11757/Calling in a Debt

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Calling in a Debt
Date of Scene: 11 July 2020
Location: Spike's Sub-Basement, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Buffy bribes Spike with blood to gain his help in rescuing victims of a vampire cult.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike

Buffy Summers has posed:
Only a day has passed since Buffy last wandered into his basement, all soaking wet, asking for his help (again) on something and anticipating that he wanted payment, because it's not like he'd ever actually help her out of the kindness of his heart..Right?

At least she's kept her word not to kick down his door, politely knocking instead as she waits outside, carrying a wine glass full of blood in one hand. Today she is dressed in a pink floral camisole and beige summery skirt and sandals. Hey it's hot out there and she should really do patrol soon but she had a bribe to see through.

The sun has barely set and Spike is hopefully just waking up..

Spike has posed:
     He's home of course. He doesn't have to sleep all day, but sometimes that's exactly what he does. When he hears the knock on the door he gets up and pulls on a pair of black sweats. At least he puts something on.

     When he opens the door he considers for a moment and finally smirks,"A good woman who knows how to bring the best." Opening the door and motions you inside. Once you come in he shuts the door behind you,"Have you decided when we're going to stop the troublesome people?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, resting the bottle on the nearby table. "Just making last minute arrangements. Tomorrow is probably the best day to run this, soon as I hear back from Spider byte in security summary..What you been up to?"

She shrugs at the bottle, "I figured you'd want..Payment, for helping."

Spike has posed:
     "Tomorrow it is." he comments with a nod. He looks at the payment and back to you,"Appreciate it." Indicating the couch he leaves the obvious unsaid. She can take a seat if she wants to.

     He walks back into the kitchen area and tells you,"Nothing too exciting. Sleeping. Dreaming about someone that is too oblivious to know she is dreamed about." Was that snark or legit. Lucky you. It's on you to figure it out.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, not a tired sigh, more...We'll she seems upset about something as she flops down on his couch. "Dreaming about Drusilla Huh.." she shrugs and smirks. Either she's totally oblivious or scared to even touch that subject. "Don't suppose I could try a bit of that bourbon again..?"

Spike has posed:
     He smirks a little and moves his way to the cabinet. He takes the bottle out and two glass tumblers. Walking over to the couch he places the bottle and the glasses on the table infront of the couch.

     "Oh yes. Dreaming of she who snogged the slime oozing demon for the sake of causing he me harm. I can't wait to see that one again." he comments sarcastically. He settles on the arm of the couch for now.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, hugging her arms as she ponders, "Huh...That bad? Guess that tops most of my doomed relationships, of which there are many.." she sighs, leaning back against the couch. "Guess I'm just cursed..At least you got to be with the love of your life for a hundred years or so..Longest relationship I've been in was what, a year at most before disaster happened with Angel?"

Spike has posed:
     "Unlife is what it is." he comments with a shrug and rests his arms on his knees,"Life is the same. We all go through and we all make mistakes. A hundred years was a good run yes. I do miss that sometimes, but it's like...." he frowns thoughtfully and considers his words,"....one part the best parts of your life and one part root canal surgery without drugs."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs a bit. "So how'd you do it? Stay with the same woman for a hundred years I mean..That must have been a feat. I mean I'd have driven anyone crazy after a few years I'd think.." though somehow she's known Spike for a few years now and he still hasn't managed to kill her or hate her as much as he really should.

Spike has posed:
     "We were...too busy being in love to annoy each other." he admits,"It was a whirlwind romance from the start and all the way to the end." A shake of his head and he laughs softly,"She was crazy and her demon and mine just....fit."

     Turning towards you he shrugs,"In the end. We were monsters some would say. Others, who were smart to stay far away when saying it referred to us as the Sid and Nancy of the vampire world." He shakes his head and snorts.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, trying to imagine what Thant's like. "So..I guess demons really are capable of a version of love I suppose.." she tilts her head, watching him curiously, "What about...I mean you do have some humanity left right? Even without a soul...Is it possible? Can your humanity still...Still love..?" she has no right to ask, but she is curious.

Spike has posed:
     "Her life was more important than mine." he admits with a shrug,"When she got hurt I wanted to fix it. When she cried I wanted to make her laugh." he continues,"I'm not an expert, but that sounds like what love is to most people."

     He doesn't seem to worried about questions for the moment,"The mob that nearly killed her was less of a concern than that she was hurt. They had fire and stakes and I didn't care." He eyes the bourbon a moment and shrugs,"You tell me. Then we'll both know."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is a bit surprised by that, peering at him in surprise. "Wow really..I guess you know more about it than I do then..How does that even make sense? How can a demon be so..So selfless?" she shakes her head in disbelief as she takes another swing of bourbon. Why is she even discussing such a sensitive topic with a demon anyway? Must be tired.

As for the last question, Buffy just shrugs, "Me? How would I know? I'm not the one obsessed with someone, believing it's love and not something more...More twisted." she frowns, trying to figure that one out.

Spike has posed:
     "There's no right answer love. No matter how you cut it." he finally comments and pours two glasses of bourbon finally. He slides one your way and akes the other one back to him.

     Swirling the drink in the glass a bit he shrugs,"You know what it is like to love someone you can't. I'd say there is a similarity there." Yes he went there, but at least it wasn't in a snarky, spiteful way,"You still love him too, you just don't act on it."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, staring at her drink. "I've loved. Twice actually. Angel, and.." she sighs, "Thomas, but he...He's so busy with work lately, I dunno.." she frowns, "Just hope things aren't falling apart already, hope I didn't piss him off or something. Just dont see him much anymore. I miss him."

And here she is, spilling out her life story to the one person she shouldn't, one who makes her feel nervous, anxious, who knows what? "What are you talking about? you and I have something in common?" she frowns, staring at him, a bit surprised. Oh he did not just go there..

Buffy just laughs to hide her nervousness perhaps, "Seriously? You..,You think I'm in love...With you?!"

Spike has posed:

     Yes he laughs. He isn't apologetic about it either. He shakes his head and sighs and hangs his head for a moment. He doesn't know Thomas, but he certainly wasn't implying she cared for him at all.

     "No. That's a one way street and you aren't on it." he finally comments,"I know you don't care for me much more than as muscle when you need it. If I dust tomorrow night, you're not going to shed any tears." he muses,"You love Angel and you can't. The badness that follows doesn't change how you feel."

     Spike takes a drink and reaches for his cigarettes. Taking one out he taps it while talking again,"I don't know who Thomas is, but does he know you will always carry the torch for your former love who will become a monster if the two of you..." he shrugs and leaves the rest unsaid.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head. "I love Angel sure, but he and I have both moved on..I'm with Thomas now." she says simply. Even though things have been...Iffy lately. It's not like she's seen him nearly often enough and maybe that's why she's a bit moody tonight.

As for how she feels about him, Buffy shakes her head quickly, "That's not true! You think I wouldn't shed tears for you? Of course I would..You've been one of my, my trusted allies, and I..." she sighs, "If I was just using you, don't you think I'd threaten and beat you up like I've done in the past? I may not trust you but doesn't mean I don't have some level of respect for you.." why, she seems almost hurt by the presumption.

Spike has posed:
     Lighting the cigarette, he takes a slow initial drag and blows the smoke away from her. See he does care...somewhat anyway. A drink of the bourbon follows and he shrugs,"Hopefully you and Thomas can be happy. Normal lives are hard to come by and if you can find it.....I don't know wheter to be happy for you or feel sorry for you really."

     He takes another drag and looks at the ceiling watching the smoke escape and swirl,"Life is like the smoke love. You don't know what it will do. The course changes." He considers you again and says,"I would be surprised if you did love, but I will take your word for it. Besides, I don't plan on going anywhere soon. Maybe some night you will love me. It's worth sticking around for." Now who's being hopeful?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shrugs, "Maybe..If we can get over this one hurdle but I dunno, I keep thinking I'm doomed in love, don't exactly have the greatest track record, heck, even a soulless demon has had a better chance at love than me.." she laughs sadly a pt that, shaking her head.

She frowns at something he says, taking a long sip of her drink as she steps closer to him. "Sorry? Why? You don't think it'd work out?" Buffy frowns a bit at that, and sighs. "Yeah, life is unpredictable, can't imagine what a hundred years would do to me, probably drive me mad.."

She peers back at him for a long time, biting her lip. Honestly she could react any number of ways, but in the end her gaze softens, smiling faintly, sadly. "Maybe...Some day...I suppose life can be strange that way." wait what, she's admitting that he stands a chance?

Spike has posed:
     A glimmer of hope. No matter how small. Shut up Spike. Don't say anything stupid to put it out. He shakes his head a little and admits,"Maybe we're all doomed to walk this life alone. Maybe Slayers and vampires alike aren't supposed to be happily ever after."

     At least he didn't say anything stupid about the some day. He raises his cigarette and exhales away from you after a drag,"So. I have to admit to curious. May favorite slayer has a guy. He's not like Angel and I is he?" Not that it is any of his business, but he asks anyway. He does care, even if he's bad at showing it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Maybe..." she shrugs, "Maybe I just expect too much, after all Im hardly..Normal." The sad irony of that just makes her shake her head and laugh, "The funny thing is, I don't even hate you like I should. We're mortal enemies, or..We should be but I..." no, Buffy, dont even go there, it's too twisted.

She just shrugs again, "Thought you already met Thomas. He's...Umm...." she bites her lip, looks away again, "Okaay, he's hardly normal either..Psychic vampire...?" Yeaaah, her love life is dooomed, she can't even fall in love with normal people.

Spike has posed:
     He only nods when she mentions high expectations. When she mentions hate he shrugs a little and admits,"It's not too far apart love and hate. Both are powerful, both inspire poetry, and both inspire great conflict."

     "Thomas Raith. It's been a while." he comments finally,"He's not a prancing poofter that one. Almost likeable in his way." SUre he can get jealous and such, but less likely to be jealous when the love only goes one way.

     The mention of mortal enemies gives him a moment of wistful amusement...or maybe something that looks like it. A shake of his head and he comments,"Face it love. Friend or enemy, you know I'll fight the fight. A mercenary as it were. You know I can't really hurt normals either so..." there is a shrug.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head slowly, "You kidding me? How can they be anything alike? I mean, I wouldn't care less if someone I hated died, I wouldn't try so hard to not kill them..I wouldn't miss them so much when they go away for days, weeks, months, then randomly pop up out if the blue before taking off again.." Buffy clenches her fists as she talks and it's pretty damn clear that she's talking about a certain someone that she 'doesn't hate.'

Fortunately she catches herself before she can say something regrettable, and takes another long sip of her drink. "So you've met him, have you? I..Suppose this is the part you tell me that he's not good for me with the whole incubus thing going on...Him needing to feed off of sex energy to survive, me being just another hapless pawn, blah blah blah.." yeaaah, she's heard this plenty of times before..

Spike has posed:
     "Couldn't care less?" he asks with a raise of his brow,"Couldn't care less or just feel a different fire? One of ice instead of heat?" he continues,"Think about it. Think hard. You loved Angel with all your heart. Even for a time after the bad, but did you stop? When he was Angel again did you love him again? What changed?" he lets that hang a moment and he adds,"The passions. Fire and ice." Probably enough talk about that. She knows even though they fight together, Angel is not his favorite person.

     The conversation shifting to Thomas causes him to shrug,"Briefly." he commentes. He considers your words and shrugs,"Would you listen if I did?" A drag from the cigarette and his exhales slowly,"I've got no beef with him. You aren't mine to try to dissuade even if I didn't find him mostly tolerable."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, mulling that over. "Umm.....I guess, I never really thought of it that way. I mean I despised Angelus with a furious passion, but...But I also loved Angel with just as much passion. And I suppose I still do, even if we can never be together, even if he deserves better.."

As for lecturing her on Thomas, Buffy just laughs, "I'd probably punch you if you did, even if it would make sense. Doesn't matter anyway, it's not like he can drain me to death like with other girls, only...." Buffy sighs, "Wish he was around a bit more, just can't help but wonder if I...Did something to annoy him, or maybe it's my doomed relationship thing, I dunno.." And when did Spike become her counsellor?

Spike has posed:
     "The poet still knows a few things." he comments with a shrug,"I might have been less than successful, but what did they know in those days? Compared to now. Not a bloody thing." One last drag and exhale and he stubs out the cigarette.

     "You've punched me enough times. I don't see any reason to curry any more." he comments,"If he's busy...well he's busy. There's nothing for that. If he's avoiding you or is angry, that's on him. If he doesn't know what he's got, then all the better for the rest of us. Doomed relationship or not, you're worth more than someone that doesn't have time."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Look at her, confiding in him like he's her damn counsellor or something. "Right. Guess that's a bit of over sharing right there. Forget I said that last part.." she laughs rather nervously. "Okay well you got your blood as payment for helping me to free those kids whenever I get everything set up and that's really the only reason I came here.." she downs the last of her drink and heads for the door, pausing only briefly, "Figured I'd go do a bit of patrolling, warm up for tomorrow..Seems like this new batch of vamps are more well trained than the usual mooches. I need to be ready for anything.."

Spike has posed:
     Watching her prepare to leave, he doesn't rise. They are really past that sort of thing. His eyes follow you as you prepare to leave. A nod is what you get in return for the comments about the pay and the your plan set up.

     "Patrolling will do you some good." he agrees and considers the words that follow,"Someone is prepping them prior to siring well trained or just after the siring they get more than a crash course in vampire existence?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pauses, hovering in the doorway a moment longer. "You're always free to join me, yknow. It's been a while.." she shrugs, pushing a strand of hair out if her eyes. "Yeah..Seems that way. My theory is that he's prepping a well trained army of vamps to take over Sunnydale. We already got a brief glimpse of that when someone led me into a trap and we ended up fighting off a small army of vamps in a cemetary just out of the city. Plus, the ringleader, Armastus, used some sorta hypnosis mojo on me in our last battle. I imagine it's similar to how Drusilla does it, and last time she tried that on a slayer it resulted in her death..I can't afford to make that mistake again.."

Spike has posed:
     Looking over you for a long moment he finally shakes his head,"I think I might take a pass on patrolling tonight love. You probably need a break from the demon for a while." Yeah he uses her words back at her now and then, but she did call him that so. There is a frown and he does add,"I think maybe I have something else to look into."

     While he might not say it out loud, the prospect of trained vampire commando types makes him uncomfortable. Maybe it is the mention of Dru's powers and he shakes his head,"Avoid the eyes at all costs." he finally comments,"That or rip them out of his bloody skull."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a bit at his choice of words. "Well...I...." she shakes her head, "Maybe I just try to nurture the human a bit more. But okay then..And I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." she offers him one last thoughtful smile before she turns and is gone.

Spike has posed:
     He watches as Buffy leaves and he sighs,"Bloody hell." He gets up from the couch and moves to his bedroom area. Acid faded jeans, red button down shirt, and his usual foot ware. He sighs and comes back out from the bedroom,"You're a bloody moron." he mutters to himself.

     Trained vampires have to have something. A place to be trained and a teacher. It doesn't take a lot to make that leap. While he isn't terribly popular in the vampire community, for her he'll take a chance and look into it.

     Grabbing the long black coat that he won from a fallen slayer he throws his arms into it and lights a cigarette at the door. The things he does for one he should hate and loves instead. He could follow her, watch out for her even, but the situation calls for finding more intell on a potential bad situation so, once again, the Big Bad has to rise to the occasion.