1231/Oh great he wants to talk again

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Oh great he wants to talk again
Date of Scene: 01 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superman, Batman

Superman has posed:
After the Senator left, Superman smiled to the gathered people, waiting for them to pass by before collecting the case and zipping away faster than it could be seen. Up to the Watch Tower he goes via Z-Tube, briefcase in hand.

Normally, Superman uses his hearing to get a vague idea of where someone else before he peeks through walls, but in Batman's case he had to visual search for the man-shaped lead spot in his sight. When its found Superman makes his way over, slowing down to enter the room at a more normal for human speed when his friend is found.

"Can I have a minute, Batman?" Superman asks as he moves closer.

Batman has posed:
Batman is sitting at a computer, he had brought up what information he could get quickly on this senator just brooding at it in the darkness he reads through the differnt bits. As clark enters he sighs, "Your late.." is all he says for a moment before turning the monitor to face Superman. "Forget what Arthur tells you I am not losing it... This is a bad guy doing bad things, but I can't get to him because they would just let him go." He hits a button sure he was able to read the projects that were shown before he hit the button. The screen changes, it is the result of that 'testing' Men, women, children in weakned sick states you would see maybe the thing that got him before.. You would see a boy with black hair sitting next to a mother and father who are laying on the ground as the child cries.

He turns the monitor back, and looks at it angerly. "He is the reason I worry about you going mad, and trying to take over everything." he adds shaking his head. He falls silent for a long period of time, and superman might think he is done. "I am trying to think how to move forward, he is also smart and covers his trail well." he looks up at Superman with his normal look. "I wanted him to think he was winning, then he will mess up.. Without it he would not of messed up." he holds up a finger.. "There is something about the case he wanted us to see.. There is some reaction he wanted, and I think it is anger.. We will only know if he continues it."

Superman has posed:
"I was posing for some selfies while the lobby cleared out," Superman says by way of excuse on why he was late. His eyes flit over the pictures and information on the screens, before looking at Batman as Bruce gives the reason for his very understandable concern.

"It is most certainly anger," Superman says setting the case down by Batman's shoulder.

"The papers outline a medical advancement, a drug, that would render superhuman abilities inert. At least, as far as I could understand it. The flash drive could have more. Humanitarian and pro-metas groups killed it in the late 90s and the drug was disguised at something related to mad-cow disease," says the kryptonian before grinning lightly.

"I wasn't bothered by you seeming to get to publically upset, Batman. I had a feeling that was more or less a good-cop bad-cop moment."

Batman has posed:
Batman leans back, and hits a button as the door closes behind them. He takes off his mask, the first time he had in someones presence... Well for a while, he looks like a racoon person as the parts around his eyes needed to be black under the hood. "Maybe, or maybe he wants to rub it into our faces because he thinks there is nothing we can do. Listen Clark.. you know I don't like having people with super-powers around it makes things escilate till the whole world is put in danger because one person has a bad day." he shakes his head, "But this is just wrong, and we should not face this alone. We need to talk to them, the mutants, but you know how I am with... people."

He stands and faces the wall.. We need you with another league member need to go there, and tell them what we are facing on this show them the League is looking into it not just you." he just stares at the wall.. "But..." he grumbles to himself.. "I can't find them." he adds at the end.

Superman has posed:
That it's Bruce facing him and not Batman is a noted change. More is Bruce admitting weaknesses and flaws and askign for help. Superman moves over to set a warm hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I'll talk to Arthur," Clark promises of having two League members go to talk to the mutants.

"And I'll see what I can do toward finding them too," he adds as gently as he can. He imagines that for Bruce, not being able to find a person might sting a bit.

Batman has posed:
Batman puts back on his cowl as he looks at the wall. His tone, and personality change becoming cold, like someone flicked a light switch turning Bruce into Batman. He turns moving back towards the door ignoring the hand like it is a useless gesture. "I expect results on this.." he adds as he hits the button to open the door. His tone that of batman he turns to walk out then stops, "Beware Arthur.. he might be a hero at heart, but Atlantis is a different city then here. He has his own goals which might not match up with ours." he shakes his head, "I had thought better of him before my last visit... It definetly opened my eyes to who he really was."

Superman has posed:
Superman lets his hand fall to his side and Batman steps away from him. His blue eyes watch the Gothamie heading for hte door.

"All of us has our own agendas though, Batman. It's how we mesh them together that-" and the door shuts.

Of course it does. Superman sighs softly, watching as the lead outline of the bat walk away when it occurs him to: Superman doesn't recall Batman looking at the case. typical. Well, time to see about talking to Arthur.. or someone else mutants wouldn't get upset about. Maybe Diana.

Batman has posed:
No lights dim, or any creepy music as Batman enters the room being his quiet self most didn't notice him until he entered their field of view. Most people move away from him as he passes, you might hear some whispers about how scary he is, and how they heard he threatened a senator reciently. Batman ignores them as he walks by though you might notice no-one says that to his face, only when they think they are out of ear shot. The kids leaving your group turn to move back to the lobby until they come across him approaching you. Of course Batman glowers down at them getting the result most would realize.

The kids run the other way moving back through the Museum instead. There is one that stops, and walks up to him. Giving a slightly worried smile they say.. "I like you Batman." and looks up at him. Batman is quiet for a moment before he sighs, and gives the kid an aqward pat on the head, and points the direction the lobby before moving on. Turning he faces Diana, and gives her a small nod though after he waits for a moment quietly as the people are dispersing a bit more. He seems to be wearing his normal Batman outfit, from the black cowl with two small bat ears to the black boots custom figured to him with at least a few gadgets in them.

After a moment he finally speaks up, "Clark is going to make a small mistake in judgement. He needs you to go with him, but is instead asking Arthur." he falls silent for a moment before ending, "By your experience, and skills you are the better choice so you need to speak to him." then falls completly silent again watching her waiting.

Batman has posed:
Batman quietly listened to her, and nodded in response agreeing with her asessment. "They are, when smashing through walls and hitting things. This needs talking, and negotiation dealing with niether of them understand." he slides over a electric notebook. It has a few pictures, and documents about the X-men, a group of mutants that have done good things for the people fighting against other mutants who break the law, as well as just generally save people. His voice doesn't change from that calm personality, though cold. "If he must take Arthur then fine, but he needs someone else who can remain calm."

He doesn't take a seat, falling silent as to give her time to read what she may or may not want to. "They are isolated in a small group, they can't be more then a handful of adults there. The signs show there are kids at least in proximity, and while I trust Superman to carry just our message.. Arthur is not so kind."

Batman has posed:
Batman takes it, and it goes under the cape disapearing. "Alright.." is all he says as he puts it under his cloak. It was a waste of time to argue the point as Diana was a very willfull person that once she made up her mind.. Well at least he had Kryptonite for Clark. Batman does grumble a little though he holds up a hand. "At least talk to Clark about it, if we mess this up someone who enjoys messing with people for science will get away." his frowns at this idea though the next part is hard for him to say. "We need their help, this isn't the kind of person you can just beat up." he steps back from the table looking like he was about to leave before he stops.

He turns, and faces her again.. Pulling out a small bag that seems more thick then a normal one it's size he holds it infront of her, but out of her grasp. "Have you ever seen one of these?". In the bag is a Denarius coin if she reaches for it he will recall it, and warn her not to touch it. "Being this close it already tries mind games with me, I will not let anyone else near it until we understand what it means." he looks at it, "I was wondering if in your culture you might of seen something like it.. As so fare I have found very little."

Batman has posed:
The coin disapears again, "indeed you are catching up quite well on your history." he shakes his head. "We most likely know the same people in this field since it is so small. It is said to be owned by the men cursed by god himself. Though how much of that is real." he shakes his head. "It is old though, from about that far back I will take it to someone more experienced in this field." this time he turns again, and starts moving away again. "If you ever see one like it, do not touch it.. Once curesed if it is real no power that I know of could undo it." he pauses letting that sink in, before he finishes. "I mean we have a woman from the Amazons sitting in the Library.. Wierder things have happened" and he walks away... Though that must leave Wonder Woman wondering... did Batman just make a joke?

Batman has posed:
The last thing she can hear as he disapears is a simple sentence, and one that might worry her a little bit, but as he moves away she does hear him say it... "Who do you think I took it from." and that is it. He is gone doing his Batman thing, though you might hear him for a little bit that would change. Most likely he just teleported away, or something the Batman does whenever no-one is looking. Maybe he was just an illusion, though travel returns to the room once he leaves. Everything goes back to normal in the Halls of Jusice again.