11658/A Nice Day For a Stroll

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A Nice Day For a Stroll
Date of Scene: 23 June 2020
Location: Washington Sq. Park - Greenwich Village
Synopsis: An attempted kidnapping is foiled by an impromptu Voodoo and Snake Eyes team up.
Cast of Characters: Snake Eyes, Voodoo

Snake Eyes has posed:
It's a beautiful day out. The perfect sort of atmosphere to enjoy a day at the park. Folks are taking advantage of the nice weather to get outside and enjoy themselves in the sun this morning, partaking in a wide variety of activities.

One of those out in the park is Snake Eyes. The ninja isn't wearing fatigues and bristling with weapons, instead of his black mask and visor he wears one which allows him to pass for someone whose face wasn't burned off. With short blond hair and blue eyes and relatively symmetrical features he tends to blend into crowd. He's dressed casually, wearing jeans, t-shirt and running shoes. His attention is mostly focused on his surroundings and people around him. In one of his ears is a small earpiece that might be a bluetooth device.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is here as wel. Wearing her half t-shirt, jeans and boots, Voodoo's roaming the park. Looking over it all, Priss doesn't have a care in the world. Being a telepath gives her an edge really, and given she stands out with her caramel skin, coaly black hair and distinctive features, Priss needs to be on guard.

Which she is. And also she's perusing what people are up to, slipping a $5 to an artist here, a few bucks to musicians there. She's got a coffee in hand, enjoying the weather and relaxing. Not just looking relaxed. She's actually relaxed.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Since it's so pleasant outside Snake finds himself doing a good bit of people watching as he moves through the park. There's a lot to see and do, after all, and it is entertaining to see people enjoying themselves. As he ends up passing the very striking telepath he gives her a smile and a nod, keeping his eyes on her face to be polite, before glancing towards the next person. The telepath might be surprised to find that Snake Eyes' isn't really thinking about a relaxing day in the park. If Voodoo were to probe further she'd learn that he's following someone, an NYU professor.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is giving him a polite smile and nod, all the while digging deeper. Oh, he's aftr somebody? Okay. Now let's see here...Priss is psychically louud mind, any telepaths within a few counties could probably pick up on her, given she's essentially a psychic equivalent of an air raid siren going off. Very loud. Very noticeable/ Quite probably deafening, psionically, to anyone without precautions/ And much like an air raid siren, she won't shut up psionically, either till she quits using her powers.

Digging deeper, Priss figures out okay, fine. The prof's in trouble. Now. Which side is this guy on, hers, and thus, the side of 'good', or the kidnapper's side? Because if he's on the wrong side. Priss is going to have to have a nice talk with him, followed by psionically blasting him for being on the wrong side. But adding to the complications in her own mind, Priss is understanding the greater picture. What if the prof's needed to be kidnapped to do a great deed for the kidnappers, hey, curee a town of a plague, or something of that nature?

Great, Priss is just sitting back mnetally, withdrawing from Snake's mind and giving him a head start before starting to walk after him. The worst she can do is watch and see where this goes after all. No point in jumping to conclusions.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The professor is a ways ahead. They're young and vibrant, enjoying their day. Occasionally they stop to chat with people that look as though they might be students at the school. When the professor slows down so does Snake Eyes, being subtle so as not to attract the educator's attention as he keeps pace with them.

Things begin to get to look a little bit off to trained observers of the situation. There's a construction crew with a couple of vans that are standing around some cones, directing people to turn down from one of the paths. There's six of them in total, all with large toolboxes in their hands. Two of the six are near the orange cones, looking as though they're prepared to move them.

Snake touches his earpiece momentarily, then very subtly nods his head. His pace increases as he attempts to close in on the professor to be ready should something happen with the construction crew.

Voodoo has posed:
Find an alternative route. Mantra of the construction crew. Priss has taken that literally and is finding another route to get to the professsor. Social norms be damned, that guy's in trouble and Priss stands up for the downtrodden and in trouble, so she's on the side of let's not let the prof get kidnapped, yeah? That is a side. Priss will argue that point endlessly.

Jogging now she's touching minds and scanning them, and aiming to get into the construction crew's heads.

Ah sure an area psychic blast would have them wondering what's going on, and hurt, it'd also knock them all, prof included out of the fight too unless Priss is flawless with her timing.

See. Being a dancer is helpful

Snake Eyes has posed:
The guys dressed as a construction crew are most definitely there to kidnap the professor. Their toolboxes contain weapons, hoods and zip ties. They don't know why they want him, only that their boss had told them to take the educator alive and unharmed. As he starts to get close to where the crew is working they pull up their orange cones and motion that it's okay for people to pass through now. The professor is ready to fall into their trap, heading for the path that leads between the vans.

Snake sees what's happening there and picks up his pace even more, letting the crowds conceal him as he moves. The woman he'd smiled at earlier also seems to have sped up, so the soldier takes a brief moment to scan her, looking for concealed weapons or some other sign that she might be with the kidnapper crew.

Voodoo has posed:
Okay great, this looks like the world's most organized construction crew. That alone is suspicious to Voodoo.

She's not carrying any weapons, at least not physical ones. Oh this guy and Zealot would be a fun time. Still, Priss concentrates and conjures up the illusion of a lone park police officer approaching from the side. Granted it'll only affect two or three of the six, but Priss's goal is to distract them for long enough. All three get the same illusion, that glimpse out the corner of their eyes, the park patroling cop coming over to talk to them.

Add in a little more, Priss. Try a second cop on a bicycle coming over too. So it's an illusion, but Priss's goal is to sow confusion among the crew and get them infighting and confused. If the prof can get through, job done. And if they don't take the illusion seriously, Priss has her mental blast as a fallback.

Snake Eyes has posed:
There's a momentary distraction for the kidnappers as the "police" appear to them. One of them touches his throat and says something under his breath. In the next moment their toolboxes hit the ground. Some go to open them, others draw pistols from inside their coveralls. One pulls out a Taser and starts moving towards the professor, "Professor, come with us if you want to live." The poor teacher freezes in place as they're singled out. The guys who see police point weapons at them, yelling for them to: "Get on the ground!" Others try to disperse the folks around their target.

Snake Eyes does his best to close with the guy going for the professor. He hasn't drawn a gun yet, wanting avoid collateral damage, but he also probably doesn't need one yet.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss isn't okay with the prof getting hurt. Nah. Not on her watch, so out come the claws as Priss winds her way towards them. As in, literal oh great those are claws capable of slicing through most terrestrial metals with ease type...

Yeah Priss isn't a happy camper. And she's got fangs, too. Who let the Demonite part of her out to play, again? Ah she's not risking an area of effect psionic attack, more just slash slash grrr angry rrrrr angry Priss mode. So essentially, she's charging at the group claws literally out and slashing, fangs out, and Priss is doing this for a great reason. Protect the prof. And probably seee a spike in sales of pants, too.

Snake Eyes has posed:
"Oh crap," one of the kidnappers mutters under his breath as the scary claw lady approaches him. He seems to forget that he's armed as he turns to flee. His coworker, however, seem to be a little more composed. The taser guy moves his laser sight from the professor towards Priss and pulls the trigger, trying to give the woman a good zapping. Others bring their guns around, deciding she's a bigger threat than the cops.

Snake takes advantage of their confusion, moving towards the closest kidnapper and launching himself through the air to try to deliver a spin kick to the man's head.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is all ...and this is how a bar fight starts, in her head. She gets zapped and doesn't care, much. That's ammo for her to unleash a mental psionic assault on the group. It's like acid on their brains, really and Priss is beyond reasons. She just got effing tazed. Swearing profusely in Crele, something something, your mothers, something somewthing crew....Priss is charging them now. Mental assault, okay, slash at them with claws. Great.

If they got mental shielding, Priss is gonna be more angry. if not, enjoy having acid dumped on their heads, or at least that's what it feels like really.

Snake Eyes has posed:
These guys might be a somewhat organized kidnapping crew. They are not organized enough to have mental shielding of any kind. They stop in their tracks, dropping weapons and grabbing the sides of their heads in an ineffectual attempt to stop their brains from feeling as if being dissolved in a powerful acid.

That gives Snake Eyes so much oppportunity and he's not going to waste it wondering why the bad guys are freaking out. The dude he aimed his jump kick at drops to the ground when Snake's foot connects with the side of his head. The ninja is then about to move on the next when the beautiful woman he's very glad isn't an evildoer closes with that kidnapper. Since she seems to be more than capable the ninja heads for another badguy so that he can render them unconscious.

The professor has just remembered how to move, apparently. And move they do! Turning and running from the scene of the battle. They don't even scream so that they can keep their lungs full of the precious oxygen they need to keep up their best pace.

Voodoo has posed:
See, Priss isn't that happy with being tazed. So she's not stopping charging. It's working, and yet...she hits the deck, thanks, delayed reactions. Tazing her is a bad idea, though. She's eaching out as she falls, ready to slice and dice on her way down to the ground.

Priss isn't playing fair, with claws and, and....things.and mental weapons. See, she's firmly on Snake's side. Just, ya know, on the flor.

Snake Eyes has posed:
As the kidnappers are assaulted by two combat monsters they soon end up in heaps upon the ground. The guy that was unlucky enough to get in Priss's way as she went down is cut to ribbons by those fierce claws. The others seem more or less alive, though.

Snake Eyes takes a moment to make sure that the bad guys are all out of the fight before moving to check on his unexpected partner, ripping the taser's probes out of her by the wire to make sure the device doesn't continue to shock her. A cell phone is produced from his pocket and he starts swiping on it. The first thing sent is a message to his backup, these being the guys dressed like Tactical NYPD officers. Some of them move to intercept the professor to take them somewhere safe, others head for the mangled kidnapping crew, though they're still some way away.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss has regeneration and she's sitting there looking irritated at the tasing. "Thanks" she says quietly, looking to the bad guys and fully ready to give them another mental attack if needed. Nah. They are like pretzels already. That'd just be adding insult to injury.

So getting to her feet Priss nods a thanks, and smiles with a nod again. "Thank you" she says simply. See, claws and fangs gone, okay, back to usual Priss, dancer, murderous angry Voodoo's a thing of the past few moments. Which is good.

A calm Priss is good, nobody dies.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The phone in Snake's hand is swiped by his thumb a few times before it says in it's robotic voice, "Thank you." The ninja himself looks around as his buddies in tactical gear rush towards the downed enemy combatants, some producing zip cuffs while others keep their weapons at the ready.

"Hey Snake. Who's your friend? Superhero?" asks one whose name tape says 'Smith'.

Snake turns towards the questioner and shrugs his shoulders. Then it's back to his phone so that it can talk for him as he addresses his impromptu partner again, "Do you require medical assistance?"

'Smith' is quick to explain on behalf of his coworker, "Snake's mute, but he hears okay. You can talk to him if you don't mind dealing with the phone thing or you know ASL."

Voodoo has posed:
Priss smiles more, "Hey thanks, I'll talk and listen to the phone, I'm Priss" she offers. Sure, just give a first name. "I'm pretty sure most of those guys are regretting this" she says and stays put. No claws, no fangs, nothing.

"You're welcome for the help" Priss nods. A h how to explain things were telepathically off....huh, Priss is picking her words very, very carefully.

Snake Eyes has posed:
'Smith' pats Snake on the shoulder as he heads back to continue rounding up the would be kidnappers, letting the silent fellow communicate with the pretty lady by himself.

Snake's thumb is fast on his phone, but it still takes a couple of seconds for him to get his message across, "Can you tell me how you knew those guys were a threat? My handler didn't notice anything out of ordinary until she found there were no work crews in the park today. Just before they acted."

Voodoo has posed:
Pris is quiet. She's not quite sure how to answer that one really. How is she going to explain this whole being a telepath thing...

"Just instincts" Priss bluffs. See, she wants to keep her whole hey, I'm a telepath thing under wraps.