11381/Clothes shopping redux

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Clothes shopping redux
Date of Scene: 24 April 2020
Location: Roof, Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Flex talks to the Torch about a new costume, and gets a gliding lesson.
Cast of Characters: Flex, Human Torch

Flex has posed:
Flex returns to Four Freedom Plaza, he is wearing his temporary costume under his street clothes and is again, exterally at least, dressed as he was the last time he was here. He says to the person at the fron desk, "Is Mr. Storm available? It is Mr. Corbo, back to discuss clothing."

Human Torch has posed:
"Send him Up!"

Johnny is apparently listening to the comms or something.

Flex has posed:
Adrian is allowed into the private elevator and again finds himself on the roof with Johnny. He says, "Nice to see you again. Give me a monent, and I will show you my current costume. Given the limits of available materials, I think the crafter did pretty well."

He takes off his shirt and then the shoes and finally the pants, showing his red and silver unifrom beneath.

He comments, "The whole costume is flexible and elastic except the soles of the feet, which are attached with velcro so they can be move easily aside if I need to flex my feet."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm puts up a plam to stop him, "First thing first. Do you want a Mai Tai?" he asks from his massage table and as one if being brought to him.

Flex has posed:
Flex frowns, "I believe I am too young to drink in this state. In any case, no thank you. Drugs, including alcohol, can have unpredectible effects on metabolisms of those with powers I am certain you know."

Mutant powers are controlled by their brain waves, which can be altered by anything which alters brain function.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm shrugs and looks over his shoulder, "I won't tell if you won't tell," the android assitant begins to make a drink for him.

"Anyway, Reed makes the suit but I am sure that he can make something that can fit you better. He usually handles that personally."

Flex has posed:
Flex says, "It fits pretty well, but it is limited in the ability to resist damage. The other day, I would up conducting a great deal of energy, if you look close you can see where some of the fibers, particularly in the part of the foot under the sole attachment, was burned by the energy."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm rolls off of the massage table and takes a good look.

"You are right. 'We' can make you something much..much better. HOw soon do you need something? And what can you do again?"

Flex has posed:
Adrian demonstrates, turning himself into a flat square of metal thirty feet on a side, and then resuning human form and truning his left hand into a diamond-shaped shield and his right hand into a sword, then turning his feet into skies, the snow shoes, then ice skates, then stilts. He resumes human form and says, "I can turn myself into sheets or blades of metal, either in part or as a whole. I am working on doing partial transformations then angling the next part...but I an not really good a that yet."

Human Torch has posed:
nods impressed. "Wow and you want a suit for -that-?" he questions.

Another Mai Tai makes it to his hands and he passes the finished one off.

"Reed is a smart guy. I'm sure he can get something together for you, I mean he is all stretchy and changy too."

Flex has posed:
"This one works pretty well at stretching and is even fairly tough, but not being Unstable Molecules, does not adapt fully to my form. It can not conduct energy or resist heat near my melting point or withstand lasers like my metal can...and if I make an edge on a covered portion I can cut through the cloth by accident," Adrian explains.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm sips his drink and responds, "I'm sure that Reed can help you. I mean, mine can deal with heat and stuff. My sisters can even turn invisible," pauses. "Wait....wait you can get hot?"

Flex has posed:
Adrian clarifies, "Not by transforing, but if I am fighting someone like you or Sunfire I can get pletnty hot before my metal starts to melt."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm titls his head completely changing the subject, "Like you can produce your own heat?"

Flex has posed:
Adrian shakes his head, "Not so far as I have discovered, but there may be aspects to my power I have not found out yet. When I was conducting that energy I mentioned...I somehow learned something about the machine I was draining the energy from. I have not done that before, and I am not sure how it works..."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm nods, "So you can't?" he sips his drink.

"OK. Well....give us and by us I mean Reed a few weeks and we will get something for you. Do you have a color preference?" he asks casually.

Flex has posed:
Flex notes, "While I am on hiatus, this that I am wearing resembles my official uniform from the Canadian government. Red and silver with Maple Leaf designs, so everyone can tell who I represent."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm smirks, "Red and Silver huh? Red and silver where," he pauses to look at Flex for a moment, "Are you sure that you don't want a Mai Tai?"

Flex has posed:
Adeian points, "Silver on the boots, gloves, shouders, and upper chest, except the maple leaf icons on the shoulders and the one on the chest. Red on the body suit...just like the one I am wearing now."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm nods to himself, "I think that I am going to get to design it. Nice. That's my job you know."

Flex has posed:
Flex smiles, "I am sure you will do it well. I have moved to an Arartment in Gotham, here is my new number so you can leave a message when it is ready. Did you need anything else today?"

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm goes back to his massage table, "A massage," he says flippantly. "Once we have it ready I will call you. Can you fly?" he asks on the off hand.

Flex has posed:
"I think I can glide, but have not really tried it yet..." Adrian comments.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm points to the edge of the building. "You can try now. I'll come save you if need be," he smirks taking anoter sip. "It'll be fun no?"

Flex has posed:
Flex transforms his arms into wide triangular "blades", takes a deep breath, and jumps off the edge of the building. As he jumps he also transforms his lower legs. In theory, he can control the direction of his glide much like flying a hang glider. Of course...he has never flown a hang glider...

At first he tumbles out of control, but he has enough strength to straiten himself out and manages to get to a fairly controlled glide eventually.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm runs to the edage of the building to watch. He pumps a fist, "YEAH!" he exclaims. "I don't need to save you!"

Flex has posed:
Adrian is trying to remember an important detail, namely how ro slow down so he can land. He is still moving faster than a running pace, he might break something if he hits moving this quick.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm does in his best canadian accent, "Oh Slooow down OK. You have to stop abooot 5 feet from the ground."

Flex has posed:
Adrian is trying to figure out how to slow down without tumbling out of control. It is a bit hard to figure out without instructions. He could turn the rest of the way to metal and not be hurt on impact, but it might not be good for anyone below him. He tries to think, OK, I can rotate my arms at the shoulder and bend my legs at the knees, or twist my legs any way my upper legs can move. Let me figure out what I can do with that...

Human Torch has posed:
"FLAME ON!" and Johnny leaps off of the roof heading towards Flex.

He can arrive quickly but he considers the distance and lets Flex fall a little more to see what he does.

Flex has posed:
The Flex-glider swerves from side to side and almost tumbles, then tilts down and speeds up before he finally pulls up TOO sharply and begins to stall. This puts hu bach almost into his original fall, but much closer to the ground. Fortuately, he now has a basic grasp of the aerodynamics of the form and is able to drop back out of the stall and into a controlled glide. He gets a bit more speed to keep in the air, it is a balance he has to learn through practice. Finally he is getting close to the ground and transforms his legs back into feet and starts running in place before his feet finally hit the ground. Still a bit fast, so he winds up tumbling into a roll (transforming his arms back so the blades to bot strike anything).

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm pulls up out of his dive and shortly lands behind, "Good job. Good. job. You may be a flier evetually. Either way, I am going to fly back up there to finish my drink and then get started on your suit."

Flex has posed:
Flex gets up and dusts himeself off, then frowns, "Could you bring my street clothes down here for me, or do I have to take the elevator back up?"

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm obliges and not using too much flame goes up then come back down, "Here ya go Kid."

Flex has posed:
"Thank you, Mr. Storm. Hopefully hear from you soon," says Flex gratefully.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm flies back up but before he says, "Call me jah Storm."