2825/Sneaking Out

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Sneaking Out
Date of Scene: 12 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sleepwalker, Kaydin LeGraize, Speed

Sleepwalker has posed:
It is almost midnight, and curfew has been called by now. Students are expected to be snug in their beds, or at least not wandering the grounds. There are rules and such, afterall. It is a chilly night, with Summer officially fading into Fall, and the lake is far too cold to swim in for a normal person. Resistance to temperature is not one of Hunter's abilities...which is why he is sitting on the dock, his legs dangling off the edge. His toes don't touch the water.

The lights from the lake house making the area surrounding him pretty bright, but other then that the woods beyond are dark, as is the face of the water. The kid showed up at the school only a few days ago, and he is having a hard time acclimating. He's barely spoken to anyone yet.

He's wearing jeans, a faded 'Lords of Dogtown' t-shirt...which is some movie from a few decades ago, and a flannel shirt, which is held close to keep out the chill. He has a battered paperback in his hands, and he is reading to himself, the kid reaching up now and again to adjust his glasses.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin is busy even in the night. He already managed to sneak out and had got a pizza from town. Now he needed a spot to lay low without getting in trouble. And thus it is why he came here. He stops when he comes to the docks, the blur slowing down long enough to be recognized as Kaydin with a pizza. "Arent you supposed to be in bed?" He asks curiously but seems to be unwilling to provide a reason why he is still up.

Speed has posed:
    Speed's first night on campus and he's already breaking the rules. Great. He went out to explore and ended up taking a nap, a long one by the look of it. Now he's making his way back towards the school at snail speed, brushing pine needles and leaves off an old black hoody and a pair of faded jeans. He pauses when hears voices and smells... is that pizza? He'd missed dinner and so he makes his way over. "Shouldn't you?" he chimes in after Kaydin, giving the kid with the pizza a smile. He steps out of the shadows, the moonlight making his silver white hair seem to glimmer as he does. "So, what? Are the rules around here sort of a joke? Or all three of just big rebels?" he asks the duo.

Sleepwalker has posed:
"Same question to you," the long-haired kid grunts to Kaydin. He glances up from his book, tucking some blonde behind his ear. "Hell, both of you," he adds, glancing between the two. He glances back down at his book and slides in a faded bookmark, before closing it and setting it aside. The cover reads 'ON THE ROAD' by Jack Kerouac.

"I have trouble sleeping," the teen says. "I also have trouble being around that many sleeping people. It's complicated. So...I took a walk. Ended up here. I'm not trying to rebel or cause any trouble."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I often do most of my work at night." Kaydin says as he turns to see the white haired kid and he looks back to the one with the book. "I just got back from working on a mural in Manhattan." He says as he tries to watch the two of them. He pulls a slice of pizza out of the box he had and begins to eat it. "Hungry?" He asks as he offers his pizza to the two.

Speed has posed:
     Tommy wrinkles his nose. "It's my first day, I'm pretty sure Mr. Summers or Ms. Grey are going to give me a pass. Besides I needed to get some air, I've got a placement test tomorrow, and I don't want to end up in the JV league," he says before he nods yes to a slice of pizza and in a flash, heh, has a slice in his hand and is over by the dock, studying the cover of Hunter's book. "On The Road, good book, gets a little stream of consciousness for my taste though," he says giving his nod of approval before tucking into that slice of pie in his hand. He chews a bit then looks to Kaydin. "Mural huh? So they let us out of here late if we've got a job?" he asks.

Sleepwalker has posed:
"And the teachers are okay with that?," the blonde asks Kaydin with an arched eyebrow. He glances down at the pizza and leans over to peer. "What kind?," he asks curiously. His accent is certainly not local. Californian or something West Coastish. He glances over at Speed and nods to him. "First day, huh? It's my third."

He glances down at the book and brushes his fingers over it idly. "I've read it...well... a few times, now. Kerouac is always stream of consciousness. I like it."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Not really. Thats why I sneak out to do it." Kaydin says with a grin and offers his pepperoni pizza to the blonde. "Been about my fourth or fifth day myself." He says as he looks between hunter and tommy. "I spraypaint murals based on heroes and villains. Just got done doing a wonder woman mural on the themsyciran embassy."

Speed has posed:
     "Jesus, I've landed in the fish market," Tommy mutters to himself, before he finishes off his slice in a couple of quick bites. His accent runs towards the Tri-State area, though if anyone's keen on accents, he's definitely not from the New York side of the George Washington bridge. He rubs the grease on his hands onto his jeans. "So I'm told, I've never read any of Kerouac's other stuff though, if you got some other titles though, I'd love to read them." He says before looking over to Kaydin. "So do the Amazons know they got a mural? Or should we expect a bunch of them showing up at the gate tomorrow?"

Sleepwalker has posed:
"No, thanks. I don't eat meat." He doesn't sound judgemental when he says it. His tone is a polite refusal. "Well, looks like we're all new, then. I'm Hunter." He arches an eyebrow and chuckles. "Are the Themyscirans okay with that? I don't think guerilla murals go over well with a lot of heroes." He brushes his fingers back through his hair and glances down into the water.

He glances at Tommy. "Fish market?," he asks, confused. "I don't own a lot of stuff. This is one of the few books I actually own."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Name is Kaydin LeGraize." Kaydin says, sounding like he is from Seattle, washington state. He then grins to Hunter. "If they are okay with it, they will keep it up. If not I wager they will find someone to clean it off the wall. Story of my life." Kaydin says as he eats his pizza and he smirks to Tommy. "We will find out, wont we?"

Speed has posed:
     Tommy grins at Hunter's question. "It's the place in the yard or the cafeteria where the new guys hang out with each other while they learn the ropes or get punked out. You ever see that Shawshank movie?" he asks before chanting: "Fresh fish! Fresh fish! That's us, we're the fresh fish around here."

    After that grim appraisal though, he's down for introductions. "I'm Tommy," he says to the group, before shaking his head at Kaydin a glance. "Hey, normally I'd find the whole delinquent thing you're doing sort of funny, but I'm a scholarship kid in this joint, so I'll say this once just keep me out of it."

Sleepwalker has posed:
Hunter peers at Kaydin and shakes his head a bit, but doesn't comment further. He then glances over at Tommy and chuckles. "Ah, right. New fish. Been awhile. I like old movies like that." This is 2025, afterall, so that movie is oooooold.

"Keep me out of it, too," he offers softly. He glances back down at the water. "How deep do you think this lake is?," the kid asks curiously.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin shrugs. "No idea how deep the lake is." Kaydin says as he smirks. "Alright I will keep you two out of it." Kaydin says as he looks about. "So What do you two do to be here? I am a speedster." He says as he watches the two of them.

Speed has posed:
     Tommy peers over the edge of the dock before putting his hand on Hunter's back and mimes a shove. "One way to find out," he grins sharply. Though he doesn't push him, or even jostle him that hard. He moves his hand and looks over. "No idea, man, deep I'd guess," he looks over at Hunter then, appraising. "I'm not going to find a ton of rocks in your pockets or something am I?" he asks, only half-joking.

     At Kaydin's question, Tommy looks over. "Huh, you're the other one, Summers told me about, I'm a speedster too. People call me Speed."

Sleepwalker has posed:
The blonde smirks a bit at the almost-but-not-quite shove. "I grew up on the beach. Not like I can't swim. Just not in this freezing water. Immunity to the cold is -not- my power." He doesn't say what his power is, though, when asked. In fact, he pretty much ignores the question.

"Two speedsters. Crazy."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods as he looks to Tommy. "Nice to meetcha, Speed." He says as he looks to the Blonde and he eats another slice of pizza. He then looks to Tommy and then lets a yawn out. "I probably should probably head back in. I will need to wake up early tomorrow." Kaydin says as he leaves the pizza to Tommy. "You all have a good night." Kaydin says with a nod before bluring back to the mansion.

Speed has posed:
     Tommy nods stepping back from the edge. "So, what is your power? I'm going to go with telepath, because of that sleeping people remark. What's the deal? Get everyone's showing up to class with no pants dreams or something?"

    When Kaydin goes, Tommy watches him go. "Fast, but I've got ten says he gets bounced out of her even faster. What do you think?" he asks Hunter.

Sleepwalker has posed:
He raises a hand to wave at the departing Kaydin. "Take it easy." Hunter shakes his head at the guess and peers up at the stars. The can be seen pretty well this far from a big city. "Not really, no. It's...I don't know. Not something I'm very comfortable talking about yet. Sorry if that sucks. But...suffice it to say it's kind of the opposite. I don't dream. Hell, I don't even sleep. I can't."

He turns to peer in the direction Kaydin left and nods. "Probably, yeah."

Speed has posed:
     There is a flinch from Tommy. "Damn, and I thought the speed had a downside," he says before offering a sincere, "Sorry bro."

     He frowns. This was getting all very personal and very late. "Well, I'm going to bail too and check out the room I've got, but anyhow, you seem alright, good to meet you, man." He offers a hand.

Sleepwalker has posed:
"It's alright. Gives me a lot of time to...do stuff. Learn stuff. I read a lot. I skate. I used to surf back home, too. Watched a lot of movies." He chuckles softly. "But it gets lonely, too. You can get used to it, of course, but who wants to, right?" He glances over at Speed and takes the hand. "Yeah. Sleep well, man. Nice meeting you."

Speed has posed:
    "I hear that, same goes for being able to do things sooo much faster than everyone else, nothing but time man, nothing but time," Tommy, shakes his head, then gives Hunter a salute. "Likewise. See you around, " and with that he's zooming back towards the mansion and out of sight.

Sleepwalker has posed:
Hunter Weston gets back from rewatching the New Mutants trailer. AWESOME. Horror movie. So hyped.

Sleepwalker has posed:
Hunter Weston says, "ICly Hunter would have nothing good to say, since his mom is a Purifier, and he is a mutant."