11338/Even Agents Got To Eat

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Even Agents Got To Eat
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Food Court, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Skye talks to Nat about relationships, something she is not a very good souce of information for.
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Quake

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
In the Food Court, there is an agent sitting alone at a table a little distanced from the others. Many of the newer recruits see the upper level agent as a bit of an icon. Maybe it is because she's an Avenger on the side. Maybe it is because she is one of the scariest espionage people on the planet.

Or maybe it is because Natasha isn't one to socialize generally when here. She comes in, does her job, goes out. When it is training time in the gym, she beats their butts and leaves them on the mats. This is why she is sitting alone with her two slices of deep dish pizza.

Quake has posed:
Enter Skye. She doesn't care about reputations. Then again, she doesn't eat here all that often. If they avoid Natasha for her rep, they also avoid Skye because, well, nobody knows much about her. And lately, she's been awol. Or something like that.

Today she has a simple operation: Nastasha. More importantly, mend those fences.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Skye enters, Natasha glances up her direction. She gives a nod. About as friendly and happy of a greeting as someone here gets from Natasha so that should say something.

She motions to the food then points at her table, basically non-verballing inviting Skye to join her if she would like.

Quake has posed:
Grinning, and buying a coffee and a chocolate bar, makes here way to a proffered table. "You know, it's a good thing you don't have friendsâ?¦" She sits at Nat's table is suddenly serious. "I don't eat around the Trisk either. It's usually in the breakroom, or back at home." A pause. "I've been catching up. Have even made it home."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It does come in handy when someone wants an open seat," Natasha says with a smirk of her own. She picks up her piece of pizza carefully, taking a nibble then setting it back down since the cheese is still on boiling level. Scalded her tongue.

"Did your mission go well?"

Quake has posed:
That earns from Skye a grin. "It really does." A shrug. "They all think I am the Internet girl, that somehow gets invited. Some people remember Darksky after working for SHIELD. I must say, if they didn't remember that, shooting Clint was definitely remembered." There was the mess up of her parents. Oh boy, there huge mess up. "Kinda nice someone knows about me and could care less."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Must be a nice feeling." Natasha considers the thought then shrugs a little bit, moving on with the conversation and not dwelling.

"Please. Everyone has shot Clint at least once." Not true but amusing to her to consider the visual. "So that's more a right of passage than a big deal. The whole world losing computers. That was memorable. You know how many of these guys are gamers? So much whining in the locker rooms."

Quake has posed:
"I know, right?" She laughs for a moment, then gets serious again. "Man, I did catch flack. If only they knew. I mean, I played them too. Not by that name." Skye shakes her head. "That was.. I really have to pick my side and quick. What was your burn your bridges moment?"

Then, "Sorry. I don't even know what we are. " Skye looks uncomfortable.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I had my moment before I ever actually joined SHIELD," Natasha says although she doesn't elaborate. Her history is still classified and not something she shares personally. There are a few who know some details but none that know all.

It's better that way.

"We are friends, of a sort. I mean I don't outright hate you or anything or I wouldn't invite you to sit with me. I don't agree with some things but that's the way it goes."

Quake has posed:
Skye nods. "I'm â?¦ sorry for, well, everything." She looks down, into the half cup of coffee. "Can I ask you something. It's not about you." She looks up, quiet.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
After washing down a bite of pizza with a sip of water, Natasha gives a nod even as she verbalizes the response as well. "Of course. You can always ask me things." Then that little smirk is back on her face.

"Depends on the question on if I'll answer or not though."

Quake has posed:
"You might regret that some day." Skye cracks a smile, but eventually returns to the worried look. "How do you know if someone is not, we'll, you know when it is over?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That rips all the humor out of Natasha's expression. "I'm not sure I'm the right one to ask that. I have the worst track record for relationships on the planet."

She considers a moment. "I guess it is when you no longer have anything to say and aren't comfortable in the silence. Everyone runs out of things to say. But if the silence is no longer comfortable, then something is usually off."

Quake has posed:
"And when you come back and the purple is missing?" She shrugs. "I mostly knew it already. Just had to put it out there. It wasn't just that. "And I peeked into the second bedroom as the Trisk. All his extra bow, etc, gone."

"But look it this way, you always wanted to go back at me."

"Sorry. That wasn't nice."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"No, it wasn't. And I have nothing to do with this so even if I did want to get back at you, this isn't how I'd do it." Natasha considers a moment, glancing down at her pizza which has losts its flavor for now. She pushes the plate back a little then focuses on Skye.

"He hasn't spoken to me. At all. I wasn't aware he had moved out. I'm sorry." That is said sincerely. "I'm guessing you all didn't fight. He didn't leave or a note or say a word?"

Quake has posed:
Skye shakes her head no. "I would have a clue if we had fought. Five days ago, he gave the cats their food. I went back to the Trisk do get, geeze, I don't what it was now.." Shrugs. "When I got back, I didn't think about it. And when morning comes.."

"It's taken me this many days. So much for knowing others. Can't ever get my own life in order."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Join the club. We have jackets," Natasha muttered before she could stop herself. After all, she knew about messed up lives. She had one of the longest ones running!

"I'll see if I can find anything out. If you want me to. I mean, I don't even know if he went on an ops but I would think he'd have told you if he was. So strange."

Quake has posed:
A snerk escapes her. "Cool, we have uniforms." Skye can't help but give a wry smirk. "What do you think? I mean, I did that self working for SHIELD. I don't know. He's not that good at lying to me. I think he is gone. Don't you?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Maybe that's why he didn't talk to you. Because he knew he wouldn't be ale to lie." Natasha eyes her pizza like it betrayed her in some manner. It's no the pizza's fault of course. The conversation is what turned distasteful. Damn Clint!

"I'll poke around. I have resources outside SHIELD as well. See what I can turn up. If it is just that he's opted to move on, this isn't usually his M.O. But it may be. I have no idea."