12867/Explorer Xiang Finds Magic in Sunnydale

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Explorer Xiang Finds Magic in Sunnydale
Date of Scene: 20 March 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: There was rain, shelter, much chatting. Some things making for thinking. Then gifts! Who doesn't like gifts?
Cast of Characters: Xiang Zhao, Willow Rosenberg, Vitali Svyatoslav, Tala, Doctor Strange, Splinter

Xiang Zhao has posed:
As has become fairly typical for Xiang Zhao since arriving in this place called New York City, his wandering feet have taken him to somewhere new. In this case, Sunnydale. The weather this mid morning is.. not sunny. It is overcast and grey, and looks like it could start raining at any moment. Xiang is walking along the block that contains the Magic Box when those grey clouds stop threatening and start precipitating.

The rain drops are small and intermittent to start with and Xiang ignores them. It's not really much of a big deal. Until it becomes a larger deal, and starts bucketing down. In moments, the wandering Chinaman is soaked through. He looks up at the sky with a somewhat resigned expression, and breathes a sigh. "Yuanfen, ni wèisheme yao re wo?" He shakes his head and glances to the building he happens to be walking alongside. The Magic Box? Interesting.

With not enough shelter to protect from the pouring rain, Xiang Zhao opens the door and walks inside. There he pauses, just inside, to take one step to the left and close the door firmly against the rain outside. There he stands, dripping on the floor. His outer robe appears to be a deep burgandy, made all the darker with the addition of the water. Deep blue embroidery made to look somewhat like feathers is almost invisible against the burgandy for how dark the water has made the color.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was both elated and sad with the rain. After all, in the pre-spring days, rain means no customers. However.. it does mean a lot of time for books! Though Willow had to work on her under-graduate proposal for a thesis. If she was accepted she be on step further ahead in her postgraduate Masters!

In other words: she was a great big nerd!

Unfortunately something kept bothering her, and with her mathematics and computer books to the side she tried to find out this "Hellequin". Of course there may have been a titch of magic employed! Just a titch.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao stands there for a few moments, taking a measure of just where he's stepped into. "Did I find the local apothecary?" he asks of nobody in particular, for the question is quiet, as though spoken only to himself. Of course, in the mostly deserted shop, they'll likely carry clearly to the other occupant! His eyes move from seeing what's what in the nearer parts of the store, to the central and more distant parts. That is when Willow is spotted. "Hello Willow," he says with a faint smile.

Another moment is taken, to tuck his fan between his sash and robes, next to the flute there. Xiang wanders closer, then, to the reagents and jars of things to have a glance over them.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
So far, nothing. She'd found the name "Hellequin" but very little else.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your luck) someone came into the shop, and even better, it was Zhao! (She decided to use the Surname first, as per Chinese tradition.)

"Zhao!" Willow pauses. "That's right, isn't it? Are you hiding from the rain, or are you looking for components?" She'd guessed he wasn't the preppy sort!

Xiang Zhao has posed:
The guess had been right. Xiang Zhao really isn't the preppy sort at all. Or, at least, he certainly doesn't act like he is. He glances from the components and back to Willow as she speaks back. "Mm. Zhao is fine," he says, unbothered by the use of his given name. "Com...ponents?" From the way he says the words, it's not one he's familiar with.

"Initially hiding from the rain." He holds out his arms to show just how wet he got in that few minutes he was out in it. They're still dripping, albeit slowly, now. "But what you have here is intriguing. Is this an apothecary?" Pause. "Do you carry cinnabar?" An apothecary might carry that, right?

Xiang turns back to look over the ... components? ... once again. He seems to be actually taking the time to look over each one individually. He might be trying to figure out just what is what.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Ah. He *had* just come in from the rain. Still..

Willow closed her computer (she didn't want everyone looking at her spell, or her computer) and quickly came over to him. "Components. Um.. you might use something else to explain them. Mostly ingredients. Papers. Inks. Candles. Other things. The more expensive stuff we keep in the back, and some stuff we only get in season and by special order. Mostly we make our business by pagans and such. It's a living."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao blinks, and blinks again. "Oh. I understand, now." He pauses to look at another batch of ingredients. "Inks. Do you have ink stones, or just inks in jars? And papers. It would be more efficient to get paper for my talismans here than to have it sent from home." He holds his hands about eight or so inches apart, and then narrows them to around three inches. "About that size."

He starts to walk again, to the next set, only to stop. Again. And glances to Willow. "Pagans? What is this?" Nope. Not familiar with that word either.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Now, they didn't sell many ink stones, but judging by the widening in her eyes, Willow knew what they were. "Oh yes! Most people couldn't care less about where they get their ink from." In fact, they had a few left, but they were hidden away. "Just a minute!"

As she hunted for them she explained pagans to him.

"There are all kinds of pagans, really, but we deal with two types, really. The ones I like to call the neo-pagans. People who jump the band wagons looking for easy spells and the newest crystals, and ones who treat it as a spiritual practice. Aha! Ink stones!"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"Ink stones have the best ink for spell talismans. For spell talismans, calligraphy, and painting, I use ink stones and a brush. For everything else, normal pens work just fine." He inclines his head to her bid to wait, and turns back to look at the things on the shelves. Listening as he looks.

"So... a pagan is wushi or sa man jisi?" He might not be familiar enough with the concepts he's speaking of to know the english words for them. "Spiritual pracitice. Is this daojiao?" He pauses for a moment. "Something like a Taoist or Buddhist?" Now he sounds truly interested. Perhaps he knows something of the two practices.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow didn't understand many of the concepts but she followed the gists of it. She thought.

"Well, it depends? The neo-pagans aren't really into the spiritual practice. I mean they light the candles, maybe will drop the earth her portion, but it doesn't go deeper? Some don't even go as far as that. They like the candles, stones, and incense." She thinks. "The others, in groups, or solitary, embrace the spiritual in every part of their life. They can even be other things as well, such as a Catholic pagan. Rarely, but it happens. I guess it's like Taoist or Buddhist? Though aren't those more exclusive than inclusive?"

She held out the ink stones. "Papers we have. Come on, I'll show you."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao seems to consider the words, and then nods after a moment. "They.. wan shui. I do not know what the word is. Do not practice with heart, but more.. play with it." His dark eyes move away from the stuff as he turns to look toward Willow. He shakes his head to the question. "Exclusive, no. Taoism and Buddhism are both open to any who wish to practice them. Taoism is.. well. Is what I am. We focus on balance, mostly." That might well explain why Xiang is so calm all the time. Perhaps. "Simplicity, patience, compassion. Going with the flow when the flow cannot be changed. Letting go. Of fear, doubt, negativities. Harmony. Being at one with the world. It is.. peaceful." His llps curve up just a bit.

"Buddhism is somewhat similar, but I do not know as much about it. I know the basics. There are three universal truths. The four noble truths. The noble eightfold path."

Xiang's eyes fall to the ink stones, and he accepts them to look them over, admiring each one as it should be. "Oh? Oh. Papers." He nods, and steps to follow her to the papers, ink stones still in hand. "I can tell you more about both, if you wish."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh. Oh no. I didn't mean that." Willow does listen to him. "I meant you are Taoist exclusive of any other religions. Correct? Whereas pagans might be something as as well. Like a Catholic pagan. Me, I'm a Jewish pagan, but that's a racial as well. My mother was a Jewish woman, her mother was, and so forth."

She follows him to the paper, "You know about this?"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao pauses, and seems to understand. "Ah. Not necessarily. Typically, yes. But Taoism is not a religion as much as it is a philosophy. A way of living. In technically terms, so long as you follow the path, a Taoist can follow any religion he wishes to follow as well." For the moment, though his words are for Willow, the attention of his eyes is still on those ink stones. But at the mention of Jewish, his eyes come up to look to the redhead again. Catholic he is familiar with. Jewish, he does not seem to be. "I am unfamiliar with Jewish," he confirms a moment later.

As for the paper, as he isn't certain where it is, his steps pause to let Willow get ahead to lead the way. He seems to be favoring two of the ink stones over the others, looking at them the most.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow shows him where the (rather small) collection of papers are. "I know, it's small. But thankfully they usually are what our customers want?" She figures he knows a lot more than she about it.

"Oh! I see!" She puts that in her head for the next time she needs it. "So it *is* a lot like paganism. A whole way of approaching your life."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao is paying more attention to the redhead now than anything else. Even the ink stones seem to have been forgotten for the moment. The paper is ignored in favor of the conversation. "Mm." There's a short pause, and then a nod. "Buddhism is a lot like Taoism, except they follow a god. I know a bit about Buddhism, but I am a Taoist. There are many Buddhist monks living with Xiang clan, learning our magic and ways, but our family is predominently Taoist. The people down the mountain call most of us 'Daozhang."

Only then does he realize that she'd said something about the paper. He shakes his head. "It is not so small as that. It is a bigger collection than what is available in my clan. He looks it over, reaching out to touch each of the pieces of paper on display, feeling the textures of each. He doesn't seem to be worried about the size, overly much. If need be, different sizes can be used, or cut down. No, what he's interested in is the feel of the paper. "These are good quality," he says.

He sets the ink stones down on the shelf and proceeds to pick out some various sizes of paper. Some are full size sheets, and some are smaller, about the dimensions he'd asked for. He might have more than one purpose for the paper!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well," Willow speaks on the papers. "I figured people would pay enough whether they were neo-pagans or not. "It's weird, people pay for incense and paper, but not for candles." She shrugs. "Good things most of our candles are mass produced." And it really didn't matter which kind you used.

She listens, and nods. "So you used to live in a community! Kind of a kibbutz. Only a different kind." She grins.

"If you are going to be buying enough, I can give you a discount!" Ah the joys of running the store while Giles was away.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao tilts his head, looking vaguely confused. "But.. candles have to be made too. Why would they not be paid for?" He sounds confused too. He finishes selecting the paper he wants, and gathers up the ink stones again. "Of a sort, I suppose. It is not a community like you see here. Everyone there is either related by blood or marriage, or a disciple. What is a kibbutz?" The word is clumsy, a little, coming from his mouth. Not a word he's ever heard before!

He glances down to the things he has picked, and then back to Willow. "These are enough. Just one of the ink stones, though. That will last me awhile. This one," he says, tapping the one he means. That one is, without a doubt, the best quality of the ones that had been handed to him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I have no idea." Willow shrugs. "Next week it will be something else." She's pleased he has some paper. "I like those ones." The ones which are bigger than a sheet of foolscap, but not too much bigger. And she is tickled pink that he had already chosen an ink stone.

"Nice choice!"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
At this point, Xiang Zhao still looks something like a drowned puppy. Though his outer robe no longer drips, it's still, without a doubt, very wet. As is his long hair, which is only partially bound into a braid at the top. The robes appear to be a deep burgandy. And as some of the water is starting to dry, starting, the deep blue embroidery done in a pattern to resemble the outline of feathers is starting to become visible.

"Mm. I use the larger sheets for painting. The smaller for talismans. The ink from ink stones is much better for both. Works well with a brush. And all that is necessary to use them is a little water and some patience. Which are both good for painting and calligraphy." His mouth curves up ever so slightly on the edges as she compliments his choice. "Xiexie," he says, voice on the softer side.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Xiexie? What's that?" Willow quietly practices the pronunciation, though she's not very good. Which is funny when she is pretty darn accurate with Latin! She rolls up his paper into a brown paper tube and tapes it. "This should keep it safe."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There have been occassional forays into some of the more populated areas rather than just remaining in the woods. The Russian man has an eagle sitting on his left shoulder, and he quietly approaches the shop. As of yet, he hasn't visited many shops. And having never been here before, he doesn't know what he might find inside. Vitali steps up to the door before opening and quietly stepping inside. His long hair is tamed into a braid against his back.

Tala has posed:
It is a moment later when the door opens again. A woman enters from the rain falling outside. She is wearing a black dress, which matches the color of her long, straight hair. The dress is off the shoulders and falls to the floor, though there is a slit in the skirt on both sides that allow her legs to be seen at times, up to the thigh. On her chest is a black runic type signal. Her eyes are unusual that they are white on white, no visible pupil though she doesn't seem to have her sight impaired.

Perhaps the most unusual things are that she is barefoot--and completely dry. She steps through the door and pauses, taking in the room then walking quietly across the floor in search of someone.

For those who can sense such things, she has high power levels although it is difficult to get a read on her entirely.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"Xiexie means 'thank you'," he replies to the question. It's okay that she's not very good. It's a fair exchange. He's not entirely fluent in English. He's reasonably conversant, at least. He hands off the paper and ink stone, and watches curiously as she rolls it into a tube. "Xiexie. I appreciate that. I have not yet found a permanent place to stay, so it has to be somewhat portable."

As the door opens, his head turns far enough to see who's entering. His lips curve up again as he sees who it is. "Vitali," he says. "Ni hao. How are you?" Presently, both his flute and his folded up fan are tucked in to the sash at his waist on his left side.

The next time the door opens, he glances again. His eyes stay on the face for a moment as he nods a polite greeting and turns back to Willow.

For those who can sense such things, Xiang's magical energy looks like a tasty snack. If he can sense anything from the newcomers, he makes no sign of such.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was *just* going make a comment when Vitali walk is.. and within the minute, Tala did as well. She was happy to see Vitali, but was surprised to see Tala. So much so, she forgot to say hi to her friend.

"You came.. here?!" And *then* her manners made a reappearance. "Vitali! Wow, who would have thought everyone would have congregated here on the first day of spring! Vilati, Zhao - this is my.. uh.. friend"

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There is a brief glance cast behind him when the door opens once again, though Vitali doesn't pay a lot of attention to the woman who entered after him. The eagle sitting on his shoulder turns her head to look, and she gives a brief click of her beak. Notably, despite the rain, Vitali shows nosigns of being rained on. He's not wet. His gaze turns to Zhao, and there's a smile that finds the corners of his lips as he inclines his head towards the other man. "Dobryy den', Zhao, Willow," he offers in greeting, his gaze turning towards the redhead a moment later. Then there's a hint of colour that comes to his cheeks as he gives a small nod. "Da, came here. Try for find things. Not find, yet," he says softly, his brow furrowing briefly.

Tala has posed:
"Willow." The accent is Eastern European, not quite Russian but close enough some people mistake it. She doesn't walk all the way to the counter, looking around the building curiously though she doesn't seem to be shopping.

Then Tala focuses on Willow. "I wanted to apologize in person. Our lesson tonight will need to be canceled. Something has..." She pauses, considering phrasing. "Come up that I must deal with. I should be available tomorrow evening and the next if either will work for you instead."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao looks curiously at the redhead, now. "It seems a good place to gather," he says, a faint thread of amusement to his tone. He looks back to the newest entry, and inclines his head a bit more formally. "Ni hao," he says to her. And to Vitali, his dark eyes go next. "What sort of things are you trying to find? I will help you, if I can." His own accent is Chinese. As the two women know each other, Xiang Zhao takes a deliberate step to the side and out of the way of their conversation. He turns more fully to Vitali and steps closer to the man, lifting his right hand and offering his fingers to the bird upon the Siberian man's shoulder. "It has been a few days since I saw you both last."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You found me though!" Willow reassures Vitali.

Though Tala rearranging her schedule with Willow makes her frown, even though she says yes. She would just have to miss out on her carefully planned studying.. unless she studied while she worked here.. "Tomorrow should be fine."

She will work it out later.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
At hearing the accent, Vitali turns his gaze towards the woman, studying her for a moment. If he recognizes the difference in the accent, which is likely, he doesn't say anything about it. His attention shifts easily over to Zhao, and there's a small smile that finds the corners of his lips. "Try for find tea from home. Wanted, not find. Not expect for find. Home very far," Vitali says softly, a touch wistfully. Soraya gives a faint click of her beak and moves a bit, bringing her beak to Zhao's fingers and give a slight nudge. "Da, has been few days. Many sorries," he adds, apologetically. Then his gaze turns to Willow, and he gives a nod to her. "Da, did find. Soraya find," he comments, giving a glance to the eagle at his shoulder.

Tala has posed:
"If not, we will meet our usual time on Tuesday," Tala says with a soft smile. It isn't like she has a cellphone so this really is the only way to send messages, unless she had one of her other students relay it. Sometimes it needed a personal touch though.

She turns back to the door as though about to exit then pauses long enough to look at the two others in the store. "A shame my time is limited. You both are quite interesting. We shall meet again though. I will be certain of that."

And with those words, she wandered back out into the rain.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Arriving on scene immediately after the departure of Tala, Dr Strange takes a moment to watch the women disappear into the gloom. His eyes narrow slightly, then moves to catch the door as it almost closes.

Pushing it open, the Doctor steps inside, using his hands to try and tap the rain from his clothes. It might have been smarter to bring an umbrella.

"I do hope you are still open. I have been meaning to visit your quaint little shop for some time. Am I interrupting anything?" His eyes take in each of the guests inside.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao does his best to not listen to the conversation between Willow and her friend. Instead, he focuses on Vitali and Soraya. Mostly Soraya. "Ahh," he says to the Siberian. "I have found some tea that is close in Chinatown, but I am not certain if there is a similar place for where you are from." That wistful sigh seems to understand. "Both of our homes are very far."

As the eagle's beak meets his fingers, Xiang rubs that beak in the way he knows the bird enjoys. "It is not your fault. I know where your camp is." Which means he's taking the blame on himself, of course. As he and the Russian are addressed, Xiang Zhao turns his attention to the woman doing the addressing. He blinks once, about the most surprise he tends to show at any given time. His eyes follow the woman as she exits the shop, and he looks to Vitali. "Interesting," he says, perhaps emulating the departed woman, perhaps finding the situation interesting himself. He looks to Willow. "Are we interesting?" He sounds.. curious.

Outside, the weather is raining, quite heavily, this mid afternoon. Inside it is dry. Though Xiang Zhao himself is not. He looks rather like a drowned puppy still. His clothing is wet with the rain he'd come in here to escape, still. Robes of a deeper burgandy, starting to dry enough now to show the deep blue embroidery set to look like the outline of feathers.

As the door opens, or rather doesn't close all the way, to admit another, Xiang's eyes find the person. He inclines his head politely, and then turns his attention back to the eagle sitting on Vitali's shoulder. For those who can sense such things, his magical energy looks rather like a tasty snack.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
And then she was gone, just like that.

"She's my teacher. Sorry, I lied. I just figured.. well, I am keeping quiet about it. Sorta a surprise for everyone when I have learned al, sorts of things." Tala spoke of her tutelage; Willow had been very cautious.

Willow nods. "Well sorta of? To me you're normall" She answers Zhao. "But to her, most definitely. She is very powerful, so she probably wanted where you are from and similar stuff.."

Doctor.. Strange?!

"Uh.." Was all that Willow could force out of her mouth.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange walks inside, his hands still working on tapping the rain from his clothes. His eyes find Zhao as the being looks at him, and his face stays neutral, although there is a slight interest in what, who, and how this being is. Magical energy equalling a tasty snack indeed.

Hearing Willow's voice, Strange's eyes next find her. His face softens slightly. "You must be Willow. I have heard about you. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Doctor Stephen Strange. Is this your shop?" His eyes then take in the rest of the locale they were at. "Fascinating. I can feel that this place is a fine establishment, indeed."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a moment where Vitali's gaze follows the woman as she leaves, his curiosity slightly piqued by the woman's words. He doesn't think that he's interesting. But then, he's familiar with what he is and what he's capable of. Yet there's another stranger entering, his attention drawn for a moment. His attention easily turns back to Zhao, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. Then he gives a small nod. "Da, for both, home is far. Not know if anywhere have," he says, his brow furrowing a little bit.

Soraya half lids her eyes as she rubs her beak against Zhao's fingers, her feathers fluffing a little bit. Then Vitali quirks a smile at Zhao. "Fault not yours, either. Camp in same spot, da," he comments. Then he glances briefly towards the exit, and the woman who had left just recently, and he right shoulder in a bit of a shrug. "Not think of self as interesting. Just self," he says.

Vitali tilts his head a touch to one side, studying Zhao for a moment. Perhaps having needed a moment to realize that Zhao is rather soaked. He gives a faint murmur of a few Russian syllables, lifting his right hand to make a slight gesture with his fingers. The water sheds out of Zhao's robes and hair, gathering up into a loose sphere. "Rain much," he says softly, a gentle note to his voice.

The Russian man turns his attention over to Willow at her words, and he gives a small nod. "Teacher is good for have, da. Many things for learning, easier with teacher," he says, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. There's a slight dismissive gesture made with his right hand, and the sphere of water vanishes.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Gone, and another to replace her. It seems, despite the rain, the shop is showing a good turn out today. Xiang Zhao's eyes turn to the redhead. "Sometimes, teachers are the best friends we ever has," he says in that softly spoken voice of his. "So, perhaps not strictly a lie. And learning is a good thing."

Xiang considers thoughts of being normal or interesting. He looks down at himself for a moment, then back to Willow. "I feel I am the same as I ever am. I am from.. far away." Xiang's eyes shift from Willow to the newcomer and back to Willow again. "Is something the matter?" At least she wasn't speachless when her teacher came in!

For himself, Xiang appears to be human. Just magically inclined with a tasty looking aura. At the counter, about half taken care of is some rolled up paper of the type sold here, and curiously, an ink stone. Someone was in the middle of a transaction when more people entered.

Xiang gives the eagle another few moments of attention, before he drops his hand back to his side and takes a step back. His left hand moves behind him, to rest at the small of his back. His right hand comes to rest near the fan and flute tucked into the front of his sash on the right side. He nods his agreement to Vitali's words. "Same. Am just Xiang Zhao." One shoulder lifts in a shrug. At those murmured Russian syllables, he looks curiously toward the Russian. And then he blinks as he's suddenly.. dried.

For a long moment, Xiang looks very much like he's not sure what he's supposed to think of that. There are a couple of slow, almost blank blinks. Then a couple of blinks in rapid succession as his brain kicks in gear again. "Xiexie ni," he says, voice even softer than it normally is. Clearly, he was not expecting the water removal. With the water out of his clothing, the outer robe is a deep burgandy that shimmers faintly in the light, probably silk. It has embroidery of a deep blue in a design of the outlines of feathers that stands out now that it's not darkened by rain. The overall impression is almost purple with the combination. He watches curiously that sphere of water. But does nod his agreement with the Russian's words. "He is right. Some things, only a teacher can help with."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You.." Willow's voice was terribly quiet. And terribly high pitched (to begin with at least!). "You know my *name*??"

*Be still my beating heart*

Her pitch settled out then. "No.. this is Giles' shop. We're - Buffy and I - are looking after it." And again she remembered her manners. Late. "These are my friends, Vilati, and Xiang Zhao. They're new in town."

Of course she insists on checking on Vitali.. "You are still coming to live with me? Tell me you are? I can't get a normal roommate, and I would have to move to a different apartment, and I really don't want to." She nods though, with regards to Tala. "Infinitely easier. I've already figured something out because of what she had told me!"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Unfortunately, I cannot stay long, although I wish I could spend a lot more time examining your wares that you have for sale...and those in the back rooms. I will trust that you are being careful with the trinkets you have here, and will not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Perhaps I should speak to this Mr Giles."

Strange walks up to stand by Willow, and suddenly a white, small square piece of cardboard appears in his hand. Offering it to Willow, Strange says, "Here is my card. I would like to speak to you further at your convenience of course. I see you are busy, so I will not presume to interrupt."

With a slight flourish, Strange turns, and moves to head back to the door. Looking at Zhao directly, Strange raises an eyebrow. "Perhaps we should chat in the future as well Xiang Zhao. I expect your story will be an interesting one."

Lastly, Strange takes a brief moment to look at Vitali as well, and nods. "You as well I suspect. Interesting clientele that frequents this establishment. It is nice to meet you as well, Vilati. Welcome to you both to the city."

With that last word, and with a slight bow, Strange moves out into the storm once more and was gone.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
"Teachers were family," Vitali says softly, a thoughtful note coming to his voice. He looks down for a moment, then gives a small shake of his head before lifting his right hand to brush his braid to his back. He and his brother had learned together, not that he's spoken much of it.

He raises an eyebrow slightly as he looks to Zhao, and he gives a nod. "Da, am agreeing. Feel same as always. Not feel interesting. Not feel different," he says, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. There's a glances towards the stranger, then towards Willow, but with Zhao already asking after her reaction, Vitali doesn't. Thogh he does tilt his head a touch to one side, studying Willow for a moment and listening.

Soraya, meanwhile, is more than willing to accept what affection Zhao is willing to give her. Other than the eagle, Vitali carries nothing with himbeyond what he's wearing, and the eagle remains comfortably upon his left shoulder. As Zhao comes to terms with being dry, Vitali waits. And he gives a nod to his friend, along with a warm smile. "Are welcome, very," he says. He takes a moment to look over his friend, tilting his head a touch to one side. "Pretty, your robes," he says.

Vitali turns his gaze towards the stranger, and he gives a nod. "Good day," he offers, his tone polite and respectful. Then his attention shifts to Willow, and there's a smile that easily returns to his features. "Da, Willow," he says, giving a small nod to her. "Need know where. When, also. Mmm. You not have need for move," he adds, hoping he's able to convey what he means well enough.

Vitali turns his attention back to Strange then, and he raises an eyebrow slightly before giving a nod. "Is good for meet, da. Spasibo," he says, a smile touching his features.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao looks to the redhead again. And then looks more thoughtfully at the unknown man. He inclines his head at the giving of his name. And nods about being new in town. It's true. He is. He doesn't appear to be surprised or shocked by the appearance of the white card, his expression remaining entirely calm.

When he's spoken to directly, the words bring a small smile curving up the corners of his mouth. His hands come up and cup together in front of him and he half bows to the man. "It would be my pleasure." He straightens and glances to Willow and Vitali in turn. "Why does everyone think we are interesting all of a sudden?" He... despite still being entirely calm, looks mildly confused as well as thoughtful. Though his story might well be interesting to those outside of his clan, for himself? It's just everyday life. "Xiexie for the welcome," he says to the as yet unknown man.

When the man is gone, Xiang's eyes turn to the redhead once more. "Hm." His left hand goes back to its previous position at the small of his back. The fan is pulled from his sash with his right hand, and flicked open with the quiet sound silk makes against itself. It goes to languidly waving, blowing a slight bit of air toward his face. It seems a habit, perhaps something he does when thinking about things.

There's another slow blink as Vitali speaks to him. And he glances down at himself. "Oh. Thank you. I am glad to finally have more than one set of clothing to wear." That begs the question of why he hadn't simply bought more clothing after he'd arrived here. Or brought more with him? His brain is brought back to the present at Willow's apparent distress at the thought of having to move. "If you need help, I will help as much as I am able."

Splinter has posed:
Ding-Ding, the bell above the door to shop entrance rings softly as a figure opens it from the outside. The figure is wearing a traditional Japanese robe of moderate quality but nothing extraordinary, with a large kasa hat (Wide brimmed star hat used in japan to protect one from the rain.) strapped over the head of the robed figure.

The figure has managed to stay mostly dry, despite the weather outside but also has a hood up under the hat covering their face leaving only a long, white, thin, beard dangling from the front of the shadowy opening.

The figure walks bent over somewhat to make itself look smaller and long, fingers wrapped in fresh bandages grasp a well-worn walking stick of ancient and gnarled origin. The garment is a traveling robe with a leather strip at the bottom to protect it from rain, wear and tear, but the figure's shoes, or lack thereof, are obscured by the depths of the cloth.

The movements of the figure are slow, cautious steps as if it is an elderly man but any features of the figure are obscured by the large hat and the hood. Once inside, he stands at the door for a moment allowing the rain to drip off his hat before he ventures further into the building like any polite person would. This is typical behavior for Japanese society, standing in the doorway silently while you drip, but it may look odd if you are not used to people wearing a kasa-hat.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a slight tilt of his head as he looks to Zhao, and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Not sure, but... maybe is doing something for being from far away, da?" Vitali suggests. "Not sure, otherwise," he adds, lifting his right shoulder in a touch of a shrug. Soraya tilts her head a bit to one side, and she clicks her beak before making a soft sound.

"Are welcome, Zhao. Have other clothes is good, da. Hard for get by with only one set," Vitali says, his tone thoughtful. If he was about to say more, then he doesn't, for there's the dingling of the bell of the shop. He turns his dark gaze towards the new entrant. He takes a moment to look over the figure, and he tilts his head a touch to one side, turned quiet for the time being. He gives a faint murmur in Russian beneath his breath and a faint gesture with the fingers of his right hand. The water soaking the most recent entrant is drawn out, much as he had done to Zhao not that long ago, the water forming into a loose sort of sphere as it gathers together.

Willow, meanwhile, has slipped into the back room of the store, on the hunt for something!

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao glances to the door as it opens for the third time. "Oh. I need to remember to find me a bamboo hat the next time I am in Chinatown," he says thoughtfully. Of course the hat is the first thing he notices about the newest entry! The second thing he notices? Familiar style robes. Perhaps not exactly the same as his, for his are Chinese rather than Japanese, but his are also traditional style. Deep burgandy with that faintly shimmering quality of silk with deep blue embroidery sewn to give an impression of feathers. The overall impression is somewhat purple with the combinatin of the two colors. What can be seen of the inner robe and shirt is a rich aqua blue that contrasts nicely, as well as compliments, the shade of burgandy.

At first impression, Xiang thinks 'elder'. And as such, the fan gets flicked closed with a quiet snap. His hands come forward and cup in front of him, then he bows at the waist in a half bow toward the elder. "Zufu," he greets politely to the elder. It's as he straightens that he notes the water being drawn from the elder's clothing. "Thank you, Vitali," he says.

That fan is flicked open and goes back to waving lazily. His left hand goes back to rest at the small of his back. A glance goes to Willow's figure disappearing into the back, but then is drawn to those still in here again. "Tea. I am happy to share mine with you. Some came from home, and some I found in Chinatown." Apparently, he's returning to a topic they'd been speaking on at some point.

Splinter has posed:
There is an a quiet, "Hmm." From the robed figure as his hat and clothing stop dripping far too quickly and all the water gathers into a sphere. Levitating sphere.

Unfortunately, this turn of events completely distracts Splinter from his mission. That water drained out of his robes could have just as easily been the blood drained from his veins. This is a level of sorcerery he has only heard rumors about. As a spiritualist, he is instantly fascinated by the floating orb of water. He moves closer to it raising his head and exposing a strangely long face under the robes as he studies the floating orb of water, totally fascinated as if he has never seen real magic before.

In his defense, he does live in a sewer. He doesn't get a chance to get out much. "Fascinating." The stranger says as he marvels at the orb of water, "How do you accomplish this?" his accent hinting at Japanese origins like his outfit.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a smile that touches at the corners of his lips as he inclines his head towards Zhao. "Are welcome, da," he says softly. There's a glance given towards the fan as Zhao flicks it open to wave it, and one of his eyebrows quirks up a touch. "Spasibo! Would very much like for try, da. Will have tea, later, if wish," he says, a smile coming back to his features.

His attention turns to the sphere of water that had gathered from the stranger's clothes, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. He shifts his hand slightly, and the sphere rises in the air, all the better to be looked at. "Can control water. Create, move. Have had gift for many years," he says, his tone respectful.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Some people would be upset at being ignored so completely. But not Xiang Zhao. With that floating sphere of water, he likely expected such a distraction. Amusement flickers to his features, and his lips curl up as a result. The strangely long face also doesn't seem to get any more attention than a glance at a normal length face would. Perhaps Xiang has seen creatures that are not human, strictly speaking. As he watches, that fan continues to wave languidly, as though Xiang Zhao has all the time in the world.

As his offer of tea is accepted, Xiang nods his head to the Siberian man. "Hao de. I will join you in your camp later, then." He watches the water sphere. Though he doesn't seem to be as fascinated as the elder, he is curious about it. "Seeing you with water never gets old," he says. "If I was that good with fire, perhaps it wouldn't drain me as much as it does." But he isn't, and so it does.

Splinter has posed:
Stranger and stranger, though the world above ground is full of beings with God like powers so he should not be surprised. Refocusing his attention on the matter at hand, Splinter lowers his head back down and says, "Thank you for the kindness of sharing your gift. It is a wonder." In American but then switches to Mandarin-Chinese before saying, "Stop following them, if you value your life." Before bowing his head and turning to walk back out into the rain with the same elderly, careful steps and slow movements that he has maintained the illusion of since his arrival.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
It's a distracting sort of thing. Water doesn't naturally do what Vitali can make it do. Right now, it's hovering and lingering in that spherical gathering of droplets, shimmering. "Da, will be in camp, later," he says, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. There's a bit of colour that comes to Vitali's cheeks, and he ducks his chin a little bit as he looks to Zhao. "Train with water from time of before see ten summers. Have had long time for learn," Vitali says softly, a thoughtful note to his voice. "Fire not like water. Fire more wild," he adds.

Vitali inclines his head towards the stranger, a small smile touching his lips. "Are welcome," he says softly. It's not that controlling water doesn't wear on him, but it takes a bit for it to happen. He gives a slight gesture, and the sphere of water vanishes, similar to what he had done with the one drawn from Zhao's clothes. When Mandarin is spoken in, one of his eyebrows quirks up but he has no recognition to any of the words that are said. His brow furrows then as the stranger turns to head back out into the rain, and he seems a touch puzzled. He doesn't ask, though -- such is not his place, for he suspects it was spoken in the language it was for a reason.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao is silent for a moment as the words come in Mandarin-Chinese. He watches as the elder turns to leave. The silence doesn't last long before he says, "Wo bu jupa siwang, ye bu jupa siwang." He is very firm on this. it's a belief that may well be a core value, whatever it is. "Danshi nin zhi de shi shenme?" There seems to be a touch of confusion within the question.

Xiang's attention, and eyes, remain on the departing elder, but his next words are for Vitali. "When you go back later, I will accompany you." He pauses and looks to the other man again, and nods. "I have been practicing with fire since I was about the same age. It.. fights. Always. To be free." Fire does not like to be harnessed, at all!

Splinter has posed:
The old man opens the door but pauses and says, also in Mandarin-Chinese, (in which he is somewhat rusty) "You follow The Foot that walks in shadows. They are larger than you can imagine. Do not start a fight with them. You will not find victory, only sorrow." Then the figure pretending to be an old man steps out into the rain and closes the door behind him making the bell ring softly again as he leaves. He warned the young man. That is all he can do. It is up to Xiang Zhao to choose the wise path now.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Vitali is quiet whilst the conversation occurs in Mandarin, and he slips his left hand to thesmall of his back. The eagle on his shoulder seems unfazed by this and simply clicks her beak softly. She ruffles her feathers a little bit, and she seems rather calm and settled there on the Russian's left shoulder. He lifts his right hand, lightly brushing the back of his fingers over the eagle's chest.

His dark gaze turns to Zhao, and he inclines his head as a smile comes to his features. "Spasibo, Zhao. Is very kind. Always welcome you," he says softly. He tilts his head a little to one side. "Water not mind for be captive. Elements different," he adds.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao looks thoughtful, and still a touch confused. But that confusion clears up with the elder's words as they continue. His fan gets flicked closed again, and his hands come up to cup it and each other in front of him. He half bows to the elder. "Jiao. Wo bù huì hé tamen dajià. Tamen sharén tài róngyìle. Wo bù xiangxìn tamen," he says, tone thoughtful. He remains in that half bowed position until the elder leaves and the door closes behind him.

Only then does he straighten, his hands coming down. Left hand to the small of his back. Right hand holding the still closed fan about waist level. He looks troubled. Enough so that he doesn't open the fan again for the moment. He nods absently to Vitali, but his thoughts are very clearly on what the elder had said. "Xiexie," he says, tone distracted. It's possible he didn't even hear what Vitali had said about water and fire and elements.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Whatever is conveyed between the two in Mandarin, Vitali is left clueless. He doesn't speak more than a few words of it, which are ones that Zhao has taught to him. But he's not nosy, and he doesn't ask after what's said. He keeps his left hand upon the small of his back, taking a moment to study Zhao with the words said. There's a glance given towards the closed door, his expression thoughtful. Soraya clicks her beak as she shifts her weight slightly there on his shoulder. His friend has clearly been given something to think about, and so he gives him time and space to do so.

And since he hadn't really done so since coming into the shop, Vitali takes a moment to look around the shop itself. There are a great many things here, some of which he may have seen before and others not so much. Rather than remain where he stands, he starts step towards one of the shelves to look at some of the things there.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:

It had taken a while, but she found it. Deep in the bottom drawer of knicks and knacks that nobody knew to do with them, but possibly they had some use was a *old* bit of calligraphy writing brush. Just one, and it had its own little bag.

"I was reminded of this. We've only the one." Willow brought it out for Zhao, and Vitali of course. "It's very old. I think it must have been a part of a larger set. It's been lost to the depths of that old box for as long as I have known it. Here!"

And she shoves it carefully towards Zhao.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao really was given something to think about. So lost in thought is he that Willow, bless her heart, manages to get right up and close without him realizing she's there. But, this is not as bad a thing as it could be. Xiang doesn't tend to be all that jumpy in most cases.

What does happen is a very small flinch as something is shoved at him, and an indrawn breath. Then, Xiang Zhao relaxes and actually focuses on the room again. He looks down at what's been shoved at him, accepting it reverently, and carefully, with both hands, one on either end. Almost as though he were receiving some sort of weapon or artifact. He might well be! In its bag, it's hard to tell.

"Set? Box?" Xiang might be trying to make sense of what his ears had heard but his brain hadn't really processed in the moment. He takes a moment to tuck his fan against his side, held in place with his right elbow, then starts to, very carefully, untie the little drawstring on the bag. All these old bags have little drawstrings. And if it's as old as has been implied, it could be fragile!

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
As Willow returns from the back room, Vitali steps away from his perusing of the shelves in order to return nearer to her. When the brush is revealed, one of his eyebrows quirks up a touch as he looks it over. There's a flicker of curiosity that shows in his dark eyes as the bag containing the brush is offered to (and accepted by) Zhao, and he tilts his head just a touch to one side. For the moment, Vitali is quiet. There's a glance given in Zhao's direction at the very brief questions he asks, and there's a hint of a smile that finds the corners of his lips. There's no sign of him minding the weight of Soraya there upon his shoulder, and he lifts his right hand to lightly stroke the back of his fingers along her chest.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Go on! Go on!" Now Willow was impatient, and happy that she had found it. So excited was she, that she nearly took it out of Zhao's hands and showed him herself. But she waited.

Unfortunately, she's got no such thing for Vitali. But she's got an idea for him too. And *that* makes her smile even further.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
This just seems to be how Xiang Zhao is. Often times, his movements are unhurried and show a reverence for whatever it is he happens to be doing. He pauses as he glances to Willow's impatience words. A quiet chuckle follows the glance and Zhao goes back to doing what he was doing. The draw strings are loosened, and the object within drawn carefully out.

And he looks over it. And nods to Willow's former surmise, finally having pieced together what it was she said when he was distracted by inner thoughts. "You are right. I think this was part of a larger set." He settles the brush into his right hand, and gently strokes over the hairs that make up the business end of it. "It is in remarkably good shape. Very well made. Whoever made this brush, knew what they were doing."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a flicker of amusement that shows in Vitali's eyes at Willow's impatience and excitement. His dark gaze turns to her, watching her for a moment, and he doesn't seem to mind that there's no gift for him. He had no expectations of being given anything.

Vitali turns his attention back to Zhao, watching as he takes his time about opening the bag in order to draw the contents out. And once the brush has been drawn out, his gaze falls to it to look it over. He hasn't got the experience with such things as what Zhao does, but he does give a nod of agreement about the condition of it. "Da, look very good," he says softly, a thoughtful note to his voice.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
And then he has it.

"Is it really good? I wasn't sure about it." Willow is an equal mix of worry and pleased once Zhao takes it out of it's bag. She looks at Vitali, and back to Zhao. "It's your's."

She nods.

"I believe it was yours all along, waiting in the bottom of the drawer. I'm sure there's something to be said about this, but I can't remember what. Something, something.. ah well you know what I mean."

"And you!" Now she turns to Vitali. "I need the name of your home. Where you came from. It's a surprise. No peeking! Well something like that. Oh and the person I would talk to there."

Nope. She's not telling. *locks and throws away the key*

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Though he doesn't really show the surprise much, it's there. He also hadn't had any expectations of gifts. The brush has creamy colored bristles, the handle appears to have been made of bamboo, and a string has been tied in a small loop on the butt end of it, likely for hanging. The bamboo is shiny from having been handled much at one point or another, and is a deep brown.

Xiang Zhao nods. "It is really good." His dark eyes come up from the brush as Willow says it's his. There's that slow blinking that indicates he's been surprised. "Destiny," he supplies. "Or fate." He nods though. "I do. Know what you mean. Xiexie ni, Willow," he says. He shuffles the fan and the brush into his right hand and cups his hands before him, pointed toward Willow. The motion is followed by a half bow, but one that is deeper than most that either have seen.

As the attention turns from Xiang to Vitali, he straightens from the half bow and goes to looking over the brush again. "There are hanzi here," he says, running his fingers over two Asian style characters that are mostly invisible due to the dark color of the wood. But they can be felt, and seen if one looks really closely.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
At the worry in Willow's voice, Vitali turns his dark gaze to her, watching her for a lingering moment. He doesn't know anything about the calligraphy brush, so... there's little in the way of opinion that he can offer other than that it looks good. "Would say is Fate. Will of Gods," Vitali says softly, a reverent and thoughtful note to his voice. When the hanzi are mentioned, his gaze turns back to the brush, studying it with a touch more curiosity.

Vitali tilts his head slightly to one side, his gaze studying her a touch closer at her questions. Soraya clicks her beak, an echo of his curiosity. "Is in far north. Past District of Oymyakon," he says softly, his brow furrowing a touch. The Pole of Cold. "Name of village, Yurkassk. Elder is name Mikael," he offers. He's not sure what she might be considering, but... he answers the questions that she asks, and seems willing to do so.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Destiny! Yes." That was the word. It had placed itself in the bottom of the drawer for some such occasion, when it became apparent again. Though when Zhao bows deeply to you she blushes, and tries to imitate him.

When he shows Vitali the makers marks, she queries, "Do you know about him? I didn't even know they were on there before now."

Vitali gives her the information. Immediately she puts it in a notepad to remember. "Thank you!"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao is quiet for a moment, then speaks, voice soft, the words measured, almost like he's reciting something. "Buyao wei shangwei fasheng de shiqing er jiaoji de xiwang. Buyao baibai houhui yijing guoqu de shiqing." There is emotion there to be heard as he speaks, hope mingled with sorrow. A quiet sigh follows the words, and Xiang closes his eyes as he bows his head. The brush his pressed to his chest. Clearly, it must be fate, one that has moved him greatly.

To Willow's question, Xiang Zhao's voice comes in reply, "It is not a maker's mark. It is the hanzi for hope. This pair is from a poem." He takes a breath and opens his eyes to look at the brush again. "'Do not anxiously hope for that which is nto yet to come. Do not vainly regret what is already past.' Sometimes... that is a hard thing to follow."

But, Zhao being Zhao, the mood does not grip him for long and he smiles after. "I know exactly what I am going to do with this first," he says. But whatever it is, he's no more sharing it than Willow his her idea for Vitali.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
"Am not knowing of brush, or of marks," Vitali says softly, tilting his head a touch to one side. Then a smile comes to his features, and he gives a small nod to Willow. "Are welcome, always. Can ask all things. Any things," he adds, his tone sincere. They're going to be living together, in the same apartment, so... he doesn't mind her asking things that she's curious about.

His attention turns back to Zhao, studying his friend and noting the reaction to the brush, and to the hanzi on it, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. Lifting his right hand, he lightly touches Zhao's shoulder nearest to him. An attempt to be reassuring, and to offer some comfort. "Is hard for leave past in past," he says softly, a gentle note to his voice. His touch doesn't linger for overly long before he lowers his hand back to his side.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Really Willow is pleased regardless of the quality or anything about it. (Ok, she was a little pleased about that too!) "I hope you get many years. I really do." She quiets, to allow Vitali to speak.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao lifts his eyes from the brush and to Vitali as he touches, and speaks to him. "It is. Sometimes, it is all but impossible." He shakes his head and his lips curve up at the corners. "I am fine, my friend." He seems to take hold of himself and his usual calm self is back in place moments later. "Right. I should pay for things. It sounds like the rain has let up. I should go and find a spot to hole up for the evening, just in case it does this all night."

There he pauses, realizing he'd said he'd come to Vitali's camp later with the Siberian. "No. That is not right. I am coming to your camp." Nope. Brain is not quite all back to normal just yet. Getting there, though! First the elder's unexpected words, then Willow's unexpected gift. Between them, they may just have thrown the Chinaman somewhat off balance.