230/Fear of a Bat Planet

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Fear of a Bat Planet
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Gypsy Moth, Zatanna Zatara, Batwoman, Cheshire, 187, Zachary Lightwing, Domino, Catwoman, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Batman has posed:
"Are you sure this will work?" asks a voice in the darkness. "We only have one chance for success. We've failed every world we've been to so far. The loss of one more Bruce Wayne means the end of everything!"

"It will work this time. It has to," replies another voice. "Now, everyone, brace yourselves! Reality-shift commencing!"

The darkness quickly brightens through a spectrum of grays to an intense, blinding white.

After several long moments, the white begins to fade, revealing an empty lot in Gotham City. Populating that lot is a collection of individuals whose costumes all demonstrate a Bat theme--the LEGION OF BATMEN! Some appear to be women. Others appear to be people of color. Still others appear to be robots or aliens. At least one is a werewolf.

"Where is that murderer? The Super-Batdaptoid?" one of the Batmen, a demonic figure with a significant underbite. "He's already killed one dimension-hopping fugitive Wayne. If he gets his hands on this next world's--"

"He's nearby," interjects a Batman with a retro-tech machine hanging from his neck. "In fact..." he pauses for a moment, "...GCPD reporting a sighting /right now/! Just a few blocks east!"

"Then we take him--it--down tonight. Fast," says yet another Batman, a large woman in a wrestling singlet and a Bat-cowl.

"Follow me," says a voice from a nearby rooftop. It's the Batman of this world. "I'm not going to let him destroy this reality...or any other. Together, we can succeed."

That said, he launches himself into the air, swinging toward the location where the killer Batman was sighted.

The others similarly take flight, figuratively and literally. The Legion's ranks include...

Gypsy Moth has posed:
A batman in leather armor, one with gear that is in some ways less advanced than the rest. The batarangs they carry are blastic, not metal. The have a good set of lockpicks though, and plasyic binders, and smoke bombs, and many of the other tricks of the trade. They do not have any flashlight though, nor any night goggles...it is like they are not worried about seeing in the dark.

The Leather Bat thrtows a batarang and takes to the air with the other, moving with exceptional aerobatic skill. They may be a bit different than most oif the other bats, but they will prove they belong here.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
One of the Batpersons has a flattering top and a dense fishnet mesh on her legs. Her boots aren't as high heeled as they might be. Over it all is a loose cloak instead of a cape. At her waist there is a varnished charm - a plastic Zorro toy, battered and stained in red. On her face, a familiar-patterned mask, even if it's not a cowl.

The Zatanna Zatara of that other realm has, provisionally, called herself 'The Bat.' It seemed like the best option.

For the most part, The Bat seems kind of tired. Like someone's always talking to her. That's because SOMEONE ALWAYS IS.

"Thgilf ekat," she pronounces, and THIS trick, at least, is easy. There is a sense of a chorus swelling as she rises upwards, moving with the others.

"No hesitation," she remarks to the Batman of this world. "Some things don't change."

Batwoman has posed:
A female figure with flowing crimson hair and a sleek black batsuit, the chest emblazoned with a bat in red. Her cape is lined in the same deep red trim, the red of blood. She is scowling slightly as she reaches toward her belt to adjust it carefully. There's a sleek black pistol holstered thee, a custom model with gleaming grips that is striking on a form that is largely matte to avoid drawing light.

The crimson-haired Batwoman grumbles to no one in particular, "I don't know why I let you talk me into using rubber bullets." She draws her gun, checks the clip and then lets out a heavy sigh. Then she darts forward, takes a couple quick steps, leaps and spreads her arms. A crimson hellbat streaks through the sky after the Legion Infinite Bat...people.

Cheshire has posed:
In the distance, Another person shrouded in darkness moves across a few roof tops. This isn't another Bat. No This is something else entirely. Hints of green and gold can just barely be spoted. What seperate's this person from the Bat Brigade? The very nasty rifle on their back is a pretty good sign that they are not a bat. The other thing that may tip any that spot this person off is the mask. No cloak. No Cowl. Just a white mask with red lines, Cat ears, and a very exaggerated smile.

Cheshire is on the move. Her goal tonight wasn't to tangle with the Bat or Bats or any of the Bat family. No, her goal was Jeffrey Cosgrove, A man who pissed off the wrong people. Having just arrived in the area, Cheshire agreed to do the job, not so much for the money though it is a lot, but so she had a chance to get a lay of the land and to get acquainted with the way Americans handle themselves.

As she moves along, The nightvision in her mask turns night to day for her. That's enough for her to catch sight of a barrage of Bats. Normally, she would be more on task but its not like Jeffrey is going to know what hit him. She will deal with him soon enough. For now, Curiosity has her and she silently begins moving, following the Bats from a distance.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:

    Unlike most of the Batmen in this group, Bat-Ford is a rarer exception in that his parents are actually still alive! Yet he still walks that Road of the Bat because in a crime ridden city like Gotham, there is always danger. In order to keep his beloved parents safe, Ford has taken to the streets as Batman, aiming to keep crime out of his city as much as he can.

    Still a big Zorro and western fan, Bat-Ford has adopted many of the tokens that was once Zorro's to his own arsenal... with a few exceptions. In this case, he looks up at the Batpeople following this dimension's Batman and nods, revving up his iron horse "Ace", rubber squealing and zooming along the streets after the Batbarrage. "<Okay, question: once we find him, can we actually stop him? I mean... isn't he all of us?>"

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
In a spartan apartment elsewhere in Gotham, the garbled sound of a police scanner barks out the location of the 'Batman,' and Zach looks up from the jury-rigged device on his table, setting down his tools. He then closes his eyes and slumps against the table. His soul pops out of his body and climbs onto the table, as he repeats the location of the sighting to himself a few times. And then he leaps up into a light fixture in the ceiling, leaving his soulless form 'sleeping' against the surface of the table.

Zach, or Nimbus as he has named himself, travels electrical cables through Gotham, invisibly seeking out the epicenter of what may be an intense battle. He just has no idea what kind of chaos he's about to find when he gets there...

Domino has posed:

Cue the theme music.

"I'd say we have about a seventy five percent chance of pulling this off. If we stick together, we'll squeeze in another ten percent. Conditions are clear, streets are open, and we have the element of surprise."

This Batman is dressed in a black and charcoal gray bodysuit, a bat insignia on her belt, the top of her costume half unzipped, chalk white skin and bustline partially visible. Her cowl sports a somewhat lighter gray oval 'eyespot' over the left eye of the cowl, a crosshairs pattern in black marking inside it. Dual guns are holstered at her hips, and a long-barrelled rifle is in one gloved hand.

"Never hurts to up your luck along with the stakes," the Bat of Fortune adds.

Catwoman has posed:
There's another who is out tonight but this figure is not bat-themed. No, she is most obviously cat-themed, wearing all black leather and kevlar, her cat-eared cowl up over her head and those red-lensed goggles slipped in place to help conceal her identity. Catwoman has taken to the roofs, as always, dashing from building to building, leaping and swinging in a rather marvelous display of acrobatics. To say she's on the prowl would probably be something of an understatment. Catwoman's not on the prowl, she's out on a hunt.

Catching sight of several sihoulettes out of the corner of an eye, she heads that way, her mouth curled down in a scowl.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"A Batman sighting?" A woman dressed in black rubberized armor and a white shemah around her neck armed with a panoply of weapons asks herself as she picks up the police messages about the same. "Seems odd. Better check it out." and Hawkeye makes her way across the rooftops by zip line and old-fashioned jumping as necessary. She's not a Batgionnaire, but sometimes the home team is best.

Batman has posed:
As the Batmen begin their convoy, the Bat-signal lights up in the sky, cast from the roof of Gotham Central. An APB is out for the Batman!

At a long-unused storage facility whose poorly kerned sign reads 'STOR AGE FOR TO MORROW', a figure dressed as Batman tears a giant cargo door off of a large storage unit.

Inside is a giant partially completed machine, its wires and transistors strewn about the space.

"No..." the figure says in a cool, emotionless tone to itself. "It should have been completed. I don't have the time to complete it for another reality-slide. And Wayne--my Wayne, my creator, my tormentor--is still out there...until he is dead, my war on crime cannot end!"

At this final statement, the being smashes its fist into the unit's concrete wall, creating a basketball-sized window out into the night.

At the entrance to the facility, the Legion of Batmen alight, roughly two dozen in all. "It's time for this to end, Batdaptoid," a spider-like Bat-mecha intones.

"Agreed!" calls a Batman with a British judge's wig over its cowl. "And the sentence is--"

The Bat-judge's words are cut short when the Batdaptoid's eyes suddenly glow red. A quick *ZONK* sound precedes the Bat-judge's head falling neatly off its neck, sliced clean as though by a red-hot scalpel.

"We need to destroy that machine and be prepared for any angle of escape!" this world's Batman shouts. "And expect the unexpected!" He tosses a smoke grenade into the unit--but just then, an elongated arm stretches out from the smoke, wrapping around his ankle and pulling him toward it.

Meanwhile, every available GCPD officer does their best to race toward the scene, hoping to collar Bruce Wayne's murderer.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Inside her thick costume, Sybil releases an infitesmal telekinetic impulse. It travels over the area like the faintest of breezes. She can feel the location of all things in range, neither darkness nor smoke impedes THIS Bat's senses. The Batman who found her and trained her was one of the first to die. He had built this suit so she might stand in his place if he was ever unavailable when Justice called.

Well, deat is about as unavailable as it gets, so she is in the costume BEING the Bat. She is using her powers to feel INSIDE the Bataptoid, to find a point where she might attack it. She throws a Batarang and guides it unerringly to hit JUST above where the batman of this universe is being held, hoping to gibe him a moment to release himself.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The Bat comes to light as others come in. She goes for the ground level, not the high entrance, and when the Bat-Judge pays the price she sees this was a good plan. "Devreserp eb daeh!" she calls out, but this is just to stall for time.

Zatanna curses to herself because the machine is in too much disarray. She could blast part of it, sure. Which part? There's too many. If it was further apart, it would be simple. If it were more complete, simpler yet.

YOU HAVE TO ACT, something tells her. "I'm thinking," she mutters, before declaiming with an upraised hand, "Derrab eb swodniw!"

HESITATION, the voice seems to tell her, with scorn. Zatanna's lips thin. "I liked you better before," she says, for the umpteenth time.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Bat-Ford guns his bike a little harder as he raced to keep up with the Bat Brigade. Why can everyone fly except him!? Whatever, he'd have to keep pace somehow. Skidding to a halt outside the storage, Ford lowered his cowl a bit as his tracking tech locked onto the target, before pressing a finger to his ear. "<Call me crazy, but I think this is our guy. By the way, uh... Bat of Fortune? Or, The Bat. If, after all this, our dimensions are still intact. Either of you wanna go see a movie, or, grab a bite or- OH DANG IT!>"

    Leaping off his bike, Ford unhitched his lasso and swung it, latching it onto a protrusion on the large arm and digging his heels into the ground, tugging back. "HEY! I COULD REALLY USE A HAND HERE!"

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Nimbus appears off of a street lamp nearby the scene. He sees a whole crowd of Batmen and Batwomen. He stares for several seconds, having a hard time processing what he's looking at. But through the chaos, he hears their words: Destroy the machine.

He grins toothily, and vanishes into the lamp to enter the building directly through the ceiling light. He floats down to land inside of the storage unit, and then...

He just starts emitting a STORM of electricity around the machine, the bolts of burning white plasma searing great big black marks in the concrete around him and ionizing the air until it smells positively metallic. This lasts until the wires from the light that were powering his ability just MELT from all the charge running through them at once.

He sure hopes that is enough to destroy the machine, because after that he'll have a hard time getting away, if this evil Batman has a way of hitting him.

Batwoman has posed:
"...Damn it. Of course it's a giant robot." Batwoman- not truly a Batman at all, in fact- is firing a barrage of bullets that bounce harmlessly off of wires and open panels as she alights upon the ground. Kate bends briefly to absorb the shock of landing, then pauses and shakes her head. A half second is spared for glaring at the gun before holstering it. Next the woman pulls out a batarang which she throws at the machine to lodge above some of the exposed wires. Thermite, designed to melt whatever it latches onto to slag.

Kate is already running, grappling around on her belt for tools as she tries to find something useful. Grappling hook? No. Flashbangs? No. Laser cutter... Into the breach goes Batwoman. She uses Batman's cloud of smoke. Perhaps she can get close enough to find something worth cutting.

Cheshire has posed:
Cheshire takes note of what is going on. Her gaze falls on the building now housing all the Bats. How nice it would be to take down those heroes but... None of them are her targets. On top of this, an idea forms. The Enemy of her Enemy is a friend. Perhaps, She could make a friend out of the Bat... if only for a favor in the future.

The sounds of Sirens ring out. Her gaze to the streets. Three main road entrances to this building. She can see in the distance the coming flashing lights. Its now or never. First the main route. Dropping down to the ground She draws her Sais. With a quick motion, she drives the two sais into the gas tanks of a pair of cars. Then, using the butt of her rifle, she shatters the drivers side window of one of the cars. The Ever present smile on her mask hides the glee in her true face. A press of the button charges the the cigarette lighter. It pops out and then with a quick toss, it lands behind her in a puddle of fuel. Then she just starts walking toward the next road.


Catwoman has posed:
Figuring out that things are swiftly turning into a cluster frak does not take getting close, the chaos easily noticed from where Catwoman comes to a stop a safe distance away. Normally she comes into a situation knowing what to expect but this isn't a job she's on. There are no blueprints to clue her in on how to to approach things, no technical read outs on security systems to help her bypass the worst of things. No, she's going to be coming in blind, should she choose to get into the fray, and it has her hesitating.

Several agonizingly long minutes pass before, with a low groan, Catwoman leaps off of the roof she has been perched upon, her mind already filled with concern. What will she find once she's there? Who, or what, is causing all this mayhem? Guess she'll find out once she has arrived.

Domino has posed:
The Bat of Fortune backflips and lands right behind BatFord and presses up close against his back. "<I'm more of a Tahitian beach and blue hawaiians kind of girl, actually,>" she radios back, a sly smile on her lips.

She pulls up her custom dragunov and drops the barrel onto BatFord's shoulder, crosshairs-marked left eye disappearing behind the sights of the gun. "Don't worry, I'm an excellent shot. I've even silenced it so you won't go deaf. Now hold still."

She aims for what looks like it could be a critical component of the machine, and fires.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Bats? Lots of Bats?" Hawkeye asks herself. "Must be really bad, whatever it is." There's a barrage of gunfire by a red-haired female Bat that Hawkeye notes - the crazy lady has run inside rather than let the multiversal force deal with the situation and so Kate decides to follow along. "Hey! Wait a second, Red!"

Batman has posed:
This world's Batman rolls away from the elongated arm as it's struck by a batarang, and it recoils back into the smoke cloud. Then, a sudden WHOOOOOSSSHHHHHH sound echoes through the area, the smoke dissipating out from the storage unit by a gust of wind emanating from within it, all while a veritable electrical storm surrounds it, crackling and popping throughout the machinery here. One central component EXPLODES into shrapnel when Bat-Domino's shot hits it perfectly.

"Order in the court!" shouts the Bat-judge's disembodied head on the ground, while bars suddenly form on all of the nearby windows.

The Batdaptroid responds by allowing its arms to transform into gatling guns, firing out in wild, fully automatic paths at the assorted heroes, although there appears to be some significant damage to its head and torso.

"Press him!" calls a motionless Batman in a high-tech floating chair. "The equation /will not/ be rewritten!"

A dozen police cruisers screech to a dozen halts not far away, with half as many SWAT trucks following suit. As the first officers on the scene spy the sheer number of individuals that look like Batman, they curse and duck back into their cars, radioing for /all/ help, available or otherwise.

Just then, several explosions ring out, and the officers swear even more, scrambling for shotguns and helmets to complement their kevlar.

A bit more hardened, the SWAT teams load their grenade launchers and check their body armor before attempting to surround the area, snipers climbing fire escapes for strategically placed support.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Leather Bat getrs nicked by thestormof bullets, but there is more than leather in this armor and nothing penetrates to the fragile life within. She runs INTO the hail of bullets and closes with Batwoman, "I can see a weak point. There, on the torso just below the bat symbol, there is a processing uunit there behind some armor, it is an artificial ruby. If the cover can be blown off perhaps one of the others can shatter it.

Cheshire has posed:
Well, she tried to slow down the cops. So much for that. Quietly she begins working her way back up the rooftops. She's using a set of metal claws to climb her way up. It only takes a few moments before Cheshire has a good perspective on the situation. Quietly she pulls out a small vial of dark liquid. She dips those clawed tips into the vial and then draws a katana off her back which she dabs with the liquid making sure it is prepared. A Quick moment later, she is off moving toward the building's roof top. Her targets being that SWAT team.

The first man she comes up on has no idea she is there. Its almost cocky what she does to the poor sap. Reaching out with one of those claws on her finger tips, she goes for his exposed neck. One quick tap is all that is needed. With hope, the man will believe that he just got bit by a mosquito or something. Sadly that illusion would fade within 30 seconds. He'd find himself down on the ground and out cold. Not dead. Just poisoned with a special sleeping poison.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Moving inwards, closer, The Bat keeps her head low. The sirens behind her, she thinks. Where were the cops when - no, she tells herself, that's his memory, not mine. My father died at a seance.

But then she hears and smells guns, and here, she smirks, lips quirking upwards. Her gloved finger comes up once, and in fact she sticks her arm forwards, because she has to do something masochistic and dangerous here. "Riding the edge..."

THERE! A nick in an arm which, on close examination, has dozens of probably similar scar. It's a shallow wound - most of them were. Blood runs down her arm. Her hand tightens in a fist; the blood flow gets a little stronger. It spatters on the ground. Enough of it.

Zatanna writes something with the toe of her boot.


She stamps her foot for emphasis at the end. (Fortunately, the Bat of Fortune has been given an enchanted screw that exempts her rifle. Others have likely gotten similar.)

THEN she clutches her bloody arm to her belly and twists away, ducking behind a support beam that will hopefully not be immediately shot to flinders.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Not wanting to risk getting shot, Nimbus leaps away from the gunfire when it turns on him as well, scampering across the floor. He leaps up and onto the Batdaptroid on the side all of the others aren't going to be hitting with bullets, batarangs or magic spells, and he reaches out for all the nearby electricity. Thankfully, there's a lightswitch and a power outlet nearby that haven't been severed in the chaos.

"Zap," he states calmly.

And he begins pulling a ton of electricity from the nearby cables that hadn't melted yet, even one buried ten feet below in the concrete for running electricity to the rest of the storage facility, and focusing it all in one big array of lightning to melt away the shielding on the Batdaptroid and try to give the Legion of Bats an open and vulnerable target...! Holy hell that's bright!!

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    BatFord blinked as Dat Bat of Fortune pressed up into his back, smirking even as she fired over his shoulder. "<Ear pieces are sound silencing. I value my senses, after all.>" he replied over the gunfire, before unhitching his lasso and placing his fingers in his mouth, giving a quick whistle tune. "Ace! Heel!" he shouted.

    On cue, the motorcycle revved to life again, driving around in front of BatFord before transforming itself, planting it's wheels on the ground while the rest shaped itself into a protective wall. "<Shield's up! Take cover if you need it!>" he called over the radio, before spinning and sliding down against the barrier of his bike. Placing him with a good view of the Bat of Fortune's slightly exposed armor. "<What a coincidence. I happen to own an island in the South Pacific. I'll be happy to show you next time you're->" His eyes caught sight of Batanna clutching her stomach and taking cover. "<Oh hell... hey, Fishnets!>" he called, before reaching into a compartment on his bike wall and chucking it to her. A pack of ointment and bandages. "<I'll be thinking on how you can pay me back for that~>"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye ends up in the line of fire, pretty much everyone seems to be, She ducks, tucking into a front roll ending up in a firing position on her knees... but she doesn't avoid all the bullets. One goes through her left shoulder and she curses. Still, she takes a shot - a hard foam arrow at the robot's feet, she's hoping the expanding foam will keep the thing in one spot so the others can do whatever they're going to do to that 'weak spot' someone says in the chaos.

Batwoman has posed:
Batwoman's reason for wielding the laser cutter quickly becomes clear. She goes to work on the processing unit cover as soon as she is able to get close. She's hoping to make a groove, an indent really before producing a block of plastic explosive from her bag. The crimson bat is trying to set up an explosive charge to rip the machine open. Or she was, until a spray of bullets strikes her from behind. Not dodging, Batwoman les out a shout and falls into the smoke. The C4 goes skittering off beneath the Batdaptoid as lightning streaks toward the panel. It's really very heroic.

Catwoman has posed:
The good thing about kevlar is that it is good at blocking most types of conventional rounds, including most of what the police and most criminals use. Sadly, the way Catwoman's suit is designed, the layers of protective material have been sewn in in a way that allows them to shift for ease of movement. As she flips towards the fight one of those 'plates' moves and one of the SWAT team's bullets hit her right in the side, causing her to stagger once she finds her feet after the acrobatics are concluded. Fingers press to the wound only to come away red, the black leather making it take on a sickly hue, causing Catwoman to mutter darkly under her breath. "Damnit. Leslie is going to kill me."

Gritting her teeth and pushing the burning pain to the side, she pushes on.

Domino has posed:
Bat of Fortune finds that having her upper body stared directly at while under a hail of gunfire sets off her multiversal deja vu. Thankfully she can ignore that as she changes weapons to the dual handguns, maglocking the rifle to her back. "<Less flirt more action, people are going down here,>" she radios.

"No killing!" she shouts, as Bat of Fortune runs out from behind the shield to try to locate Batwoman and perform an emergency evac if neccessary. Her dodging, sliding, leaping and rolling forward leaves her completely unscathed, bullets zipping past her, missing by mere fractions of an inch.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil reacts...grabbing the explosive friom ten seet away and putting it where Batwoman had tried to place it. Her Telekinesius might not work on hard materials like steel and ruby, but plastique? That is plenty soft. It is going where it needs to go, though a hail of bullets is knocking her around like a rag doll...Concentrate Sybil!

Batman has posed:
Several officers attempt to sweep around over to the exploded cars, hesitant and loaded for bear.

Someone from SWAT lobs a tear gas canister toward the most densely populated area in the facility. Another fires a grenade at the giant Bat-spider-mech, two of whose legs shatter, sending the creature crashing to the ground. Its legs, however, appear to be stuck to the ground.

While the snipers begin to communicate about their positions, one is silent, drugged by Cheshire.

The Batdaptroid's arms, meanwhile, begin to melt and plop to the ground in the form of liquid metal goop. It looks down at itself and then its body shifts, changing form so that there's one good arm and one shoulder-stub. It stretches out its arm, firing a repulsor ray at the crashed Bat-spider-mech, sending it careening toward a group of Batmen, including the one from this world and those behind the motorcycle ridden by BatFord.


A moment later, the Batdaptroid erupts in a massive ball of flame and noise when the C4 beneath it is set off by the arcs of lightning all about it. The entire storage facility is filled with a rush of heat, smoke, and assorted electronics.

"ALRIGHT!" the SWAT captain adds after the explosion. "THE HARD WAY, THEN!"

GCPD begins to swarm the facility--some clearly pros, others clearly...not. Those in the latter category begin firing at anything they see moving, their eyes wide with terror.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford huffed a bit as Bat of Fortune chastised him for flirting. "<No!>" BatFord replied, with all the teasing temperment of a kid who wasn't getting his way. Still, as the crushed spider-Batmech skidded towards him, BatFord hopped up and rushed towards Batanna, checking on her. "<Need a ride, ma'am~?>" he asked, with all the grace and subtlety of a pick up truck.

    However, as Fortune Bat leapt over his considerate barrier, Ford grimaced and whistled for the bike again. "Ace! Fetch!" He gave another whistle before the bike revved up, returned to it's bike form and raced over to Domino and Batwoman, stopping and revving as if to offer them a ride. "<He'll take you clear! I'll meet you in a minute!>" he radioed, before turning back to Batanna and dropping a couple smoke pellets. "Need me to carry you? At least help with the bandages?"

Cheshire has posed:
Cheshire moves fast. This is taking too damn long. If she cared less about trying to get in some hero's good graces she would be breeze through here and cut down the freaking swat officers before they even know what hit them. Instead she needs to hold back. Then, "Shit!" There goes her rifle. Dammit That's going to make her job harder later on. She draws her katana. Its tinted with the same poison that is on her claws. With a fast movement, she begins moving towards the SWAT officer that just shot the cat among bats. With a lightning fast and very controled strike she knicks the man's neck with the blade.

After that she's onto the next one. She isn't messing around. As the Police rush in, She rolls her eyes. "Cowards." She mutters in Vietnamese. She sighs. Someone has to get these guys' attention so that the bats can finish playing with their toy. With a quick motion she steals a gun off one of the cops and makes her way back to the roof tops. Once up there she takes several shots at a few police cars. Her goal, to get their attention. She stays there long enough for them to note that its not some Bat or any Cat they might be familiar with in this city. Just enough time to get their attention. Then she's off, hoping some of them follow her.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
'Fishnets' aka the Bat grasps that package of bandages quickly. "Thanks," she calls back, and more quietly, to herself: "I think..."

Unfortunately for her, while her spells are successful, she has not thought to prepare... for tear gas. She stays hunched low, which keeps her from getting shot; the downside is that she immediately begins coughing and gagging, eyes running in lines of what is no doubt tactical mascara, staggering away from the police officers and -

Well, that probably means the answer is 'Yes,' BatFord.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
The explosion at just ten feet away hits Sybil pretty hard...literally knocking her for a loop. Fortunately her costume is well padded...but the padding is pretty much shredded by the blast and Sybil is thrown back and hits against the Batwall with enough force that she momentarily passes out. Unfortunately the wall turns back into a bike and drives away without her...

Catwoman has posed:
The cops? Well, they'll have one less target to try and arrest. Or shoot. Whatever it is that they have it in their mind to do with those present. Catwoman's quickly changing her mind and instead of the fight she is ducking behind a dumpster, it moved just enough so she can watch from her new vantage point while hopefully keeping her where-abouts a secret. Groaning, she pulls out a packet of clotting agent and she tears it open with her teeth, the powder then poured over the wound. It won't fix it entirely but it'll help staunch the bleeding some until she can get to the clinic.

Zachary Lightwing has posed:

And then the air is fire and explosions. Zachary Lightwing questions his decisions in that moment because he has never experienced anything so terrifying as being caught in the epicenter of a C4 blast. Concrete and other components of the building collapse around him, the air is smoke and flame, the force of the explosion makes it hard for him to judge which way is up, and pretty soon all he can hear is gunfire and a distant hum of his body, which wasn't harmed in the explosion but lost cohesion pretty spectacularly, slowly reforming in the smoke.

"Explosions are not fun," he complains, as he tries to regain his bearings, "Not fun at all."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Gahh!" Hawkeye cries as the explosion inside the building knocks her off her feet just as she was rising. Good thing she wears speacial earplgs. The flying electronics ends up scratching her unprotected face here and there. Between tear gas and the police shooting things look grim. Still, she rises again and fires a smoke arrow at the door. "That should give us a little cover at least." she says to the knot of people inside.

Batwoman has posed:
Out of the smoke and flames the crimson Batwoman is walking- staggering a bit, maybe- covered in soot and holding a rebreather to her face. A bat mask rebreather, of course. She's stumbling but somehow very much alive despite the destruction of the Batdaptoid. Batwoman watches a the police stream into the warehouse and people go in all directions. She hasn't been seen yet. In fact, she's still partially in the cloud of smoke. Afterward she shakes her head and starts searching around for another exit. It's back into the field of shattered concrete and melted plastic, the ruin of her own devising.

There's probably a new exit in the warehouse now. She'll use that.

Batman has posed:
As the smoke and tear gas clears, the 'local' Batman is nowhere to be seen amid the tornado of combat taking place between vigilantes and police officers.

However, huddled in a corner in his underwear, his hands cuffed behind his back, is ... Bruce Wayne?!

"Don't shoot!" Wayne shouts in a panic. "Please! The Batman--the Batmen--they're helping! Don't shoot! I don't want to die! I don't even know where I am!"

A pair of SWAT officers run to his location and begin dragging him out, attemping to keep themselves covered from any opposition until they're back near their trucks.

"Sir!" one of them says. "You're being rescued from Batman! It's good to see you're alive!"

Wayne looks at the officer quizzically. "I was dead? You must be mistaken."

Behind them, in the shadows, a Batman says, "A killer Batman from another dimension murdered a Bruce Wayne from a /different/ other dimension. It's better if you don't think about it too much." Then, Batman disappears into the darkness.

In fact, many of the Batmen begin to slowly fade into nothingness, even those clearly visible to others.

The motionless Batman in the floating chair says, "It is indeed over, cousins! Even now, we return to our homes--the power of techno-sorcery granted us by the SOURCE is fading, as it was foretold it would! Reality is safe once more--for the moment, at least!"

He laughs heartily as he seems to disintegrate out of existence.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
The Leather Bat barely is semi awake for the final announcement...but she will remember it when she gets to her homke would. Bruce's killer is stopped. When she gets home, Sybil can rest and recover. She will have toi decide whether to fix the suit and let people think that Batman still lives...or go out and be herself to take his place...

Domino has posed:
It's by sheer coincidence that the Bat of Fortune catches sight of Batwoman through the smoke, slipping out of the building. She stands a little taller, holstering her weapons, as the GCPD shout, Bruce Waye answers, and the day appears to have been saved.

She rests her hands on her hips and smirks. "Chalk that up to one hundred percent mission success. Pity though, I didn't get a kiss from the beautiful heroine I tried to save," she sighs as she disintegrates into a pixellated smoke.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye takes a quick look around in thermal for little lost sheep still in the building. "Look like everyone's out." and she uses her grapel gun to ge to the roof and into the urban jungle. Her used arrow shafts disintergrate - the only sign of their existence puddles of carbon fiber. "I'm going to hate myself in the morning."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman comes to the conclusion that there is no reason for her to stay, not when the cops are hovering around and she's been shot. Getting up from her crouch with a pained groan, the hurt feline-esque thief scoots out from her hiding place. The only sign of her having been here is a few stray drops of blood.

Cheshire has posed:
That worked all too well. Guns fire at Cheshire, Bullets whizzing in the air as she takes off. It was time to make a fast get away. "Time to vanish like the Cheshire Cat." She comments to herself as she quickly moves across a few powerlines to the next building. Then she quickly drops down into a back alley way.

She's got some people after her still but she is definitely faster and better equipped for this evening jaunt. She keeps moving, slipping her way through the city. "Alright. Need to get to the safehouse. Thats not far." Moments later, the Cheshire cat is gone. Not a single trace of her existance. The police issue gun has long since been ditched with ne'ery a finger print on it to show who may have used it. The Cheshire Cat masked woman will likely be considered in league with the Joker or something.

Once safe inside, she gathers her equipment. Going out with her mask and everything on was out of the question. Street clothing it was. Street clothing, a duffle bag, and a pair of sais in her jacket. It is time for Jeffrey Cosgrove to die.

Batman has posed:
The chaos continues to settle as, one by one, the different Batmen slip back to their own realities. In the GCPD morgue, a corpse that looks exactly like Bruce Wayne disappears, the sheet over top of it collapsing onto the tray below it.

Sitting in his boxer briefs in the back of a SWAT van, blanket around his shoulders, Bruce Wayne stares dumbly at the officers interrogating him.

"I don't know what to tell you. Some Batman impersonator thing--or from another dimension or whatever, like Batman told you--kidnapped me. I've been holed up here. Positively dreadful. Did you know there are no cell service bars out here? At any rate," he adds seemingly oblivious, "I hope you're not thinking of pressing charges against my rescuers. In addition to yourselves, that is."

The SWAT sergeant chews his gum angrily in a silent reply, staring daggers at Wayne's forehead.

"Would anyone mind phoning my butler? I could really use a heated seat for the ride home."

Zachary Lightwing has posed:
Zachary, also known as Nimbus, climbs out of the rubble he was trapped under by travelling through some scrap in the wreckage.

He watches several Batmans vanish into thin air. He stares again as the smoke clears around him. Zachary just sits there for the time being.

"... yyyyep."

He looks off to the side, examining the carnage around him.

"That just happened."

He looks down at the heap of concrete where the Batdaptroid was once standing.


He's having a moment here.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Bruce will find written somewhere upon his person - quite likely, given everything, in his skivvies - a short note. It is written in reversed text:

you're likely allergic to gamma hacepryomycin - gives you cardiac inflammation
also check lower side of chest mark armor
too thin

signed, a mysterious stranger