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Date of Scene: 24 April 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, 127

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Giles has a place not far from the Magic Box. Sarah had taken the strange dirl there. Giles had run some tests and determined that she was a human mutant, alchemically altered into something vampire-like but still alive. He was off trying to see if there is anything he can do to reverse the alchemical change. Sarah was keeping watch.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori was unconscious all day - the moment the sun sets, she slowly opens her eyes. Her goggles started to glow as she whimpers. "Where... am I?" she whispers with a rough voice. "Am... am I still alive? They... tried to kill me...?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "I found you in a grave, wrapped in air-tight cloth and silver chains. I could tell you were alive, my auric scanners said so. I am not sure, why would someone want you dead...and why should I let you live?"

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori shrugs. "I don't know.... the Initiative didn't seem to think I was worth saving," she whispers. "So... thirsty..." she whispers. "Can I have... a glass of water?" she whispers as she just lays there. "They... tried to kill me..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah brings her a glass of water, "I do not know if it will help you...metabolically you resemble a Vampire Bat. You can drink water, but you metabolism mostly needs blood. There is not going to be much else you can digest."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori stares at you. "I know that... it's what they did to me... all my life," she whispers softly. "But... even vampire bats drink water..." she whispers softly as she sips slowly. "How... how do _you_ know this?" she whispers softly.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "You have been here over twelve hours, my friends are experts at dealing with theu unusual. They ran tests and found out a few things about you. Now, tell me about this Initiative. May I record what you say?"

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori shakes her head. "No! No records! If they know... if they found out, they'll try to kill me again!" She just curls up, her sotmahc gurgling. "I... I... I'm so hungry... no energy... they didn't feed me the last day. I... I hate being hungry..." She shivers. "You smell weird..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"The recording is for us...my friends and I." Sarah pauses and says, "I smmell funny because I am like you, changed. I am not a normal human. I can let you feet on me...but I am not sure if it is a good thing. My blood is different...I do not know what it would do to you."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori nods. "You smell of adrenaline and impatience... and a bit of madness..." she murmurs. "I... I can barely stay awake... it is after usnset, right?" She slowly rises up again, blinkblinking. "And... it'd be... prudent to keep the goggles on. They protect my eyes from bright lights..." She trails off. "And protect others from my eyes..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah wonders if she has told the bat-child too much already, but she ashs, "What about your eyes? I think we have some refrigerated blood for when Angel stops by. Shall I get you a pint?"

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori murmurs, "People who see my eyes... tend to fall into them... and become stupid... and obey my orders... they tested me a few times with random pepole..." She sighs softly. "Angel?" she asks.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"Angel is a vampire with a soul...unlike most vampires he has compassion and a conscience," Explains Sarah, "That means he is not going to just attack people for blood, it hass to be willingly given or paid for."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori whispers, "That would be lovely then... I suppose you can say that I'm a vampire with a soul too..." She sighs softly. "You know, it took me six months to realize that what they were feeding me was blood?" she asks, "once the injectinos began?" She blinks. "In my condition, even a nromal person could break free of my eyes..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Conversationally, Sarah says, "Whole blood does not last as long as it does if separated. This blood is too old to be used by a blood bank, but should still be good for you. Blood banks keep whole blood as well as plasma, platelets, and other separated blood products. There is less demand for it these days than there is for the separated products, but more than enough demand because there are neber enough donors."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori perks her ears up, able to hear you clearly. "Yeah... but..." She sighs softly. "A few times they sent me a person to bite... and..." She shudders. "There is no sensation better... than... fresh from the source... it's... bliss..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "I imagine, though I would not know. It is like making love I think...for a man anyway. You can take by force but it is much better when given. You have to make a choice...it seems someone tried to make you a monster. Do you let them do so, or do you make yourself something more." She sets the package and a glass on the table.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori shrugs. "They tried to make me into an assassin..." She murmurs, "But I dont' want to kill. However... I do admit I'd make a very good assassin..." She takes the glass and greedily gulps it down, shuddering softly, nose wrinkling as she ste sthe empty glass down. "I feel better. Want to see a trick?" she whispers.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Go ahead." She wants to learn more about this human vampire bat. Giles will be very interested that she has a Vampires mind control, or something very like it. Anything elseshe can learn may also be important.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori smiles as the room starts to fill with darkness., spreading until the entire room is engulfed. "My shroud..." she whispers softly, her voice echoing through the room, boucing through the darkness. "To let me get away... or to strike unawares..." Without a whisper, you'd have a small vampire bat clinging to your back as the shroud dissipates.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "An interesting and useful ability. It is not something common to any breed of vampire I know, I wonder where it came from...unless it is part of your natural abilities."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori blinks. "I don't know - I never could do it before they started the injectinos, and the sun's rays burn right through it so..." She blinks. "Oh, you can call me Onyx Koumori. I don't... I don't know my real name."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"Well Onyx, because I brought you in, I am supposed tio tr to make sure you are not a danger. Our job is to protect from gangerous creatures. I think you do not INTEND to be a danger. Do you think you can get by on your own," inqires Sarah.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori gazes at you. "Who else are you working with?" she whispers softly. "And... I..." She trails off. "How would I get by? All I could promise is nobody would get seriously hurt... I have... to survive... and I don't like the feeling of starvation..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah sighs, "I guess we willhave to help you then. Giles wants to try to turn you back to whatever you were before. There are a number of us, we are called the Scoobie Gang...we hunt monsters...that is why we go by that name."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori blinks. "I... I dont' think it's possible..." she whispers. "It was... whatever was done to me was done over... years. They... kept injecting me with stuff... until they said it was complete..." She perks her ears up. "Nobody else is here..." she muses, those bat ears tilting back and forth.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"It might not work, but Giles wants to know...he is that kind of person. I help him out a lot. The others have other things they do...wehen we are not needed to fight monsters we have lives to live," responds Sarah wryly. She has less of a personal life than the others...

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori blinks. "Fight monsters..." she whispers. "If... said monster was... alive... nobody would mind if I fed on it, right?" she asks. "They told me tha there'd never be another like me... not quite sure what that meant. Something about how I couldn't 'Turn' someone or... something... half the things they said went over my head honestly."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"We can probably explain, but it will take a while," replies Sarah.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori nods slowly. "Very well... I know you don't trust me. That's ok. I don't trust me either. I will say that if I do... bite someone... I won't hurt them, and they'll be fine other than a little sleepiness."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "You are unusual...and even you are unsure of yourself. My friends and I fight monsters, we know that not all things thsat LOOK monstrous actually are, but we also know that things that appear benign can be equally deceptive. We will watch you, but we will let you live your own life. If you become a monster, we will stop you. If you are good folks, we will protect you. It is that simple."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori gazes. "Would feeding on a random person, if they come to no harm other than being rather tired for a day or two, count as monstrous? For... how else am I going to eat? That blood you gave me... tasted stale."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"Feeding should be voluntary on a creature with a sentient mind. Taking from nother without their choice is wrong...though in some cases it may be a necessary wrong. You will have a lot of hard choices ahead of you, and not one can make them but you," states Sarah sympathetically. She understands having hard choices.