11712/South Koreans With Marines

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South Koreans With Marines
Date of Scene: 02 July 2020
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Synopsis: Lex and Ami talk business.
Cast of Characters: White Fox, Lex Luthor

White Fox has posed:
It's a rather nondescript office bulding that has been chosen for the meeting. The elevator lists the third floor as a consulting company, but that's a facade for some of the NIS to conduct business. The setup is proper for such though: the room chosen for the actual meeting isn't one of the windowed ones - those are for showing. No, it is a central room without windows, a table in the center. Some screens give the illusion of space and a look outside though.

In the lobby for that office Ami waits for her meeting. Maybe some of the less dogoody companies would be willing to sell without looking too much at what they would be selling to whom.

Lex Luthor has posed:
To those in the know, Lex Luthor is ruthless and pragmatic. A known man of calculating personality, LexCorp was the company chosen for this potential deal.

However, rather than come himself for negotiations, Lex has sent an envoy, whom is it known by Ami and associates that she has full authority to speak for him in this meeting.

Publicly, she's one of his two trusted bodyguards. She is also apparently trusted to handle delegation for his work.

It's right on time for the meeting that a blonde haired woman in a black business dress comes into the lobby. Her piercing blue eyes give a striking contrast to the neutral confidence she exudes like an aura, and she strides up to Ami like she belonged, offering a handshake, "Mercy Graves, Envoy for Mr. Luthor. I hear you're interested in... goods. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Han."

White Fox has posed:
Insead of taking the hand like a good american would, Ami answers the gesture with a smile and a bow, though ne that owuld be considered to much for the status of the 'mere bodyguard' of the CEO. One that acknowledges the fact that she just most likely did insult the woman by ignoring the hand. "Welcome to Korea Miss Graves. It's a pleasure to meet you too, and yes, the NIS is looking into new acquisitions."

With a few steps and a gesture she indicates the door into the meeting room. "There are contingency plans in the making about setting up a quick response group to assist the ROKA against... special combattants. Not a high volume, but a high quality team. There are after all only so many National Heroes that could do so." Ami elaborates, as she invites her into the secured meeting room, making sure the door is closed before the actual spicy stuff is mentioned.

"We are looking into Items that one shouldn't find in a normal army's arsenal. Gauss rifles, lasers, maybe something to crack the shell of lobster man."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Next generation technology? That's quite an ask, Ms. Han." Mercy doesn't seem all that fazed by the bow, instead opting to follow the other woman into the secure room. There, she finds a seat... and sits, crossing her legs as she does so. "What makes you believe the risk of reputation would be worth it for Mr. Luthor?" One eyebrow raises for the question, curiously.

White Fox has posed:
"Two things. One..." Ami reaches to the table to tap a button, altering the lighting in the room and turning the screens immitating windows into displays showing a rough organigramm of Lexcorp, one division starting to get picke out and more detailed.

"Mr. Luthors korean subsidiary seems to have missed out on quite some opportunities in the last years. A deal like this could help to bring it back on track and at the same time aid in protecting the assets of it against dangers by securng the country they are in. That'd be most likely how Mr. Luthor can sell it to the US customs and his shareholders. But two..."

Again Ami taps the table to alter the screens to some of north korea's latest 'exploits' in the realm of testing stuff. Mostly missiles. "While our north neighbor is its own testing ground..." The screen changes to other testing facilities. Hammer. Area 51 and then more and more, though they don't show details like in the beginning. "I am quite certain Mr. Luthor might be interested in seeing some equipmentin that department field tested by a group that arguably could have developed such means themselves while not looking into the direction of the generous seller because there is a triggerhappy person in posession of weapons of mass destruction to look at."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Mr. Luthor is always interested in lucrative contracts, but he thinks long term. Long term means he needs to maintain good relations with his primary contractors. He would need an ironclad means of plausible deniability when it comes to the equipment you describe, and with the patents involved, it would be easy to trace this deal as it stands back to LexCorp." Mercy informs Ami, before she takes out a tablet PC from her satchel, turns it on, and starts to scroll through it.

"My current counteroffer is; we can offer is joint development of South Korean technology projects using LexCorp resources. Publicly, it would look like Mr. Luthor is interested in stronger ties with US allies -which is true, in it's own way- while we can establish new LexCorp labs and factories on government contract. Publicly, these new facilities would be integrating into the world famous South Korean economy to provide technology and end user production. Privately, they would be testing grounds for this joint research project. Your government can sub-contract to us so that your annual budgets would only reflect contractors fees, freeing you from very public oversight... and helping to minimize potential leaks along the chain."

She looks up, "In exchange, I feel confident Mr. Luthor would be very happy with an exclusive steep discount for any mass production made should South Korean retain sole use said projects, along with the rights to patents for any new joint projects developed to that stage that we jointly decide to bring to the US.

She smiles, "assuming, of course, we bring any such technology to the US proper. That is not guaranteed."

White Fox has posed:
"A little from pot A and a little from pot B. A deniability for your company as well as a test ground, something to keep the politicans happy, and some new shiny technology for the defense cropping up on the roadside." Ami smiles as she settles down, entwinign her fingers into one another. "It's jsut a lot of red tape to weave to set up such a joint venture, especially with the economic and technology departments of the governement involved. Something for the really long game."

She seems to think about something for a few long moments before speaking up again. "Though in the meantime a container of the new L-57 with a 4x optic and 40 mm underbarrel launcher would certainly help to bridge the gap. The Home defense could need some fresh ones to phase out Korean war surplus."