12784/One Coin, Two Sides

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One Coin, Two Sides
Date of Scene: 03 March 2021
Location: Tealboro, Hell's Gate
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Superman

Kid has posed:
Good and Evil. Right and Wrong. Many concept have always had a counterpart, much like the sides of a coin. And every once in awhile...the sides get blurred, eroded. One can begin to wonder who were the victems and who were the heros. One such case occured in a warehouse in metropolis.

Ambulance and police officers rushed to the scene of a crime. The Victem...the robbers themselves! Some had their knees broken backwards, and others looked terrfied, hudddling in a corner. Some thrown in a crumpled pile on the floor, and some layed in a coma. The story was the same - all they heard was a beastly roar, before things started going to hell.

It was only the fact a someone else came along and found the gun smuggling victems that they were even called. So far the verdict is no deaths, but plenty of trauma. And the main clue to who or what did this was the name Malcolm 'Kid' Ironwood.

Superman has posed:
It typically isn't often where Superman is in the middle of an investigation case. He tends to leave that to the Metropolis Police Department, but something was a bit...sketchy here to avoid attention from the Man of Steel himself. Thus, even as Ambulances and police gather, they will see a figure in blue and red descend from the sky like some sort of angel that had answered their prayers.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Superman looks to the scene of the crime. No doubt a show of extreme brutality to a life, but before his attention shifts more to the injured, he looks around at what was happening. It was a warehouse robbery, it would seem. He hears of the name of Malcolm Ironwood, but he doesn't seem familiar with the name.

But, he uses his X-Ray vision to look around, maybe even detect what or whom may be hiding.

Kid has posed:
The plot thickens. All things considered - any obviouse hiding spots where empty. It did show hoever that there was a large fight before the main event. That is where the main victem was uncovered. Further searching would begin to reveal a trail, leading out into the very door Superman just entered. ALong the way...gorrila fur can be found, snagged into some smashed crates.

If he kept sweeping through the crowd, subtle or not...than the most obviouse sign was that of what many would assume to be a mutant. Visually, it he appeared to be a wheelchair bound mutant of beastly proportions. Dirty torn shirt, not bothering with boots. A perpetual scowl upon his face.

Internally, as well, his illusions didn't account for X-Ray vision - that was definintly a gorrilla skeleton, no if ands or butts about it. Though no one seemed to be paying any attention to him. And he himself didn't seem to notice Superman stareing at him

And nor did he stick around to bother. The general public hardly noticed when they find themselves stepping aside from the 'mutant' who from there began to move properly away from the group.

Superman has posed:
Superman doesn't seem to pay too much attention to those already injured, rather he seeks out the culprit:

A task that becomes far easier once he notices the trail of fur leading down the way, that is until his attention shifted to the crowd once he found the trail's end...seeing a gorilla skeleton as thebeast apparently seems to be bound to a wheelchair. Deciding to approach, Superman intends to put his hand on the Gorilla's shoulder, even if he's illusioned as a regular person or no.

"Mind if I have a word with you?" Superman questions him, a curious tone touching his features though not accusational quite yet.

Kid has posed:
Most folks would be amazed or feel lucky to have a chance to talk with THE Superman. But Kid? His eyes shift over to him as a low growl escape him, and why was...semi-apparent. There was something...warm and wet...it was blood, hidden by illusion and by fur. The gorrila didn't go complete unscanthed from whatever happened.

He signs with his hand - a synthetic male voice answering for him "If you can keep up, Sure. I got places to be" regarding Superman more like a regular person. Still he would try to 'wheel' off away from the crowd, he didn't much like em. Eitherway he wasn't running, just heading to a secluded by open area

Superman has posed:
Superman wasn't foolish, mind you. He knows an injured animal - an injured person - when he sees one, and it would appear that whoever this person was not only directly involved, but didn't get away unscathed. But it makes sense: When bullets are flying, you're either invulnerable to them or your not.

Doesn't take the World's Greatest Detective to know the answer to that one.

Moreover, Superman watches as 'Kid' signs off with his hands, but he challenges Superman to keep up. "Interesting you should say that. Only place you should probably be is a hospital." he mentions, moving at a standard walking pace.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Sure, if you want more bodies. I don't do hospitals." and he actually shivers. If the scene they were leaving was any indicator...intelligent or not, he likely is well in tune with his savage side, if he was the culprit. Or he really really didn't like hospitals. None the less as they got father, he got faster, and soon the wheelchair illusion was gone for a more normal walking individual.

Once clear of folks...in a dirty alleyway no less, not to far from the sea shore, he plops down and reaches into his satchel where he pulls out a knife. Seeming to have done this before, he carefully seems to check for the wound after signing 'So what you want Supes? That is what folks call yea right?'