14678/Colorful night in Gotham

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Colorful night in Gotham
Date of Scene: 27 January 2023
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Kim and Tommy meet Dinah!
Cast of Characters: Batman, Pink Ranger

Batman has posed:
It's a stormy night in Gotham, and even now crime doesn't sleep it doesn't call the game on account of rain. Upon the roof tops Batman is perched, cape billowing in the wind bat emblem emblazoned upon his chest. Hands resting upon his utility belt, he scans the city.

Catching movement in an alley, he grins firing his grappling hook and swinging into the alley, kicking the mugger. As The guy falls, all of a sudden Gray men pop up surrounding The Bat he turns in a circle preparing to fight.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Being a college age superhero had some challenges, one of which was balancing life and 'the life'. Still, Kim had been doing her best to make it work. With a state gymnastics tournament hosted in Gotham the young woman had been making the most of her skills and had left with a little prize money and a lot of satisfaction as a result. After celebrating with her team mates at a nightclub Kim had made an exit and was walking back to her hotel with her jacket held around her shoulders tight and her hair getting soaked by the rain when she heard the sounds of violence.

Whatever she might see, the sudden echoing cry of 'Pterodactyl!' and an explosion of crackling neon pink energy is about all the warning both Batman and the figures would get before the armored form of the Pink Ranger lept into the fray.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne looks at Kimberly his chuckle easy. "And you are?" He asks in a low rough gravelly tone throwing a kick at one of the gray guys the almost metallic sound as it connects has him stepping back. "What are these things? Are the creations by Clay face?" He asks before trying to get around another getting back to back with the Pink Ranger.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"The Cavalry. Pink Ranger, at your service." That's about the only introducion before she lashes out, a superhuman enhanced kick slamming into one of the Putties and sending it sprawling. A little noise of satisfaction and she leans back, looking over her shoulder. "Aim for the center of their chest. It looks like the thickest armor, but it's what holds them together."

There was a little experience there about fighting those things!

"They're basically alien shock troopers."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne blinks for a moment and chuckles. "Nothing surprised me these nights." He says throwing a punch dead center to the chest of one before being tackled by another. "Alien shock troopers....oof..." Is all he gets out as he hits the ground. His body trying to roll out of the way right after.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"They're not smart but,"Kim begins only to drop low, evading a tackle of her own by dropping into a split and then rolling sideways to turn the motion into a trip. To a seasoned fighter like the Batman, the way she moved and the impact of each blow made it pretty clear she was some sort of 'Superpowered' or enhanced. "But they fight dirty, and in packs."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne nods his head. "Not smart, but ruthless and not ones to play fair! Well I am Vengeance, I am Batman and I don't fight fair either!" He pulls two baterangs and throws them one connecting just high of the center the other clipping a shoulder. Blocking a blow he spins dropping doing a back leg sweep.
Pink Ranger has posed:
The putties were ruthless, but they weren't going to be a match for the Dark Night. Even unmorphed Kimberly could probably take on this many foes, so he'd likely be able to adapt pretty easily...and he wasn't alone either. Striking out, Kim turned her rise into a blow, the uppercut staggering the clay monster before she followed it up with a roundhouse that sent the clay man shattering agains the brik wall.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne strikes rapidly with rapid fire punches and forearms, a spinning back fist knocks one out of the way. He follows up with a side kick to the center of another as it shatters before hitting the ground. "These guys aren't that tough." He says with a growling laugh. "You fight them often?" The Bat asks as he dodges another flipping over it.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Way, -way- too often."

Of course, Kim couldn't be sure they hadn't followed her to town, but she couldn't go pointing that out. Instead she whirled around, blocking one strike before driving her elbow into the weekspot of the Putty and causing it to explode. "They're little more than...annoying clay robots."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne knees one to the center and throws a spinning back kick into the knee of another. "Sounds like me with thugs, and people like the Joker!" He growls throwing another elbow.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Sure enough as the last one falls, Kimberly stands, stretching her arms over her head. With her expression hiddne by her helmet it's only the sound of her voice that suggests her distaste. "Ugh...I kinda hate clowns," she muses before rolling her shoulders. "So you're...the Gotham spooky guy huh? The Batman? That's neat."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne stretches and rolls his shoulders. "I am the Dark Knight, I am Batman yes." He says in that gravelly voice. "And you're a ummm....what's the words....Power Ranger yes?"
Pink Ranger has posed:
A nod of her helmeted head, the girl in pink grins behind her mask before placing a hand to her chest. "Yep, Angel Grove's premier defenders against...well, this sort of thing mainly."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smirks offering his hand to her. "Well it was nice to meet you." He says and playfully rolls his eyes. "But thanks for the assist."