14720/Dinner in the Black Lodge

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Dinner in the Black Lodge
Date of Scene: 21 February 2023
Location: Vancouver, Metro Vancouver
Synopsis: Willow and Marc discuss the nature of the world and stuff.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Willow Rosenberg

Blackout has posed:
    Marc arrived on time wearing proper khaki slacks, a blue polo shirt, complemented with oxblood leather shoes and a matching belt. He didn't let himself in, instead he knocked upon the outer door for Willow to let him in. Greetings were had, complements offered, and then he would step them both outside the back/side door. He then opened an eight foot diameter circular portal in the alleyway. It is essentially a vanta black hole in space/time. He said, "I travel via pocket dimension. So, we enter this portal, cross some space within the darkforce dimension, then open another portal to my destination. I generally only go places I'm familiar with - and East Vancouver is one of them."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was 'dressed up' - or as dressed up as she normally was. Her 60's style skirt was actually not too hard on the eyeballs, and the rest of her was almost in style. Wearing her jacket - just in case! She was ready.

(Okay, she wore her Birkenstocks, and carried her satchel (of course!). But other than that, she was dressed up in style. For her!)

"I have been to Vancouver! My friends live there. And I followed a thread for a puzzle here. Then the clues ran out. Just like that! It was strange. I'm ready!" She smiled. For someone who seems so innocent, she is calm about using pocket dimensions.
Blackout has posed:
    There is no scent within the darkness of the darkforce dimension. There seems to be terrain, also black, a black sky, and a purplish black horizon off in the distance in all directions. However, instead of being completely black, people can see each other as if they are illuminated without shadowing. Not brightly, but clear enough to discern features.

    Once inside, Marc leads across terrain as the portal behind the both of them closes. The terrain is rocky/sandy. But all in black and made of darkforce. There is no sound, like deathly quiet. Even footsteps are muted/muffled. He says, "It's just up ahead." And his voice is deeper, almost out of tune with his normal voice. As will hers if she speaks. Sound doesn't travel very well in this dimension.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
A gasp came from Willow. At the dark. At the terrain. At the shadows. Either she is terrified, or is entranced.

Perhaps both?

"It's so weird. Everything is alive, but different." Very different. She has to giggle a bit at her voice. "Luke, I am your father!"

Okay. She's not afraid. Not in the least!

"You wander through here all the time? Are there any other humans around here? It's so quiet. Yet you said there were monsters? Are they trying to cross over to our dimension?"
Blackout has posed:
    "The 'monsters' that live here are way off...." and he looks around and points in a random direction, "Sort of over that way. At least the last ones I encountered when I fell into your store. At least I think that's the direction. I wasn't geographically near where we came in, which was weird. So I don't know how I found the way into your place. Other than some strange space folding situation. Anyway, we're not going that way. We're ... here." And he opens another portal. In this case, they can both see out of the portal into a back alleyway and into the nighttime. He will step through the portal onto wet pavement of recent rain. There are two buildings on either side of the narrow alley and he'll wait for her to follow before closing the portal behind her.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Looking around she follows his directions, and nods. "So there are safer places to go then. Sort of.. oh! Maybe I didn't tell you? About the demons and such that my friend hunt. Some places are rife with them. Surprisingly churches are a big drawers of supernatural phenomena. Especially demons." Willow nods. "So, it's kind of similar here. Well, without the churches."

As they arrive in Vancouver, she steps out of the pocket dimension carefully, and dusts herself off. Not that she needed to brush herself off! Looking around, again she giggles. "I know why you picked this spot, but it's funny. We're in the back alley as though we were Inspector Clouseau sneaking up on the bad guys."
Blackout has posed:
    He glances up and down the alleyway then back to her with a slight grin, "Your creative imagination is spectacular. Not saying that demons are imagination, but your random references to Star Wars, the Pink Panther, and I'm wondering what's next."

    The portal closes behind her. The city noises can be heard from above and beyond the alleyway. He looks out the alleyway toward the wet street. Vehicles pass by, people walk by on the sidewalk. He says, "Come on, we've got a block or two to walk."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes. "I guess I was feeling ok. You know - like I could be anything that I wanted to. For a long time now I've been feeling the pressure from all sides. Lately it's been dissipated. Maybe I just needed to forget about other people and their demands of me? Did you know there is a social theory that everyone fills a need - like the town drunk. A person is shoved into that position, and it is almost impossible to break out of that role. Sometimes I feel like I've been shoved into a corner based on past acts, and people have gone on without me.."

Her voice grows quiet.

"I like those movies. In the pocket dimension everything was like a bete noire film. Everything was so dark and sinister. Even your voice! It made me giggle. Did you know I like horror shows - but they're like comedies. Like who goes down into the basement without a light to see what is banging around? And did you know that it was the film Black Christmas that started this kind of horror show?"

She catches up with him at the street, and looks both ways. "Which way?"
Blackout has posed:
    "I wonder what need I fill?" ponders Marc aloud with the hint of a smile with his open ended, likely rhetorical question. He continues to walk while listening to Willow's words and then he says, "Horror is pretty amazing. Especially things that make you think. Though, it's gotten really flooded with the 'let's go to the cabin in the woods'. Like they're highlighting the dumbest person around. However, I feel that "Cabin in the Woods" is my favorite of that genre. Namely because it is more 'cosmic horror' than slasher."

    He turns the both of them to the left onto the sidewalk. "This way." He motions.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"If I made horror films, I think I would make psychological horrors. Things that make you go hrm. All in your head, you know? Like Shutter Island, or the Sixth Sense."

As Willow walked along with him, "It's hard to take horror seriously when you live it everyday. But it's nice, in here.." She taps her breastbone. ".. to know that most people won't see vampires and demons in anything but the movies, because we stop them. Anybody who is my friend outside of the Scoobies I just am a geek and a nerd. Meanwhile.."

She shrugs. "It must have been sort of the same way with you? I mean playing the scientist, instead of the CEO of a business, or a football star."
Blackout has posed:
    "It's a lot of the same. I've encountered a lot of stuff that Norman and Norma Normal wouldn't have first hand experience with. But that's mostly because I have powers. So, powers tend to attract other powers. That's anecdotal by practice. But still, it begs the question of whether or not you would encounter vampires and demons if you didn't do what you do or be who you are?"

    The street is busy with lots of college and adult aged persons. The area has lots of shops and restaurants, but also surrounded by mid income housing and apartments.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She thinks for a long time about that. "I don't know. My magic doesn't seem to be dependent upon demons and vampires per se. And before I realized what I could do, I was a witch. I mean a pagan witch, which isn't the same. I guess it has opened my eyes to the wonders of the world?"

"I've never thought about that this way before. And I've known people with many more powers than I have. Like Superman, or Pietro."

Looking all around she smiles. "Funny, it is just like back home. The people. The stores. The restaurants. Yet at the same time, it's magical. Do you think that when they come to New York it's just the same for them?"
Blackout has posed:
    "Probably. New experiences, new sensations, places to explore, uncharted adventures. I still get excited when I go to foreign cities. Heck, I get excited when wandering through Manhattan and all the burbs. Regardless of how many times I port around, it's still seemingly new. And I love to travel. So easy with Darkforce Portals."

    He stops at the cross walk and around 20 other people walk up in their own little worlds, their own adventures. He looks around at the people while you all wait on the light to turn green. He says, "Just like them. All strangers. All new to us."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She still is smiling. "See? That's what I mean. About taking on the job of keeping the streets safe. Every person I meet doesn't know that about me - they're just normal. And to them I'm just normal, even if I am just nerdy. The whole reason they can treat me as nerdy is by stopping the gates of hell from opening. Well, and other things. Doesn't that make you feel.."

At that, Willow can't think of a word that encompasses her idea adequately.

"When I joined the Justice League of America, at first I was afraid of using the teleporters to visit the world. I guess I still am, but not as much as before. I've been out West quite often now though. I like to sit in the Watchtower though, and stare out at space."
Blackout has posed:
    "That's one place I've never been." He says as the light turns green and people begin walking. Then he clarifies, "Space. I've always wanted to go. But I'd need a space suit - and NASA isn't handing those out." Reaching the other side of the street, he turns them left again and walks along the sidewalk, taking the street side so she stays on the store side. Then he addresses her first comment, "I've never been a super hero to be a super hero. I've actually did very little 'heroing' per say. They say that powers make us different and give us a purpose. I just don't see it."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I've been once. Kind of. I was one of the legs to hold the portal between here and Apokolips open until everyone was safely there. We rescued Superman. But to float freely in space? No, I haven't."

Willow smiles to herself as Blackout betrays his politeness.

Walking, she listens. "I don't know that what I do is superheroing. Afterall, my friend, the Slayer, is more superhero-ish than I. And to tell the truth, we're not superhero-ish when you compare us to Superman. People can't help but notice him, where we tend to slip into the shadows at best. Maybe your powers haven't shown you your purpose yet."
Blackout has posed:
    The block is covered as they meander between people and in front of all the various bars, clubs, restaurants along this particular row. Then he has them both cross the street and turn right. There is an A-Frame sign in front of the restaurant that lists "The Black Lodge" and has a few Twin Peaks references drawn in chalk on the board. The restaurant face is painted black with red lettering above the windows that reads, "The Black Lodge". He'll say as the two of them approach, "I'm pretty sure my powers would reveal something dark and shadowy. So I'm good with where I am now; oblivious to the purpose. Definitely not flashy like Superman. Probably more like you and your gang. Sticking to the shadows and avoiding the limelight."

    He then turns the both of them to the door, opens it and lets her go in first. It's a small double door alcove to keep cold out and warm in and they move into a room with a black/red zig-zag pattern on the floor with various tables and booths. There's even a bar and a small gathering area in the back. The hostess waves the both of them in and motions for them to take a roofed booth. Marc will let Willow move ahead toward the identified booth and take her seat before he does. Once settled, the menus are already on the table with flatware and napkins. The menu is themed and focused on a television show that came out in 1990. A dark murder mystery series focusing on the murder of a high school girl named Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee). There are pictures on the walls of Laura and many of the other actors. Some signed, and many other affectations from the show. Also, music plays in the background that is very melodic, sad, and emotionally moving.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow walks into the restaurant, looking every which way. "This is cute in a way. I wonder if they get lots of tourists given that the tv and movie industry are right here?" The menu gets a giggle from her. "Are all the things based on Twin Peaks?"

She takes off her jacket, and rests it beside her.

"I guess I should have told you prior to this, I'm a vegetarian. I mean I eat cheese and eggs, but animal flesh.." She makes a face.
Blackout has posed:
    "What about fish?" he queries after considering and then grabbing the menu on the side of the table. Then he adds, "And yeah, everything Twin Peaks. I've seen a few people that could be considered famous in here. But not really famous."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow grows very serious. "I did when I turned to vegetarianism.. actually I would be called pescatarian then. But eventually the reasons for giving up meat were the same for fish. They feel, perhaps more than we realize. And when you look at the fishing industry, it's failures, and the need to go deeper and deeper to find fish - unless they are sustainable fishing farms.. and even so there are many things wrong with farming fish."

She shakes her head no.

"I don't eat them, but you can." She smiles. "I'm not going to force my own principles on you! If they have cheese pizza or pasta with plain sauce, I'll easily take one of those. My roommate always has half a pizza my way, and half her way. It works." Though she frowns upon picking up the menu.
Blackout has posed:
    Marc goes over the menu a few times and spots things he's never really focused on. Things that fit her desires. "Oh dang. I've never seen these choices. There's a lot here." He grins broadly. "Sorry, I tend to eat like a carnivore. But, I like you and I'm willing to quote Morrissey and say "Meat is Murder". I can happily eat vegetarian. Wow. I never noticed the upper left hand corner. It says that everything can be vegetarian, vegan, or even gluten free. Nice. Oh, and Poutine is always good." His eyes now see the world through different eyes. Less dark. Less meaty.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
As Willow reads her frown becomes an expression of wonder. "This place.. wow! I mean, I would have been happy with cheese pizza." The usual sorts of vegetarianism most restaurants stretched to."To-chos? Chili? Nacho plate.. POUTINE?!" That last one surprised her. "I'm used to having better choices with hole in the wall Chinese, or Indian food. But poutine? Holy cow!"

For a time she can't make up her mind. "Maybe pulled pork poutine and veggie chick'n drumsticks?" Even so, there were so many things to choose from.
Blackout has posed:
    Marc watches as Willow's eyes express her excitement. He listens as her voice resonates such wonderful emotion. He smiles. Then he realizes he's probably going to get his heart broken and smirks to himself with a silent chuckle.

    He intones, "I guess we got lucky with this choice." and he wants to say more along some weird thread that's playing out in his head; yet, he stops that thread and looks down at his own menu and will select something vegetarian as well.

    Then when the waitress comes over to take orders and drop off water. The orders will take place. He picks the poutine and some appetizers.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow doesn't miss his own personal order. "You didn't have to do that," she whispers as the waitress goes back to the kitchen with their order. "But I'm glad you did. Some day back in New York.. well Gotham, I will get my favourite Chinese food, where the Chinese people eat, and I think you will be amazed. Americanized Chinese food doesn't taste anything like real Chinese food. There are so many spices.. you wouldn't believe it."
Blackout has posed:
    "I love Chinese food." He intones in a softer voice as well with a slight lean forward, arms on the edge of the table, eager to listen to what she has to say and ensuring that he hears her whispers. Then he says quietly, "You know that whole teleport thing... I go to China pretty often. I've traveled most of the world, including Antarctica. There aren't any good restaurants down there, though."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow just stares as a thought goes through her mind. "I have been so silly!" And she laughs at herself. "You just reminded me, with the Watchtower, I could have been around the world.. easily. Isn't that funny? I'm such a dingdong. Is China nice? I mean, beyond the politics. I guess I could be in India, or any one of those countries."

And with that she blushes.

"What is it like to travel the world at a moment's notice?"
Blackout has posed:
    "When you're in the villages, there's really no politics. Hell, they keep that hush-hush anyway. The cities have a weird feel though. Still, people go about their days in all walks of life. Tourist things are also very open and Western in feel. But it's a beautiful - and huge - country. India on the other hand... don't go to cities in India. Just don't."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods very carefully to his advice about India. "It's that bad? I've heard a bit, but no one really says it like that." India must be terrible. "Those poor people. Often I thought about the inner cities here, and that's enough to bring my back up. But I have heard worse about places like India. ..Sometimes it makes me feel sad. We've got all these things - water, food, medicine.. and half the world lives in poverty. Real poverty."
Blackout has posed:
    "The east of Vancouver isn't too good either. There's an entire tent city off Hastings, downtown eastside. It's pretty rough. And it's only gotten worse these past few years. Especially during the winters as VC is milder than Alberta. So it's like a homeless refuge. They've started programs here in VC that deal with renovating older buildings and making them tenant buildings. But it's a long, slow process. And then there's the accountability of the tenant to not simply destroy the property. You're right about all the things we have. It also strikes me as odd that Canada isn't as proactive as it seems they would be - regarding homeless and services."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well, our country isn't any better, I'm afraid. Lot's of families live in their cars, and they are working folks. What has become of our country?"

Willow frowns a little bit. "As much as I would like to follow it up, do you think that maybe, possibly, tonight we can change the subject. We can talk about another subject that still uses our brains.. just tonight I want it to be happi..er?"

Her smile is lopsided. Waiting.
Blackout has posed:
    "Totally my fault.", Marc apologizes. Then states in a softer tone, "I will say that I appreciate your position and emotions on these subjects. It's extremely attractive." Then he segues into the change of subject and says, "Did you know that Squirrels forget where they buried 80 percent of the nuts they're trying to hide? I mean, they're so paranoid that someone is gonna get their acorn. Nobody eats acorns except for them. In essence, they're nature's tree planters."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"It's not that we can't talk about it - just not today? I want today to be something when I remember it, that it doesn't remind me of people on the corner, in my hometown, homeless. I know, it's bad of me to pretend people don't live in this situations if I pretend they don't exist.."

Willow lowers her gaze for a minute.

"Sometimes, no matter what I do, it hurts me that I can't make it all better. No matter what I do. I try to be as good as I can, and it doesn't seem to make a big difference. It seems.. well" She looks up then. "With magic, if you concentrate on good magic, everything is harder to learn rather than black magic. Which - it's like breathing. How come goodness is so hard then?"

She giggles as he goes on about the squirrel. "And they plant them in the weirdest places!"
Blackout has posed:
    Marc accepts all of her commentary about the homeless and the part about white vs black magic. He doesn't mind the commentary, but best to leave it all well enough alone if he wants to truly embrace a subject change.

    Regarding squirrels, "They think they're being cleaver. But, totally forgetful. Which is totally opposite of you wanting to use your brain. Did you know: Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, whereas dogs only have about ten.?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow shakes her head, and when she is finished it's like the topic never was ever uttered.

"I like cats better than dogs. Did you know that cats have a sound they only use for people? It's similar to the meows they give to kittens. Only more so. I mean, they do it for people in several types of meows, as if they were talking to us. I think that's neat."
Blackout has posed:
    Marc takes a moment to ponder and reflect after taking a drink from the delivered glass. Then he states, "I think I've read that. Question though, in your magic stuff. Can you talk to animals? Like cats? Or is that just too far fetched? Like, they don't have the capacity to really /talk/ even with magic juju. Would they need a special mind boosting collar like the Disney movie, 'The Cat From Outer Space'?"

    Moments later, food is brought.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes a moment to think. "I don't know? Being a magic user isn't like the movies." Except for when it is. "See the mind is very convoluted. That's why you and I may have the same IQ.." She doesn't know his IQ. It's just for an example. "..and understand certain things differently. There isn't a theorem that covers talking with animals per se. You kind of understand it, or you don't."

"Frankly, I haven't tried."

Her eyes light up when the food is brought. "Ooo! It really looks good! You would never know that I'm a vegetarian by looking at my choices." Which seems to tickle her funny bone. "Good thing that dessert usually is vegetarian." Not vegan, though.
Blackout has posed:
    Marc also seems excited about the prospect of food. That too will give them more subjects that are less involved. Having also ordered vegetarian, he's looking forward to the tastes and experience. He smiles, "It definitely looks good. And smells good too." He will actually wait till she starts eating before he does. He takes the flatware out of the cloth napkin and puts the flatware on the table, then puts the napkin in his lap. "But you go first.", he says with a grin. Knowing that it's going to be good. He feigns skepticism about vegetarian.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow begins with the pulled pork poutine. "Back home, they don't have this. Which is weird. They find it's too hard to make vegetable based gravy for one dish. Well, two dishes if you count french fries. And they don't do it very good when they do."

"Amazingly," she continues. "Everyone seems to have joined in on the pizza. I mean, I can eat bread, but their cauliflower base is out of this world. Too bad my roommate doesn't enjoy new things on her pizza. But I don't mind. Usually I default for just plain cheese."

Her first bite of the pulled pork poutine makes her close her eyes in ecstasy. "Ohh.. wow.."
Blackout has posed:
    Once she begins to eat, he too will eat. Taking a bite of the same setup that she ordered. He mmmms and then after chewing and swallowing, he says, "Oh, this is good. But question, you've mentioned a roommate a couple of times. Is it a she, a he, a Power Ranger? I'm still trying to put the pieces of your life together in my head. Like your super team. You've mentioned the Justice League, but also a 'Scooby gang'. Which could mean your roommate is actually a dog."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"She's a Slayer. You know, slays demons, vampires, ghosts - that sort of thing. When I'm with the group, I'm part of the Scooby gang. Sort of our name for ourselves. We try to stay in the shadows, you know. Like if nobody knows about us, we're doing our job correctly."

Willow takes another bite. "The Justice League of America is my thing besides the Scoobies. Except I am rarely called. But I do take a shift at the Watchtower, so I'm still important!" She reaches for her veggie chick'n drumsticks, "Beyond schooling, and my jobs, and those two, I also am on the Titans as well."

"You'd like Buffy. Most guys do."
Blackout has posed:
    Listening while eating, Marc's expression is that of astonishment. When she finally finishes the listing of teams and activities. He swallows and drinks a bit before commenting, "That's crazy talk. I mean, I don't think I have time to keep a plant and I don't do half the stuff you do. How do you keep up with it all? Surely you have some administrative assistant to maintain the schedule. Right? Some magical assistant?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks as well. It didn't occur to her that this was a handful by almost everyone's standards. The truth was, back when she was little, the only way she got parental affection (if you could call it that) was by getting A's. Lots of A's. And as she got older her self esteem was tied into her doing *everything*.

Did somebody need a tutor? Willow was on the job. Did someone need help setting up the gym for a dance? Willow would help. Did someone need to take a shift so that they could go out with their friends?

Well you get the drift.

Till now, when she had almost her days filled with obligations..

"Why would I want an assistant? I'm just a student. Nobody special. Now, Superman? He could use an assistant." She nods. (Willow was fond of Superman - with good reason. She helped him break away from the Apokolyptians when he was a prisoner.)