14430/Operation Phone-A-Friend

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Operation Phone-A-Friend
Date of Scene: 07 June 2022
Location: At the X-Mansion!
Synopsis: A woman comes to Xavier's to ask about her sibling and gets Laura instead.
Cast of Characters: Doctor Doom, X-23

Doctor Doom has posed:
It's a cool mid-afternoon, breezy and well-lit by the unclouded sun. Here, Xavier's precious academy operates in semi-secrecy, a home for wayward mutant youth who need help adapting to their powers and their lifestyles. The world at large might pay them little mind at most times, but they are not unheard of -- and on this day, there is a guest come to see them, a young woman of mid-twenties waiting by the gates to the property, mashing a button to try and speak to someone or find some way in.

The woman is a long-haired brunette with blue eyes, dressed in a modest daisy-hued sundress and matching sandals. Her car is parked by the gate, and her voice is carried on the wind.

"Hello? Hello, can anyone hear me? Please let me in, I need to talk to someone."

X-23 has posed:
Laura choose a lot of the time to walk the grounds of the community of the X Mansion. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. There was a lake and trees for miles. The grass? It was like a fortress that she had dreamed of living in. There was a flower in her hand and she was picking the petals off of it as she heard the voice at the gate. Her head turned and wither her special hearing she could hear the desperation in the womans voice. Did that make her move faster? No. This was an area to be protected
     When she approaches the gate, she's dressed in a white t-shirt wripped jeans and combat boots. The dark locks of her hair have been left down and the wind picks them up and keeps it away from her face.
     "Can I help you with something?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
The woman stops mashing the intercom's button at the gate, peeking through its wrought-iron bars and staring at Laura as she approaches. "Oh, thank goodness, someone heard me," she says, sighing in relief and grabbing onto the gate. "My name is Vasyla, I've been trying to get in contact with you all for some time. I sent some letters, and I called a number, once, but it didn't go through."

She shows none of the biological signs of deception. Her heart rate is normal, she's not perspiring unusually, her breathing is steady. She's probably telling the truth; lots of people try to get in touch and can't, for one reason or another. Xavier's school is infamous for valuing its privacy.

"I wanted to ask for your help. It's about my brother, Alex."

X-23 has posed:
     Laura is all about the suspicious acts of people. She was new to the X-Mansion and had lived on the streets for far too long to trust people on sight. This probably wasn't who this woman was seeking. "Mmhmm..." she sounds.
     Looking the woman over, she does not open the gate, keeping herself on the safe side of things. "We make it hard to get in touch with us on purpose." Was that true? Possibly. But she says it anyway. "What do you need help with?" Sure she has a brother... there were lots of people with Brothers. If she was scared of a possible danger, Laura didn't show it. She was rarely scared of anything.

Doctor Doom has posed:
"My brother, Alex, he was -- he was like all of you." Vasyla glances side to side as if scanning for peeping toms, then speaks clearly through the gate. "He was special. He could make people do things, things they wouldn't want to do. He... he got in trouble, and we fled our home. We had to separate -- but I remember what the man said, that he was being taken here. To Xavier's. That was six years ago."

X-23 has posed:
"Sure, I can look into that for you." Laura says calmly in compared to the womans hystartics. Making no attempt to open the gate, "Whats his last name? I'll do a search in our index and see if he's here. If he was brought here, I can find out." The story was suspicious to her Laura, it might be true, but she doesnt believe it to be so. Not yet anyway. So many people had 'sob' stories that werent true. "Besides, I dont even know if Alex wants to talk to you. That would be up to him, not you."

Doctor Doom has posed:
"Rhozdestvensky," Vasyla replies, a name Russian enough that it pegs her as either a native of the motherland or one of its historical Soviet satellites. She does have that Eastern European accent -- one of them, anyway. "That's, um, R-h-o-z..." She proceeds to spell out the name for Laura, clearly not trusting a random American woman to know how to spell it by ear.

Laura's comment elicits a harsh, withering glare, a sudden upswell of hurt and anger flashing in Vasyla's eyes; they spark, quite literally, little searing beads of ionized particles shimmering within her gaze. She squeezes her eyes shut and exhales. The sparks fade away.

"It has been a long time, but blood is blood. My brother would not abandon me."

X-23 has posed:
     Laura blinks at the name, "Rho a what sky? You are going to write that down or text it to me or something. Cause that... is." Her hands go to her head and make an explosion animation as if it broke her brain to even think about the name. Even as she starts to spell it out she shakes her head, "I dont have a pen!" Like... she would have a pen in the middle of the garden, just handy? Not this girl.
     The hurt look does nothing to Laura, if she was looking for sympathy she was looking in the wrong place. The spark does however surprise her and she takes a ste back from the gate. "Hey ho... Your brother any the only mutant in the family..." she says bluntly. Was that too much too soon?
     "Would he though?" Laura asks, blood abandons blood all the time in her mind, "IF he is here... I'll ask him first."

Doctor Doom has posed:
"I hate these powers," Vasyla remarks, her voice cold and weary. "That is why we separated. Alex wanted to learn more, to learn how to control it. I wanted mine to go away." The woman folds her arms beneath her breasts and turns away, chewing on old memories of bad times. "He thought he could be a superhero. Learn to control his powers, and help people with them, do something good for once instead of -- " She trails off midsentence, sighing in exasperation, and then gazes back to Laura.

"I don't care if you believe me or not. I just want to see my brother. Go look him up in your computers and tell him to speak to me. Or give me his address if he is not here anymore."

X-23 has posed:
     "You shouldnt, these powers are make you special." Laura says, "Your brother is in the right. He might not be a super hero but he can help people." There is a look in Lauras eyes that flash from gold and then back, "You mean, do something good instead of something bad? We don't all want to do bad. Sometimes we try to do good and cant!" The words are spoken harshly.
     In the screen that she has access too, she realizes that the brother had been here, but... he wasn't here now. That was something she didn't want to have to tell the sister, "He's not here anymore." that's all she says.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Vasyla blows air out of her nose. "Do good, do bad, it doesn't matter anymore," she says. "God will judge us. I just want to see my brother again, or know what happened to him, that's all." As Laura looks into the matter, she waits, patient but eager. She seems bright and enthusiastic when Laura first begins to speak -- but as she does, her expression shifts downward, to something more crestfallen.

"Anymore? Well then where is he?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura Laughs at her comment of doing good or bad. "It matters a lot, and if you think it doest matter, I'm not letting you into this school. You have a lot to learn." There was too many innocent people on the other side of her that she wasn't willing to let an unknown access to.
     "God you say?" Laura scoffs, "Oh, Girly, you are not going to step a foot into this school if there is anything I can say about it with a comment like that."
     Laura blinks at the the "anymore" comment. "Its not for you to know."

Doctor Doom has posed:
"I don't want to *join* this place, I want to see my brother!" The woman is roused to anger by Laura's words, giving the gate as much of a shake as she can muster with her thoroughly average strength. "Why are you being so difficult? What did I do that's so wrong? I just want to see him!"

X-23 has posed:
The anger in the woman only brings out more laughter from Laura, "I get it, I get it." she says while laughing. Which... might very well make her so very mad. "You aren't going to do that today. I heard you, I get you, I recorded it. But you aren't getting in today. So go check into a motel, have a massage." Did motels even had massages? "I didn't say you did anything wont, but there are a lot of innocent people here, and I'm not going to let anyone just walk in here. Even if they have family. I have family, sometimes I want to see them, sometimes I don't. I give everyone that same choice."

Doctor Doom has posed:
"I'm staying with a friend already," Vasyla replies. "And ugh, fine, I don't need to come in! I just want you to tell me *where he went* if he's not here anymore. I don't care about this school, or you, or anyone here. I'm sorry if that sounds rude, but it's true. Are you going to tell me or no? Do I have to bribe you to be a decent human being?"

X-23 has posed:
"You can try and bribe me all you want. I don't care about money or anything like it." Laura says, "Listen, I'm not going to tell you if your brother is here or not. I have too many innocents in this school to protect, and your brother is one of them. I need to hear from him that he actually wants to see you. The moment he tells me, I will let you see him, No questions asked." From behind the gate she looks the woman over, "But right now? You aren't anything but a human." and in Laura's eyes, they cant be trusted.

Doctor Doom has posed:
"I'm pretty sure that's racist," the woman chides, then huffs and stomps over to her car. She opens the passenger door and rifles through it for a moment, before returning with a piece of note paper with a number and address scribbled on it. "This is my number and this is where I'm staying," she announces, stretching her fingers through the gate and holding out the paper to Laura. "I get it, you're doing some sort of pretend-he-isn't-here thing for safety, fine. Just... talk to him, and tell him to come see me. That's all."

The woman clearly does not like Laura -- once the paper's taken, she'll get in her car and drive away, without staying to say goodbye.

X-23 has posed:
"I'm pretty sure you are a bitch." Laura responds, "So that's up for your brother to tell me differently." When the woman goes back to her car, she waits, patiently putting her hands in her back pockets and rocking on her heels like she has no other care in the world. When the piece of note paper with the information is given to her, she takes it. "Thanks." she says in the most condescending way possible. "I'm not doing any sort of anything other than just protecting my own." When she opens the note and looks it over, she says, "He wont be coming to see you. If he wants to see you, you will be invited here." Laura says before tucking the note into her back pocket.
     It was clear that neither woman liked the other. and when she gets int her car to drive away, Laura wiggles her fingers in a goodbye. Just to make her mad.