11673/Drinking In A Viking Themed Club

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Drinking In A Viking Themed Club
Date of Scene: 25 June 2020
Location: Club Mjolnir, Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Hela, Snake Eyes and Blackout bump into each other at Hela's Club.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Snake Eyes, Blackout

Hela has posed:
By now, with her Club Mjolnir a rather resounding success, there are actually some who know 'Miracle Elle' less for her work during the Black Sleep, and more for being the proprietess of a very unique club that provides a fascinating thematic experience. At the moment Elle is walking about the long tables, making sure patrons are having a good time and wanting for nothing. Her unique looks make her stand out quite a bit.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Ah yes. A club. Definitely not Snake Eyes' usual haunt, but he's found himself alone in the city and looking to do some exploration. What better place than a joint that caters to everyone from tourists like himself to actual Norse gods? Thankfully, he's thoughtful enough to not come in dressed like a ninja, which is his usual attire. Instead, he's got a mask on to make himself look like an average Joe and to cover up his messed up mug. Currently, he's clad in rather nice attire. A black button up dress shirt is worn with the top button undone and the sleeves rolled up to show off a forearm tattoo. The shirt's in a French tuck into Snake's nicest pair of blue jeans, themselves held in black by a black leather belt with a shiny silver buckle. On his feet are a pair of black dress shoes.

The commando moves easily enough, letting his senses expand to take in his surroundings and the people in them. As the club is quite unusual with the placement of long tables in the center he takes a few moments to watch other patrons before moving to take a seat. As he gets close he ends up in Elle's vicinity and gives her a friendly smile and a nod, though the longer he looks the more out of place the smile seems to feel.

Hela has posed:
Elle herself is dressed in a rather 'goth' manner, blacks, and straps and brocades, and her fingers are decorated with mutltitudes of rings, a couple of which are full finger with taloned tip. She has a simple leather cord around her neck with a pendant in the shape of a Valknut.

"You're new...welcome to Club Mjolnir," she greets Snake Eyes who looks quite out of place. Whether it be his weird smile, or the way he carries himself so awkwardly, he seemed to have drawn her attention.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Well, the slightly offputting knockout has focused on him. Snake's smile returns to looking like he's genuinely happy, probably is to have been noticed so quickly, and he waves at the woman. After the wave he taps himself on the lips and makes a 'zipping' motion across them, then quickly retrieves his cell phone from his pocket, swiping at the screen with his thumb. After a moment it speaks in a robotic voice, though Snake also shows the screen in the event it's too loud in the club, "Thank you. I am mute. This place is great." Once the phone has said it's piece its owner brings it back to get ready to start swiping again, but for the moment his attention is focused on his new acquaintance. Then he suddenly seems to remember something and returns to pushing the phone's screen. When he holds out the device again it says the words, "Call me Snake."

Hela has posed:
Elle tilts her head curiously as she peers at Snake Eyes, eventually figuring out what he means to say, "have you literally lost your tongue?" She asks, taking some fascination in his affliction. There are just so many thing, some of each could be helped with magic, should she care to offer her aid at all. "Snake is a peculiar name, particularly as snakes are well known for their tongue, is this some form of humor at your expense?" She wonders, smirking at the use of the device with the robotic voice.

Snake Eyes has posed:
"Tongue still there. Vocal cords gone," says Snake's phone. The question about his name being a joke gets a silent laugh from him. His shoulders shrug and his head tilts somewhat to the side before he grins and shakes his head. Swiping, he explains through his electronic gizmo, "Nickname from the Army. Nobody beat me with a knife during training. Said I moved fast as a snake." A proud smile at that remark before he adds, "Could talk back then. Retired now." He seems alert and relaxed at the same time, keeping himself aware of his surroundings while his attention is on his new acquaintance.

Blackout has posed:
    Not at all what he was expecting from the Yelp marker and review for a 'great place to eat and socialize'. Especially when it has 'club' in the name. When Blackout (Marc) entered the 'club' he was pretty amazed at the affectations, decorations, layout and then quickly realized he was hungrier than he thought. Wearing his black on black on black on black business suit, no tie, with black sneakers, he was lead to a table where he would take a seat and make himself comfortable and casually look about at his dinner companions. He's reminded of several other places like in Epcot as his eyes are visually entertained by everything and everyone around.

Hela has posed:
"Ah...a very skilled injury to inflict," Elle remarks, as she studies Snake Eyes, as if in search of some sign of a scar yielded by a blade along his neck area. "A knife lacks in reach, do you like for things to be up close and personal?" She muses, signaling for a server who soons brings Snake Eyes a drinking horn of mead. For him to accept or refuse. "And now you find that silence is golden...?" She muses, she turns to offer a nod of her head in greeting at Blackout as he joins, "sneakers with a suit is an interesting combination," she remarks.

Snake Eyes has posed:
"Breathed in flames during helicopter crash," Snake's device says for him, though he does lift his throat to show it to Elle so she can take a better look. Then he shrugs his shoulders and goes back to his phone to let it talk again, "Knives are quiet and easy to carry. Quieter than suppressed guns. I like to use what is best for mission at hand, though." When the server shows up with the mead Snake takes it with a thankful nod of his head and a smile. The question about silence being golden makes him smile again. This time when his phone speaks it says, "Move with the wind and you will never be heard."

The guy with suit and sneakers is given a little wave, well, more saluted with the lifted drinking horn. Snake then lifts it to his lips and takes a careful sip, eyes widening as he studies the taste. The satisfied look on his face and his return to drinking shows that he approves.

Blackout has posed:
    The nod is returned as Blackout notes the eye contact from the striking woman. Though he's not inclined to interrupt or even think she's seeking conversation until she actually speaks to him. He looks down to the table as if he's looking at his sneakers. Then back to her and over to her companion who waves. Another nod is given and he only casually states, "Way more comfortable." but leaves it at that. They are in a conversation about guns, knives, or something that Blackout knows best to avoid.

Hela has posed:
"Comfort over conformity, noted," Elle remarks, though her deadpan delivery leaves no room to interpert whether she deems it a good or bad thing. To Snake Eyes, Elle gives a more puzzled expression, "a helicopter...?" She asks, oddly enough, appearing to have honestly never heard of the vessel. "Bladed weapons of old over the monstrosities of modern times at any given time," Elle seems to agree with Snake Eyes' views, "there is no valor in the new ways."

Elle laughs at his bit of wisdom, as she asks, "serve as a sagely mentor in your spare time, do you?"

Snake Eyes has posed:
Snake seems lost when Elle appears confused as to what a helicopter happens to be. He quickly pulls up a video on his phone to show her one in flight. The ninja occasionally glances at the video himself and it's soon over. His swiping on the phone is pretty quick, even with one hand, "I used to hear a lot of words of wisdom growing up. Some of them I even remember." That's when the phone in his hands vibrates. Looking at the screen Snake frowns deeply and finishes off his mead in a couple of gulps so he can set the horn down on the table. Some cash gets placed down next to it as a tip for the server. When he makes his phone speak next it says, "I have to run. Thank you for talking to me."

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout is also confused with the lack of helicopter knowledge. But it's reasonable in this world of weird that there are people who have avoided contact with the real world. Maybe this woman is one of those people. Drink and a plate of food is brought for him, sat in front of Blackout. He thanks the server and will look to Snake Eyes' departure. There's nothing really for him to say, other than to watch the other man leave as he himself will take fork and knife to begin eating while trying not to be an imposition to anyone around him.