1623/That's a powerful staff you have there..

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That's a powerful staff you have there..
Date of Scene: 24 July 2017
Location: A cafe in Metropolis
Synopsis: Zatanna tracks down Nico in a cafe. The two get re-acquainted as Zee sits down to get to know Nico, mainly because of the staff Nico bears
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Nico Minoru

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A few weeks ago, Zatanna encountered two other magic users in New York City. One being chased by an infernal creature, the other happening to be present to help stop said creature from succeeding in its goals.

Zatanna had observed Nico and the use of a very powerful artifact. It took a little time, plus dealing with other obligations, before she could track down just what that staff was - the Staff of One. A bit more research and she found what she was looking for. A bit of preparation and Zatanna was able to narrow down her search area.... Walking into a quiet cafe, Zee glanced around briefly then went up to the counter to place an order. Just a cup of mint tea and a muffin. At least she could pay for her time here, right? Then she began to glance around, seeking out the one she hoped to find here.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Whoever said research doesn't pay off? The particular cafe selected happens to be rather close to a speciality clothing shop that a certain magic user happens to work at. Or for, as the case may be for Nico. Judging from the window displays, the shop specializes in gothic fashions...and one or two of the dresses do have a familiar style to them. One seen before in an alley, calling rain down upon a satyr.

Nico herself emerges from the dress shop, heading to the quiet cafe. It seems to be time for a break, and Nico seems rather ready for one. She approaches the counter for her usual, paying no mind to the other patron that seems vaguely familiar. "usual chai tea for me. Thanks."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara steps to the side as Nico herself enters. Letting the woman place an order in peace. Once finished she looks over and offers a quiet, "Well hello. I wondered if I'd ever cross paths with you again." She smiles, warm and friendly. "I wonder if you'd have a few minutes? Just to talk. I promise."

Nico Minoru has posed:
There is a blink as Nico hears the voice...and realizes that it is addressing her. She shifts, turning to match a face to the words. And...there is a sigh of relief when Nico sees the familar form of Zatanna. Well...familiar now. Nico did some studying too.

"Hmm...hiya. I didn't expect to run into anyone here." Much less a magical someone Nico just met in passing. "Zatanna, right? We gave a goat a bath together." Then she realizes...this person came here for a reason. Questions indeed. "wha...what sort of questions?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara smiles, "Nothing you have to stick around for if you don't want to. I wanted to meet you. We were kind of busy last time we crossed paths. Even if we didn't exactly ask to be." She tips her head toward a table near the back, also near the secondary exit. "You don't like what you hear, you can go - quick as you please."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Well...that seems to relax Nico. Rather visibly. "Well, Traci would kill me if I told her I met you again and didn't talk." She takes her cup and sips, then offers a lopsided grin. "To tell the truth, once I realized who you were, I was kicking myself for not staying longer."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara smiles. "I'm just a girl. Like you. Right?" A wink then she starts to walk toward the table, letting Nico pick which chair she wishes, then taking the other as she sets her things on the tabletop. "So. Nico, isn't it? I'm Zatanna" she offers.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru offers a smile in return. "Yeah, I'm Nico. And I know who you are. Traci made sure of it next time I ever ran into you." Nico takes her seat, sitting down lightly as she chuckles lightly. "Ended up watching your special. As research."

There is a glance at the table, then up to her companion. "Now...seems to me that you might have better things to do than to hang in a cafe. You really wanted to meet me? That...doesn't happen often"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara winces, "Oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't one of my better shows I'm afraid. But yes, you caught me. That's me" she admits with another wink. "Better things? Nah. Not really. I'm current on all of my chores and home work. Honest." She sips at her tea and nods. "See you? absolutely. I don't want anything from you other than to get to know you a little. A girl like you is someone I'd like to know."

Nico Minoru has posed:
A laugh...an honest to goodness laugh...escapes from the Asian-American goth sitting at the table. "Wow. I am surprised. I mean, I'm just a girl from LA. Nothing fancy. I have no idea what I did, but I must have done something. First, it's meeting Claire Voyant and somehow finding myself commissioned to make a dress for her. Now this." Another sip is taken, then Nico focuses on Zatanna. "So, what would you like to know? "

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara smiles. "Some girls have all the luck?" she teases before breaking apart her muffin and nibbling on a bit. "Well, I admit that your bravery in helping that girl in the alley? Most would see an evil satyr, scream in terror at the "goat-man" and run away never looking back again. But you stayed. Then there's your staff. I'll admit that really got my attention. I know what it is, Nico. It's not a cheap magic shop trinket. And you're more than just a girl rom LA. Though LA isn't a bad place to be from. I could name a lot of bad places. LA doesn't crack the top fifty."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Well...then you and I have varying levels of bad." There is no mention as to why Nico is not in Los Angeles. No need to go into the whole 'killer parents' story right away. "But yeah. I have had a little experience in dealing with weird stuff." As if weird stuff happens all the time. "I...really couldn't help it. I have this affliction. I have to help someone if I see them in trouble." Another lopsided grin is given.

A grin that slowly disappears when the staff is mentioned. "Ah....that. Yeah, the Staff of One." Nico shifts her gaze to around the room, then, when she sees it is free to do so, leans in to murmur. "Then, if you know, you know what it can do...and what is needed in order to use it." As an aside, Nico also adds. "It doesn't like to be touched by others. I guess that really makes me the lucky one."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara nods with a smile. "Perspectives are often different, yes." She listens as Nico talks further. "It's good to help those in need. Particularly when we have the power to do so easier than many others." A nod, "Yes. I am aware. It is very impressive. And I promise - I have no desire or need to touch your staff. But it makes you a bigger ping on magical radar so to speak. Some could say a bigger target to those with nefarious intentions. New York isn't all that different than LA. There are always those willing to harm others to get what they want. Just... watch yourself?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
Another laugh breaks the otherwise calmness of the cafe. "You're my guardian magician now?" The comment is made in jest, for it is apparent that Nico is not at all angry or even all that serious at the moment. "I promise, Ms. Zatara. I will make sure that I watch out for those undesirables." There may be another giggle underway, but that gets quickly stifled with a sip of chai tea. "I know that it tends to draw a crowd. But...I can handle it." There is a way in which Nico speaks that would certainly give creedence to her statement. It does sound that she can certainly take care of herself. "Of course, if Traci had her way, I would be studying more on making myself an even bigger ping on that radar of yours. Learn how to cast without having to use the Staff. Which I am, by the way." Not that Zatanna even asked. It seems more of a self affirmation.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara laughs as well. "Zatanna. And I suppose I could be. But I won't get any wings from doing it. So.." She shakes her head, "I don't question your abilities. And I'm not going to. We all make our own journies and discoveries. But nothing says you can't make more friends. Friends in time of abundance make better allies in time of need?" She then nods to the assurance, "Good. The more you can learn, the better, really."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico corrects herself. "Zatanna." A slow grin curles the corners of her lips. "Well, you can question all you want. I know I do, all the time. But yeah, I have no problem with making more friends. Especially knowledgeable friends that happen to have their own magical specials running on Netflix." With that, she tips a wink as that grin shifts to a more decidedly wicked smirk. "I think I would really like that."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara smiles back. "I didn't say to stop asking questions. If we do that we may as well be dead. But I don't doubt you can handle yourself." she leans back and nods with a laugh. "Yeah. That special... wasn't one of my favorites. But they wanted it. Who am I to refuse my fans?" She winks. "There'll be a better one soon enough. Then I won't stress over how that one went."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I didn't see anything wrong with it at all." Of course, Nico would say that. She isn't the one in show business. "I mean, they put it on Netflix. Anyone can see it at any time. It has to be good, right?" Then again...Nico has seen some of the other offerings. With that, she just slides on by that topic. "I did get some education. From my great-grandmother, I think. It's kinda complicated to explain." Then again, time travel usually is. "There really isn't a lot of people willing to do the kind of magic I do. They...tend to get squicked out by the whole, you know..." With that, her voice drops low. "...blood-letting."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara nods. "That is a sensitive topic, yes. Most associate it with darker arts. Evil. It isn't, in itself, evil. But the temptation, the risk to push deeper into those areas seems to be very high. Just my own observations. Not exactly based on empirical data beyond the occasional deranged necromage, y'know?" She smiles, "Listen. I should probably let you get back to work. But I wanted to catch up with you." She offers over a business card. "If you'd like to get together again, talk. Study. Whatever, you can reach me with this." The card has a magical means to contact her as well as the mundane phone number and email options.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru offers her own nod. "Yup, that's the deal. It definitely isn't sunshine and rainbows, that is for sure." Nico blinks as the mention of 'work' is made, with her eyes shifting to the clock. "Damn it! You're right! almost time for me to go back!" She quickly rises to her feet, but ensures she takes that business card. "Oh, I will be sure to do so, Zatanna. Provided that Traci doesn't beat me to it." She slides the card into a pocket, then offers a wave. "Hope your next special is more to your liking! Talk to you later!" And, with that, she dashes off towards the store, leaving Zatanna to enjoy the rest of her muffin in relative peace.