15291/Trying to Catch Up
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Trying to Catch Up | |
Date of Scene: | 04 July 2023 |
Location: | McAnally's Pub |
Synopsis: | Nick and Thomas go to McAnally's to catch up and meet Doctor Fate |
Cast of Characters: | Phantasm (Drago), Thomas Raith, Doctor Fate
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There's a thing about chaos. When it is around, things seem to speed by without you realizing. But once you get that moment to take a breath, and relax. It hits to how long it has been since you've seen someone.
This is more or less where Nick is. Having gotten to the point of starting to put his life back together, part of it involved mending bridges, and in some places cutting away the weeds that have formed on once worn paths.
And that is probably the best way to explain how the musician finds himself at McAnally's with a certain club owner in tow.
Holding the door open for the other, Nick gives a cautious glance around the pub. Finding it sufficiently empty save for Mac behind the bar, Nick gives a small smile. "Bar or table?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a bit, letting the other man hold the door for him as he descends down the thirteen steps, moves around one of the 13 carved pillars, and heads for one of the 13 barstools. "Bar, less far to walk when our sandwiches are ready." He says with a casual smile, Nodding to Mac, and geting comfortable. "So how you been Nick. It's been ages. We've missed yah."
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Having relinquished the lead when stopping to let Thomas in, Nick follows after the club owner. Once the decision's made Nick gives a nod. "Fair enough." He responds. He usually ends up picking a table when he's here but it's not the first time he's had to resort to the bar.
Nick slides onto the stool to the right of Thomas. His arms rest upon the bartop as he tilts his head in greeting to Mac.
And then there is the eventual question. The performer gives a bit of a sigh. "Well- I encountered some- family problems and they kind of snowballed into a mess but- I guess it's as quiet as it's going to get. So...just putting things back together now. Or as close to it as I can." Pale eyes look over to Thomas, "And how've you been?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
"Two Darks, and Two steak sandwiches Mac. And if I could get some grilled onions on my fries too that would be phenomenal." He smirks slightly at Nick and grins, "Well if there is anyone that understands family drama it's me. Between my father wanting to kill me, technically being on opposete sides of a war with my brother, and my sister wanting to either shag or eat that same brother...possibly both... I know family drama." He twists the cap off his beer when it arrives and takes a swig. Then he sighs, "I've been having the dreams again."
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Thomas ends up putting an order in for the both of them, Nick glances over to Mac during the process, giving the slightest of nods of confirmation to the order. He gives a nod as Thomas gives a brief summary to his own issues. "...My family dynamic's probably not that bad being an only child." Nick admits, pausing for a moment. "Well, I think. There's a lot of time both accounted and unaccounted for with one parent. Haven't seen my aunt since a few weeks before the first raid. But- Most of the problems weren't within, more a result of outer shadows aiming in."
When the bottle thunks before him, Nick nods in thanks before reaching over to take the cap off. Nick looks back to Thomas. "The dreams again?" He repeats, "Are they the same as last time or a little different?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head, "They are always the same, and always a little different." He says with a sigh. "It's like watching a scene from someone else's life... And when I am there, I am one hundred percent there. Then I wake up and I'm left mostly with... Impressions I guess. I know her name is Paige. We're lovers there, but I get the feeling lovers of convenience less then anything like True Love. I know she has /powerful/ magic but little control over it." He shakes his head, "It's just frustrating. I think Faith finds it funny. Buffy used to get jelious."
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods. "So, not exactly prophetic but more like another life in your dreams?" He takes a sip of his drink, considering matters, "...Does Paige seem to know what's up?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith headshakes, but then shrugs. "Hard to say precisely. I mean it's only snippets of their lives together... It's usually first thing in the morning for them when I dream them. They are actually rather domestic... It's a bit voyouristic for my tastes honestly, but I can't make them stop. I don't know /why/ they started in the first place.
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's finger taps the side of the bottle in thought. "Well, dreams are kind of in it's own dimension so I suppose that when it comes to you, sometimes you're slipping through the door to the other one." He lifts up the bottle, "Could've been worse. Could have been getting dreams of your post-apocalyptic version instead."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head slightly, "My kind aren't too worried about the so called 'Post apocalypse." He says taking a sip of his beer and walking over to the serving area to get their sandwiches when Mac sets them down. "I mean what do you think people will be doing with no internet or TV or radio?" He asks with a smirk. "Our version of Armageddon is referred to as the Empty Night. I'll let your mind fill in the blanks on what that is."
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head curiously, "...Is that why you guys keep saying Empty Night?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs slightly, "Pretty much exactlly that. The Muggles say "Hell," because they can't imagine anything worse then that. For a White Courtier? It's the Empty Night. Which always made me wonder what Harry means by Stars and Stones." He shrugs slightly and takes a bite of his sandwhich, groaning with a pleasure rarely expressed outside of a much more intimate setting.
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick considers the phrase. "Stars and Stones..." He repeats, trying to run through other types of pairings, "Heaven and earth maybe? The bottle's lifted. "Never really gave much thought to phrases like that before. What would be the worst..." He takes a long sip before setting the bottle down, "...Deep Isolation maybe."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "That's the way I see it. An Empty Night in other words. No people. No light. No form. No substance. Just endless existence." He actually shudders at the thought, "Give me fire and brimstone any day compared to that. " e sips his beer, shaking his head slowly.
- Doctor Fate has posed:
The door opens.
Stepping in is a classically dressed man, wearing a white button up shirt wit ha black tie around the collar, a black blazer, black slacks, and dark-colored shoes. Anyone with any kind of magical sense in this place would read this stranger as..../different/.
"Excuse me, gentlemen."
The voice of Kent Nelson was smooth, intricate, and refined. He lifts his hand to take off his fedora, pressing it againt his chest as he offers a nod. "I bid you all a good evening. Sir-" He looks to Mac. "Might I have a drink? Your finest scotch, if you have the kind." He asks as he approaches the bar, intending to slide into a seat.
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick takes a deep breath before releasing it. "...I guess Empty Night fits with my idea of the worst. Although... I have found that isolation can happen even when you are surrounded by people."
Nick's magic sense is a far from reliable one. Considering the times he's been able to approach HIGHLY powered persons and hold conversations without flinching from the bludgeoning wall o' magic, it could possibly even be a purposeful design.
Either way, that this manages to even slightly ping causes for Nick to stop and turn.
Pale eyes look to the doctor and soon that ping isn't the only thing registering in his mind.
He's seen this guy before and it wasn't a normal occurrence.
"Oh f- Empty-." Nick pauses, "I'm so sorry, I forgot the name again. You're a doctor, right?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
The man behind the counter gives a simple grunt of affermation to the new comer and pulls a bottle off the top shelp, filling a highball glass with a healthy measure before returning the bottle to it's place. Thing about Macs? Normal folks don't just "wander in". It draws those with talents or from the dark side of the street. Ironically that can make it more relaxed since there is not facades to maintain.
Thomas raises an eyebrow as Nick greet the new comer. "A doctor?" He asks curiously.
- Doctor Fate has posed:
"Thank you sir."
Kent takes his seat at the bar, giving a smile to the other gentleman. He looks at Thomas for a moment, nodding his head. "Yes. A doctor in a few subjects, though medicine chiefest amongst them." He remarks before his eyes settle on Nick. "It's alright. I remember you, vaguely as our meeting was brief. My name is Kent Nelson. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr...?"
Despite the question of introduction being given first to Nick, the same question seems to have made itself available for Thomas.
- Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Thomas's question gets a glance from Nick while the doctor fills him in. "He was at a restaurant I happened to have dinner with Strange and Kit at." As Dr. Nelson prompts for his name, he frowns, "Oh right. Yes it was so quick only one of us gave names. "Drago." He supplies, offering a hand, "Nick Drago. Fancy running into you here too."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "Thomas Raith, club owner. I suppose technically I'm /his/ competition." This of course warrants a justly deserved snort from Mac, which says rather clearly "Dream on, bucko." Still the far too pretty man seems unaffected by the rebuke and raises an eyebrow. "Multiple doctorates? Is that like Blackbelts where after you get the first two or three the rest come fairly easy?"