13046/Housecall...of sorts.
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Housecall...of sorts. | |
Date of Scene: | 16 April 2021 |
Location: | Jubilee's Cabin - Breakstone Forest |
Synopsis: | Jimmy and Jubilee had a nice talk while he fixed a broken book shelf for her. |
Cast of Characters: | Warpath, Jubilee
- Warpath has posed:
A nice, late model truck pulls up and Jimmy shuts it down. He steps out of it and moves around to get a tool box from the back. He crosses the ground fast even when walking with those strides and so he is knocking on the door a moment later. The powerhouse warrior that doubles as a handyman. Is there anything he doesn't do?
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is dressed casually around the house. No need for the coat, but the tube top and belted shorts work just fine. Sighing in frustration, she taps the fallen shelf with her foot, and opens up the door. "Just in time. I'm pretty sure someone broke this shelf by bumping into it. Problbem with having friends with superhuman strength at least? Come on in!"
- Warpath has posed:
There is a hint of a smirk and he nods as he walks into the house,"There are hazards to our line." he agrees and looks at the shelf. He raises a brow and looks at her with a quirk of a brow,"Maybe we should find you one made of vibranium instead of fixing this one."
That said he goes over to the shelf and starts getting the pieces together,"OK so we'll need to glue that together and make new dowels here." he muses alound. The tool box opens and he starts rummaging through things.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee points around. "Oh my god. I would probably need to have the whole CABIN made of it. You want a coke?" she asks, stepping OUT of the way of the shelf, taking a seat on an end table to watch.
- Warpath has posed:
From the tool box he removes a long brace and some high end epoxy. Thoughtfully he puts some of the glue into the damaged area and the locks the brace in place so it can dry secure,"That might be a good idea." he agrees in response to the housing option. A shake of his head and he replies,"Maybe later, I am good for now."
Reaching back to the tool box he brings out a stick of wood and starts to measure,"So aside from hosting wild parties what have you been up to of late?" Despite popular belief he is capable of normal conversations and might almost have a sense of humor as well. He reaches back and pulls a long blade from a back sheathe and starts making measurements on the wood.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee sits there, her boot-clad feet dangling just off the rug-covered floor. "Seriously thanks for this. Glad you had the time to come out, Jimmy." Nodding as he works. "Wild parties? I wish. I did take a small trip to California, just to get some time off. But I'm back now." The blade makes her pause. "Wow."
- Warpath has posed:
"Not a problem." he replies in to her thanks,"Just don't tell anyone I am good at things other than scaring the new students." He nods at the mention of the time off,"People need that. Particularly those like us that live double or even triple lives."
He looks at the blade and then back at her. Once the marks are made he rolls the hilt through his fingers and presents the weapon hilt towards her to hold it if she wants,"Some would call it my American Express card." Of course that is probably just a little before her time. He does have a few years on her after all.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee snorts and smirks. "Oh come on Jimmy, I'ms ure you're good at plenty of things..." She hops off of the table, and crosses the small cabin to a small fridge she has set up. "WEll I'll have a coke." she xplains, leaning in to get a can. "American Express card? You know my parents had a black one. Never went anywhere without it." she explains while then cracking the can open.
- Warpath has posed:
Rolling the weapon through his fingers again he slips it into the back sheathe. When she walks past she can see that the knife has a twin. He takes a small saw from the tool box and starts to make dowels,"Don't leave home without it." he muses on the AM Ex comment.
"Not just everybody has a black card." he comments with a hint of impressed. It takes a few moments and finally he nods approvingly at the dowels,"You know that and I know that, but nobody else needs to know that."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee sips and nods. "Yeah, my parents had a lot of money until a week before the accident." she explains a little softly. "No way it was a coincidence. But I was just a kid then. Not even old enough to borrow it yet." She does snicker at that as she walks back across the little cabin to sit on a end table again, and watch him work. "Well if you ever need something set on fire I can pay you back for this," she laughs.
- Warpath has posed:
"Something questionable about their accident? No proof?" he asks curiously, pausing to look at her since she lowers her tone a little,"Coincidence is rare." he agrees. Maybe he knows a little about lost family.
He lets a smirk touch his features again and starts to push the new dowel pins in place. Normal people use a mallat, he just pushes them in with his thumb,"I'll remember that offer though. You never know when you might need fire after all." He looks at the shelf that is clamped together,"I'll get the rest done, but you will have to let this sit for a day or two. I can either come back and finish it or show you how to put it back together."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee shakes her head. "Well, yeah. I was just a kid. I had no way of getting proof. We were broke, then they were gone, and then I was stuck in an orphanage. Which sucked. But I'm here now, and you all are my familyh." She sips again. "Oh wow, that's really great, thank you."
- Warpath has posed:
"Probably been too long to get real leads." he muses thoughtfully,"I'm not really a detective so I don't know, but if you really feel there is something else there it might be worth your while. I might know a guy that can help fund it if you need." Nobody really talks about it, but there are those that suggest maybe Jimmy is finacially better off than appearances would imply.
A little more epoxy gets dabbed into the holes and then the dowels are put in place. The top shelf lays against the wall, out of the way. Pressing the rest together he nods,"You're welcome." he replies and looks around the place with a quick glance,"Anything else you need while everything is out?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee points around, and sniffs. "I think nothing else is broken... Hmm. Sure you don't want a coke while I make extra sure?" she laughs. "Probably should let this air out though, what with all that glue."
- Warpath has posed:
He starts to put the tools away and replies,"I could do with a glass of water if you don't mind." The tools start to go back into the box,"My stomach doesn't like the carbonated water." Once things are put away he stands up and nods towards the door,"It would probably be a good idea to let some air in yes. The fumes aren't overly dangerous, but the smell can get to you."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee grins and goes back to her fridge, and gets out a bottle of the stuff. Then Gently lobs it over to him. "Here you go. We can prop the door open. It's quiet outside to, easy to talk either way. What's oging on with you Jimmy? While I was on a mini vacation?"
- Warpath has posed:
Taking the tool box up from the floor he starts towards the door. He catches the lobbed bottle of water,"Thank you." he responds to the water. Walking to where she indicates to talk,"Not a lot. Terrorizing the students and taking a bit to do some investigation into my own family's demise."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee hums, and props the door open, as that's the only way to air the place out a bit. Just stepping outside onto the porch, and leaning on the door. "Terrorizing the students? Are they getting lazy? And wow, investigation... hopefully it's going well."
- Warpath has posed:
"I usually terrorize them by looking at them." he admits and steps out onto the portch as well. Setting the tools down, he opens the water and takes a drink,"As for the investigation. I have several professionals on the job, but it's....complicated to say the least. Most investigators are out of their depth dealing with someone that was able to kill an entire tribe of Apache except for one."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee snickers at that, taking another sip from her can, glancing over as he settles in. "Well as one orphan to another, hopefully you get some justice, at least. Knowing the whole truth should bring you peace."
- Warpath has posed:
"Hopefully we both do someday." he agrees thoughtfully and looks out at the yard,"You have a nice place out here. Good to away from the mansion I'd think. Sometimes there is a little too much togetherness in there."
He was not originally a studen of Xavier, but he does play nice since he has a place to be and is able to help teach kids. Deep down it is likely he doesn't agree with everything that is taught there, but it's hard to be sure,"Do you have plans for summer?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee smiles weakly. "Thanks Jimmy. I'm not exactly... optimistic about that. Maybe someday I'll stumble onsomething. But we'll see. As for summer I... well. I don't know. Depends on whether something comes up.Something always seems to come up, huh?"
- Warpath has posed:
"Hope springs eternal Jubilee. I've had to live with that mantra for more years than I can count. Never give up the idea." Another drink and he nods,"As for the other, something does always come up. Since we're the teachers now summer doesn't really mean as much. Something needs done day in and day out."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee finishes her can, and gently puts it down, squatting down to do so briefly. "Yeah, but the X-Men have lots going on too. Always. The bad guys never seem to take the summer off, either."
- Warpath has posed:
A chuckle, an honest expression of humor, and he nods,"Pesky bad sorts. Why can't they just nine to five Monday through Friday? Taking weekends and long summer holidays?" He's actually loosening up some away from the rest of the school and those that are there most of the time.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee shakes her head and giggles. "You think we can arrange it?" she grins, leaning back again, putting her hands behind her. "Something has to happen eventually for us."
- Warpath has posed:
"If we could arrange that we'd just look for something else to change." he offers back and then looks towards her as opposed to starting out at the yard talking,"Maybe some day Xavier's dream will come to pass and there won't be a need for the X-Men. That is what is needed happen for us to ever know rest. Even if the humans started playing nice there's always plenty of our own to cause issues."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee snorts, and winks. "Well, until then. The most I can say for plans is. Maybe I'll just give up the whole cabin for renovations. Move back into the main building. For a change of pace."
- Warpath has posed:
"Renovations could be done without giving it up." he comments thoughtfully, glancing back towards the main room again. The wink gets another smirk, maybe a little warmer,"As for the rest. Just take it day by day and see how things go. Hope for the best, brace for the worst, and accept what you get."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee nods. "Yeah. I mean I'd have to move while the work was going on." She turns, hands on hips, and leans to look into the open door. "That all sounded so smart just now. I love that."
- Warpath has posed:
"Maybe I should be a teacher or something?" he asks with a hint of humor there,"Nah. Nobody would buy that." He considers her for a moment and then looks into the house again, nodding,"It would be easier to not be living in here to do it, but not impossible." Another drink of water and he considers the yard,"You should build a bonfire out here some night, maybe invite some out here or maybe just for your own benefit."
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee looks back to him and nods, gesturing with her hand. "Maybe you should. If I can find some way to teach, I'm sure you could. And you want to? That sounds great, go out with a bang before starting the remodeling."
- Warpath has posed:
"We'll have to see." he muses about the teaching thing, letting it settle,"As for a bonfire that could be good way to unwind for you." He motions towards a tree,"That tree is partially dead and I don't think we can save it. It would make a strong blaze. Maybe the spirits will join in if the blaze is high enough."