306/A Dark Visit

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A Dark Visit
Date of Scene: 06 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Batman drops by to check up on Autumn. Advice is given concerning Onyx.
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Batman

Star Shimmer has posed:
Its night time in Gotham. Things are mostly quiet as Autumn works very hard on making adjustments to an aircraft design as well as working on her speech which, time is definitely starting to slip away from her for. She has already tossed out several versions of the speech but, Everyone of them is just not right. There is some light snoring coming from the guest room of the apartment.

Batman has posed:
Crouching on the fire escape outside Autumn's window, Batman watches silently--and then shines a narrow flashlight toward the girl, blinking the light. With his other hand, he keeps a finger pressed vertically against his lips.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater catches sight of the light. It is rather dark in the place. She quickly moves to the fire escape window and steps outside with him. "Batman. Hello. It's good to see you actually. I need your help with something but, that can wait. What brings you by?" She asks curiously. "I was just working on what is basically my job application for the job I'm going to have after I graduate. That and my speach for Valedictorian."

Batman has posed:
Standing as Autumn joins him outside, Batman tilts his head slightly to one side. "I wanted to check up on you. Make sure that this place I've arranged is working. That I haven't failed you with it, given the assurances I made." He places a hand on the fire escape rail. "It /seems/ like things are going well. Congratulations on graduating, and for doing so as valedictorian."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater looks at Batman and smiles. "Thank you. So far most everything is going well. Well Almost. I had a few guys come up to me at the park a week or so ago. They gave me some money and told me I need to move. Apparently my activities of late have caused a little trouble and I guess I am interfereing with the mobs protection of the park." She blushes, "Yeah I umm. I may have accidentally gotten into a little bit of trouble? Some lunatic named Killer Moth? He tried to kill me and a little girl with a grenade. We got away to safety then I sorta tackled him and knocked him out. Then a little better then a week ago, I was at the bank trying to deposit some money. Two-Face decided to rob the place. He pointed a gun at me, flipped his coin. I guess I survived to be his hostage. I waited until he was distracted. Then I sorta did a little self defense thing I know and got away." She frowns.

Batman has posed:
Batman stands motionless, listening while Autumn speaks, save that his mouth slowly forms a thin frown.

"I see," he replies. "I wish I could say that Gotham were safer than your experience so far. For many, it is. But they're still the lucky ones for now--at least until more can be done to prevent this."

Batman inhales deeply, looking over his shoulder to the city skyline. "You've managed to survive so far, and that's commendable, too ... although I wish it didn't have to be. Was any of this recent experience what you needed help with?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater shakes her head, "Its alright Batman. You helped me more then you know. You made an opening where I didn't have one. You put my life in my hands and I have nothing but thanks for that." She looks down. Then, she gives a sigh. "No. The thing I need help with is something Far more important. I mean I told the mob guys that I would be gone in a month and I would come back to visit my family but, I will be moving to Metropolis. I've been offered a job at Ferris Air, Designing Aircraft. I've got a rather, hight intellect." She shrugs.

"Anyway, the problem I have is about something my parents kept from me for the past almost 18 years. Apparently I have a sister. This sister is a mutant. Rather then do whats best for her my parents gave her to some lab. The good news is, I found her. The bad news, The place experimented on her. Turned her into some... pseudo vampire. She has to live off blood and can't function in society at the moment. I'm trying to help her. She doesn't want to feed off people, but steeling from a blood bank could be just as bad. I am at a loss."

Batman has posed:
"Hh," Batman says quietly. "What about synthetic blood? It wouldn't surprise me if somewhere like S.T.A.R. Labs or another facility were already working to develop similar substances. I've heard tell," he adds, "that there are individuals out there with ..." He pauses a moment. "... similar conditions. I can reach out to some contacts, but a move to Metropolis may be a good thing for you in this regard--assuming, of course, that your sister is following you there."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "I will have to ask her if she wishes to go along. The real problem is what you're asking. If i even mention a lab to her I will burn down any trust I've built up with her. That place... They tortured her. Turned her into a monster, and when she wouldn't act as an assassin like they were essentially trying to create, they called her a failed experiment and tried to kill her."

Batman has posed:
"I'm not sure what you're asking, then," Batman says calmly. "It's certainly understandable that she might be hesitant to visit a lab. But if the alternative is to injure people--or maybe kill them, even accidentally--then she's certainly going to be hunted down and arrested."

He folds his arms across his chest. "Is it better to spare potential discomfort that may be temporary in favor of promoting far greater and longer discomfort? If you're to be your sister's keeper, you'll need to ask yourself this question."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns. "I know. Its just. She's been through a severe mental trauma for the past 18 years. I dunno. i gotta do whats best for her now. Gods knows my parents didn't do that." She sighs and shakes her head. "That is about the only way to go about things. Otherwise, She's screwed.:

Batman has posed:
With a nod, Batman purses his lips. "There may be another way. But there may not. And you should always be ready to make the tough call for family, if you want to keep them. I'm assuming in this case that you do," he adds. "Sometimes the decisions we make for the betterment of our loved ones aren't well-liked by them."

Batman nods back to the apartment. "It's something to sleep on. But not to put off entirely. If the condition remotely resembles its namesake, you're working against a clock, and I imagine the symptoms may be dangerous--to any number of individuals."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "She robbed a bloodbank recently. I fed her a few nights back but. Its not good. Don't worry. She's unable to pass on her traits. The lab was literally trying to make a monster out of her. They almost succeeded. I will talk to her. Either way, At the end of the month I am going to be moving. I don't want you to think I'm not thankful."

Batman has posed:
"As a man whose entire aesthetic centers on a creature whose blood-sucking myths /terrify/ people," Batman says quietly, "let me assure you that, should actual vampiric behavior be witnessed, the ensuing panic to locate and lock up your sister will be incredible."

"As far as moving," he adds, "I'm glad to know this was worth it. For you, that is. There was never a question to me. And you don't owe me any explanation about why you're moving. I hope you find the peaceful life you deserve in Metropolis."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles, "She's got a few tricks for that. I've seen at least two of them. She can cloak herself in darkness and she can hypnotize people. She hypnotized me once and will not do it again. She broke my trust when she did that.

She smiles a little. "I think, No matter where I am, I definitely need to really start training myself. It seems I am finding trouble way too easily these days. I don't want to fight but if it means protecting myself and others, I need to know how to do it."

Batman has posed:
The dark knight nods. "Fortunately, in Metropolis, you'll have plenty of resources to help. But the night falls there, too, and it's important not to forget that." He offers a nod. "You'll succeed, though. Of course ... to do so, you'll need to finish preparing that speech."

Batman springs up onto the edge of the fire escape rail. "I really do hope that trouble doesn't follow you to your new home. And consider a short-term frustration with your sister in order to have a longer happiness with her. Revelations about unknown family members offer new opportunities that don't happen often."

Then, he turns and leans forward, swan-diving for a moment before he extends his arms to his sides, hands gripping the edge of his cape. It becomes semi-rigid, and Batman's descent slows. He glides off between a pair of buildings, disappearing into the night.