219/Sunday Brunch

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Sunday Brunch
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Miss Martian, Feral

Miss Martian has posed:
Megan Morse is fairly new in school and is trying to make friends. She accepted an invitation to eat with some of the others from school and so is here, trying mexican style breakfast foods. She likes this Buffet thing, it lets her try small amounts of many things to see of there is something she actually likes. Being from a place where food is hard to find, she is perfectly willing to eat things she does not like...but it is nice to have a choice.

Feral has posed:
Sharing a back with Megan's table is someone else trying the restaurant for the first time. She... looks a bit like a bum, with torn up red pants and and unruly mane of brown hair that's pinned like a flattened pillow between her back and the bench seats shared by Megan's friends on the other side. Looking a bit older, out of school and somewhere in her hearty working years, she looks dully at her cup of coffee through orange-tinted sunglasses and yawns heavily and audibly, her tongue lulling out the front as she does. A bare foot is propped on the bench opposite her and the lethargic, unkempt slump she makes in her seat matches neatly with the seeming lack of any attempt to look presentable.

It's hard to tell at a glance what she does but judging by the developed muscles of her arms and neck, it might be physical labor.

Miss Martian has posed:
The fact that this particular place is generally filled with young girls on a Sunday morning has come to the attention of someone with other things than breakfast in mind. They put something in the food that is itself harmless, but is part of a binary poison that will knock out those exposed when the areosol secon half is loosed. An elegan scheme really, the part you breathe is equally harmless itself...so the wait staff will be uneffected. The aerosol is put into the vents and suddenly girls are dropping unconscious to the floor. M'gann does not need to breathe, though she drops for the moment while she decides what is going on.

Feral has posed:
Vanya frowns as her nostrils flare and she looks around the restaurant suspiciously, scenting something wrong. In a stroke of good fortune, she's contemplated her coffee so far more than drank it. Turning back at the chorus of *thumps* from the table at her back, her brow furrows and she pokes one of the girls on the shoulder curiously.

Miss Martian has posed:
The Waiters start grabbing the girls on the floor and hauling then out to a bus, methodically placing them in the seats and strapping them down. one of them notices Vanya stil standing and says, "We have a live one, better deal with her first. The waiters that are still inside try to grab Vanya and immobilize her...

Feral has posed:
Vanya stands up without any ceremony and scoots out of her bench to make herself easier to grab, not betraying so much as a panicked hiking of her brow at the going-on around her. "You know I just came here to enjoy a vegetable burrito," she grumbles drowsily. Her sunglasses slip down the brim of her nose, exposing a sleepy dark-brown eye. "Touch me and I might have to lay you out."

Grabbing her proves easy enough but moving her anywhere is another matter. While not physically resistive at first, Vanya's size belies the weight packed in dense muscles and bone. She feels like handling a sumo.

Miss Martian has posed:
While the wait staff is distracted, Megan vanishes...literally. She turns uses her Martian camouflage skills to turn invisible and then disperses herself. She holds her form while she reads the minds of the people to find out what is going on. She is a bit confused...but she is pretty sure that her friends would not enjoy being turned into persons who accept forced matings for renumeration due to addiction to illegal substances. She decides she needs to do SOMETHING. She transforms into the shape of a Th'ggot, that should be distracting enough. After all, something the size of a tiger and roughly the shape of a toad with six clawed legs and double-jointed jaws like a snake lined with multiple rows of sharp fangs is kind of are in these parts.

The first person to see M'gann is the one who was preparing to stick Vanya with an anesthetic dart. He screams and runs away, causing others to look. One of them swears and pulls out a gun, preparing to take pot-shots at the monster.

Feral has posed:
That sight, at least, gets Vanya's attention as the woman struggles with the staff around her, dragging and twisting them in circles by force and applied leverage. As she notices the gun drawn, the dark-haired brawler flips her assailants off of her arms and leaps from the ground, easily bounding over a table from a dead stop and snapping out a flying kick at the man's shoulder - a very heavy flying kick.

Landing back on the tile floor, a wide smile splits her face as Vanya thumps her chest and waves the other men back towards her. "Alright then, come and get me. Let's have some fun!"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann has to be careful, she does not want to actually kill anyone, she sees the one woman fiughting back in here and decides she can leave these for a moment and see about rescuing the ones already outside. She smashes throught the plate-glass window and chases after those fleeing tha area alike a cheetah. She bowls through them like tenpins,leaving them scattered on the ground.

One of the men still inside says, "Come on, let's get out of here before that thing comes back." The one who no longer has a gun seems to think that a good idea and heads back towards the kitchen after dragging himself off the floor. For some reason, these guys do not seem to want to stay around and fight Vanya...

Feral has posed:
"Cowards!" Vanya shouts at the fleeing staff stamps her foot with a heavy *thump*. "What am I, chopped liver?!"

Storming out of the front door in a huff, the brown-haired woman looks around, catching sight of the bus and its own crew who are likewise fleeing or down on the ground. She clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth and sets a hand on her hip in consternation.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann ponders what to do...should she try to capture these men, or is protecting the girls what she should do? She decides on protecting, she notes the other woman and assumes her Green Martian form, "Greeting, I am Miss Martian. Would you check to make sure they did not haul any of the girs into the kitchen for me please?" She can not go into the kitchen...too muc fire there...

Feral has posed:
Vanya cocks her head at the sight of a th'ggot and watches curiously as it morphs. She looks down at the comparatively small martian that results, a little crestfallen. "Huh? Sure, whatever," she concedes before turning and running back towards the building. Rather than taking the front door, she springboards off a parked car and vaults up onto the roof, scampering out of sight to come in through the back door.

Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian places a phone call...after she remembers the police here do not have telepaths. She then checks the girls to be certain they are not damaged and finds a way to tie up the few bad guys that have not run away yet (due to being either knocked out or too scared to move).

The chef is the mastermind of this caper, he had stayed in the kitchen and had his minions do the work. He is directing his men to grab as many girls close to the kitchen as they can and bring them out the back way...

Feral has posed:
That plan might work better without the animal that lands in view of the door. Smiling mischievously as her own body begins to shift, Vanya draws in a deep breath while her limbs thicken with bestial muscles and thick white fur, and her face fattens and stretches. By the time she's done her shirt is squeezed like a corset around a winter coat and barrel chest and the metahuman slashes a new set of claws across the back door as she expels her stored air in a bellow - the unmistakable growling roar of a fully grown adult bear.

Miss Martian has posed:
The problem with having both exits blocked is it tends to make people desperate...and desperate people do desperate things. Smart desperate people do annoying desperate things like throwing the oil from the deep frier at the bear and then lighting a piece of bundled up cloth at the gear to try to set the oil-soaked fur on fire... (M'gann winces when she sees this)

Feral has posed:
Some animals might flinch away and run after a splash of burning oil, Vanya's instinct is to charge. Barreling in through the doorway with her white fur dirty and scorching, she takes wild swings at anyone standing nearby. Even as she's swinging around, her fur is already receding again but not so quickly that the flaming wad of clothes doesn't come perilously close.

But a sharp, quick smack knock it out of the air and into an adjacent wall - Vanya's reflexes are a little too fast. Regaining her human form but keeping the claws, she bares fangs and growls, diving at the man who just tried to light her. What the rags could catch on she could hardly care less, focused by pain and anger on paying back the men that just a moment ago were mere nuisances.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann realizes that the burning rag will soon set the kitchen of fire...but what can she do? She can not go in there...but wait! She flkies up over the roof and locates a metal plate set into the roof. She checks the angle and slams it down with a blast from her Force Vision. The metal plate comes down with a piece of the roofing right on top of ther burning rag...snuffing it out ber crushing it flat.

The berserk bear-man us making short work of the white slavers in the kitchen even as sirens start to approach.

Feral has posed:
It's not clean, it's not discrete, but Vanya's feral brutality as she leaps and dives from person to person is fast and efficient. In an uncomfortably short time her claws recede and the woman steps back out the front of the building, pushing her sunglasses up her nose again with the back of her wrist. The rest of her hands much of her body are streaked with a wet red.

For her pants at least, the color almost blends in.

"They're done," she explains tersely to Megan as she hikes her head back towards the building. Apparently it's up to the Martian to worry about her classmates.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann cocks her head, "The police will be here soon. I think possibly we had better both be gone when they arrive." She starts to fade into the background, she needs to be back where Megan's body was when the police get inside or there could be trouble.

Feral has posed:
Vanya pauses and looks down at herself. "Not a bad idea. Uh, thanks for the help Miss... Martian? Most fun I've had all morning." She pauses and tugs at her shirt where it's stained by oil. "I'm going to want some ice for this burn though," the woman winces.

Turning towards the sidewalk, she walks, then jogs, then runs away from the steadily approaching sirens.

Miss Martian has posed:
The police arrive to investigate. They find a bevy of unconscious schoolgirls, a handful of tied up man in wait staff uniforms, and a huge mess in the pitchen forensics will haveto sort out. The parents and guardians of the girls are called, though clearly a fewquestions show none of them know anything important. Whether they can find any trail that makes sense in another question.

Feral has posed:
Two counties away when the investigation wraps up, a brown-eyed woman grumbles at her reflection as she finishes washing herself in a bathroom sink. She takes a moment to flex and twist her back to check for any red flecks hiding somewhere, then pulls her shirt back on and steps out into the gas station lobby.

"Order 139!" a cashier calls.

"Finally," Vanya bemoans as she picks up the paper bag and carries it to an outdoor table. "I've been waiting for these all morning..."