11279/Milk for Kitty
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Milk for Kitty | |
Date of Scene: | 31 March 2020 |
Location: | Kitchen - Xavier's School |
Synopsis: | Just breakfast and tomfoolery. |
Cast of Characters: | Warpath, Shadowcat, Nightingale, Gambit
- Warpath has posed:
The 7'2" muscular frame of the first nation male stands in the kitchen nearto the refrigerator. He has assembled a very large bowl (made for mixing), a spoon, a gallon of whole milk, and a family sized box of Lucky Charms. He's currently in the process of opening the box of cereal. It's never been opened and his giant fingers pry open the box and then splay open the bag. Currently, James is wearing hiking boots (sized 17), bluejeans and a tucked in red/black flannel shirt. The belt around his waist is heavy leather and his sleeves slightly rolled to mid forearm. His long black hair is pulled back into a pony stapped by a leather thong.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Doors are for people who, well, want to use them. Kitty doesn't particularly care, much. Lockhees around her neck today, like a cat. Kitty looks around the kitchen and locks eyes on the cereal.
"You're sharing, yeah?" Kitty asks by way of a greeting. Kitty adores eating cereal for every meal she can get away wih...and this is a meal, so...ss she grabs a bowl and spoon too. If there's cereal to be shared, Kitty is so theer!
Kitty's clad today in jeans and a t-shirt, something very casual, very, very casual. Lockheed drops off of Kitty with a thud, and stays by her booted ankles staring up at them.
"Oh come on then" Kitty says and leans down to pick him up, Lockheed setled in her arms and peering around too.
- Warpath has posed:
Side-eying Kitty as she wants him to share, James smirks. And like always, he's quick to smile and share. Unlike the white man. Kitty is the exception, she's Jew. She knows how the WASP treated her people, very akin to his own. Before pouring into his own bowl, James hands her the opened box and says, "Good morning, Kitty. Lockheed." And of course Lockheed will be greeted. All animals and man are the same in his eyes. It's the way of his people and the spirits. His frame turns toward her as he offers the box, hip moves to lean against the granite countertop.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty takes the box with a smile and a nod of thanks. "Morning, how're you today?" Kitty asks as Lockheed watches the box with barely masked hunger. Kitty may treat him like a cat but...
Kitty has a major soft spot for Lockheed.
Kitty understands how the white man treated both of their people, too. Oh Kitty understands more than she lets on.
Looking to the box, Kitty pours out a bowl for herself, and gives the dragon a look. "Don't you even try it yet. We've got no milk in there yet. Or sugar" she says with a laugh.
Lockheed's cat hologram swishes its tail as Kitty nods. "I know, I know. But there's an easy solution to that. Put milk in it" she says with a nod.
Glancing up to Warpath, Kitty goes to hand the box back, and nods. "You done with the milk?" she asks with a smile. "And more to the point, do we have any sugar? Can't have cereal without sugar" Kitty says and is so glad of that fact.
- Warpath has posed:
The gallon of milk will be slid over within Kitty's reach just before taking the box back.
His expression turns quizical as he begins to pour into his bowl, "You know this cereal already has tons of sugar. If you want more, it's in the jar." and he points to a large white ceramic jar on the adjacent counter with black letters, 'SUGAR'.
He pours much of the box into his mixing bowl and will wait for her to return the milk. While he waits, he slides the large spoon into the bowl.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks at the cereal, "It's got sugar. I'll just dig into the jar a bit. You mind keeping Lockheed away from the jar since I'm not in the mod to deal with a hyper dragon" she says. Spoon goes into jar. One, two spoonful of sugar. Two, that's all she needs. Carefully she pours the milk and nodss, the liquid in the bowl as Kitty hands it back.
"So. What's up?" Kitty asks grasping the spoon like it's not a war, really.
She's just ensuring nobody steals her spoon or cereal. Kitty's got a lot to learn about being an adult, huh?
- Warpath has posed:
James has never been a man of many words unless they are regarding something regarding a life lesson or how he's going to kill someone. He answers her question as he pours the milk into his bowl, "Breakfast. What about you?"
Once he's put enough milk into the mixing bowl, he caps the jug and puts it back into the refrigerator. He then takes his bowl and moves to the kitchen table to take a seat. In route, he begins spooning cereal into his mouth. Luckily all the chairs/fixtures at Xaviers are reinforced. He's a big boy.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs looking around the kitchen. "Quiet, aren't you?" she nods and digs into her own cereal with happy little munching sounds. Which is a good thing really. Looking over the table she looks over to James.
"So you think I'll get a full sentence out of you?" she asks with a nod, spoon paused in her hand.
Kitty watches Lockheed sniff the bowl and edge more toward it. "Nuh uh" she says, tapping him on his head. "Nuh oh uh. You're not getting into my cereal. Scones are one thing. Cereal, nope" Kitty warns as Lockheed meanders over to James's mixing bowl, staring at it for a few moments.
- Warpath has posed:
More bites of the cereal are shoved into the maw of the native. He doesn't much answer but he watches the exchange between Kitty and Lockheed. He half smiles. As Lockheed meanders over, James will lift a spoon filled with lucky charms and point it toward the dragon. As if to feed him. James will note, "What do you normally feed a dragon?"
- Shadowcat has posed:
Now that's a good question. What does Lockheed eat? The obvious answer is food, but...but Kitty treats him like a cat and spoils that dragon. So really, he eats whatever. Including, apparently, Lucky Charms. There was a spoonful there a moment ago. Now there's just an empty spoon as Kitty gets a nose poked into her hand.
"Yes. Yes. I know you're there and you already ate cereal. So don't come to me for food" Kitty says and carries on eating between words. See. Lockheed is adorable.
Anything that can charm Jean is just too adorable for everyone. Kitty's not arguing that point. Nor it seems is lockheed, who has taken to soaring around in a sugar rushed state. Kitty is mentally flailing just a little at the hyper, oh so adorable, dragon. Great, just great. At least he'll sleep later!
- Warpath has posed:
James withdraws the spoon, dipping it back into the cereal and will scoop more into his mouth while Kitty has her dragon conversations. After swallowing, he states, "The punchline is, "Anything a dragon wants."." and he spoons more lucky charms into his own mouth as he watches the dragon flappity flap around.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's doing the silent giggle thing, really. See, Lockheed's adorable, but her attention's on her bowl of cereal that she's eating. Sugar's a good thing as the spoon goes methodically from bowl to mouth. The sugar's in enough quantitie to makk 80s South American drug lords jealous. Oh wait. that's just the jar. Kitty's only got two spoons worth of sugar on her cereal, and she's definitely enjoying this. See. Se. This is what Xavier's is all about. The little things in life. Cereal with her folks.
- Warpath has posed:
He's been shoveling cereal into his mouth, and Lockheed's mouth (once) in rapid succession. He was a hungry native. And, the giant mixing bowl was full at one time. Now it's diminished quite a bit and he looks to Lockheed flittering about, "You want the rest of this, Lock?" offering the bowl as he pushes it slightly forward - away from himself. It's about a 10th of the bowl. Not much left, just enough for the dragon to enjoy if he wants.
- Nightingale has posed:
One could almost hear a classic piece by Wagner as Lockheed zipped and zoomed about the kitchen, high as a kite on Lucky Charms. All that energy has to give out sometime. So what is an affectionate, spoiled rotten dragon to do when some of that sugar high begins to wear off?
Why, find a comfortable perch, of course!
But no, not just any perch will do. Oh, no, no. Lockheed had to have the newest. And what was the newest?
A familiar, angel-winged teen who, at that very moment, was making her way into the kitchen, in bright blue leggings, a long white t-shirt with Tweety Bird as a hippie, and barefoot, with her bo staff doubling as a walking stick for the moment.
There is very little warning as the blonde-haired, blue-eyed teen is dive bombed by Lockheed, who backwings into a landing... on her head.
Someone's just gained a dragon hat.
- Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau was planning on coming into the kitchen just to make himself a snack. He goes to the fridge, ignoring everyone else for a second. Hanm. Turkey, cheese, tomato, and Miricle Whip. A few pickles and a huge bite. He sighs in contentment then takes a soda out and says "Shannon...yah know yah got a dragon o yah 'ead, right?"
- Shadowcat has posed:
Well there goes the silent giggling. Kitty's looking from Shannon, to Lockheed. "Nice hat" she calls over with a snort and a giggle. "You wear that to classs he may learn something" she says and looks amused to Remy. "Yeah I think she knows" Kitty nods sagely, and looks to the mixing bowl. "See. See, Lock, you got a nice perch there to crash down from a Lucky Charms sugar high" she adds and looks back to James. "Yeah he's just....I dunno" Kitty adds raising her palms. Looking back to the three others, Kitty grins.
Don't ask me. I'm just as lost as you three. I came in here to get cereal and this happened. How come he never uses me as a hat?" she adds and appraises Shannon's dragon hat. It works with her outfit.
- Warpath has posed:
James remains seated in the breakfast table. Chair has its back to the wall. He looks over to the newly hatted girl and the entry of Gambit. He offers his simple greeting, "Shannon, Remy." as a courtesy and a consideration of their arrival. As the social studies teacher, he knows all the students and faculty alike. As an X-team member, he knows everything/one else.
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon goes comically cross-eyed as Lockheed curls up like a cat on top of her head, with his tail draped down right between her eyes. The tip twitches back and forth lazily, like a Felix the Cat clock. "Just don't you even dare let one go, Lockheed." With as much dignity as she can muster, she just barely inclines her head to Kitty, Mr. Proudstar, and Remy each in turn by way of greeting. "Mr. Proudstar... Remy... Kitty... ummm, Kitty, would you mind having a word with your little friend here?" However, whether or no said friend would actually /listen/ to that word was another matter entirely....
- Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau continues to eat his sandwich, looking quite amused at the whole thing. He smirks some and says "If de dragon backfires, it might scorch yah nose chere." He says amused, "But it guarantee yah a spot on day video camera show on MTV non?" he asks amused. He's trying to keep his voice dry and calm, but is about 3 seconds from laughing.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks to Shannon with a raised eyebrow. "You think he'd listen? Hey, Lock, come here and perch on me" she offers thee gives Remy a sidelong look. "You want him perched on your head then? I mean. You got food. Rest of us don't" she says with a wry knowing nod, spooning the last few bits of cereal into her mouth, watching Lockheed's tail twitch. It's oddly hypnotic, really...but she still looks to him. "Are you really going to use Shannon as a perch?" she asks sounding more amused then annoyed.
- Warpath has posed:
Discovering that his bowl isn't tempting to Lockheed, James decides that it should be disposed of properly. He stands. His 7'2" muscular frame dwarfs the table and chair behind him. He reaches, takes the bowl and will move around the table (path of least resistance away from people) and takes steps to the sink where he will then turn on the water and begin the rincing process that will ultimately lead to depositing the bowl into the industrial sized automated dishwasher/processor. He's not as easily entertained by the whole Lockheed thing as everyone else seems to be. Or, he's just a man of very few words and doesn't interupt their humor.
- Nightingale has posed:
"Come on, Lockheed. Why don't you go bug Kit..." That's about as far as Shannon gets before her words trail off, her eyes cross, and her nose wrinkles. Her nose might not have been scorched as per Remy's prediction, but well... it'd be a safe bet that the little dragon may be given a wide berth for the time being! There is a groan from the winged teen, and a visible look of relief, as the little dragon finally decides to take to the air once more.
"No more Rocky Road for you!"
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kis simply waits for Lockheed to come back to her. "Hey now. C'mon Lock. You know where you are best, so come back here here. I'll even let you lick out the bowl" she offers. Yes. It's bribery. But. it's bribery with a reason. Like, de-hatting Shannon, and getting Lockheed back to her. See, that dragon's an adventure all on his own. Kitty's just along for the ride some days.
Today is one of those days!
- Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau makes a bit of a face and moves to the kitchen window, turning the crank rapidly and opening it despite the early Spring chill that still hangs in the air. "Kitty, yah need ta ret'ink yah dragon's diet..." he says, tossing the better part of half a sandwhich in the trash. His appitite suddonly gone.
- Warpath has posed:
Having a superior sense of smell, James is rapidly effected by the odor and thankful that Remy is opening a window. James releases an audible groan as he wrinkles his nose. He places the bowl and spoon in to the automated dishwasher and will turn to look back at the collective and the intentions of Lockheed. "Definitely cut back on dairy.", is noted by James as he dissects the scents unconsciously and offers key ingredients that caused the particular gaseous scent.
- Shadowcat has posed:
"Well there's now a need for a sign on my officce door and wall. Do not feed the dragon....andd a list of things" Kitty says through a sleeve and her arm. Yeesh. Kitty glares at Lockheed and nods to Remy. Great. Anyone got air fresheners.
They're needed. Kitty's scared to phase because no, she does not want death by dragon gases. No thanks. That'd be something she never, ever lives down. Like this is one she'll soon be allowed to live down. She's a sneaky suspicion nobody's gonna let her forget this one!
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon gives the little dragon a healthy bit of space as, adorable as the little guy is, even the winged healer in training has had enough. "Think it's warm enough to bring a little portable grill outside and maybe make something out there instead?" Yeah, no. She was not sticking around the kitchen now. Not by a long shot.
- Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau blinks a few times as his eyes start to tear up just a little bit. "Dat sounds like a wonderful idea petie.." he says as he tries not to gag. ""t'ink dare is some steaks an' chicken parts in de big freezer... Make it de first big cookout of de year..." He walks over to the stoves and turns on the exhaust fans under the hoods. Every little bit helps.
- Shadowcat has posed:
"If we bring a grill. Put it outside" Kitty offers helpflly. "Grilled Lockheed?" she adds, giving the dragon a wide berth too. She's not daring to get up, either as she looks to Shannon then Remy then Warpath. "Cookout sounds like a plan! All this because Lockheed decided to perch and act as an air freshener. No, wait...." Kitty mutters.
- Warpath has posed:
Deciding to exit stage left, James will step away and find his way out of the kitchen. He'll say in his departure, "You all have a good deay." and then he will move through the oversized doorway and out into the hall.