205/Just a Chatnip

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Just a Chatnip
Date of Scene: 29 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 142, 183, Catseye

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
It was a night like any other. Chat Noir was out on patrol, simultaneously learning the city and hoping to run into Ladybug. This place was bigger than Paris!

Rooftop to rooftop the black cat superhero leaped, until he landed down on one rooftop in particular.

Up here, if it weren't for the sounds, one might find it difficult to remember they were in the city. Here, a small natural haven has been created. Along thermal lip of the roof, dead center and in the corner, trees have been planted in wide, deep boxes. They're never get overly large but they are large enough to bear some fruit. Apples, pears and peaches. Between the tree planters are beds that grow various herbs and flowers, essentially lining the roof in life and greenery.

Chat perched upon the large pavilion has been set up and vining plants trained to grip up and along it from the planters that frame the four posts which sat in the center of the roof. Small water features dot this garden as well, adding the sound of gently running water to this little hideaway, and his ears flit about like real cat ears, catching the sounds. It's peaceful and for a moment the black cat lingers solely because of that reason.

Chat Noir turns to half lean over the edge of the pavillion to sniff at one of the hanging plants for a completely different reason.


Luminitsa (183) has posed:
This garden was Lumi's baby. It's also wear she grew what's needed for her work. Mystical and mundane both. It shouldn't be surprising that there are safeguards in place to alert her to a presence there. Not that she really needed it since she was on her way up amyhow.

The door makes little if amy noise as it's pushed open by a young woman in a pair of cut off style jean shorts, a black tee with a feather motiff in various grey colors and bare feet. She pauses, not even closing the door, as she spots the catman leaning over the roof of the pavilion.

...Only in New York...

"Scent is stronger if you crush the leaves a little. Puck them first though or you'll damage my plant." Finally, the redhead shuts the door. A pair of trimming scissors is taken from her pocket and handed over to him with an arched brow.

"You, uh... Really get into character there, don't you?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
His eyes had slid closed as he inhaled, tail curling.

The sound of Lumi's voice startled him and, cat-like, Chat Noir sprung up from the near flat on his stomach laying down to the apex of the roof, in a crouch, back slightly arched. Green eyes, slitted like a cat's and glowing faintly (ARM THE LASERS!!), blink once and settle on Lumi. His ears swivel slightly.

"Uhh.... I'm fine. I mean. Yeah! Why wouldn't I?" The slight dazed of catnip high gets shoved away by bravado, Chat straightening his back to sit tall... which his hands remain between his feet, and his knees are bent up. His tail curls itself about his steel-toe boots as he lifts his chin and turns his face slightly away from Lumi. Haughty little kitty with a chesire grin and mischeif on his face.

Luminitsa (183) has posed:
A bright giggle comes from the witch who snips off a few leaves and crushes them gently between her hands. "Uh-huh..."

His reaction to be syartled had been interesting... And the general, feline demeanor amused her. Already, tyere were various theories...

The catnip is held up towards him, a convenient, tiny zephyr carrying the scent towards him. "Would you like to come down from there before the plants are hurt, please?"

Heeeerrrreee kitty kitty.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Ear swivel as Chat listens to Lumi snip at the leaves. He can't hear her crush them, but when she offers a small green sprig up and the zephyr dances the scent his way, his ears perk forward fully. Eyes glaze again and Chat leans forward toward the gentle mint of the herb. Tailing curling again, Chat Noir hums something as his body uncurls slowly. Paw after paw, Chat almost seems to pad lightly toward the edge of pavillion.

Luminitsa (183) has posed:
Lumi can't help but chuckle as she slowly pulls her hand away, leading him off the tip of the pagoda and to the table under it. She sits the herb on the table with a grin. She can sense... feel.... taste the magic. And her sexond sight xan xatch the glimmer of life from it.

"Would you lile a glass of milk?" She sounds serious... the look on her face is completely playful.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Led by the hand of catnip, Chat Noir eases off the rooftop and drops to his feet on the ground below. The mundance look of the table and chairs and the offer of a glass of milk has the cat-boy shaking his head lightly, fighting to clear it.

The life of Chat Noir's magic is that of Bad Luck and Destruction, and it's only half of a whole. There is something incomplete about the young man in the cat suit, working to clear his head of catnip high.

"Umm... sure. That would be fine," he says, lips in a little frown.

Catseye has posed:
The roof may be safe from most alley cats, but this one is special. And no, not just because of her very odd colouration. While the rest of her kind may be perfectly happy to scrounge in the streets below, the purple and white calico knows that the really good stuff can be found above. The hard part was getting onto the fire escape. They aren't usually meant for getting *into* buildings.

Leaping from box to box, farther then any cat has a right to be able to do if regular physics are involved, the calico manages to get to the fire escape and then uses it to see if anyone has their windows open. Hoomans are so funny that way, so trusting! And they leave such lovely things out in the open! Like garbage cans without lids!! But as she gets higher up the fire escape, the windows seem to have less allure to her. Something up there, up by the roof, smells sooooo good! She doesn't actually know what the smell is. One doesn't normally come across catnip when one is an alley cat. But the smell certainly has her attention.

When she gets to the top of the roof, amber eyes survey the seen. "Mrrrrp?!"

Luminitsa (183) has posed:
Arms crossing over her chest, Lumi leans back against one of the pillars of the pagoda. "Are you okay? Aside from the obvious."

It doesn't tale her long to retrieve an empty glass and sit in front of him. A wink, a whisper, and the glass begins to fill with milk. From thin air it seems!

And then there's another and the witch snickers. "Srems it's quite the night to draw in cats. Bast must be happy with me for something...".

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Yes. Of course. Sorry. I..." Chat points a clawed finger at the sprig on the table just as Lumi sets out he glass and it starts to fill itself. His eyes go a bit wide, lips parting in awed and stunned surprise.

"Did you-" he starts, only to fall silent because 'wink'. Still stunned, Chat Noir turns to follow Lumi's gaze and the sound of the mrrp. One ear twitching in the direction of the sound so that his green eyes land on the other feline unerringly.

His head tilts.


Catseye has posed:
Her nose twitches and follows the scent. With a bounce to her step, she approaches the two and proceeds to scent mark their shins. This is mine. And this is mine. And this table and this chair. Her tail is held high, curling at the tip.

If not shooed away, the purple and white calico leaps up onto the table and then simply rolls on top of the crushed mint, letting herself get covered in its scent. Paws knead at the air, looking for something to push against. They find the glass of milk, slowly pushing it off the table.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
As Lumi gets up to tend the plants, Chat watches the smaller feline. Her rbbing marking has him leaping up and way with a near hiss of "Hey!"

Chat Noir, sonehow, knows what the other feline was doing and it prickled at his sense of I am My Lady's not yours! Alighting upon the back of a chair near by, Chat watches Catseye but when the cat moves to push teh glass off the table, Chat Noir gasps and leaps forward again to grab the drink before it topples and spills.

"Watch it!"

This feels like dealing with Plagg!

Catseye has posed:
The alley cat lets out a chirpy noise, purring loudly. Chat's reactions seem to amuse the cat more then anything else. Once he catches the glass, she rolls over to sit herself up on the table and starts watching a paw. "No!" she tells him. "You watch it just fine."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Wait what? you... can talk?" Chat Noir says, green eyes wide, glass of milk held in his hands. His head tilts to one saide, like he's trying to figurr it out now that the surprise is fading. Because this is the least weird thing that has ever happened.

Catseye has posed:
Continuing to clean her paw, feeling pretty content and happy right now, the feline looks up at the man in the suit. "Obviously," she states. As Chat's head tilts, the cat's does as well in an echo of his. She then stands and pads over to the edge of the table to stick her nose in the glass of milk in the man's hand, lapping at the deliciousness within. Definitely doesn't have a belief in personal space.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Admittedly, neither does he. He just didnt like the idea of some other girl 'claiming' him. Holding the glass while Catseye laps the liquid delicately.

"Okay, then." There's a pause... heh.. a paws... in which Chat Noir glances about the rooftop garden. "So... what brings you here?"

Wow. That was almost as smooth as if Adrien had said it instead of Chat!

Catseye has posed:
Having had her fill of milk, Catseye sits back and licks her chops, purring contentedly. Her eyelids seem heavy from the reaction to the catnip as she looks at the blonde in black. "Food," she states matter of factly. "Then I smelled a smell."

That reminds her. She flops onto the table again, laying down on the catnip and rubbing herself upon the crushed leaves. "Niiiiiice," she says with a purr.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Oh yeah, that smell. That's what made him stop in the first place. Chat Nir blinks a moment as Catseye flops on the sprig and that soft alluring minty scent drifts up again. The blonde's eyes flicker closed, a soft goofy grin on his face.

"Yeah... purrfect," he says in reply, dropping to sit cross legged on a chair by the table.

Catseye has posed:
Now covered sufficiently in the smell, Catseye starts to chew on the leaves. She can't ever recall feeling this.... nice before. She purrs at the other cat that looks terribly hooman. "You look wrong. Why?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Sighing contently, Chat Noir strateches out his legs, leaning back to drink the milk finally.

"I look wrong? What? What do you mean, petite chatte? I'm the cat's meow," Chat retorts, grinning broadly now because he can. His tail, which really isn't a tail but a leather belt that ACTS like a tail, curls up in amusement had himself.

Catseye has posed:
Catseye twists her head from side to side, trying to make sense of this other cat. He smells like a cat. Moves like a cat. Acts like a cat. But... he's not a cat. He's a two legger.

"Pet? Eat?" she asks, not understanding the french. Meow she understands though and proceeds to do so. "You're big. Your fur is strange. You smell strange. Not right. Not cat."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Uhhhhh... I don't have any food with me..." he says, forcing his mind to focus through the faint catnip haze. Really, he needs to not succumb! After all, if that woman was ever akumatized and attacked him, she'd know exactly how to render him useless in a fight, adn then Ladybug would be fighting her singlehandedly. The meowing, however, just has him confused becuase while Chat Noir is cat-like, it doesn't mean that he can actually speak cat. (Well, he sorta of can in the way human babies can talk. He makes all the right sounds but has no idea what they mean and so when they are made they are made to convey emotions and little more.. or just to be sillly with his purring puns.)

Certainly, Adriend can not understand meowese. Plagg could, but while transformed, the cat-spirit kwami was not where Adrien could access him. Powering down was not an option so...

"Sorry, purrtty kitty," he says with a shrug, standing to put the glass down.