1211/A Strange Meeting.

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A Strange Meeting.
Date of Scene: 29 June 2017
Location: Outside of Harry's apartment
Synopsis: Doctor Strange pays a visit to Harry Dresden
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Doctor Strange

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry's apartment in the basement of a Gotham boarding house is tiny and cold, but at least it is neat. The faries that come and clean it daily must have just left since the scent of pine, not pine cleaner but real pine, is still heavy in the air.

Harry is just leaving the apartment, his wards having been lowered so he can step through the metal door that bars entry into his particular sanctum sanctorum. He looks hurried, worried, and by the looks of him having had very little sleep.

Doctor Strange has posed:
A single spark pops in the center of the alley sudden. One spark becomes two...two becomes four and they begin to form a swirling ball of light. The ball of light begins to expand outward in an array of colorful golden sparks as the fabric of reality splits and a door begins to form. As the portal opens the blast of cold air flows into the room to reveal a snow capped mountain on the other side.

A single figure walks through the door and pauses a moment. Stephen's blood red cloak moving unnaturally around him as he looks around. His fingers glow and the door remains open but a barriar of magic keeps the cold air from turning the alleyway into a freezer. Dr. Strange's eyes fall on Harry and he looks him up and down as he says calmly, "Mr. Dresden."

Harry Dresden has posed:
As soon as the sparks start, Harry is on the defensive. He has been in enough 'surprise' situations that he doesn't take any chances. He lifts his left hand, shaking out the shield bracelet on that hand and forcing his will into the focus, causing a semi-transparent blue half dome of energy to form between him and the opening gateway. His right hand reaches into his duster, drawing his blasting rod and pre-charging it as well, the runes on the rod, as well as its tip, starting to glow a orange-red.

When Strange appears through the passage, Harry narrows his bloodshot eyes slightly. It would be hard for someone like Dresden to NOT know who the Sorcerer Supreme is, even if they don't tend to subscribe to the same magical theory or laws. "Dr. Strange, isn't it." says Harry warily. "What brings you to my door?" Noticably, the light from the shield or rod does not dim, remaining charged and ready to be used as needed.

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he cocks his eyebrow at the swell of magic within the man, Stephen says calmly, "I bare you no ill will Mr. Dresden. You have been...busy here in Gotham. I have been keeping an eye on your activities." He looks down at the bracelet, "Interesting relic." The curiousity setting in before he blinks and shakes his head slightly, "But that is not why I am here. I have come to meet you face to face. I wanted too...see you for myself." He folds his hands behind his back, "You look...tired Mr. Dresden. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
The light from the shield bracelet dims slightly as the wizard takes a hard look at the Sorcerer Supreme, before it fades completely as Harry lowers his arm to his side. The rod, however, remains in his right hand, the tip glowing a dull orange. "Yeah, well, that remains to be seen doesn't it? Wouldn't be the first time I have been sucker punched by someone claiming to not hold me any 'ill will'. Here I am, you've seen me."

Harry shrugs, "I'm just busy is all. To many things to do, not enough time to do them all in. I'm sure you know how that is."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he nods slowly, "I am curious Mr. Dresden...what is your area of expertise in the mystic arts?" Stephen places two fingers over the Eye of Agamotto tracing it absently out of habit or thought.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry arches a brow, finally letting the power dissipate from his blasting rod as he allows it to drop back down into his duster. "My area of expertise? I'm pretty damned good at Thaumaturgy, or anything that deals in raw power. I'm also no slouch at making things go boom, or combat magic in general. Things like veils, or delicate magics are not really my forte."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he presses his lips into a fine line, Stephen nods slowly, "So..." He turns to look up at the sky and the sceneage of Gotham. "This city has a dark heart..." He wrinkles his nose before looking back at Harry, "How many people have you killed?" As he folds his hands behind his back, "Because I need to know how...dark your heart is before I go any futher with my...proposal."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry frowns, "I guess that all depends on what you count as 'people'. Do you count Lupe Garou, or Vampires, or Fairies in that definition, or are you strictly talking flesh and blood mortal humans as people? Do you count death by indirect means 'killing' them? Or point blank fireboat to the chest? Do you count just by magic, or with a gun?"

Harry rolls a shoulder, "The answer varies depending on your intent of the question, Strange. I don't take life lightly, I am no murderer if that is what you are going after. Anyone...or thing...I have killed was in self defense. I've had people itching to prove me wrong in that regard, people hoping to see me take a life so they can take mine."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he nods slowly, "Well..." He runs two fingers over the amulet around his neck, "Do you know what this is? It is the Eye of Agamotto. It is said that he is the wizard who created magic. Others feel he is the source of all magic. Some...its just a bad ass relic. Regardless...it allows me to see...things. As much as I would like to take your word for it. I don't trust many people until they have earned...and I trust even mystical people less. You know that everything we do comes with a price."

As he takes a step closer, "I want to read your soul Mr. Dresden and see if you are telling me the true. For a lack of better terms. I want to see how pure your soul real is. Because..." He smirks like a Cheshire Cat, "I might have a proposal that tickles your interest...if you pass."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Huh. Typically that is what I use a soul gaze for. Must be mighty handy to be able to use a focus for that. When I do it I get stuck with what I see forever, in perfect clarity, and whomever I soul gaze gets to look into my soul right back." Harry says as he glances at the medallion. "All the benefits without any of the nasty side effects. Sounds like cheating to me."

Harry looks from the medallion back to Stephen's face, but doesn't meet his eyes. "If you want to scan me with your thing, I ask one thing before you do. Swear to me by your power that it does what you say, and nothing more."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he shakes his head, "No." Stephen lowers his hand from the Eye and pauses before he explains, "Because it does more than just that. My secrets are my own and as Sorcerer Supereme. I have many...just as you. However, what I can promise you is that I am only going to read how pure your soul is. The Eye will take into account all of the times you have killed for self defense...but blood is blood. I have blood on my hands. However, it has been in the defense of my own life or those innocence people of this planet. The demons from the various planes of existance have no interest in innocence life. I do. However, I do understand if you do not wish to be scan. But for us to go any further...you must take a leap of faith."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden frowns, tapping his fingers agains his leg as he studies the man in the red cape. "Well, I can tell you this much. If you count vampires among the 'blood is blood', then I have certainly spilled my fair share." Dresden reaches up and rubs at the back of his neck, and then shrugs his shoulders once more. "Do your worst I guess."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he nods slowly, Stephen turns to face Harry and says calmly, "You will feel a simple...tingle. Nothing more." Stephen claps his hands and the flows of magic seem to pulse from around his body. His hands begin to move in precise almost robotic movements over the amulet as the Eye begins to glow and open. The white nimbus growing brighter and brighter as it baths the entire area in light, including Harry.

As it remains for a moment a simple golden nimbus surrounds Harry's body but does not shine quite purely. It is dim and wavers. Stephen watches the man intently and nods slowly before he brings his hands up over his head in a wide arc and a thunderous clap echoes through the alley. The glowing Eye winks out and he smiles softly, "As I suspected...you have good in your heart still, Mr. Dresden. But...it wavers from time to time as if you questioned you were doing good in the world."

He folds his hands behind his back, "How would you like to do some good in the world?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Do some good in the world? Hell's bells, man, that is what I have /been/ trying to do. If I didn't want to be a force for 'good' I wouldn't be risking my life out there for people. I could easily just be sitting in my lab doing wizardy things without having to fight off Lupe Garou or Vampires, or dark sorcerers." Harry shakes his head, "Do I think it is not worth it sometimes? Maybe, like when it costs me the people I love. But I still stick my damned neck out every day."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he nods slowly, "Then..." With a flick of his wrist, the air before Harry wavers and a replic of the Eye floats in front of him. "This is a key. This will provide you with an opportunity that I would like to discuss with you more in detail. If you wear the amulet and say my name. You will be transported to the Sanctumn."

As he turns and steps through the barrair the cloak snapping around Stephen's body in annoyance. "When you have some time to discuss in detail my proposal. My home will be open to you. Until then Mr. Dresden...be safe."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Plucking the amulet from the air, Harry takes a look at it in his hand before shoving it into the pocket of his duster. "Alright, Strange. I'll think about it."