's looking green around the gils. "Bob. Stay still. You're getting turned on your cranium and used as a puke bucket" Murph threatens. In actuality, she's looking for somewhere to empty her guts. Because no. She really can't deal with Harry being like this

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps in and pauses, averting her eyes. "Woah. Okay wasn't expecting that. Where'd his clothes go?" with a sigh, Buffy steps outside the lab, searching around his apartment for something and eventually returns with a bath towel, carefully wrapping it around his waist while doing her best to avert her gaze, "Alright then, what do we do now, Giles?"

Amethyst has posed:
"I don't know that I'd try to do that. I mean, you don't want to break anything." Amethyst points out. With no apparent threat, she sheathes her sword, looking over to Giles. "Your turn." she smiles.

Rupert Giles has posed:
"Dear me... I.." Giles finds a spot to put the book down, earnestly polishes his glasses, carefully not putting them back on his nose until Buffy has done the needful with a towel. "I must say, that's... um... not a sight I was prepared for either. Ah... yes. Quite. Thank you Buffy." He picks up the book again, finds his place. "Ah. We... may want to move that skull, if it's of any sentimental value."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yes, yes..move me. I am very valuable, and Harry isn't in his right mind. Well, he isn't in any mind at all right now, but he won't be in his right mind. He wouldn't want me broken." the skull says, shifting on the shelf to try and move himself farther away from Harry. "I don't know what you are all surprised about. I told you he was naked when I told you he was turned to stone. It's not MY fault you didn't pay attention!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph grinds her teeth. "You won't be in a mind either when I get done with you. This is all your doing" she says all but snarling it at Bob now. She's greatful for the whole bath towel idea. Because why not. Buffy thought of it quicker than Murph, they do make a good team, really.

She spins on a heel and averts her eyes while watching them all. "So aside from jackhammers and plenty of glue and duct tape. Ideas?" Murph asks looking lost.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Bob and picks him up, "Honestly, how does Harry put up with you, and why? I mean, we're not planning on making him explode...At least, hopefully Giles you found something useful in that book?" she bites her lip uncertainly, wishing she knew a bit more about magic but like Angel, she's more the heavy hitter, usually leaving such delicate matters to the likes of Giles, Willow or Fred.

Amethyst has posed:
"If not, I /can/ break the spell..." Amethyst offers, a bit hesitantly. "But that's a quite limited resource and if Mr. Giles can break it, I'd rather do that. I'm the fallback position here." She looks around the office. Looks like last time she was here. She wonders what was done with the healing stone.

Rupert Giles has posed:
"I, ah, believe so." Giles runs his finger down the page again. "At least... as far as I can discern, the worst.. likely side effect is that Mr. Dresden may experience... um... how shall I put this delicately? Difficulty rising to the occasion for a week or two?" A faint, distracted tut. "The difficulty with magic and symbolism, as you would well know, Miss Summers, if you bothered to pay a little more attention, is that sometimes the symbolism has... ah... a mind of its own?"

He clears his throat. "Ahem. If you could perhaps stand ready to catch Mr. Dresden. It's... not clear whether gravity or his original momentum is going to win out here." Giles begins to read, words in a tongue which sounds like very obscure Ancient Greek to those who speak anything related.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Giles starts his chant and nothing seems to happen at first. Soon though, the structure of Harry's stoned form starts to change as glowing cracks start to form on the surface of the stone. The webbing of cracks continues to expand until Harry looks like one big 3-d puzzle, just before the pieces start to fall. One by one the sections of stone fall away from Harry and shatter to the floor until after a second the remaining pieces all fall at once, the sounds like many china dishes falling to the floor and shattering all at once as the now flesh body of Harry lunges forward to where Bob //would// have been. "I'm going to smash you with a hammer, Bob!" Harry cries as the momentum carries him forward before he trips on the shards and tumbles forward into the floor. "ow."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"He what?" Karrin asks. "You know I'm liable to come after you if there's any lasting damage right?" she asks Bob, then eyes Giles. "So, what. A week without getting it on? What is this, I'm 16 again and on a school trip? Seriously, just not fair" Karrin mutters. Oh if she knew any witches she'd be getting her own back on poor Giles. Fortunately, she's got standards. Sorta. But the lack of bow chicka bow wow is totally and utterly not okay in her book. On the other hand, it'll mean she has a good reason to take a hammer to Bob if he starts anything.

"You're alive and....faceplanted. Harry. Are you alright?" Karrin asks concerned. "You just faceplanted and tripped over bits of stone. Hey Buffy, let Harry at Bob?" she hints. It won't be pretty...but.....but....

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as Giles sets that warning, "Uh....Really? That's just...!" she's trying very hard to stifle a giggle as she watches Giles work his magic on a stoned Harry. And Buffy is once again relieved that he is back. But then Harry-is starting to fall forward and Buffy quickly tosses Bob at Karrin before moving to catch him or at least help him to his feet, "Hey there, you okay?" she smirks, "I do hope there's a good explanation for the whole not wearing clothes bit..." hopefully that towel is still intact!

Amethyst has posed:
    Amethyst leaves the "catching the naked man" detail to the other blondes who know him better. And have possibly already seen him naked? Nope. Nope. Just NOPE. Since Buffy and Karrin seem to be on Harry-catching detail, she'll move to catch Bob. Just in case. "Hello there, magic skull." she introduces herself. It only seems polite if you're going to catch someone.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles shuts the book, carefully, sets it down with the other two. "I'm sure we're all intrigued by that explanation, yes." He eyes Dresden. "However, if you might possibly defer it until you've made yourself... ah.... decent, as there are ladies present. One of whom I'm allegedly responsible for."

Harry Dresden has posed:
A few things occur to Harry as he is caught from a sudden faceplant. One, he tripped over a bunch of stone on the floor that shouldn't be in his lab. Two, there are a whole host of people in his lab that shouldn't be there. Three, he is naked, except for the towel which is covering him from exposure. "Um...what happened?" asks the wizard as he starts to come to his faculties. His face getting redder as his memories of the events coming back to him. "BOB!"

"It wasn't my fault!" the skull says, orange glowing lights darting around. "I TOLD you that this was an untested potion! You should listen to me more carefully, Harry. Maybe next time you will!"