12315/Backyard dinner
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Backyard dinner | |
Date of Scene: | 09 October 2020 |
Location: | Backyard - Xavier's School |
Synopsis: | Emma and James reinforce their bonds as family. |
Cast of Characters: | Warpath, Emma Frost
- Warpath has posed:
The two passed each other in the halls early this morning and decided to meet for dinner tonight. Jimmy makes his way to the back yard, not really sure what to expect, well except food. He's not much of a cook and that sort of thing wasn't exactly settled on earlier, so he is prepared to take her to dinner too. He's flexible like that.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma doesn't often cook for herself. When she's living in the apartment near Frost Industries, she employs a housekeeper who leaves her meals in the freezer to be warmed as she sees fit in the evenings. Or eats out. But occasionally, she's in the mood to treat herself or to do something nice for the people she genuinely cares for -- it's an intimacy she offers few people. So when James arrives to the back patio for dinner, it's a casual meal overlooking the garden. Nothing fancy, but there is clear effort involved for her favorite former student. Two good-sized quail stuffed with savory greens and stuffing along with several vegetables. It looks like a ton of food, but then James is a large young man. And really, roasting a bird takes nothing but a little prep time -- the rest is just the bird sitting in the oven.
When he arrives, she looks up with a smile. She's already sitting in one of the wicker chairs around the tbale where their dinner is laid out on a tablecloth -- some aspects of her upper-class upbringing have never disappeared. Linen tablecloths are definitely one of them. She moves to set her cup of coffee down. "Right on time. I was hoping nothing would delay you." She gestures to the table. "Not that it couldn't be saved and eaten, but..."
- Warpath has posed:
There is a pause as he notes the food on the table. His attention moves from it to her then back to the food. Once more to Emma and he smiles at her,"I remember someone telling me a long time ago to never be late, particularly not when a lady is waiting." he opts lightly and moves to take a seat.
He studies the food again and then looks back at her,"You've been busy." He shifts a little and the harness that holds his two vibranium knives is removed and then hung over the back of the chair,"Somehow I don't think this could have been saved and eaten with quite the same flavor."
- Emma Frost has posed:
The shrug is a gentle one. "Perhaps," she agrees. "But it could still have been done. I thought perhaps a taste of the Plains might be something you'd enjoy." She leans forward, scooting her chair further under the table to settle in with him. "Tell me how things are going," she invites. "You've been very busy." Not that she herself hasn't -- since Jean left the mansion, Emma has stepped into the role of headmistress. For now.
- Warpath has posed:
He settles a little bit,"Plains dinner does sound good. It looks even better." he agrees. Considering her words he smirks a little,"Classes are back in session hard. Students aren't too keen on testing me, but they never were. There is also some tension in regards to the new Headmistress and I enjoy letting them wonder. It's better for them."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma chuckles quietly, her blue eyes amused. "Well, I've heard interesting things about that woman," she teases. "She's quite harsh occasionally. And she apparently has some insane notion of taking some of them on a field trip to Atlantis." A theatrical roll of her eyes accompanies the statement. "Maybe she's taking them to be shark bait."
- Warpath has posed:
"Somebody needs to be shark bait." he offers back with a wink, almost conspiratorial like. There aren't many he gets this comfortable with so there is something to be said for her. He takes up the fork and cuts a piece of the food, pausing momentarily. Not known as being overtly religious, he still pauses a moment in reflection to the great spirit.
After that he looks back to her and comments,"A trip to Atlantis does sound like a good thing though. Let them see there are other mutants in the world, if not in the same sense as we are. It would be hard to say Atlanteans are much else really."
- Emma Frost has posed:
"Well.... I suppose there is something to that thought," Emma acknowledges as she picks up her fork and begins eating. "Although I sincerely doubt they think of themselves that way. Still... they don't seem to have issues with mutants." She grimaces slightly. "Only, apparently, those born with magic. And it's quite an odd situation that I'm a *touch* leery of taking the students into." She glances up at him. "There seems a significant ideological schism going on -- they tried to kill him at that gathering. I expected *our* people to be the ones to look out for, given what he was announcing."
She's less than pleased at the outcome of that night. It was not at all what she'd expected, and she doesn't like that kind of surprise.
- Warpath has posed:
After a bite of the bird and an approving nod, a light in his eyes that says she did well, he fianlly comments,"If you are having doubts I'd suggest you either step back from it or make sure I go with you or Logan does. Someone for the extra heavy hitting if it comes to that." he advises. Advising the advisor. It's a new thing he's trying,"I should have been with you that night as well, but things don't always go the way we want them to." A little hint of regret in his voice for sure, not there to watch her back.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is a little surprised that he feels that way. "Don't feel responsible for that," she offers, putting her free hand on his arm. "James, it was a society event that should have garnered a whole lot of shipping magnates shouting at one another, if it even got that far. It certainly was not something even apparently the Embassy guard was able to foresee." She squeezes lightly in reassurance and settles back to her meal, speaking thoughtfully between bites.
"My uneasiness stems only from the fact that our students are... trouble-magnets." The glacier-blue of her eyes has a warmer tint of amusement. "Much as you and your cohort were, if I am remembering correctly. Teenagers have impulse control issues -- I don't think anyone in Atlantis is a threat to *them*. I just hope we don't start an international incident."
- Warpath has posed:
Her words bring him little comfort, but he does seem to ease a little at her touch. It's funny the level of loyalty Jimmy lends himself to. Regardless he has another bite or two before he finally nods. A different sort of smile touches his features and he comments,"If trouble magnet is in the mix you must me taking my shik'isn with you." Poor Shannon. Trouble really does follow her around.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Laughing, Emma nods. "Yes, she's on that list." That she knows the term -- at least enough to know exactly who he's speaking of -- is due to the fact that she considers him the closest thing she has to family. Of all of the students she ever had, he and Rahne are the ones who got under her skin.
"Do you work much with the young technopath?" she asks curiously. "He could use a little of the discipline, I think, that your meditation might offer him."
- Warpath has posed:
He smirks a little as he hears Shannon is on the list. He's not surprised at all,"I love her to no end, but trouble finds her. If you are both going I'd like to go with you." he comments finally,"If only to watch out for both of mine." She is family too after all.
He shakes his head and admits,"I haven't spent much time around him no. When I first returned he seemed to be more withdrawn and private than me." Another bite and then after,"I will try to spend some time with him though. If you think it might help."
- Emma Frost has posed:
"I don't honestly know," Emma responds thoughtfully. "But I think there's no harm in trying it out with him, either. I would... very much like to see most of these students *not* become the next X-Men." She pauses and then admits, "If only because I really would like it if such teams were no longer necessary."
She picks up the glass of water near her plate, and as she sips from it, she eyes him with a pensive expression. She doesn't hold her 'game face' for him these days, allowing him to see the expressions that cross her face much more easily than when he was a student. "I find myself in a place I have never been before, James. Wondering if having you along will feel... awkward." She offers him a somewhat abashed grin.
- Warpath has posed:
Taking a deep breath he exhales a slow sigh,"I'd rather none of them had to be X-Men and even fewer had to be X-Force." Fewer than none. He really doesn't want to have to see those kids go into the potential paramilitary division of Xavier's school,"Maybe peace will find a way before this permutation of X-Force has to give way to the next."
Her change in demeanor surprises him a little. Studying her expression he raises a brow a little bit,"I am used to my presence causing awkward for most everyone else, but I am a little surprised it would be for us? Is be because the student is a teacher in the headmistress's school now?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma hesitates and then says, "No... it's because the Prince appears to be.... courting me." There's a subtle rise of color in her pale skin -- not *quite* a blush but definitely a sense of being on uncertain ground. "Given that we are... ad much family as either of us have, I ... don't quite know how you might feel about that."
- Warpath has posed:
He smirks a little bit and tells you,"I understand the man's fascination. Most men are attracted to you, just for the presence you have when you enter a room." The rise of pink does surprise him a little bit,"As for how I feel? I want to see you happy. It's been too long since you were happy. If being courted by a Prince might make you happy...try it out. See what happens." It's as close to permission as he is able to give sinec he isn't real sure how he feels, his own affections split on the best of days.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma nods her head, acknowledging not that he's really giving *permission* so much as he's... offering that he hopes it makes her happy. "He is an interesting man," she tells him lightly. "Probably carries around nearly as much baggage as I do." And that's saying something. "He... doesn't quite know who or what I was for a long time, but... he knows I'm a mutant and that I'm teaching at a school that has some special kids. So..." Her smile is easier now. "He'll certainly be a lot of fun to walk on a beach with, I think."
- Warpath has posed:
"Baggage comes with everyone. Some of us have more and others less. Some is more colorful than others." he tells her finally,"Run with it. Who knows..." he pauses for another bite and after that,"...he might appreciate this as much as me." There is a brief pause and he shakes his head,"No. Not even close. I hear long walks on the beach are nice. Enjoy this, just see where it goes."
- Emma Frost has posed:
"You're terribly wise for a little brother," Emma teases lightly. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. It's been a long time since I cooked for anyone, honestly. And it makes me happy that we're both in the same place now." The rest? Well.... "Now that the lawyers have settled all the business end of things, I suppose it's no longer really a conflict of interest," she observes, vaguely tongue-in-cheek. It wasn't really one before. But now it's definitely not.
Emma Frost grins and gives him some of the details of the things she's been up to both at the school and at the business this week, besides the gala event happenings. And all in all, she seems to just thoroughly enjoy a quiet dinner on the back porch in his company.