2285/A day of Training

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A day of Training
Date of Scene: 01 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Superman

Crusader has posed:
The WatchTower as it stands, is filled with many different facilities that the heros that sometimes call this place home, may use. Among these facilities is the large (and very well protected) training room. Large tracks, various weights for both ordinary hero and super powered. They even have projectiles and a sparring area, all made to at least not get immediatly crushed and destroyed by the various users.

Speaking of which, one such user happens to be in the training room today. While the computer might recognize him due to his membership status, no one currently in the league has ever seen Vorn, only crusader. As such the appearance of what can only be described as a nearly white orc might raise some questions as to who he was.

As Vorn, he goes around wearing thick black cargo pants, heavy boots, leather bracers sporting gold plates etch with tribal suns - and a belt that is remincent of a climbing harness. The large orcish being is hanging from the loops above and swing himself over to another one, seeming to try and build up speed.

Superman has posed:
WIth the Watchtower computer not flagging him as a miscrient, Superman thought nothing of it, but when he, toward the tail end of monitor room duty, glanced about the facility, the sight of Vorn has him double taking. A quick check of hte computers confirms the orc as 'Crusader' 's Memebr ID, Superman decides to investigate.

He's a reporter. These things happen.

Into the gym the kryptonian drifts, blue eyes on the orc.

Crusader has posed:
The computer also shows a very different being next to the ID - the figure pictured is taller than the orc, and has a beard of prehensil tendrills, and tanned skin (where it shows) as opposed to Vorn who is shorter, appears to have normal hair, and very light grey nearly white skin. A corelation is hard to spot that is for certain!. But the way Vorn goes about, he certainly acted like he belonged.

As Vorn goes to catch another loop - he slips up and begins to fall, crashing down into the floor below. The floor shakes as if a car has just dropped from 40 feet onto it! He gets up though unscathed and glances up. Despite not looking behind himself he says "Hello Superman, what brings you here?" the being asks before turning around. He glances up at the loops again, almost as if his look could curse them

Superman has posed:
A weird thing indeed.

"You, truth be told. You're not on the roster that I can recognize," states Superman, eyes on the orc. It might be rude to xray into bone structure on a first meeting, but what others don't know, Clark gets away with.

Crusader has posed:
Upon x-raying Vorn - well Superman would see right through him. No bones, or organs, no brain, nerves, not even a muscle system to speak of. "Oh, sorry, we are able to change shape" he explains to superman. He stretches and hops up again to catch the ring. As he does so, he changes into Crusader - forming his cloak, armor and all. But his demineer and personlity seem to change as well - but none the less matches the being superman first met. "One apologies for any confusion. One did not feel like being The Crusade" and he swings to another hope and once again changes back into Vorn and again the demineer changes "Hey, your good at flying right? Mabey you can help us"

Superman has posed:
A shapeshifter! With no internal organs? That's so bizzare! But novel too. Understanding settles over Kal's features with a warm Kansas smile. He'll have to update the watch tower computer, or tell Batman so he can do it.

Bats is particular about file management systems.

"Yes. I can fly. I'd be happy to help any way I can," Superman replies, floating up toward Vorn on the rings, head dipping off to one side.

Crusader has posed:
"Good" he lets go of the ring and floats there, though bits of electricity seems to flirt over his skin as he hovers a bit. He dosn't seem to uncomfortable "We can fly fine...sort of. Alright it is more point A to point B, straight line we are fine. But we have trouble with...turns and maunvering" he admits to them. He returns the smile, with a wide grin that shws off his tusks. Vorn seem much...looser than Crusader "Oh, name is Vorn by the way, nice to meet you...again? That part still confuses us sometimes" and he ends up floating upside down. His smile dissappear...that likely was not intended.

Superman has posed:
Superman watches and listens, enjoying the puzzle that is Vorn's personality shifts.

"Likewise. Nice to meet you again. Turns can be tricky. I don't know if we fly the same way, so I'm not sure if anything I can explain will help at all but.. I'm more than wiling to help you try," Kal says, watching Vorn turn upside-down and smilng more warmly.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs deeply - a mischiviouse look in his eye, a gleam of a fighter ready to let loose. "Well, we fly ummm in different ways. But usually through electricity" hence the bolts of energy seeming to appear on his body every now and again to keep him afloat "So not telekineses! But if you have any tips, Vorn will be happy to hear them!"

He decides he may as well show Superman what he can do. He zips forward (after righting himself) and back again. Simple enough. He than tries to go through the loops...and that when things go...south

When Vorn tries to manuver he seems to go all sorts of directions, missing hoops or going backwards as if something else was jerking him about. He even somehow *trips* mid air and goes tumbling forward before comming to an uneasy stop

There a reason he dosn't really on flying dureing battles!

Superman has posed:
"Hmm...." Looks about as bad as his own first attempts at flying. There were four casualities.

Those poor field mice.

"Okay. Come here in front of me. ..and then try just going sidewise," Kal says, demonstrating. Still straight lines, but lateral ones.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn...apts to walk over to be just in front of Superman before rising up steadily. "Alright, side ways...side ways. We can do that" he says fiercly

Vorn manages to move sideways without incident. He looks around and beams proudly

And than quite suddenly he is shoots upwards and hits the ceiling. "...was it like this for you? You think you would get used to this after six months" he grumbles.

Superman has posed:
Superman smiles brightly as Vorn moves sidewise, only for the smile to fade in concern as he rockets to the ceiling. Superman is quick to zip up after him.

"Yes, and no. Flying in general was challenging. I was all sorts of wobbly, and landing was the hardest of them all. It took me about a year before I really felt comfortable flying. Now, I tend to fly as often as I can manage."

Crusader has posed:
"Landing we can definintly do." he pushes agaist the ceiling and it almost like he is stuck to it. He pushes a bit harder and manages to unstick himself "Does not help that Bj..." he he stops "Never mind" he says almost curtly as if trying to protect something or someone

He hovers infront of superman and tries to edge sideways again, but as he does so he gradually ends up floating upside down. "Alot of this is...both natural and unnatural for me, if we are honest"

Superman has posed:
"Then what is natural?" Superman asks, not chasing after whatever Vorn has stopped himself from saying. Not even chasing it with pondering over it. Secret IDs and such, likely. Clark Kent understands.

As for flying...

"Maybe knowing what feels natural while flying can help you?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn closes his eyes and crosses his arms "Truthfully....nothing is. The only thing that IS natural is either being on the ground, or being attached to or intergrated with something that can already fly" he says, though the way he sounds - it almost as if he is perhaps afraid to say such things

"Though, shapeshifting into an more...appropiate form does often help. Though was hoping to not have to rely on that."

Superman has posed:
Superman ponders this. Integrated with something that can already fly.

"So, like a bird or seomthing?" he asks, trying to wrap his mind around this idea, trying to find a way to help Vorn find something tht could work.

Crusader has posed:
"A bird, a ship - they both accomplish the same thing. We can intergrate with our spaceship and fly just fine for example - but that comes with A.I ment for flying" Vorn says. "Though we have never attempted integrating with an animal before"

Superman has posed:
"Oh. You're technologi- well, I guess that makes sense," Supermand says, lips pursing.

"what if.. you try to remember waht it's like to be integrated with your ship and that AI?"

Crusader has posed:
"Techno-Organic. We were not built, but born. Though we were Born with a purpose" he ponders. "But your suggestion makes sense, let try it!" he exclaims cheerily

He ponders a moment seeming to be in deep thought. He hovers downward and steadies himself...and carefully moves left, and than right "So far so good"