13204/Rogue's Birthday Disappearance

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Rogue's Birthday Disappearance
Date of Scene: 05 May 2021
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre
Synopsis: Rogue's coerced into a birthday celebration where presents abound - all on Beast's dime!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Beast, Wolverine, Sandra Billings, Nightcrawler, Phoenix

Rogue has posed:
The original plan for Rogue was to stay locked in her room, or fly off somewhere and not be around for anyone to find her. Then Scott found her before she could do anything, and after a brief conversation she agreed to maybe do something small. Could be fun. She has to sometimes be reminded that she does have friends at the school who actually care about her. So a text was sent to the handful of people she considers close. <Yeah, it's that time of year where apparently I'm supposed to celebrate being alive. Come to Harry's if you want. I might be there. ~Rogue> And she /is/ there, but there's no decor, no hooplah or streamers, just a girl in a full body suit, gloves, cut off shorts, and a tee shirt that reads Fueled by Sweet Tea. Course, that may not be a tall glass of actual sweet tea she's sipping on at a table currently all on her lonesome.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has a tendancy to be on time for things. It might just be medical training that does that, because you can't be late to a code Blue, after all. The same may be said of his date for the evening, for he enters with Sandy on his arm and a rather small but brightly coloured gift bag dangling over one arm, complete with obnoxious lavender glitter paper. It looks about as girly as he could find, it seems and maybe on purpose. He's dressed in jeans and a colourful tie-dyed Tee, with a denim jacket over the top, trying for the smart-casual beside his date.

There is a little pencil topper blue meanie sticking out of the side of the bag though, on the end of a swizzle stick.

Wolverine has posed:
    Social obligations. They're a grim spectre to no small number of Xavier's crew. Comes along with the territory, the whole aspect of being something of a social outcast, dealing with difficulties fitting in. And for some of the X'ers it's something more ingrained just from their very nature.
    Such as how it is for Logan.
    The Canadian mutant is never one to be entirely at ease in a crowd. Especially ones where there are 'expectations'. Such as cheer and friendliness. Those things are sometimes above and beyond. And so what does one do with the potential onslaught of grumpy misery? They spread it around.
    "C'mon, Kurt. We're going."
    As easy as that. One growly near-feral mutant shifts the karmic burden like so. Which is why the two X-Men arrive together, Logan stepping through the door and holding it open for him for a time. Then once they're both in he starts heading on towards the back area where Rogue might well find herself. He's in the typical blue jeans and a black shirt, though the most notable thing are those fine looking leather boots. Over one shoulder he's toting a wrapped present, one finger under the twine that holds it together. Once he's at the table he sets it down with a thump. "You seem cheery."

Sandra Billings has posed:
With her arm in Henry's, Sandy is wearing a loose fitted black dress, flats and a simple white open blouse upon her shoulders. She gives a bright smile as she heads inside, carrying what appears to be a bright pink box with a flourishy red bow on the top. She seems bubbly as always as they head in together. "Hello, Rogue! Happy Birthday!" She sings out to her. She is heavily caffinated from her sixteen hour overnight shift at the ER, but she was bound and determined to not sleep in and miss out on a chance to socialize.

Nightcrawler has posed:
As the saying goes, misery loves company. Except that the company that Logan has chosen to recruit isn't fully sharing the misery. When Logan knocked and informed him that they were going, Kurt readily agreed! He snags the gift bag with Rogue's gift, and then he heads off with Logan, his tail lightly swishing behind him. "Of course we're going," Kurt says with a bit of a grin and a nod.

Thus it is that he arrives along with the feral mutant, stepping through the door in the wake of the larger fellow. There's a brief glance that he gives the surroundings, but he easily spies Rogue, lifting his free hand to wave in her direction. He's wearing a grey t-shirt, and a pair of black jeans, dressed comfortably for the festivities.

Once they've reached her table, he lifts the gift bag to place it in front of but a bit beside Rogue. "Happy birthday, Anne Marie," he says softly to her, a warm note to his voice.

Phoenix has posed:
Lately there haven't been many things to celebrate, so it's a pleasant change of pace when friends and family can get together to laugh. In a deep teal sundress belted in gold with lace up brown boots, Jean comes through the door looking adorned for the weather and a casual party. Cradled in her arm is a gift box wrapped in white paper dotted with black and gold with a color-coordinated ribbon.

She makes her way over to the growing gathering with a brilliant smile and grinning to those faces she sees with an array of quickly spoken "Hey!", "Sandy, it's been forever!", and of course a, "Happy birthday!" to the woman that they're there for.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances up and over as familiar faces and voices start coming into the bar in groups. A smile forms and she shifts to sit up a bit while taking a sip of her drink. "Cheery's one word to use for it.." She responds to Logan first and then actually stands as him, Kurt, Hank and Sandra first come in. "Hey Kurt. Hank." Then she tilts her head as she spots gifts. All the gifts. Like everyone seems to have one.

Then one more arrives, and Rogue gives a smile and a small wave to Jean. "Sandy, it's nice to see you again. Jean, thanks for coming. I guess Scott's busy with that other thing." She's not saying the thing outloud, but she figured if Scott didn't show up it was because he was busy. This was sorta *his* idea after all! She motions so that people can drop their gifts off, and she did grab the larger table just in case people actually showed up. A flush of color touches her cheeks. "Thanks for comin' everyone, and for the wishes. I appreciate 'em. And for the gifts, but they weren't expected...or...necessary." Still, a smile remains. "Drinks are on me tonight, so please, grab something on the tab and enjoy yourselves." Then she sits again. There's still no cake. But that's likely because Rogue just didn't bother.

Beast has posed:
"Well, how could we turn down an excuse to not have students, have drinks and celebrate, even if it is by having large amounts of chicken wings and beer?" Hank replies, winking as he settles the gift down on the table that was picked, reaching out a fist afterwards to bump it with Rogue. Glancing to Jean at the mention of Scott, he has a reasonable idea and nods, without saying an actual word, turning instead on the barman. "Double order of all the shareables and wings. Lots and lots of wings," he grins, looking to Sandy. "Any particular drink? Or are we doing whatever everyone else is doing? I'm terrible with shooters, by the by."

Wolverine has posed:
    A sidelong glance is given to Kurt, maybe even a small smile might be coaxed out. Then when Jean arrives Logan lifts his chin and that smile settles at ease for a moment. "Hey, Jeany." He steps back and to the side to give other folks room as he looks around, noting the lack of something.
    Then with a grunt he declares, "I'll go get the beer." And with that he's already starting to turn away. Though not before he pauses and maintains that smile just long enough to meet Rogue's gaze and tell her, "And oh yeah, happy birthday, kiddo. But yer dreamin' if you think you're payin'."
    That done he leaves his package there amongst the growing pile and heads toward the bar where his first objective is likely getting a pitcher and some mugs to help the bartender since likely... he's about to be beset.

Sandra Billings has posed:
Leaning over to place a peck on Henry's cheek, Sandy gives him a smile as she places her box down on the table with the other gifts. "I'll have whatever you're having, blueberry. I trust you." She brightens visibly at the sight of Jean, then heads over to give her a quick, firm hug. "Jean! I'm so sorry that we haven't caught up lately. Work is killing me. Look at me! Look at how dead I am. Later we should go grab a coffee and talk. I have a lot of ER gossip." Once she settles into a seat, she lifts a hand and waves towards the others. "Hi Kurt." Her eyes track Logan towards the bar, then back to Rogue. "How are you doing?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Gifts should be expected. It's a birthday, and it's Rogue's birthday! Kurt's tail swishes lightly behind him as he watches her, and there's a smile from him as he reaches with his tail to lightly rub her back. Carefully, as always. "There are very few things that would keep me from spending your birthday with you, you know," he says, smiling again. Then he shakes his head at her. "Ah, nien, the birthday girl does not buy the drinks, it is a rule," he says, his glowing eyes bright.

He looks towards Henry and quirks a grin before giving a nod. "That's a good idea, on the food," he agrees, his tail swishing lightly. "Beer is a good idea," he affirms, giving a nod to Logan. He looks to Sandy and gives a nod of greeting to her, then to Jean to offer similar.

Phoenix has posed:
"Hey, you still look upright to me!" Says Jean towards Sandy as she returns the quick embrace. "If you're dead, you're the best looking dead that I've seen. You must have some good coffee. Or coffee add ons."

Back towards Rogue she replies as she sets down the gift on the table. "He is. There's a ton of prep-work. He promises an awesome present and a full detailing of whatever vehicle you want as an apology." Or Jean is making the promise for him and telling him long distance. One never quite knows. And they're right." She further states with a gesture towards Logan and Kurt. "You aren't buying a thing tonight. Neither are you allowed to order cheap for our collective benefit. Live it up!"

Rogue has posed:
"Who in the world's going to pay for it then? You all already got me gifts, least I can do is pay for everything else." Well, that's Rogue's logic anyway as she watches Logan head to the bar for beer and then takes another drink of her Long Island. There's an actual chuckle as she looks to Hank and then she shakes her head. "Seems lately there ain't been much to celebrate over. Scott and I talked a bit this morning when he dropped his gift off to me. Talked me into having a bit of a get together." She's still stiff, but it's early yet and she's always cautious going into celebratory things - especially when they revolve around her.

There's a bit of a pause as more gifts are piled onto the table when people manage to skirt it and Rogue decides to grab an extra chair to place them aside her - that way there's room for all the food and drinks about to hit the table once the bar's gotten all their orders. "Hey Hank, will you get me a gin and tonic?" Which will likely be her drink of choice for the rest of the night. A smile to Sandy then. "I've been...mostly okay. Still dealin' with some things but...ain't nothin' I won't get over soon."

This and then she looks to Kurt, narrowing her eyes at him in that loving way she has. "I know, kleiner damon." That bit spoken in whatever broken southern style german accent she can feign. "I really do appreciate it. And fine. I get it. But that means I need to get my card back from the bar." Feeling his tail, she smiles and carefully reaches to place a very gloved hand onto Kurt's shoulder. It's their way of hugging that's safest.

Finally she hears Jean and there's actually a chuckle that comes from her. "Like I said, Scott gave me something this morning. A card and a gift certificate to a really cool store in the shopping centre." Then she shrugs. "But if he adds in detailing Sheila, I wouldn't say no of course." Sheila, her little red sportster that sits in the garage until she drives it when flying can't do. Seeing Jean let loose actually makes her happy and so she nods. "Why not, yeah? You only turn twenty five once."

Beast has posed:
"Anna-Marie," Hank begins as he jerks his thumb to Rogue and nods to the barkeep with a soft 'and keep them coming, all she wants', nodding briefly at Sandy as she goes to socializing. He then picks up his own drink, a mai-tai and another for his date, the gin and tonic and a pitcher, all balancing on one massive mitt as he ferries it to the table. "I actually don't spend very much. I room at the School, I keep an office and otherwise, I rake in quite a bit of money from patents, have several doctorates that are active and thusly, I have a platinum plus card, with added Spyder protection." He grins. "It's the very -least- I can do...." setting the tray down, he picks a spot with a good view, letting Kurt have the seat closest to his sister and claiming the two chairs next.

"Shiela will get the princess treatment. Scott does an insane amount of buffing when he's in car-clean mode. Industrial strength turtle wax."

Wolverine has posed:
    It takes a bit of time, but not too much so. A few minutes to wrangle up the beer and quirk an eyebrow at the bartender as he makes ready to fill the pitcher. Logan's enough of a regular that he gets the go ahead with a wave so once that's settled he fills that pitcher with some good ole PBR which is his choice after all, later rounds other folks can make their call.
    Once he's got the pitcher he takes it and slides it over for Hank to complete the pick up.
    "Wings are always good." He says as he follows along a little late in the conversation. That done he pulls out a chair and twists it around sideways so he can sprawl a bit and lean to the side, arm over the back of the chair. He fills a mug for himself then takes it in hand.
    "Customary to have a toast for the birthday gal." Logan lifts his voice a bit, holding up his mug. Then he looks around, "Dunno what yer lookin' at, one of you should come up with it." His lip twists up a little as he defers that responsibility.

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Trust me, Jean. I am very dead." Sandy says with a grin to her old friend before she looks over to Rogue. She says with a plucky tone in her voice. "I hear you, sister. Know what gets me through the day? I got this saying." She clears her throat. "Smiling increases face value. When I'm having a rough one, I just put on a big smile and I fake it till' I make it. I figure as long as I got my smile, ain't nothing in life going to wear me down. Nope. Not today."

At the topic of a toast, she pipes up, but slides her hand over her mai thai once it arrives, ready to hold it up when ready. Her eyes curiously glance over towards the other three since it appears Logan isn't going to brave the speech waters.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Exactly! You order what you want, what you like," Kurt says, giving a nod to Rogue, his smile easily returning. "No paying for things! It's your special day, you don't pay for things today," he adds, quirking a grin that's a lot of pointed teeth. He lifts a hand to tussle his hair, and he tilts his head a little to one side. "Waking up in the morning sounds like a good reason to celebrate, to me. Ending a day without getting hurt also sounds like one," he comments.

Kurt takes a seat next to Rogue then, which isn't entirely out of the ordinary. He chuckles softly, and he gives a nod. "I can get it for you, if you like," he says with a grin. Then he looks to Logan and chuckles softly before giving a small nod. "It might be customary, but it doesn't have to be complicated," he says, sounding a bit amused. He moves a mug in front of himself, but he doesn't reach for the pitcher since it had been moved towards Henry. He's willing to wait his turn.

Phoenix has posed:
"He even quotes Karate Kid when he thinks no one is listening." Serenely trolls Jean as discussion of Scott's waxing talents comes up. She settles herself into her chair and pours herself a round when her turn comes 'round. PBR it is, and she takes it without complaint. She's probably gotten well used to Logan's beer choices over the years.

As grand speeches aren't forthcoming, she hoists up her pint glass. "Anna Marie is a woman who's like this speech. Short and sweet, but pulls no punches. She's the bad ass you want in your corner, the friend you want wether you need to scream or laugh, and the one who reminds us all that life shouldn't be about what other people think, because your life is your own and they can respect it or get the hell out of the way. To Rogue! Twenty-five years of making this world spicier, just the way it need to be."

Rogue has posed:
Goddess bless. Now there's speeches?! But no one seems to be budging in that department for a moment so maybe Rogue is lucky. She watches as Hank and Logan bring back beer by the pitcher(s) and mugs to go with them, plus her requested GnT, and other drinks what flow. Food will likely be coming soon, and that's fine with her. She might just start opening presents here in a moment. "You people are the best. M'really lucky to have all'a y'all in my life." She offers this much and looks around again, having already conceeded she won't pay for the night.

Then, someone decides to make a speech and her emerald gaze goes to Jean for the moment. She listens, she blushes, and then she raises her glass to it all. "Shucks, Jean. Awful kind words there." This and then she makes a 'cheers' motion with her glass before taking a drink. A glance around and she finds there are no No Smoking signs in the bar so she idly glances for an ash tray to grab while also reaching for a random present. First one up : the lavender glitter bag with the blue meanie straw already sticking out. Which causes Rogue to laugh. "I know who this one is from!"

Beast has posed:
"Hear, hear!" Hank grins at the speech by Jean, raising his own mai-tai and clinking imaginary glasses into the air and real glasses against Sandy's, because: girlfriend. He also grins fit to split a cheshire's smile at the Karate Kid quotes, for that is not a surprise in the least at least to him. He leans in to kiss Sandy on the turn of ear and jaw, murmuring a sweet nothing, before facing the music on the glitterbomb bag.

Inside is a box coloured in sparkly pink with red lip kisses all over it. Inside -that- though, is a simple hand-written card that says 'IOU Tanning session - good for whenever' and a 'portable pocket' for running enthusiasts that seems to have an industrial strength strap to it. The display card has it holding cellphone, iPod, smokes, wallet and for reasons not quite fathomable, a Hello Kitty doll. Adjustable for 'body holster', arm or thigh.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Leave it ta Jean ta come through," Logan says as he slouches to the side and holds up his beer. Once she finishes speaking the toast he'll lift his drink up a little more and find a likely candidate near enough to clink his against, likely Kurt though he's a bit closer to the birthday girl herself.
    "To Rogue." He offers in the toast and then takes a swig of his beer, settling back into his seat. Then he wipes his forearm across his lips and murmurs, "So now's the part where she gives us all presents for toleratin' her for another year?"
    A glance given toward Jean, "I got that right?"

Sandra Billings has posed:
"Jean, can you follow me around and just say amazing things about me for a full day? That was really good!" Sandy says as she raises her glass upwards, clinking it against Henry's with a 'hear hear!', then gives a smile at his whisper against her ear. She finds herself blushing for a moment before she gives a glance back to him. She leans in and gives him a quick kiss on the lips, followed by a bump of her nose to his.

When Rogue goes about opening her presents, she straightens up and giggles as she grabs Henry's first. "He fretted over trying to find something perfect for you." She teases the Cookie Monster at her side.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a light flick of his tail as he looks to Jean, listening to her speech, and there's a warm smile that comes to his features as she finishes. And he gives a small nod. "To Rogue!" he agrees, looking to his sister. "We simply are. Better together than apart, most days. We're lucky to have you, too," he says, giving a nod to her. He reaches to the pitcher in order to pour his mug, then lifts his mug to clink it with Rogue's first, and then to Logan's.

Then he snickers at Logan's, his glowing eyes bright. "You might have that a bit backwards. Aren't the gifts from us because she's put up with us for the past year?" he asks, grinning with amusement. He lifts his mug, taking a drink before lightly slipping his tail around himself, letting it rest across his lap.

Phoenix has posed:
The downfalls of being a leader. Impromptu speeches. At least this one comes with friends and beer. Jean gives Rogue a salute with her glass and a wide grin that breaks out into a quick laugh at what Logan says. Giving him one of those looks that suggests she'd probably be giving him a teasing punch to the arm if he was in range, the redhead says, "Hardly! But now that you mentioned it, that's probably a good idea for your next birthday. ...or mine." She mutters the addition into her suds.

There's another snorted laugh from Jean as she looks over to Sandra. "I'll follow you, but I don't do theme music. I can enjoy a good tune, but I'm no musician. But throwing out some nice words and turning heads? /That/ I can do."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue chuckles as she looks to Sandy while opening the gift, and then opening the box within. "The Blue Meanie touch is fitting." Then she sees the coupon and she glances back to Hank. "Is it ready?" Asking this before she looks back to the rest of the gift and she smiles. "It's perfect because he remembered I off handedly mentioned I need a better place to put my stuff since my body suits don't have pockets." She smiles, a genuine thing and then looks back up to Hank. "Thank you."

The next gift she grabs is a white box with a red bow and some twine wrapped around it. Once she manages to keep it open - and as a note, she's carefully removing bows and tissue paper. Even going so far as to fold the paper for safe keeping. It's a thing. Once she gets into Logan's gift, she takes one look at the collection of country music and rolls her eyes. "Jokes on you, Logan. I might actually like some of these songs!" Then she lets out a laugh and looks over to the gifts remaining.

The writer can't go back and look at all the box descriptions, so the next one she happens to grab was the one gifted by Sandy.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy indulges in the kiss. PDA's are so very rarely in his life up to a certain point, so to hell with that! He looks over at Jean afterwards, murmuring "I heard that," to her, because sometimes you have to call your friends on thier mumbles. He sips on his mai-tai, then smizes to Kurt, going rather quiet as Rogue opens her gift from him, nodding. "At least good for roping your brother into testing the efficacy of the latex suspension," looking at Kurt, he lofts an eyebrow up fleetingly, grins cheesily and then looks back to Rogue. "After that, I predict small tweaks and you should be able to wear a nice little strappy sundress and enjoy a day, provided you don't throw down with anyone. Remember: Casual contact."

He laughs at the retort to Logan, then focuses supremely on what Sandy in her infinite knowledge, dragged up from the Lady Brigade.

Sandra Billings has posed:
Inside Sandy's present is an outfit. It's a beautiful outfit. Expensive. Lucas Hugh Axis Leggings in a black and and blue color, as well as a matching crop top. They are designed for full body yoga and workouts. Breathable fabric that contour to the body perfectly. They are going to make Rogue's ass look incredible. There is also a small gift card tucked away with a sticker on it that reads: For your Yoga Mat! Happy Birthday.

The plump woman smiles and sips on her drink as she watches the opening of presents, straightening up some. She grins at Logan and Jean's back and forth for a moment before she looks back to Rogue.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Oh, come now! We all put up with each other equally, and we all have our moments, I'm sure. Good days and bad days. It is the way of life," Kurt says with a smile, looking around the faces of his friends. Then he snickers. "Just take a music player with you and have it on repeat play of selected tunes," he suggests, quirking a grin before he takes another drink of his beer.

His tail flicks up from his lap in order to swishes at his back, and he looks to Henry before giving a nod. "I have the best incentive for helping with the testing! Just let me know when, ja?" he says with a smile and a nod. He's more than willing to submit himself to be a guinea pig to the device. He looks back to Rogue to watch the presents being opened. "Should I get a yoga mat and then we can practice together?" he offers.

Phoenix has posed:
"This is why I make sure you all get free room and board and food." Jean says to her fellows. "I can't make you rich - well, I could, but my access to the checks would be immediately revoked - but I can at least keep you all safe and fed for putting up with me and my inane demands."

She's turning back them to watch the continued present opening with her beer in hand and she's grinning at the apparel as it makes an appearance. "Hey, I like the colors. Those will look great, and if yoga doesn't pan out, they make amazing lounge pants." Not that it sounds like Jean knows anything about failed yoga attempts. Not at all.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods to Hank and then her gaze shifts to Kurt and she smiles at him. "Quite apparent that we will do anything for one another. Thank you." Then she opens the gift from Sandy and gives a blink. "Oh wow. These are amazing! I love the colors..." Taking out the leggins, giving them a testing pull here and there, she nods. "Might wear them running or flying too...they're definitely sporty enugh." And then she nods to Kurt once more. "You do yoga? Or is this a thing we're likely gonna start together?" She smiles and then looks to Sandy properly. "Thank you. Very much. This is lovely."

And it's not even done! Just halfway. She still has Jean's and Kurt's gifts to open still. A look over, and she grabs Jean's gift - likely saving her brother's for last just because she can. "I dunno what I ever did to deserve gifts like this... this is... really incredible." A smirk to Jean then as she opens the lady's present. "I already lounge around in body suits, to be honest..." Even when she's alone in her room, she rarely removes them except for when she's going to bed.

Phoenix has posed:
The box Jean brought turns out to be surprisingly heavy. Inside the box is a rucksack. It's a fine waxed canvas in a deep, rich navy blue with espresso brown leather accents. It's a quality bag, the kind that comes from being handmade. The fabric is supple but of a weight that feels like it could probably tangle with a bear and keep going. It's got buckled pouches aplenty, though none of them bulky. The bag seems to go for a more slimline shape - an attempt to find something aerodynamic? - though there's a larger a reinformed zippered section at the bottom housing a carefully folded swatch of thick, padded, grey wool. Inside the many internal pockets and compartments, Jean seems to have loaded it up like a bag one might use for camping or in emergencies.

"Because I know sometimes life takes you on the road, so you should have something to grab and go when you need wherever you end up."

Beast has posed:
"I'll contact you in the next few days, Kurt. And be warned, I am totally going to be filming it for posterity," Hank informs, beaming thin-lipped at the nightcrawler. He gazes over the yoga clothing with an appreciative look, gazing at the rucksack as it is revealed. "Well, damn." Sip! Mai-tai is finished, screw the sipping. "Harry? Refills please, on me, of course."

Sandra Billings has posed:
"I'm glad you really like them! Henry helped pick them out for me. Really it's a joint present from us both." Sandy says as she leans in against Beast's shoulder, giving his arm a firm squeeze for a moment. "I hope you and Kurt have a fun time twisting yourself into pretzels. I'm jealous." She says, finishing her Mai Thai, then ordering a second one as her paramour does as well. It's going to be a drinking night! She took tomorrow off from work knowing most likely she is spending the night over. She refuses to go in on a hangover.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes out the rucksack and looks it over, then pokes around inside it, finding the bits and bobs already included for grab-and-go purposes. She glances over to Jean and gives a smile, and between this and the other gifts, Rogue is becoming just a bit overwhelmed. There's a glint of wet in her eyes that she turns and tries to swipe away. "I wouldn'a guessed in a hundred years to get gifts like this. You all are amazing..." This is offered and she takes another drink of her gin and tonic before giving a sniffle.

There's one gift left and she grabs it, beginning to open it and she smiles. Again she's taking care with all wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, tissue paper and bags - and figuring she'll have to have help maybe carrying some of this back to the school. She'll recruit Kurt for that surely.