2393/A Day in the Life...

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A Day in the Life...
Date of Scene: 10 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lazarlite, X-Man, Vulcan, Mariah

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle was gliding along using his cape when a sudden wind ceated an updraft that carried him high into the air and out to sea. Hopefully he can manage to glide back to land...his own flight abilities are pretty limited and his energy reserves to boost his powersare running low. The problem is tacking against the wind is hard when you are gliding.

X-Man has posed:
    He still can't believe it, the sight of Manhattan, and all of the people... Nate and Madelyne flew over the City for hours, and he had question upon question. She was kind enough to indulge him throughout, but eventually he convinced her that he needed to see more. He felt like he was wasting her time, so he promised her he would come back to see her and Doom.

    He scanned the minds of the humans nearby, still not believing what he was hearing, and the truly beginning to understand the different world he was in. One of the standard thoughts he received was about the Statue of Liberty, and what it meant to people. Without any other current place in mind, he decides to see what this symbol of America and Freedom is about.

    On his way out, flying high above the clouds, Nate spots someone else flying nearby. That's not something you see everyday, and any chance he has to find new people is a chance worth taking for him. He dips below the cloud level, flying in the direction of the figure, Nate calls out "Hey!..." his left eye glowing brightly, and small tendrils of psionic energy flowing off his form as he closes the distance.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan is staring at the sign at the base of the Statue of Liberty. He is looking at the poem with great interest. His nose sniffles as he is coming down with a bit of a cold. Oh sure, metavirus can give him fire powers but not stop that. Briefly, he wonders if he can fry the germs in there and begins looking as he reads the poem.

<Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-handGlows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Then he spots Lytle and runs into the shadows to suit up. He isnt immediately sure how to help the guy, but he can do it a lot better as Miguel than Vulcan.

Mariah has posed:
Ellis Island isn't the usual place for Mariah to be, but it's quiet today; the crowds are low and the air is cold and clean. It's a good place to stop and think, to count supplies, to craft iron without being spotted. It's too cold for her liking, the whole eastern seaboard feels like living in a freezer to her - but she'll manage. She's gotten a heavier coat from a military surplus store, and it works to keep the cold at bay.

Sitting on a bench with a good view of New York and the bay, Mariah leans against it, and lets her head tilt back, arms draped over the back of the bench. She closes her eyes, takes a breath of salt air, exhales. Opening her eyes, she spots someone just sort of, y'know, flying around.

"Ah si, se me olvido la gente simplemente volar alrededor de aqui como no es nada," she murmurs to herself.

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle glances at the flying stranger, "I am having a bit of trouble with the wind, I am mainly a glider, though I can fly. Of course...he could always STOP FLYING, hitting the waves from this hight would give him a bit of energy to work with." He flips through his mental catalog, nope, not a relative or any major hero he knows of.

X-Man has posed:
    Once he's close enough to talk to Lytle without yelling, Nate will keep pace with the gliding individual, "Everything ok?..." the young man asks the other at first, "...ya know the humans below might get freaked out if they see you floating around up here?" Mentally, Nate reaches out to detect all the humans in the area that would be able to see them, and he might pick up on the others that aren't quite human as well. "Don't worry, I got it..." and just the humans go about their business, apparently not seeing the two flyers

    "Ah, got it.. maybe I can help.." He looks towards the towering statue, and asks "...Want to head that way? Will be easy enough..." the glow brightens around him, and there is an easy breeze that will allow Lytle to easily make the distance.

    "My name is Nate, by the way..."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan emerges as Vulcan and now wishes he could REALLY fly, not just as a method of catching bad guys but helping. Jesus, wht if there was a plane that was down or something? Briefly he looks at his sword and considers some kind of a Rocket Jump and instead decides that given the distances, he's going to whir up the teleporter, do a bit of triangulation and try to match where they land in case medical attention is needed. It will be tight. He is right near Mariah but hasnt seen her yet.

Mariah has posed:
Oh hey look, there's some guy with a sword and armor over there.

Mariah tilts her head over, noticing Vulcan; then there's someone else flying over to blue guy in the sky.

"Madre de dios, I thought it was going to be -quiet- here. I didn't know I walked into a felt and spandex convention," she grumbles, sitting up.

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle introduces himself, "Lytle Force. I generally go by Lazarlite." He aims his glide towards the statue...if he is going to miss the island perhaps he can grab the statue as he goes by. If needed, he can use his own flight power to change course, but it is an effort. He adds, "Around here, people are less concerned with me flying than how I look." Not many blue men with black eyes that seem to be all pupil.

X-Man has posed:
    *Interesting..* Nate thinks to himself as at least two individuals show up as 'not-human' on his scan. One is a mutant, and he is very interested in that, and so he decides to guide the draft helping Lytle along towards her. He's tempted to reach out telepathically, but decides it would probably be considered rude. Instead, they are obviously flying in Mariah's direction...

    "Nice to meet ya, Lytle.." Nate replies back with a friendly smile, taking in Lytles look, and offers a shrug "...guess that's fair. I've noticed most of the humans 'round here seem to have some strange notions on what scares them." Again, seems like no one cares as the two fly down towards the base of the Statue. If they keep on their current coarse, Vulcan probably won't have to travel very far at all, "What're you doing out this way?"

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan is all set to teleport and then spots Mariah, "Miss, you should get out of here. These two look alright but if there is a battle civilians could get hurt. What accent is that? It sounds like Colum-" the suit finishes its calibration and suddenly he finds himself ON the torch. Eyes boggling, he is nevertheless positioned to "help."

Mariah has posed:
Mariah is about to tell Vulcan that she's completely capable of taking care of herself, and that yes, she does have a Colombian accent to her Spanish, when Vulcan is suddenly Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Film. She stares for half a moment, finger pointing upwards, mouth partially open, words lost in his vanishing act.

She lowers her hand and closes her mouth.

"Y'know what, maybe I picked the wrong day to visit," she murmurs, standing up. She pulls off her backpack, unzips the top and takes out a box of galvanized roofing nails, before slipping the pack back on again. Looking straight up at Lytle and Nathan flying in towards her, she idly tosses the box up and down in her right hand.

"Qu'ubo, chamos," she says aloud.

Lazarlite has posed:
The air gets a bit choppy as we near the island, structures, especially oddly shaped ones, can easily effect air currents. Lytle is not too worried about that, hitting things does not bother him. He finally drops to the ground at the edge of the island, feeling a bit relieved. Impacts he can handle, but he could drown as easily as anyone else. He says to Nate, "I do not think I have seen you before on the news or anything, are you from around here?"

X-Man has posed:
    "Huh... don't see that everyday..." Nate adds as he see's the armored man disappear, and reappear a moment later. A quick mental scan is sent toward Vulcan's way to see if he has any intent on attacking, otherwise Nate will continue their trajectory down to Mariah.

    As Nate lowers himself to the ground, his aura slowly disappears, and the light in his eye dies down to where it's easy to spot the light blue color of both eyes. "Hi..." Nate says a little uncertainly at first, watching the box go up and down. His eyebrow quicks for a moment, not seeming to follow Mariah's greeting, "...hope we're not messing up your morning?" he adds with a mischievous grin.

    Looking back to Lytle, he shakes his head, a bit of grimace, "Not really, Lytle. I'm kind of new 'round here..." His mind keeping track of Vulcan, as he's currently an unknown in all this for now, "...let's say I'm tryin' to get a lay of the land."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan curses at his own misculation and cant help but laugh, resetting the suit. He shouts down, "You guys OK down there?"

Mariah has posed:
"Oh, new boy? You're in the same boat as me then chamo, and I didn't even come by boat this time," Mariah chuckles. She tosses the nails up and down idly, a lazy, somewhat mischievous grin. "Yeah, you're all messin' up my quiet morning but, eh, I can't be too angry about it. It's better than the usual way my mornings get messed up."

"Unless you're mutant slavers. Then, you an' me? We gonna have issues, si?"

She looks over her shoulder, up towards Vulcan. "HEY PARCE!" she shouts up Vulcan. "YOU NEED A HAND?"

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle says, "I am not a mutant, I am a metahuman. I also do not enslave people...though theoretically I might hypnotize someone I can not make people do things they would not do. Sorry about your morning miss." He adds, "I am kind of new here too, I am from Canada. I was trying to find a school to teach me to use my powers better, but no luck on that score."

X-Man has posed:
    "Hey, yeah... I think we're good." Nate replies back to Vulcan, his eyes glancing between the rest of the group. "Nice teleportation, haven't seen that lately..." There is a small flash from his left eye, and people continue on their way as they come around the odd group.

    A smile comes to Nate's lips, and he raises his hands in defeat, "Hey, sorry, I've only just met a mutant, and when I sensed you down here I wanted to come say Hi..."then her words seem to register, "...yeah, no slavers here, and it'd be best for them to stay away if they know what's good for them. I've spent enough time in slave pens to last my entire life."

    "Metahuman?" Nate asks, "I've not heard that term before, and you definitely don't feel like a mutant..." He scratches his chin, adding "...I might know some people who would help you," then he frowns, adding "maybe.. they might be different than I remember."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan blinks and suddenly teleports down and looks at Mariah, "LANGUAGE mujer...." he sighs. "I'm a metahuman. Its potatoes potatoes to some." With an 'ah' on the latter. "I'm Vulcan. nice to mete you all. Are you new here? Are you OK?

Mariah has posed:
Mariah raises an eyebrow at Vulcan. "You aren't abuella! I'll say whatever I like!" she shouts back, mock-offended. Heavy on the mock, given her grin. She tosses the nails up one more time and then snatches them out of the air and thrusts them into the pockets of her BDU pants. If Vulcan gets close enough, he'll likely recognize the FARC patch on the right shoulder of her jacket.

"Metahuman.. it's kind of like a mutant, only you get the powers during extreme stress or injury. Mutants get their powers along with their bushes." That's ... a rather coarse way of putting it, if you catch the drift. But not entirely wrong. "Sometimes the metahumans, they pass their powers to others. Good thing I can't do that, everyone would be [censored]."

She picks up on Nate's lost puppy demeanor. "You lost, chamo? I can get you to a shelter if you need it."

Lazarlite has posed:
This is a subject Lytle is quite familiar with, he nods to the person teleporting in, "Greetings Vulcan. A metahuman is a person whose body has the ability to adapt to extreme abnormal stress by superhuman adaptation. Roughly 17% of the polulation are metahumans. My entire family is metahuman, we all get powers sooner or later. Personally I do not get why some people are upset with thosewhose powers are caused due to biologicval stress factors rather than external stress factors...but for some reason there are more people who hate mutants than hate metas."

He corrects Mariah, "Actually, there are seven time in life where mutant powers can manifest, puberty is the most common, but not the only one."

To Vulcan he says, "I hhave been hanging around a few months now...but have not gotten much done but a bit of self training." Not much, saves a crashing airplane, helped thwart Intergang and the Friends of Humanity...the usual stuff.

X-Man has posed:
    "Yep, new guy here..." Nate says as he continues to focus on the odd mix of words that Mariah throws out. After a quick rundown of meta vs. mutant, he chuckles at Mariah's scientific description. "Well, learn somethin' new every day, I guess..." Then Lytles explanation causes Nate to raise his eyebrows, "That sounds like a lot of people are metahumans? Way more than mutants I"ve met."

    "Uhm..." Nate seems a bit confused at first with Mariah's comment, "...No?" Then a half second later the sarcasm catches up with him, and he grunts back to her "Yeah yeah, got it.. melodramatic..." Turning back to LYtle, he asks, "So you're lookin' for someone to help with your powers? You have people in mind, or just happen to find yourself in New York?"

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan blushes as she calls him a grandmother. "You are a very nasty girl." His tone doesnt mean it and it might as well sound like cute. Which is an odd tone of voice. He nods to Lytle, "Welcome." He then looks at Nate, "Also welcome?" He looks back at Mariah,"I guess they're not criminals any more but I'm kind of suprised anyone would publicly show that patch.

Mariah has posed:
Mariah puts her hands on both hips and laughs at Vulcan's comment. "And proud of it little boy!" She glances at Lytle. Weird, but not the weirdest she's seen. "Wait - you're looking for a school and you're from Canada?... How the [censored] are you even in this country? And where are your parents?" These seem like reasonable questions to her, given that Lytle looks like he can't be more than late junior high/early high school.

Nate didn't entirely catch her meaning. "No, no," she explains shaking her head. "Look. You look and sound like you're lost. Like, not too many people talk about how they don't remember things right, si? And metahumans being new to you? Yeah. S'why I asked if you needed help."

X-Man has posed:
    Nate follows some of the conversation, the pieces about criminals in reference to Mariah's patch seems to blow right by him. Even more so the talk about Lytle and his parents, "Why does he need his parents?.." then after a moments pause, he adds "...and he probably flew here from Canada, right? Is that so strange..." Yeah, if it wasn't before, it's very obvious now that Nate has a very strange view of the world.

    "No, you're right. I've just shown up here..." waving his arms in a large motion, "...this place. We're I'm from, the Earth I remember, didn't have Metahumans. Mutants, and maybe some magical people, but not metahumans..." he then waves his hand at the people around here, "...and the Humans... most of them were hunted by Mutants, the bad kind. This whole damn place is just... different..."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan listens to all this and nods, "Well. That...sounds ...reasonable." He tries to figure Mariah out at this point. "Sounds like you are on a paralell earth. That sucks. I'm a Son of Vulcan. I can help with some things like the basics....but we might need to get you an ID or some cash. Do they use dollars where you are from?" Hecups his chin trying to think.

Mariah has posed:
"Mi madre y mi padre were revolutionaries. After the disarmament in 2016, they took me to Caracas in venezuela... which wasn't really a good place to be in '17," Mariah explains to Vulcan. "That's where I found out I can do things other people can't. My whole family was killed for it," she explains, a hardness flashing her eyes over memories of the event.

Nate's story gets her attention. "... No de papaya," she advises Nate... which really doesn't make a lot of sense if you're not in bogota. She just told him not to make himself a papaya - a phrase meaning 'don't make yourself an easy target'. Vulcan's explanation makes sense, though it's kind of hard to swallow. 'parallel dimensions' sounds like something out of some comic book. "Yeah, I'm willing to help too. I don't have much, but what I have can keep you alive. I have connections."

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle says, "The good thing about being from Canada is that crossing the borders is pretty easy, all you need is a Passport. I come by as often as I can, though I can not stay here full time until I find a school that will accept me as an exchange student. As to travel, well mostly I catch a wave...the bow wave off a fast train or truck can carry someone who is gliding."

He corrects a slight error of Nate's, "There are a lot of POTENTIAL metahumans, not all of them ever get triggered...and a lot of them die without ever getting powers

X-Man has posed:
    Despite the obvious frustrations, Nate offers both Vulcan and Mariah a smile in thanks, he closes his eyes for a few seconds. During his explanation, the energy aura around him began to spring up, his eye glowing brightly, and it takes an obvious effort for him to settle it back down.

    "No, I don't have any money currently. Where I"m from we spent most of time fighting, and surviving. Places like this didn't exist. Small towns, maybe, with a grouping of humans just trying to escape notice."

    "I had someone else tell me the idea of the parallel reality. It's hard to take in, but everything I see tells me I'm in a very different place. Now, I"m just trying to take it all in...Trying to find people I knew before, and see if they're the same..."

    A moment later, Nate shrugs, either letting go or burying deep the anxiety, "New beginnings, and this place ain't nearly as bad as my own..." a smirk, perhaps it was burying it deep. "Thanks. I 'ppreciate the offers. By the way, like I told Lytle, my name is Nate, well.. Nathaniel Grey to be exact."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan nods, "That sounds like the future more than an alternate world. Maybe both. You sound really lost. But there are smart people who might be able to get you back."

He looks at Mariah,"You have my sympathy. I am sorry they used you like that. Did you get them?

Mariah has posed:
"No. I spent the next four years in the jungle in a wooden cage or a pit. Cartellos, si? They wanted what I can do," Mariah explains. She hasn't said so far what that is.

X-Man has posed:
    "That's what Doom said when he spoke to me..." Nate nods towards Vulcan "...or at least that is what he thought at first. After talking through it he came ot the same conclusion about a parallel reality.." His eyes look towards the Statue, not remembering something like this in his world, and wonders if Apocalypse had it torn down.

    "That is what we fought against every day for as long as I can remember." Following up Mariah's comment, "The Tyrant who ruled where I lived believed in culling the weak, whether it was human or mutant, and enslaved any he could. It was a horrible place for any but the powerful few that did whatever they wanted with no thought to morality." His eyes drifting to Mariah, "I've lived it, seen it, thousands of times. All for greed and power."

Mariah has posed:
Mariah is feeling fairly confident with these three boys. They seem nice. Now's the time to really test them.

"Greed is what I know too much about. They see what I can do? They get the green eyes, si? Watch."

Reaching into her pocket, Mariah takes out the box of nails, and opens the cardboard, pouring the hundred or so into the palm of her left hand. "First it's iron," she says; then from skin contact inwards and upwards, the nails glitter and lose their gunmetal gray, turning into a soft, lustrious, buttery metal. "Now it's gold."

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle snorts, "Gold has its uses, but mostly as a good conductor. People getting worked up over it seems silly. Can you change any material to any other, or is it only iron into gold?"

X-Man has posed:
    Nate takes a step closer to Mariah, very interested in what she is doing, and listens intently. He seems a little confused when she first pulls out the box of nails. His eyes go a bit wide as the nails begin to change before his eyes. When they finally reach their gold look, he raises a tentative hand, and uses his own telekinesis to feel the bonds of the new metal.

    "Wow.. it's real gold... I've never seen anything like that..." His awe turns into a frown though, as he thinks about what someone would do with it, "Money. It's easy money for them, and that's what they wanted."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan momentarily thinks Mariah's power is to turn people's eye color and gets this look of utter confusion on his face as to why the Farq would want her to do this, and then a look of understanding dawns. "Oh I am so sorry." He cannot even imagine the suffering. "Those fuckers.

Lazarlite has posed:
Lytle frowns, "I think I have to get going, I have a train to catch to get back home before dinner." Granted, he will not be IN the train, but he still needs to catch it. He adds to Nate, "If anyone you happen to know who can help train me actually exists in this world, feel free to tell them about me. Just, try to be sure they are actually HELPFUL in this world before you point them at me...you never know what will turn out to be different when you are not on your home world." So he liked to watch Sliders, is there something wrong with that?

Mariah has posed:
Mariah chuckles as Lytle leaves. "Kind of a nerd, but seems like a good kid," she asides to herself, as the group becomes 3 instead of 4. "Yeah, you know the story of the golden goose. They cut her it open to find out how she lays gold eggs," Mariah smirks. "Easy money. No government marks, no banks to rob, no mines to dig. Just put the girl in the cage and force her to make gold for you." Her smirk turns into a devious grin. "Until she learns how to do -this-, anyways!"

On the 'this', pile of gold nails melts and turns into a ball of liquid gold in her hand; it assumes a cube shape, a pyramid, then a sudden *thrust* upwards into a pointed blade. It hovers up into the air over her head, and turns into a stream of liquid gold that orbits her in a fluid band. "Anything with iron in it, I can turn into gold."

"Even blood."

She lets that sink in.

X-Man has posed:
    "Yeah, Lytle. I think I know a few folks that can help you out, but I"ll be sure to check on them first." Nate responds back, "Trust me, I know to be careful 'round here." His focus switches back to Vulcan and Mariah as Lytle heads off.

Following along, Nate has been people who would do anything for money, and the extremes they have gone to are sickening. At the display of control, Nate takes it all in, and seems fascinated by how the gold shifts and molds itself to Mariah's command. Once she shows... and says.. what she can do with it, he has his own devious grin as he asks "Bet they weren't ready for that, eh? Kind literal sense in blood money... and they deserve every bit of it."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "Well, I hope you used that on your captors because Jesus Maria and Jose, that group deserves to have anvils dropped on them. Like I wish that was my power, rather than fire, just make giant anvils fall out of the sky and crush their heads." He frowns. "But your implied gory end of them while tastefully leaving out the horrific details of how they screamed and writhed in agony says great things for your character as a person."

Mariah has posed:
"They were rounding up other mutant chinos to sell to the slave markets in Mexico," Mariah explains. "I can live with hell ... but not the little ones. For them, I pushed myself as hard as I can. I kept them alive and together in the jungle while we walked for two weeks to get back to their parents." She holds up a hand and the gold slithers down through the air, waterbender-style, to wrap around her wrist and congeal into an intricate gold bracelet, where it stays. "Since then... I just keep moving. When people find out there's a source of free gold, I can't stay."

X-Man has posed:
"Seems like no matter how different places are, some things still don't change." Nate grumbles at the end of Mariah's story, "Both bad and good.." Nodding his head to her, a respectful gesture built from a common bond, "They were lucky to have you there, and in some ways you were lucky too. I found I was able to do some amazing things when I knew other people needed me..." there's some hesitance in his upcoming question, but hopeful look when he asks "...did you find their parents?"

    "Yeah, I can imagine you don't share this much with folks. Thank you for trusting us, and I won't share your secret. Anything I can do to help you, I will."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "For a second I thought you made them walk, writing in agony and then killed them in sight of civilization, but that would be...horrible and wrong, so I'm lglad you freed the children." Unlike the many cards he has received of late, he gives Mariah a card. "If you need teleportation, anywhere in the world. Ping me. Chinga sus madres con un baton." He frowns and then nods at Nate. "It sounds like you fought some bad sheep where you came from. Hopefully some of your future knowledge works on this earth." At the talk of parents he doesnt say a damn thing but goes silen."

Mariah has posed:
Mariah laughs suddenly. "And now who is the nasty one?" she asks Vulcan. Probably best Nate doesn't know what that means. Well, he can probably handle it, but still!

"I found their parents, but la policia, they were corrupt. Like I said, people see gold, they get greedy." She shrugs her shoulders. What else can you do?

Hands on her hips, she looks at the two boys. "I think we should all keep tabs on each other. More strands on the rope, the stronger the rope. Harder to cut, harder to snap. You all seem like good people. Forgive my bad manners - my name is Mariah Fox. If you are ever in Jackson Heights, ask for Gold Rush. That's what they call me."

X-Man has posed:
    After the length of the conversation, Nate's innate telepathic abilities have pulled bits and pieces from the discussion. After Vulcan's comment, Nate laughs out loud "Hah.. their moms... wow. I mean, a bit rough, but.. yeah, I get the sentiment." He continues to snicker a few more times, and let's out a long sigh.

    "Absolutely... Uhm, if you don't mind, I can do a quick scan, and it'll be easy for me to keep in touch... and if you all ever need help, it'll be easy for me to know." His eyes take in both people, knowing that it may be asking a lot, but it's really his only way to easily keep in touch for now.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan is cautious there but his guilt about needing people to help lets him nod. Guess they DONT use cell phones on his world, must just be telepathy. He lets Nate do this and nods. He tries not to let the Encyclopedia Vulcanis spam him with ads for Egyptian Rug cleaning services and Medieval Bear Teeth cleaning tips. He nods to Mariah, "Fair enough." He smiles at both, "Happy to help. Oh, and if you see anything that changes its shape, is white and afraid of fire....run....then call me. They are bad.

Mariah has posed:
"Scan away. I ain't scared." Mariah spreads her hands and laughs softly, playfully. She looks over at Vulcan to make eye contact. "Of white things that are afraid of fire, either. It takes a lot to make me afraid, and even more to make me run. I fight, I don't run."

X-Man has posed:
    His eye glows very briefly, the lightest touch, and likely not felt by either individual. Nate nods his head, "Easy 'nough, all done. Thanks for your trust. I won't break it." He grunts in agreement with Mariah, "Yeah, not much of a runner here, but if I come across them I'll let you know. If either of you need me, just send a thought my way, and I'll likely hear it. Only works if ya want it to, so no dirty thoughts comes through... er, guess unless you send them... which would be kind of funny, depending on the thoughts..."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan grunts at Mariah's reaction. "When you've met one, tell me you aren't scared of it. Fire is my power and I worry the hell out of White Martians." He grins at Nate's open invitation to mischief and probably wont let Scottish Sheep Psychology and Sociology leak through. Probably. Or 11 hours of bagpipe music. Then he remembers that anyone who can hear his thoughts across the globe could make him think he was a potato for the rest of his life and decides not to.

Mariah has posed:
Mariah ... decides to be Mariah.

A particularly indecent thought about Nate crosses her mind, though she herself seems cool as a cucumber. "Like that?" she asks ever so coyly.

X-Man has posed:
"What the hell is a white martian..." Nate starts and then he pauses, mid thought, and stands there for a second. "Uh.. what?" He says to Vulcan as he seems to come back to the conversation after a moment, literally shakes his head, and coughs once. "Right..." a sideways glance in Mariah's direction, "...yep, it worked." is all he says.

    Followed a second later by an equally indecent thought back, and a mental snicker that is only barely kept off his face.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan laughs and smiles, "Alright, I might still wnat to swap out fire for anvils but you can keep the telepathy Nick. While pleasant thoughts from Mariah would be fun, I've met too many women who would send things I do NOT want to see to want that burden. A White Martian. People live on mars. Green Martians. White Martians. Powerful dudes, shape shift, created a virus that kept all humans from getting powers until recently.

Mariah has posed:
"You gonna have to grow up some time," Mariah asides to Vulcan - right before she gets hit back, so to speak, with an equally indecent thought from Nate. She pauses, looking startled for a split second, before the surprise gives way to IS THAT A CHALLENGE? Yes, that's an emotional expression that she somehow manages to convey from the lift of one eyebrow alone. Oh you've done it now, Nate. Now she's decided to engage in a mental version of chicken to see who knuckles under first. These kind of bad decisions are the bread and butter of her life.

She thinks back a thought about herself and Nate to Nate while maintaining a conversation. "So... aliens then, eh? Eh, we got a Superman and a Martian Manhunter, it was a matter of time before all the bad aliens show up."

X-Man has posed:
"Heh..." Nate offers a chuckle to Vulcan, "...yeah, my Foster Father, Forge, would tell me that I"ve bitten off more than I can chew, and be better about choosing my battles." Listening to Vulcan's description, Nate seems blown away, "Wait, there are real live Martians? From the planet Mars? No fu..."

    Mental POW, Mariah might actually hear a mental trainwreck happening. Blink. Blink. Deepbreath. "I'm.. can that..." and then he runs his hand through his hair. "O.K... What is a Superman?"

    Telepathically to Mariah *People cannot be that flexible?!?*

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan just...blushes at this behavior. He then sticks his tounge out at Mariah. "Anyway, I should like....go. But....oh, superman, Kryptonian. Insanely deadly. Think Magneto level power. Martian Manhunter is a green martian." He then smiles, shakes his head and fades out.

Mariah has posed:
Mariah bursts out into laughter as Nate's train of thought runs off the tracks and into the side of a mountain. "Sounds like there's plenty of trouble to go around, si? And yes, some people -can- be that flexible. With practice. Or encouragement," she says, answering the thought out loud. "Ohhh, the look on your face. Hee hee hee. Sorry. Sometimes I tease too much."

X-Man has posed:
"What the hell is a Kryptonion?!" Nate mutters to himself as Vulcan starts to head out, "Hey, nice meeting you..." Then turns towards Mariah, eyebrow quirked, as they are the only two left. "Like I said, bite off more than I can chew..." He shakes his head, adding "...now I'm going to go for a swim in the cold water here." His grin is genuine, "Mariah, it's really good to meet you, especially now for me. Take care of yourself, I hope to see you again soon..." With that, his aura flares around him, and he shoots off into the sky.

    and a few hundred yards away dives into the cold water around the island...