11761/Operation: Cooperation

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Operation: Cooperation
Date of Scene: 11 July 2020
Location: Adirondack Park, New York State
Synopsis: Snake Eyes and Mockingbird are conducting recon when the bad guys attempt to do something terrible.
Cast of Characters: Snake Eyes, Mockingbird

Snake Eyes has posed:
The mission is rather straightforward: Perform recon on a suspected international kidnapping ring hiding out in the Adirondacks.

The complication: Action Force has tracked them north from Mexico and SHIELD got wind of it. Suddenly, it's a two agency operation.

GI Joe sent forth their top recon trooper, Snake Eyes, and his communication specialist, Dial-Tone, as their agents for this operation. Dial-Tone is handling things from the van that took Snake Eyes and his partner from SHIELD out to the area of operations, parking in a small parking lot to allow the two field operators to dismount and proceed through the woods on foot.

On the way out Snake communicates with the person he's working with in smooth ASL, remaining silent the entire time. He signs, 'Good to work with you. SHIELD is a good outfit. My unit says to ascertain numbers, equipment, exact location and security precautions and then radio back for reinforcements from both organizations to hit bad guys simultaneously. Joes are preparing air assault operation."

Mockingbird has posed:
Mockingbird nods and has her emotions clamped down. Snake's recon, Bobbi is the Mockingbird, SHIELD agent. She was picked for this because no, Coulson isn't up for it. So Bobbi's got her tactical suit on with her gear, kitted out for recon. Which boils down to shut up, Morse. Use these suppressed weapons and gear. She's got a drone with her, a silenced pistol, and binoculars, and finally to finish off the weapons side of things on her suit, she's picked out a silenced submachine gun, because that takes up less space on her belt and holster. The remaining space is taken up with gadgets and gear and ammunition on the off chance this turns into a gunfight. Hey, she can always call SHIELD in for suppport if needed.

Bobbi nods to Snake, and signs.

Why not just fly over and take pictures or do you need ground truth to see what's going on?

Bobbi's not even started mouthing off yet even in ASL..she's got her 'on duty' face on. Lead on, Snake-Eyes

Snake Eyes has posed:
'Too much tree cover,' Snake signs in reply. 'Planes might miss things, even with heat signatures.'

He's armed to the teeth. Knives, sword, suppressed submachine gun, pistol, frag grenades. His usual kit. Works for him for stealth missions or when going loud.

The trip through the woods to the suspected location of the kidnappers will take some time, but Bobbi and Snake are ridiculously physically fit individuals and it will not tire them out. As they get closer, within a couple of kilometers, Snake's partner will radio the pair. "You're almost there," Dial-Tone says. "Thermals on the drone have picked up a camp a few miles down an old logging road. There are a bunch of people, some tents and a few vehicles present, including a semi."

Snake looks towards Bobbi and signs again, 'Lets get into position. Gather intelligence and get ready to provide covering fire for operators when they arrive.'

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's seriously considering just climbing a tree once they get there but she's got a job to do, making mental notes. Provide covering fire. Alright that she can do. She's got her sunglasses on and is beaming video feeds back to SHIELD on this. They see what she's seeing. Which is a fantastic bit of intel gathering really.

Bobbi needs to thank the R&D folks in the labs, true, but she's doing the gather intelligence thing. The covering fire thing? That she can do as well. SHIELD trained her good, and her body language is tightly controlled too, but the subtle sassing is there if anyone looks hard enough. Some things, Morse can't really help. She glances toward the semi for a moment then sweeps her gaze over the tents, pricking her ears up for nything that'd scream trouble. Bobbi's fairly sure the two of them could clear the camp between them, though Snake bringing his usual loadout gets a silent, wry smile from Mockingbird. She saw 'stealth' and 'recon' in the briefing, and figured everyone else plays by those definitions. Evidently....she didn't read who she's paired up with. Snake-Eyes. Bobbi's teamed up with offshoots of SHIELD, and she's glad for it as she's prone staring at the camp with her suppressed SMG in her hands...and she's brought enough bullets to make several African warlords jealous. Or in other words, a good half her belt is ammo. Helps when the SMG and pistol use the same caliber of bullet. Some call it overprepared. Bobbi calls it being ready for anything.

Snake Eyes has posed:
When the operatives get into position they get a good look at the enemy location. There are three panel vans and the semi-truck, four tents and a dozen guys with automatic rifles and body armor. The semi is parked nearby, it's got an unmarked shipping trailer.

The sounds of additional vehicles approaching can suddenly be hear through the woods, coming up the logging road. It's a pair of panel vans. They park near the other vehicles and open up the side door. Prisoners, wrists bound and wearing sacks over their heads, are shoved out onto the ground by men armed with assault rifles. These 8 men, including the van drivers, look at the people who were apparently waiting for them, "Situation at the hand off was screwed up. Guy delivering the ransom wasn't alone, had some kind of muscle with him." The fellow they're talking to, apparently the leader, is wearing a plate carrier and a handgun, "Well, he knew the rules. We'll kill the prisoners and bury them out here. He had his chance to buy them back."

Under his ninja mask Snake Eyes starts frowning. Hostages weren't on the briefing and they need immediate rescuing. Looking at the SHIELD agent he signs, 'Looks like we need to start the party early. How you want to handle this?'

Mockingbird has posed:
Alright then, things have changed. Bobbi's aware of this and being in SHIELD and a special agent at that...Bobbi's been hand picked for this. It'd normally fall to people like Redfield, but Morse drew this one and she's not a huge fan of what she's hearing. "Call a joint team in" she whispers and signs it too, and nods. "Can we take out the guards without getting them to kill the prisoners?" Morse whispers and wriggles a little. Why didn't they bring a marksman on the mission? Bobbi's good, but a SMG is nott top of her list for pinpoint accuracy really. Hell if she'd have known hostages were involved...she'd have grabbed Chris Redfield and told him to fly in and do his rescue thing. As is....Bobbi's got a plan in mind. One predicated on not being noted. She signals for Snake to hold his position, and begins signing.

Plan, we lure the guards away from the hostages and keep the fight away from innocent casualties. That's her entire plan summed up in one sentence's worth of signing. Oh how she could use her Avengers team mates right now given how the mission's changed. Fury's going to go nuclear when the report lands on his desk. Because this isn't even their fault. They went in not knowing there were hostages. Bobbi's watching the panel vans and tents and prisoners silently. Her expertise is in many, many things. Hostage rescue is not at the very top of her list.

Snake Eyes has posed:
'Roger,' Snake signs when told to call in the team. He immediately starts typing on a tablet mounted to his left forearm. It doesn't take very long. 'Good idea,' he responds to her plan. 'Get guards away, neutralize. Protect non-combatants at all costs.'

The guys in charge of the hostages start marching them off into the tree line. They poor, restrained people attempt to scream or beg for their lives but there are gags in their mouths and so they're unable to communicate.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's seen enough of this. She too is calling in the SHIELD reinforcements, because she's both got the clearence level to order field agents around. And she's right in the midst of things and knows better than some jumped up desk jockey what will happen. So she's definitely calling in the SHIELD reinforcements...the idea of throwing an angry Director Fury out of the plane into the group briefly crosses her mind. Lure the guards away.

Yhat's her M.O. right now. Setting to it she's setting about making distractions, from noise in the woods to try and lure curious guards away, to signalling to Snake to provide covering fire and take out the ones that threaten the hostages first. Priorities. Mostly since Morse has been doing this enough to know what happens when hostages get involved and she'd rather not have a massacre of innocents on her hands. Nah. Bobbi is doing everything she can to avoid that.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Snake moves into the woods a little deeper, finding good position behind some cover and readying his MP7. The red dot of his weapon's optic is soon over one of the kidnappers. The ninja commando is ready for the moment things kick off.

As Morse makes noise a few of the guards ready their rifles and head off in her direction. They don't seem particularly concerned. One will ask the others, "Think it's another deer?"

"If it is it'll make good eating," another replies.

The guys controlling the hostages start moving them into the woods, shoving them along. The bad guys don't know about the threat that's about to gun them down.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's a dangerous, skilled agent and she's done her best to lure the guards away. She's trusting Snake-Eyes has his part of things covered, as Bobbi waits for a split second, then like Snake, haas a way to deal with the guards. Oh she can probably take them out one at a time, right? Admittedly, they have guns, but there is a joint backup team on the way, Something quinjet something rescue team from her and SHIELD's side of things. So she waits.

Morse is not the absolute best in the woods, but she's got the guards away. That's what matters.

So she looks through the trees and readies herself, her suppressed MP5 at the ready as she slips her finger on the trigger. 9mm ammo, Bobbi's aim, and determination to take out said guards. All she needs is a signal.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Once the guards are away and the guys with the hostages are a little deeper into the woods, Snake Eyes makes his move. There's only a handful of guys with the hostages. The fact that they're unaware of what's coming means they don't get a chance to react once Snake springs into action. His suppressed weapon goes off a handful of times as he transitions from target to target, putting rounds through the kidnappers' heads. By the time all of their bodies are falling to the ground the ninja is sprinting towards the prisoners, aiming to continue to keep them safe.

Mockingbird has posed:
Karrin fires, and moves, and keeps moving. One burst fire trigger pull and, oh, by the way, Bobbi is off and moving. Time to lead the guards on a wild Morse chase. She could lead them back to Snake-Eyes and the team, sure. Or she could...

She stops, and aims, firing again from up in a tree. Yeah she went up a tree to get a good angle on them...and being an Olympic level athlete and gymnast it's not really a problem to land and keep moving.

Maybe they should have called her Goose instead? Either way her grand plan, if anyone can call it that, is to lead the guards back to Snake-Eyes. The Pied Bobbi is leading the merry, angry gun toting guard, dance, it seems?

Snake Eyes has posed:
The guards aren't entirely unskilled, but they're no match for Mockingbird. They continue pursuing her.

The hostages end up moving when they hear the sounds of their captors corpses hitting the ground. One has the presence of mind to take off the hood over their face so they can see where they're going. That one grabs their friend and runs off into the woods with them.

As Bobbi expertly manipulates the guards pursuing her Snake moves to intercept, moving through the trees, firing a burst at a time, trying to keep himself as difficult to target as possible.

Mockingbird has posed:
Mocking....goose? Something like that. She's just leading the guards back to Snake-Eyes and the team that's coming in, as Bobbi picks up the pace creating more noise and twisting and turningthrough the woods. If she can manipulate the guards into killing each other, good. It'd be a shame to waste all the bullets on them...as Karrin leaps over a tree root and keeps running. She's bait?

Yes and no, she's got a gun, she's got enough danger to take everyone out and deal with them on her own but she's part of a team...and as she thinks this, she bursts back into where Snake-Eyes is, giving him a kick of her heel to indicate the guards chasing her. Spinning on a heel she raises her MP5 and aims, squeezing the trigger as she has her German made submachine gun aimed, ready, and fires. This time....she seeks cover. They make a good team, Snake and Bobbi, judging by how they are handling this.

Snake Eyes has posed:
As the pair cuts down the villains with their automatic weapons fire a sound can be heard coming in from above. The barely audible sound of a Quinjet is nearly lost due to the sound of a pair of approaching Blackhawk helicopters. Not far from the kidnappers' camp the helicopter door gunners start opening fire on the villains even as men begin to rappel out of the birds. The Quinjet lands so that the SHIELD agents can hop out to start moving in.

The villains, now surrounded on all sides, start opting to wise up and try to surrender.