14830/Too many strays

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Too many strays
Date of Scene: 21 March 2023
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Selina finds another stray
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Batman

Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle looks a bit ruffled as she darts around the mansion looking for something. It's a quiet afternoon and she recently got back from lurking about the streets, doing..Whatever cats do. Now however, she seems to be searching for something rather frantically.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Is well ontop of one of the bookshelives doing what ever she likes, She peeks over and leans down " Whatcha doing kitty cat? " She asks in her eyepitched voice " Your running around like ye fergot yer knickers " She then pauses and pats her own bottom as if to check if she fergot
Batman has posed:\<br\>Bruce Wayne wanders in taking in the sight with a laugh. "My girls seem to be having...fun." He teases coming further into the room. "So what are you looking for Selina?" He asks with a smile as he leans against a wall. "Harls why are you on a book shelf?"
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle crouches under a bookshelf, reaching a hand underneath, "Here kitty kit-" she pauses, peering back at Harley and Bruce, laughing nervously. "Ohhh nothing. Definitely not searching for another stray cat that has a penchant for trouble." the way she's smiling suggests that's exactly what she is looking for.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Blinks and peeks around " did you lose ivory in here? " She asks as she leans farder down hanging precariously off the top of the shelf.. though she looks up at bruce " better light " as if that answers everything
Batman has posed:\<br\>Bruce Wayne laughs and shakes his head back and forth. "What am I going to do with you two?" He asks with a hearty laugh. "Selins
Batman has posed:\<br\>Bruce Wayne says, "Selina let's not turn Wayne Manor into a full on cat rescue ok?" Bruce asks with a laugh before looking to Harley again. "Better light for what?""
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle sighs, not finding anything under that bookshelf, and she peers behind it instead. "No, not Ivory.." glancing at Bruce, she grimaces, "I know, I know, this isn't an animal shelter, but I just couldn't abandon Midnight. She-was weak and hungry and looked she's been in a fight with a dog. She's hurt and scared..." she frowns and may as well be talking about herself when she was a child growing up in a tough neighbourhood.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks over at bruce " We could convert that kennel you guys don't use " she says simply " Turn that into a place for the kitties " She says trying to help " She can keep the cats as long as they fit " she grins though to answer his question she lifts a comic book clearly meaning better light to read comics .
Batman has posed:\<br\>Bruce Wayne shakes his head. "Who says we don't use the kennels?" He asks with a laugh. "Anyway I get your heart being in the right place Selina, and I'm not upset with you, we just need to be careful not to have Alfred doing to much if we're all away." He teases kissing Selina and turning to Harley. "You and your comic books Harls." He pats his lips looking to her to get his kiss.
Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle nods and sighs, "Sorry Bruce, I won't take in anymore strays. As it is, Midnight is pretty feral and won't stay tame for long. Just give me a little time to heal her before letting her go.."\<br\>\<br\>She seems a bit sad, as she pulls a growling clawing snarling black ratty little cat from behind the bookcase. "Shh, it's alright.." she gently strokes-and soothes the kitty..\<br\>\<br\>Who suddenly snarls and twists out of her arms, scratching her before darting out of the room. "No wait!"