14698/A Moment of Introspection

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A Moment of Introspection
Date of Scene: 10 February 2023
Location: Arboretum, Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Batman

Wonder Woman has posed:
The down time between crisis across Earth or the galaxy are sometimes few and far between. It makes them easier to appreciate when they occur if one takes the time to think on them

Diana seems to be doing just that. In the Watchtower's arboretum, she has find a small grassy spot under a tree with a healthy green canopy of branches and leaves. Sitting cross legged, her hands rest easily atop her knees, her back and shoulders straight as she looks out of the large viewing window to regard the Earth slowly rotating hundreds of miles below. A small smile is on her lips and reaches the corners of her eyes as she just.. sits.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne walks up cape billowing behind him approaching Diana he smiles one of the odd rare occurrences where he's seen doing such. "Hey how you been?" He asks in that low gravelly Batman voice. "Mind if I sit with you?" And then his eyes look out through the glass at what Diana is looking at seeing the earth he sighs with a contented sound. "It's beautiful from up here isn't it? Makes you almost forget all the ugliness that happens on the surface."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince heard his breathing and footsteps. If only because he wasn't actually trying to be stealthy. When he speaks she doesn't start in surprise.

Watching as central Africa slowly spins past, her blue eyes regarding the Congo at first, then the grasslands of the savannah as the continent rotates past along with the large presence of Kilimanjaro's lightly snow capped shoulders. It looks like a large bump from this distance.

"Hello Bruce" she offers quietly. Finally tearing her gaze away from the window to look up at him she shakes her head, "I don't mind. This is what the arboretum was created for. To be able to take quiet moments to remember what it means to live in peace and harmony. To be human."

Another nod. "I often feel that if every soul who lives on the planet were able to see this view just once. It would end much of the conflict and strife." But there is a hint of doubt in her tone. Human nature is difficult to work past. Greed and envy. Anger.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne takes a seat beside her and thinks for a long moment or two before speaking. "Beautiful thoughts, from a beautiful lady with a lovely mind." He says after a while. "As much as I'd love that, I don't think that's how it would be. In fact I think
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne says, "They'd see everything from here and know more of what is there and what they can have. They may go to war more to take it." He shrugs, but this shouldn't be surprising it Batman and he's nothing if not a cynical realist."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens, her smile turning perhaps a bit more self conscious at the compliments. "I do not know that they're beautiful thoughts. Perhaps sad is a better term. Because, while I believe we can reach everyone - and I will never stop trying - I know that most often your view is correct." And that is more than a little sad to her.

"But they only have to look to the League for role models to emulate when trying to better their lives. But we cannot make those choices for them."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and nods his head placing an arm around her if she allows. "Diana your thoughts and ideals are beautiful and although reality is sad more often than not, it doesn't mean we should ever stop trying to make a better world. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try and show people the right way, and how things could and should be." He says softly. "It doesn't mean we should give up on trying to make a difference, if anything we should try harder I think."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince looks both confused and curious when he seeks to put his arm around her shoulders. She doesn't protest, shifting to lightly side-hug him back. She offers a warm, innocent smile toward him, thinking the gesture is of reassurance and comfort.

"I will never stop. I cannot. Showing the world that there is a better way, a path that can lead to peace is my purpose. It is why I exist."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and scoots a little closer his hand rubbing up and down her arm, his other hand reaches up and removes his cowl. He looks Diana dead in the eyes giving her a reassuring smile. "That's great to hear I am completely and totally of the same mind." He says. "In fact I'm helping rehabilitate people to reintroduce them to society as we speak." Bruce says thoughtfully. "So it's been a while how have things been for you?"
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince's hand drops easily after the hug. She doesn't seem to mind that he moves closer, though that curious look remains a moment longer before she turns her gaze back to the planet out the window. Now most of the Indian peninsula has come into view wiht the Himalayas beyond.

"Rehabilitation is a good thing. Everyone should get the opportunity for a second chance. Sometimes a third."

Glancing back to Bruce a moment she smiles, shrugging her bare shoulders, "I have been well. The Embassy's duties never end. I don't mind them. Having the chance to offer advice and influence at the United Nations as Themyscira's Ambassador has opened many doors that being Wonder Woman cannot. I feel more fulfiled as Diana." It is more of what her mission was intended to be. But saving the world has become just as intertwined.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and nods his head and he thinks a bit himself going quiet and casting a glance back towards earth again. "I agree people should be allowed to improve themselves before being given up on." He continues to listen and he smiles. "Ah yes, I can relate, being Bruce Wayne Billionairre philanthropist opens more doors and tends to be more fulfilling to me than being Batman. But I don't think a day will come when the world doesn't need us or Batman." He says with a soft chuckle. "Let me ask you Diana are you seeing anyone by chance?"
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles and nods as she watches the planet.

"There is a point where faith in rehabilitation must end. Kindness is not weakness. Nor is faith. But laws must be upheld." She smiles sadly, "I pray for a day that Wonder Woman. Batman. The League and the Avengers. All of those teams, our so-called heroic selves are no longer needed. But I do not know if that day will come. But I must hope that it will.

Surprise finally reaches her face. She had thought the gestures were simply reassurance.

"I have been seeing someone, yes" she offers quietly. "You were... interested?" she asks with no little surprise in her voice.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and continues rubbing Diana's arm with his hand as long as she allows it. "Well yes, i agree that at a certain point we must give up on rehabilitation." Her words on seeing someone do cause him to grin a bit in embarrassment. "Well yes I am interested." He says with an embarrassed sort of chuckle. "But I guess I'm a day late and a dollar short as the expression goes."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles gently. "I'm flattered, of course, Bruce. I had.." she shrugs, looking sheepish herself, " well I suppose I had thought you had someone. Or many of them. That you were serious about at least one of them.." since the world knows Bruce Wayne as the playboy.

She offers him a gentle hug. "Perhaps. Fate brings different souls into our lives when and where we need them. But that does not mean they will remain or that we will not grow to need someone else." She offers an apologetic smile. "In this moment I am afraid I cannot be what you may be hoping for."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and nods his head with a chuckle. "Oh most of what I have is on again off again or a means to keep up appearances. The world expects Billionairres to be play boys, but this also doesn't mean I can't take you out a few times as friends and ya know see if things go further
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne says, "I mean it's not like either of us is married right?" He asks with a laugh."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens and nods. "I see. That makes sense for the role that you must play in public."

She offers a smile. "I cannot promise anything right now, Bruce. As friends, yes, I would enjoy spending some time with you. But I would not agree to anything more in this moment. It would not be right of me." She looks back to the view out the window. "I think perhaps for now it might be best if I excuse myself. I do not intend to mislead or encourage that which I cannot promise." She smiles to him. "I value our friendship and commaraderie. I do not wish to ever jeaopardize that."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and pulls his arm back and shakes his head. "No no, don't leave." He offers a reassuring smile. "I do not wish to run you off, I know where we stand for right now. I understand you can not promise more than our friendship, and that's all I ask for truly." Bruce says and he takes a breath. "I'd never ask you to go against your morals but please stay and talk."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince nods. "I know that you won't, Bruce. If I thought that you would, I would not have allowed you to sit so close to begin with." She offers an appreciative, fond smile. "I'll stay." Looking back out the window, she asks curiously, "How has Gotham been? I am sorry I have not gotten over to check on things, or those who work with you there. I should do that."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and nods his head. "Thank you Diana, that means a lot." He listened to her and nods again. "Things in Gotham are relatively the same unfortunately."