14988/Trading Notes

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Trading Notes
Date of Scene: 25 April 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Harry and Zatanna had an evening of talking shop with someone that actually understood the talk.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Zatanna Zatara

Harry Dresden has posed:
It's not always easy to catch Harry. He does have office hours, but no secretary. Answering machines are doomed from the start no matter how old they are. He does try to keep his hours as close as possible so he is glad to hear Zatanna call and invites her to come by the office.

While he is generally a gruff exterior guy, he has warmed up a little so there's something. Currently he is sitting at his desk, scanning paperwork. Next to the desk is the mini horse of a form that is actually a Fu dog. He is snoring and drooling dreaming about whatever it is he dreams about.

Just beyond the office is his apartment. The door is open and currently lounging on the floor acoss the entrance to trip anyone tring to get to the apartment is his cat. While not as massive as the dog, for a house cat it loooks closer to the size of a bobcat.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When you're a performer, it's not often you feel small. A titan of her own stage, Zatanna is... while not petite, certainly *average human woman* size. So stepping through the door into an office occupied by a massive dog, huge cat, and a rather tall man is a... strange experience, to say the least. Very little makes Zee feel smol, but for a brief second standing on that threshold with her hand on the doorknob: she does.

But, in classic Princess of Prestidigitation form: Zee shakes it off. For this outing she's dressed in black slacks, a white blouse, and a golden vest. Hints of both her show and 'superhero' costume in the outfit. The woman glances to the writing on the door before stepping fully through and closing it behind her. "Is this where you ask me what a dame like me is doing in a place like this?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
He glancing up from the paper he smirks a little and shakes his head and standing,"Something like that yes. Please, come in." Of course, new voice and new smell. There are two types of reactions from the four legged residents. For his part, the cat doesn't even look up. He's either asleep or stuck up. Anyone's guess.

The dog on the other hand, he scrambles to his feet and then stumbles over them almoset falling back down. He has the look of puppy in his eyes and behavior despite the monsterous size. He wags his tail and takes a step to reset himself and then he waits. Despite the size and age there are some manners. His mouth hangs open and he slobbers on the floor, head cocked with a look in his eyes like "hey come pet me already".

Harry looks at the dog and mutters,"Mouse. Take it easy. Not everyone wants a slobber bath." His attention to Zee and he offers,"Zatanna, Mouse. Mouse, Zatanna." A point down the hall at the cat,"Mister. He might come to visit later. He might not."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"All you need is a good storm and every lady in the city with a problem will be at your door," Zatanna teases, already walking toward 'Mouse.' Dogs require pets: it's a fact of life. She offers out a hand for sniffing before reaching for the ears for ruffles and scratches. "Cats do things on their own time, I know this."

"You may hear from a girl. Sabrina. She accidentally teleported herself into Shadowcrest. She's looking for help in certain things and I guess you were already recommended to her... as was someone else I know. You're the better option."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Watching her interact with a smirk and seeing Mouse be all happy boy, leaning his heavy self against her leg and drooling happily while she pays him attention,"That's just what I need." he replies and shakes his head at the dog, but waits for him to get his attentions for now,"Mister has a personality like very few."

"Sabrina." he muses and holds his hand at about her height,"So tall, blonde hair, and a talking cat?" Mouse finally gets his desired attention and goes over by the door to lay down and more or less act as a door stop to anyone coming in,"He likes you. He'll make sure that nobody comes in that shouldn't. My brother could happen by anytime, but there's nothing for that." Normal people lock doors.

He turns down the hall and then bends down to open a trap door under a carpet in the floor. Normally a ladies first kind of guy, he leads down the stairs and waves a hand at candles,"Flicim Biccus." he mutters and each glows to life, casting a warm glow and shadows over the cellar lab.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Normal people don't tend to have wards all over the place. Shadowcrest does, for example. And Zatanna can sense the ones Harry surely has around his place. "Animals have senses even beyond our magical ones," Zee says with another ruffle of Mouse's ears before the big canine wanders off. "And yes, that Sabrina. You're familiar, then. She told me that she has a demonic parental figure and it's been giving her some grief. Apparently, her uncle recommended you and John Constantine. While I don't know you well... I know Constantine well enough that he's one of the last people that should be influencing a teenage girl."

Moving to follow Harry down into the cellar, she sounds out the words -- 'flicim biccus' -- with a furrowed brow. Any verbal spell components will catch her attention: logomancer and all that she is. "What does that mean- flicim biccus? I can't say I've ever heard that before."
Harry Dresden has posed:
There's a long table in the center and three table along three of the walls. There's a clear space where a brass circle is laid out on the cement floor and held down with bolts. Shelves over the tables were stuffed with cages, boxes, tupperware, jars, cans, containers of all descriptions, a pair of unusual antlers, fur pelts, many old books, and along row of notebooks filled with his own notes and a white skull.

There is a laugh, not a lot of humor really,"Constantine is...something." he agrees,"I don't know him real well, but I know what you mean. Probably not the best choice, not that I am the paragon of all things appropriate. I think I gave her my card, but you can tell her how to find me if you want. I don't remember for sure."

He motions her towards the table,"Make yourself comfortable." He looks towards her again when she asks about the words,"My teacher was...not the kindest sort, but he did teach me a few things, like how to link words to the intent. Esentially making my own magic words. That one, well..." he shrugs,"...it's not terribly original. Do you remember the old 'flick a Bic' lighter commercials?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Once within the lab, Zatanna slows to get a look at things. She seems to know what is or isn't safe to get near. Maybe a turn of a jar or a tilt of a book to see the title. Mostly she's keeping her hands to herself- mostly. "Constantine and I used to date." Probably more than once because if Zatanna has one failing it's massively bad taste in men. "Trust me, you don't want to trust him to bring in your mail while you're out of town let alone with a teenager."

"Your teacher wasn't wrong. It's called logomancy. Some use hand gestures, some cast spells with varied components. I *can* access my magic without speaking, but it's extremely difficult. But with words-" Zee finally gives a short of sheepish shrug. "You know all of this. Quite the extensive lab." She does stop near the summoning ring, frowning just vaguely at it.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I will talk to her again. See if I can catch up with her. If you see her, send her this way." he replies. There is a grim look as she mentions logomancy and his teacher,"He was good at magic. The rest...left something to be desired."

One the shelf, the eyes holes in the skull begin to glow with two red-orange lights. There is a muttering voice,"Harry. What are you doing? I thought...." the voice pauses and the dots get bigger,"Harry. Who is this ravishing beauty and why have you not brought her sooner?" The skull is clearly a leacherous sort just by hearing the tone of his voice though there is more,"I mean, how lovely to meet you my dear."

"Bob!" Harry growls and the the skull quiets, but there is no way she doesn't feel it still leering at her,"Zatanna. Bob. Former wizard turned bound spirit as penance for doing exceptionally bad things. The less you indulge him, the less likely he will try to get you to undress or worse."

"Not true!" Bob protests,"I would try even if she didn't engage." Harry sighs and tosses a cloth over the skull,"Welcome to the house of insanity, full of curios and curiosities."

He notes her looking at the ring,"I use it to sometimes get information by drawing things here. They aren't always nice things and I don't want them running loose on the world." he explains,"Saved a lot of lives that way, but I hate doing it a lot."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'll let her know if I see her," Zatanna affirms for Harry. As the skull lights up and begins to speak, she straightens from the book she was looking over and arches a brow. "That is the second magical being bound in another form as penance I have met today," she notes with a sidelong glance to the human wizard. "Apparently, Sabrina's cat... is her cousin cursed into that form." She gives a light shrug. "Bob if you wish to see me in less, you'll have to buy a ticket to my show."

Even Zee can acknowledge how revealing her costume is.

There's a slight nudge of her toe against the brass ring. "At least you try to contain them, but there is always risk and very little reward to be had in summoning. I prefer not to do it unless it's my only option."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I will watch for her as well." he tells her in regards to Sabrina. He nods,"Salem I think was his name." Harry mutters,"He's got almost as much attitude as Bob, but fortunatley not the rest."

Under the cloth she can see the lights glowing brighter again,"Sold. Hrry, gef me a ticut." he mutters under the cloth. Harry sighs and looks at her,"I think you made another new friend." he comments dryly.

Harry is mostly a salt of the Earth type, but hey he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one,"I should have warned you about Bob. I should probably lock him in a box under the base boards if Sabrina shows up here."

The ring still holding her attention is given consideration himself,"I won't say I never let one get away, because why tempt the fates? I know what you are saying though. It isn't my favorite thing to do." He tries to break the grim mood, bad at it as he might be,"So now you've seen my deep dark dungeon abode. I have to say, your's is decidedly nicer."

"She hafs a dumgeom?" comes the voice under the cloth, hopeful despite being muffled.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"It's my secret super power: making friends wherever I go." Zatanna winks at Harry, though shakes her head slightly with another glance toward the cloth-covered skull. "You can't blame the man. I'd likely go a bit mad stuck in an inanimate object myself."

A beat and a slight nod of agreement. "Likely for the best if she's around, yes. She seems a resiliant girl, but she's a girl all the same."

Zatanna is one of those people *aware* of how she looks (she's a performer; of course she is), but also good at demuring when necessary. That is: it'd take a lot to make her blush.

"You've done well with the space, particularly for someone who set it up himself. Shadowcrest is lovely, but I did inherit it. I've honestly done little to personalize the place." Stepping back from the circle, she glances back toward Bob. "Yes, I have a dungeon. Good place to practice magic. I can always use more objects for target practice, though." With the teasing comment, she winks at Harry.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yuu shud teff Hrry tht wun." Bob manages under the cloth. He chuckles softly when she mentions being a bit mad stuck inside,"I like ths wun." he muffles. The mention of target practice though, that causes a less than manly sqeak and the skull goes quiet, the lights go out.

Harry looks at the cloth and back at Zatanna. The cloth, Zatanna. He raises a brow, a genuine smile returned and says,"If not for a hundred reasons, could kiss you. You're the first one to get him to shut up, ever." he tells her and moves over to check on a few potions he has perkelating.

"The lab was just a matter of fortunate real estate. Combined with taking a great deal from the former teacher that tried to kill me and got himself killed instead." Under the cloth the words,"Sulf dufensed tau deaf." and then Bob is silent again. Harry sighs,"If he wasn't so useful I would sink him to the bottom of the ocean."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Surely not the first one," Zatanna demures to Harry, though she does wear an amused expression. "But I am used to dealing with those sorts of egos. It's all in identifying their weaknesses and the biggest mouths usually have the biggest soft spots."

Zee does step back a bit from the summoning ring. "Inherited magic. Not terribly uncommon in our kind I don't think. Magic extends life, we're drawn to shiny things, and those of us who one might call 'good' tend to also collect such objects that might be a danger to the unsuspecting." She gives a brief shrug, blue eyes drifting back to regard the wizard. None of this surprises her, it seems.

The last comment does earn a laugh. "Yes, for the Atlanteans to find. But considering most of them are magically inclined and not like to put up with shit, he'd probably get fed to a shark soon after."
Harry Dresden has posed:
The skull lights again and there is a sound like he is about to say something, but Harry cuts him off,"One more word and I let Mouse have the skull for a week." The lights go out and somehow the skull under the cloth seems to be pouting. How is anybody's guess.

"My dad was a good illusionist, but it was all an act." he agrees,"I really didn't know my mom so lucky me I ended up with my uncle after dad died. There is something to be said for him teaching me, even if it was for his own intentions to start with."

Moving the conversation again he says,"Next time he gets out of hand I am calling you to teach him." he suggests about poor Bob. He moves over to the table and motions over a few items,"Focus for the damage. I don't do real good at the really deep magics, the ones that take people a long time takes me longer. I am better at the messy, fast things. Fireballs, force waves, and the like."

He makes a face,"Bob in the hands of Atlanteans." A shudder,"That will leave a memory scar I can't get back now." He chuckles softly,"So, to really change the subject, you're a part of the Justice League right?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You know my father. Giovanni Zatarra, famous stage magician. He wasn't explicitly magical himself." Zatanna glances toward the cloth-covered skull, then back to Harry. She follows him over to the table. "It was in his background, just as Shadowcrest was, but he was more of a layman. Understood magic and was able to do the same level of magic as any 'muggle,' to use the literary term." She smiles, briefly.

Gaze drops from the wizard to the items he indicates. "Everyone has their specialties. Mind magic, for example, is something I *can* do, but I tend to avoid it. It's messy and for me, it's difficult. But I've met those who find telepathy, the astral realm, entering peoples' minds -- all that -- easy as breathing. The important thing-" Zee leans in to get a closer look at an item. She doesn't touch it; in fact her hands are clasped behind her back. She knows better. Touching another magic user's things can have bad consequences.

"I am part of the Justice League, yes. Mostly in an advisory capacity, but I do spend time on the Watchtower and I sometimes join in patrols." She leans back, looking up to Harry. "Why do you ask?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
There isn't anything really special looking about the foci, but that can be the point in it's way. The table holds a long, walking length stick as well as a shorter almost wand sized focus. A duster folded on the table she has seen before. It has several runes on it. A ring on his right ring finger shimmers with power and you have seen his pentacle.

In regards to the Justice League question he replies,"Oh mostly I was curious. I thought I had seen you with them before and just wanted to be sure. That and well, detectives asks questions, sometimes best left unasked." he admits,"So you've seen the trappings of my life. It only seemed polite given you took me on a tour of yours. Mine is...maybe a little less impressive, but it keeps me alive."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A section of the duster is picked up carefully to allow Zatanna to get a closer look at the runes. She's being very respectful, but also clearly very nosy (in an academic way). He's given her access; she's going to take advantage.

"If you ask something best left unanswered, I won't." Which so far doesn't seem to be anything in relation to *her* but likely she means things in relation to *others* or maybe... the greater good in regards to the magical universe. "I inherited mine," Zee says finally, stepping back and turning to look at Dresden.

She smiles, head tilting slightly. "I've kept the place running and added a thing or two, but I inherited it all the same. You, on the other hand, have built this up of your own accord. That's impressive."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Going over to stir two of the tubes in the stand, he settles them again and doesn't seem too concerned with her being nosey. It's not like he didn't wander around her place as well. He shakes his head and admits,"Well. There might well be plenty of questions, but not terribly professional in nature so..."

He nods towards the ring and explains,"It gathers up kinetic energy, while I walk or hit the punching bag and when I need it releases all that has built up. I have been charging it up for almost two years now. It should pack a pretty heavy punch when I let it go."

He looks over his lab again and offers a polite nod,"Thank you. I appreciate someone that can understand the amount of energy and time that went into this ordeal." He pauses and nods towards the steps,"I have some home crafted micro brews in the ice box upstairs if you want. Mac across the road makes some of the best beers you can imagine and a steak sandwich that you might sell your soul for."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I didn't realize this was a professional relationship," Zatanna responds with a hint of a smirk. "I thought it was two people who understand -- insomuch as anyone can -- the intricacies of magic sharing in something that interests them. Much like two little old ladies bonding over knitting baby blankets."

She glances to the ring as he explains it and looks a bit impressed. "Not bad. I'd be hard pressed to use it- that's a long time to build something up for it to be blown in one use." At the offer of drinks -- and the direction his gaze has gone -- Zee gets the hint and makes her way toward the way up and out of the lab. "That sounds good to me. I've heard of the place, but never been."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"The joys of having two professions." he replies and follows after her,"The detective never quits asking questions and tends to drive most people crazy. I think you're right about the intricasies of magic sharing though. It's nice to meet and talk with someone that actually understands and I don't think is waiting to put something in my back when I am not looking."

Just before he closes the hatch again, the voice comes up,"Do come back. You are a refreshing switch from what usually follows..." the door closes and the rest of the would be charmer is talking to himself.

Harry sighs,"I need to buy him some new books. I don't suppose you might know anyone that really enjoys the alleged adult romance stories? He literally likes things like Harlequinn romance and anything that goes in that direction or worse? It is his addiction." Crossing into the living quarters he goes into the kitchenette, where as advertised is an honest to goodness old school ice box with a huge block of ice resting inside. He grabs two bottles of the microbrew and says,"If you ever meet Mac, I don't keep it cold. He might have a stroke if he knew someone wasn't drinking it at room temp." He feigns a shudder and after taking a cap off, hands one of them to her.

He pauses and his head turns to the side a little bit thoughtfully and he motions the couch and one comfy chair as she wants,"Have you ever heard of the Order of the Blackened Denarius?" There he goes, asking questions again.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You should ask questions. Asking questions is how you better understand the world." Zatanna gives a small shrug, glancing back toward Bob, cloth-covered as he is. "And I'm a public figure. I doubt there's much you could ask that would offend me. Trust me, it's all already been said at some point or another." She makes sure to give him space to get the hatch shut and hidden away once more.

"Romance novels? Mmmm. I think my stage manager is a big fan. But honestly, every grocery store has a book section and it's just the new releases and romance novels. Stuff for bored soccer moms, essentially." Zee follows along, looking amused at the ice box. "Have you considered just enchanting it to stay cold so you don't have to get blocks of ice? Seems a hassle."

The beer is accepted with a murmur of thanks. She does opt for the couch, settling into a corner of it. A sip of beer is taken as she considers the question. "Order of the Blackened Denarius? Can't say I have. Sounds a bit... cult-y though."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Don't underestimate my ability to annoy." he replies and takes a seat on the chair since it is next to the couch and they can talk easily,"At this point I would just be learning more about you than anything else. I know the public face, same as everyone else. Enjoying learning how you see magic. It's always a little different for each person. I don't know any two that do it the same."

He grimaces and nods,"The trashier, the better. I just don't get to go to many stores. Everyone has those pesky lights, refrigerators, security cameras, and such things. I got places like that and I tend to get asked to never come back. Last time it was at the end of a sawed off double barrel."

Opening his drink as well, he pauses,"I can't say that I have ever considered that. I like the idea of no hassle. I get them delivered, but it is still a pain. Maybe there is a way to enchant the shower too. It isn't ice coming out of that, but it might as well be."

The last part of the conversation gets a little more serious shop talk. Another drink of his beer before he explains,"It is worse than a cult really. A denarius is a silver coin. One of thirty pieces. Each one cursed with a demon or fallen angel inside that over takes any person who touches it. Most people know the story of the betrayer that took 30 pieces to sell out his master."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm sure you could call up a used bookstore and buy out their stock," Zatanna suggests. "And most of those I've been to, the most technological item in there is the cash register and those are often a good twenty, thirty years old." She takes a sip of the beer, spending a moment considering it. There's a nod, finally, in approval of the brew.

Another sip, "If you annoy me, I'll just turn you into a toad." She might be joking but she might... not. Magic tends to sort of naturally lead to treading in morally gray areas; magic itself is neither good nor evil, it's how it's used. And sometimes to use it to the best ends requires things the truly good might not agree with. "I might be able to help you with that. Can't say I've ever had to enchant a 'fridge or shower, but I'm sure it's doable."

There's a pursing of lips and Zee hesitates over the beer as he explains. Finally, she does take a drink. "So you have a lot of angry demonic things trapped and then given free reign in human form. Lovely."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Good idea. I will have to look into that. Most of the time the stores I go to tend me be magic shops and they are already a bomb waiting to blow." he says with a nod and makes a mental note on that idea.

"If you turn me into a toad, that makes Bob your problem." he teases lightly,"I'm sure he'd like you better anyway." He looks towards the ice box and bathroom as well. The idea seems to agree with him,"I would owe you more than I could repay just to be able to take a shower that doesn't leave me chattering."

Her assessment of his story gets a nod,"The Vatican have been trying to collect them since they came into existence. They are mostly impossible to hang on it. Everytime the agents of the Vatican finds one, it seems like another one has vanished from safe keeping. The last I heard they have ten in their possession, but that could be wrong already. The last one I went after was a wild goose chase." He sighs,"If you encounter one of them, do not touch them. The instant you do the fallen gets into your mind and starts trying to pervert and corrupt the new host. They give power at the cost of free will. If you have to pick one up, wrap it in cloth or something to make sure your skin doesn't touch it. I suspect you would sense the energy of the coin if you find one."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I can't imagine it's much fun in summer. Lucky you don't live further south." Air conditioning is truly a blessing from the gods. "But I am happy to look into some options for you. No one deserves to live like it's the middle ages." Zatanna takes another, longer drink of the beer as she listens to the issue regarding the coins.

"Sounds rather nefarious, indeed. I've encountered a few artifacts like that. It's why I frequent the antique and art auctions. There's always *something*. The people buying and selling might know, but usually not. Malicious objects that prey on the blindness of humanity." Zee leans back a touch, tilting her head back against the couch to look to the ceiling as she thinks. "Honestly, much as I hate to admit it... Constantine would be best for something like this. He's the expert on all things demonic. Because relying on... a cloth to avoid possession, for example? It's dicey. There's got to be a better way."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"It can get warm some nights." he agrees with a shrug,"The wind blowing over nearby bodies of water helps, but not that much." He takes another drink and raises the bottle towards her,"I knew I liked you. The middle ages have some advantages, but not many."

"They are among the worst things I have had the misfotune to encounter." he admits,"Some people say they hear the coins call to them, but so far I can't say that I have heard that. If someone comes into contact with them, they need to be watched carefullyand probably incarcerated somewhere until the link can be broken."

The mention of Constantine gets a hint of a smirk,"His reputation preceeds him and I have interacted with him in the past, but not a lot. I have considered bringing him into that mess as well." A soft laugh is heard as he adds,"I know it sounds dicey, but it has protected me from three of them thus far. If I am being honest I'd like to find someplace other than the Vatican, somewhere far away from anywhere that normal people might go."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Don't praise me too much," Zatanna deflects with a bit of a grin, holding up both hands (bottle in one). "I am just a girl who is very fond of her creature comforts. That includes hot showers and central air." Call it a vice if you must.

"You should bring him in. He's done his share of stupid shit, but he would put his own life on the line to protect people from demons if it came down to it. He just... has little to no impulse control is all. The biggest worry I'd have is him grabbing a coin, knowingly, just to prevent someone else from doing so."

A beat: "But knowing that we could probably put together some sort of... contingency plan." What that plan would be, she doesn't know.

"As for where to store them... I have vaults at Shadowcrest. Constantine doesn't even know what all his house has; it may very well have a place. And there's the House of Secrets which... well, in theory could be a very good place to hide something. The vaults that the Justice League has I'd say are a maybe... they're for more terrestrial type things."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He smirks at the deflect and grin, but doesn't comment. He takes a drink from his beer again,"If what we have been talking about works out I might want to keep you on..." he pauses,"...well I don't have speed dial, but you get it."

The idea of bringing Constantine in isn't resisted. In fact, he seems to agree with the idea,"He has a reputation as an exorcist among other things. I should have talked him sooner probably. I just have a hard time asking for help if you haven't figured that out yet. I have an extended family as it were, but this one is out of their league."

If she is paying attention, the mention of grabbing a coin to prevent someone else to causes his eyes to narrow just a little and he takes a drink again,"I can see that." he finally comments and moves on.

"I know the Vatican would have a collective stroke if they were placed somewhere else, but they aren't safe there clearly." he finally comments,"I like the idea of someplace out of sync with the world so they are more out of reach. I appreciate your ideas and hopefully we can work together one something like that."

He isn't the world's greatest conversationalist, but clearly he enjoys her company for a while. Someone to talk shop with that actually gets it is a rare experience for him. Maybe he talks with her way too late, but as long as she is willing to talk shop, he's willing to talk. Plenty of beer after all and it takes a few minutes for him to walk over and get some steak sandwiches so she doesn't leave hungry.