12616/The Mutant Cure: Staring Into The Fire

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The Mutant Cure: Staring Into The Fire
Date of Scene: 06 January 2021
Location: Hank's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sandy and Hank butt heads over the mutant cure and who's fault it is.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Sandra Billings
Tinyplot: Mutant Cure

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has been sitting in the comfy chair in front of the 'fake', staring into the holographic flames. He stares through the longstemmed wineglass, peering through the dark purple Melbac with some contemplation. It's been rough for him since he made that call and then the event at the clinic with Magneto. Which revealed his own sordid history to those he cares about.

Sandra Billings has posed:
Having finally got off work, Sandy is exhausted after her long shift that stretched from an overnight up to about right now. A text comes through on Hank's phone.

<< Hello my blueberry. How are you doing today? I just got off work and I have tomorrow off. I still have some birthday cake if you want me to bring some over. >>

Beast has posed:
The first twirp from his smartphone does nothing to break his concentration, or lack there of, on the wine.. But the thhird warning twirp finallly sinks through his fugue and he checks the message.

He frowns a bit, sipping his wine, then sigh and thumbs back a message.

<<If that is what you desire>> he sends back. then sets down the phone.

Sandra Billings has posed:
A few minutes go by before the phone beeps again.

<< I'm not sure what that means. If you are busy or not in the mood, I can just have ice cream with Jane on the couch and watch TV. It's just been a few days since work is keeping me busy. >>

Beast has posed:
This time Hank isn't as slow, and he returns the message.

<<It is whatever you desire to do, my love. If you can stand to be in my poresence then do so." he returns.

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< Nevermind. It's fine. Jane should be home soon and we can just watch something on TV. I have tomorrow off, maybe I can come down tomorrow when I wake up and we can do lunch. >>

Sandy is already rummaging through her freezer now, her frown set upon her face as she digs through the cartons of ice cream. Between her and Jane, she has half a shopping center tucked away in there.

Beast has posed:
Staring at the response, Hank blinks once and sighs.. setting down the wince and just sinking into his chair... staring at the phones screen... then at the fire... and after a long moment he starts typing one more.

<<I'm sorry, my love. The look on your face when you left here scared me. Looking at me like I was a monster. WHich I am. I just don't want to expose you to me anymore then I have to."

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< I didn't look at you as a monster. I was worried and concerned because you were freaking out. The doctor in me is saying that you need therapy, like good therapy, someone to talk to via a third party. I have a friend that you can call if you feel comfortable. But I am really worried about you. If you want to break up, that's fine. I understand, but I still want to be your friend at the end of the day and I really want you to get some help. >>

The last message took about five minutes to come through. A response she weighed heavily before sending.

Beast has posed:
Frowning at the message, Hank gets a wee bit angry and his thumbs fly off over the virtual keyboard with precision.

<<How do I get therapy for being a traitor to my entire species, Sandra. WHo is qualified to teat me for that?>> he sends, then a moment later...

<<I do not want to end our relationship. I just do not know if I deserve your love. I certainly do not deserve your foregiveness. What I did was wrong. The road to hell, and all that."

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< And you're talking like a person who needs therapy, Hank. I'm not qualified to deep dive this. I stitch people together. I don't think you're a traitor. I think you got used by someone you thought was a friend and they stole your work and turned it into a weapon. You are hanging on to too much guilt. >>

Beast has posed:
<< I was used by a friend because I WANTED to be used. I needed the help. So I LET myself, subconciously, get used. ANd now I do not know what to do or to feel or how to fix this. I am scred, Sandra, of losing everyone because they won't forgive me. That is my selfish truth right there. >>

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< Has anyone actually told you that they're mad at you, Hank, or are you just angry at yourself and you're projecting that anger and making assumptions? >>

Sandy rubs her hand along her face, then cracks opena tub of ice cream to shove a spoon into it for a large bite.

Beast has posed:
In the minute between his text and her response, a large box of Twinkies has magically appeard in his lap.three packges are already gone from the box and one twinkie is stuffed in his muzzle as he types back.

<< It doesn't take words to emote anger, Sandra. Perhaps I am projecting. But when the news of my sins goes beyond the small group who knows, we will just see how decisive my actions were. for good or ill.>>

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< You're not the bad guy, Hank. You're a scientist. Sometimes science goes wonky. It's why we went to school in the first place, because we're smart and we're curious. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make a sunset skillet at Denny's. This is not your fault. It's your friend's fault for being a jackass and using it for something other than what you planed it to be. You need to get over it and put your big boy pants on because you're the one who can help everyone get out of this and you're too busy being a crybaby. So, sack up blueberry and get with your friends and fix it. I know you can. You're the smartest person I know. >>

Beast has posed:
There is a silence.. well duh. They are texting.. but then she finally gets a response.

<<I will try, my love. I understand, logically, what you are implying but in the end you have to ask this. If we were to have a child, and her mutation was a danger to others and herself. Something lifethreatening. WOuld you not go through the lengths he has?>>

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< No, of course not. We are not Gods. I'm not going to play with someone's DNA because it's inconveinent. I would try to find other ways. Containment suits. Hamster bubble. Buy an island and live there. The last thing I'd ever want to do is screw my kid up even more by not knowing what I'm putting in a syringe. >>

Beast has posed:
<<A containment suit. A hamster ball. An Island. That is existing, Sandra. Not living. His daughter deserves to live. If our child was similarily stricken, like so many mutants are, I would move heaven and earth to give her that life. I'm sorry, my love. Good night.>>

Sandra Billings has posed:
<< People live with disabilities every day and they're functional, Hank. If our kid was born mentally incapcitated, what would you suggest? An abortion? A brain transplant? Sometimes life sucks and you deal with the hand you have. I would love our child no matter what. I wouldn't try and change them. Maybe it's best that we take a break until things are resolved. I don't think we're on the same page and this is a very hard time for both of us. This will give you time to focus and not be distracted due to me. >>