1436/Batman and junior

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Batman and junior
Date of Scene: 13 July 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Robin (Wayne)

Batman has posed:
The night in Gotham is as dark as ever, though the night life is active. Cars driving around crowding the streets, and people walking around spaced out a bit but there as most the smart people just headed to their destination here. The crime in the industrial area of Gotham was a bit of a crime hold-out though Batman had arrested a lot of the people here a few times. They knew, and feared him but still they commited crimes to get rich quick though they never did. On the top of one of the industrial buildings roofs crouched Batman, he looked down at the streets here waiting for the crime he knew would start soon. There was a man working in the area that had ties to a crime boss though Batman had 'detained' most the others at the crimes he watched this one as he knew it was a matter of time before he comit a crime this night

The man not knowing he was being watched moved out of the building to the parking lot starting to try car doors. Batman had enough so with an extention of his arm he shot off his grappling hook to approach closer moving out of the shadows to drop in on him. The move was fierce, and efficent as he put the man down quickly him getting a view of Batman and giving off a stiffled yell of fear before he was out on the ground though it looked like he had half pulled a gun out unable to fire it in time. Batman hit the button to direct the police here, as he moved again back onto the roof getting ready for the next incident that would happen him expecting a busy night in Gotham.. He would not allow crime on his streets, but that made him very busy so had to be ready to go at any moment.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
A young man had been stalking the night in the city of Gotham for two days now, guided only by the sound of sirens and the suggestions from his mother on where he would be able to encounter his father. Damian had finally managed to separate rooftop gargoyles from the one man he had been searching for in the city. Encountering Bruce Wayne would be too easy, too in the public eye for what Damian had his eyes set on.

  After managing a view of the pointed ears he searched for, Damian had heard a shriek coming from the sidewalk entrance to an alley. Supposedly tucked out of sight, a mugging was occurring, and the lad had soon leapt to the alley, a high pitched whine soon followed as Damian's katana was unsheathed, ready to strike at the pistol-clad assailant.

Batman has posed:
Raising out of the cars comes Batman, after having put down the man with the gun he looked prepaired to move onto the next crime district he started to walk away then he seems to stop dead in his tracks. He shoots his grappling hook off again, and seems to be leaving now that he is done. The one man that was doing the crime wrapped up, and waiting for the cops Batman rises up quickly out of sight moving into the shadows.

That is until he lands behind you quietly.. He looks unarmed as he seems to be standing up behind you he looks down with a look that is ment to bring fear to lesser people. Finnally he speaks up to the boy infront of him. "Who are you, and where did you learn to draw a sword like that?" it isn't a question more then a demand by the tone of the question.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The Dark Knight had, much to Damian's surprise, dispatched of the assailant in a hasty fashion. A bit more hasty than even Damian had thought he would. The boy flourished his sword several times before sheathing it back. Despite his diminutive size, the lad did not seem the least bit intimidated by the strong-armed tactics "I learned how from my mother..." The black haired teen turned around , bending his head almost a full ninety degrees to meet eyes with the man he was sent to seek. "Talia Al'Ghul. I believe you know each other, Detective."

Batman has posed:
Batman looks at him for a moment, and nods. He doesn't seem surprised or freaked out by it though internally that might be different as his poker face is well practiced. "Talia Al'Ghul.... Yes I do know her, and what she is doing now against the hand." he watches him carefully his eyes don't waver, "You are a bit young to send out to do their work, why are you following me?" he comment on the detective, it is what the Ghul's called him, and he didn't care about a name as everyone knew him as Batman already it wouldn't effect much even if that did change.

He steps back looking at the boy.. "You look a lot like your Mother, though somewhat familer..." he had already gotten the next call some guy was robbing a store. "Can you keep up?" he asks taking out a grappling hook. "Crime does not take breaks... neither do I."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian had kept his stance, and kept as much of a stalwart face as possible. "I'm not here with the League, I'm here for myself." At the direction of his mother, of course. The green eyed boy smirked, of course the detective had noticed his following. He had wanted to be seen. He nods decidedly: "I can." The young man takes the offered grappling hook, taking in a slight moment to look it's mechanics over. He would follow the elder, as requested.

Batman has posed:
Batman nods, "I see.." is all he says as he pulls out another one and hooks in at the top of the building the mechinisim pulling him up to the top of the building quickly. He stops, and waits if he has to, though not for too long. He glances at him "So tell me what you came here to say." Batman knew the boy had something to say that was important to him, and saw his skill was up to League standards, as he took off running on the rooftops with Damian following. Jumping from roof to roof he headed toward the scene that he had been directed to. Stoping he looks down at the store, and sees three men all armed holding up the clerk. Well one was holding up the Clerk, as the other two stood watch at the door.

Batman was calm as he waited for the boy to answer watching them he pulled out three grapling hooks. "The man inside has a bad knee... you can see it when he walks. The one outside to the left seems to have a blind spot twenty degrees to his left, and the man on the right... smoker... look at his fingers." the cowl let him zoom in, and he listed the details for Damian. "If what you say is true..." he holds out two Batarangs to him. "Detain, and don't kill... I will believe you if you are successfull."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian quickly manages the grappling hook, dropping him on his feet and continues forward. "All my life I had been told that my father had been a great man: you." Dressed in League black and white, he took information. He let out a groan at the non-lethal directive, but understood that the Bat wanted it his way, and he would have it, for now. The teen took hold of the batarangs and hooks, not unlike the shuriken he was so familiar with. "Understood." A test, and Damian was not going to fail.

  With the skills of a master assassin, Damian had jumped from the roof, attaching his grapnel to a streetlight as he fulcrumed to street level. Twenty degrees to the left, one swift kick to the jaw, out cold and never saw the teen coming. As seamlessly as the grapnel returned to the launcher, he had lunged at the smoker, aiming a fist directly to the diaphragm, a sudden loss of air, and another knockout blow to the jaw, he was down for the count. The two thugs bound together with cabling from the hook, and they were pacified.

  The door opened ever so slightly, and Damian had gained access tot he store. The final thug goading the shopkeeper to move faster and faster. It had been too easy for Damian to sneak through the isles and get the jump on the gunman. A swift throw of a batarang had knocked the pistol from the hands of the lowlife, a slash with the last batarang, and the man was down, two slices, one to his leg, mostly superficial and very non lethal and the other to his cheek. Serving as a reminder of his misdeeds. "Call 911, this guy will need medical attention." He said, begrudgingly, before slipping outside again, not bothering to sneak out as he snuck in.

Batman has posed:
Batman frowned waiting for Damian to return.. "Very well I believe you, my move like one of them, what do you want from me?" he asks this time not moving away he just watches him carefully. "And if you are going to set up shop here, those extra slashes are not needed... You won't be doingthat again or I will stop you." his tone serious he beat up people sure, but on such a simple task doing that was just evil as it was unnecessary. Sure it was minor, but Batman was a perfectionist. There were many other things he could of done better, but he left those out for now as he called the batmobile.

On the street a black low riding sleak vehicle pulled up on the street below them. People just seemed to ignore it, as it was a common site in Gotham especially when crime picked up. Batman didn't continue, or ask any more questions just crouched there quietly waiting for the answer to his question staring at the boy now to watch his face when he says it to measure for lies/

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian seethed internally at the frowning face before him. "I wanted to meet you, and observe." The boy had been indoctrinated to kill, had killed before, in the name of eradicating crime, to cleanse the world. He breaks his stalwart face as he heard the ultimatum that was intended for him. As much as his father was a perfectionist, so was Damian, their vision of perfection had just been wildly different. "I...wanted to know you." He said, a waver in his voice for the first time since their meeting.

Batman has posed:
Batman nods, "Very well.... keep it to yourself" he adds.. He knew he was here for more then that he was not one to track down to just know. He would give him a few days to see what was up before he talked to him again.He had stated the rules if he chose to follow them he would have no problems, though if he broke them we would visit much sooner to put him away. He gives him one last look, as he steps off the corner of the building he falls shooting a grapling hook last moment it catches, and swings him down to the ground next to the Batmobile. He gives him one last frown, as he gets in the car speeding away.. Oh yes they would meet again, he hoped on good terms though you never know with the League of Assassins.