322/Life Ship Down

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Life Ship Down
Date of Scene: 08 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Miss Martian, Crusader

Miss Martian has posed:
The Martian Lifeship is hidden not far from the town is a small valley behind a ridge. It is camouflaged, few humans will notice it, but those with the right sensors might well detect the presence of certain materials and systems not found on earth. The ship has sat here since M'gann landed it. It is low on fuel and she hass yet to find a source for the right fuel here on Earth.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader had just gone done his usual rounds of the night. A thankfully quiet day. And well he decided to go out of town to simply clear his head. But soon enough he sense something....technology. Advanced technology too! Crusader quickly traced the signals he was getting untill he finds...open space
    He considers the signal and walks forward carefully before finally bumping into the ship itself "Aha! One cannot hide too easily from The Crusade" he states.

Miss Martian has posed:
The Life Ship does nothing...yet. It detects an unknown creature approaching, and the AI awakens and waits...it has encountered other unknown life forms lately and so far none have reacted with hostility. In fact, most have ignored it's presence. It checks it's resources, but they are meager...it is low on fuel and unarmed. It does have a telepathic beacon it can use to notify its mistress if something happens she needs to know about. So far, it is simply observing.

Crusader has posed:
Right, so alienship! Crusader begins to use his technopathy, not so much to hijack the ship, but to try and find out some basic info. Make, age, fuel, how long it has been here, etc. Those kinds of things. Though just to be safe he does knock on the hull saying "Hello!" the camoflouge ability is impressive...if it been here long enough he may just take the ship and strip it down.

Miss Martian has posed:
The ship can tell the creature is attempting communications. The channels used are a bit different than the ones it is programmed/created to understand, but are similar to the ones used in iconagraphic storage.

Bjorn learns the ship is fairly new, apparently constructed out of salvaged parts over a period of years by hand because of the differing ages of some parts from others. The Engines have not been used in a bit over a month. The fuel reserves are low, it might be able to lift but woiuld likely not reach orbit. The Fuel is some form of apparently organic compound, but not one found natrally in this area. It is likely not native to this planet. The hull of the ship is something that vaguely resembles chitin, though possibly it is more like wood as it appears to have been grown and shaped like some tribes shape trees.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader hmmms at the infomation he is able to gleam. Mix matched parts of different ages...low on fuel, oddly made. He rubs his beard "Hmmmm, too many parts to confirm any one species. And whatever you run on, isn't from earth" he taps his foot in thought. He nods "Must be abandon...bet the original owner making a ship from materials on earth. But, best get you to a more secure place and check under the hull" he glances up "Oh what, like never bother talking to your tools" he says to some unknown figure

And with that the Crusader virtualy melts into a puddle and oozes himself around the base. Once there he reforms lifting the ship clear over his head...and even takes the oppertunity to camoflouge himself! He takes a breath "Alright, you got this" and he carefully lifts into the air carefull of trees before heading towards his home.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann gets a telepathic signal from her ship the moment Bjorn touches the hull. She quickly transforms, camouflages herself, and flies to intercept the ship. She will keep slower than the speed of sound unless necessary.

Crusader has posed:
Well Crusader certainly can't fly faster than the speed of sound...or even faster than a ship for that matter! And inspite of everything...Crusader wasn't in a hurry. A ship to dig into? That more like a Hobby than an investigation. Just so happen this might give him some answers. So along he flies unaware that another alien was about to intercept him

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann's nine Martian Senses are much harder to fool than human senses, she soon locates the being carrying the ship. She stays hidden and tries to telepathically contact the being, <If you do not mind too much, could you put that back where you found it? I have not found a better place to store it until I can refuel, but I probagly will want to use it again sometime.>

Crusader has posed:
Crusader floats to a stop mid-air. He turns left, right and behind himself trying to find where this telepathic signal is comming from. But he is otherwise quite calm. He speaks in his head figureing a telepathic person is likely listening to his thoughts "Oh, this is your vessel. One apologieze. Figured it may have been abandoned. Might one ask what you are exactly?" He was fairly laxed and even begins to turn around and head back to where the ship was.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann fades into view, directionally...she allowd herself to be clearly seen from Bjorn's Point of View, but not from the ground. She transmits, <I am Miss Martian...probably the last child of Mars. Well, at least, I have not met another Martian in years, and never any younger than myself.>

Crusader has posed:
Crusader point of view is odd....360 vision. Infront, behind, up, down and all around. His 'eyes' are vanity only and his behavior...is more instinctual than anything. "Last of the martians eh? One wondered when that would happen. Was it a war, a virus or both?" he asks casually. It dosn't seem like he is poking fun, but rather trying to confirm infomation. "One goes by Crusader most often. First and to ones knowledge only sentient member of the Enforcer species" he says. He begins to decend as he finds the spot the ship was orginally in.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann is just as glad to be back on the ground, she has little practice at flying. She says, aloud since Crusader spoke to her, "It was a telepathic virus, it drove every telepath exposed to it insane, make them attack other living creatures and, if no other creatures were near, attack artificial structures and, finally destroy themselves. Fortunately I was not born then, my parents were mind-blind...with no telepathic abilities...a rarity among Martians."

Crusader has posed:
When Crusader goes to land he seems to more or less be crushed by the ship. The landing was not gentle but rather rough. Though Crusader does reform dropping his camoflouge soon afterwords "One is sorry to hear this. Though it seems possible that other membersof your species have survived...though such planet wide devistation would make it difficult to determine such a thing"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann say, "You say your species is non sentient? What has made you different from your kind?" It is only fair he share his history as well.

Crusader has posed:
Crusder leans agaist a tree "Well...one was made different to put it simply. For instance ones ship and one-self are virtually made of the same stuff, though our life code differs greatly, we even share similar abilities. But the ship was made to be a ship...and one was made to be a person" he says "One is not a natural occuring species....but an engineered one"

Miss Martian has posed:
"So there is another species who made you, and chose to make you a sentient being," Inquires M'gann? She considers...he sounds kind of like a Robot in human fiction.

Crusader has posed:
"Several technicaly. Ones colony was made of several species within the andrameda sector. And well... they tried to make one sentient" Crusader states "They initially were not successful and sent one to earth to...recitfy this matter. As you can see, it has worked"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann wonders why coming to Earth would make a robot sentient. Well, it is not her business...as he noted it seems to have worked. She says, "You seem like you know of Martians. That seems odd, I am uncertain how much contact with other species they had, I am unaware that they ever left this system. Of course, my education is limited."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader crosses his arms "Well, one does not need to have contact with other species to know they exist. For instance, plenty of aliens have known about humans before humans knew about aliens. One knows of martians because one was educated on several planets and species in this galaxy" he states. "Unsurprisingly just as eath has had several alien landings, so has mars. How about yourself, how did you manage to get to earth?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann gestures at the ship, "I built this from parts that survived the disaster. I found an Iconagraphic text on ship repair and followed the instructions. Finding enough intact parts took years. There was not really enough fuel, fortunately I was given a ride part of the way." M'gann wonders when Mars was visited and by whom. She knows Martiuans visited Earth long ago.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader nods raising a brow from in his helm "Impressive." he looks back to the ship "Though if you plan on using it again...you may need to considered swapping the engine or upgrading it to use a different type of fuel"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "Ideagrams, being telepathic imprints, can carry a huge amount of information, but are also very specific on what they include. It taught me to fix the ship, not how to modify it to work differently." Really, except possibly learning to read Ideograms without being taught, she did not do anything that impressive.

Crusader has posed:
Still impressive. Building an entire working spaceship, even with spare parts is not easy. Still you learned how to fix a ship, modifying is simply the next step" he says "Even without your ideagrams, you should be able to begin figureing out how a ship works" he states "Course one is not quite sure how martions act on n intellectual level. One has heard that there are cases were a particulat species might specialize in an intelligence"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "Really, I do not think our species is all that impressive intellectually. Despite the war between the Pales and the Greens, our technology has barely advanced in millions of years."

Crusader has posed:
"Never said anything about your species intellect being impressive. One find what you did impressive. One would need to interact more with martions before such a blanket statement is made...though that is unlikely to happen" he states "And as far as technology goes....well the more something works, the less it needs to change. Or to put it simply, it seems your specie had very little reason to advanced. Though that is a guess"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann replies, "The other thing I need before I can modify my ship, is a knowledge of something to modify it too. It will take me some time to learn enough human technology...and there is not much other technology available in these parts." She could learn fasterm if she had a teacher willing to let her directly take the knowledge from their mind...but that is unlikely.

Crusader has posed:
"Well luckily for you one is proficent in many technological matters. From human tech to alien ships. One may be able to learn a hand thusly" Crusaders offers simply

Miss Martian has posed:
"My species are telepathic, as I have mentioned, learning is easiest mind to mind," She wants to be sure that the alien knows what he is offering.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader grunts "One does not see what that has to do oneself teaching you." is his statement. He not a mind reader, but he know what he is offering. And that is to teach, which as far as he is concerned is not an offer to look into his mind(s).

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann sighs to herself, she sees that he is not offering to do thing the easy way (for her). She says, "Well, let's go inside and you can see whsat I know and what I might need to learn first."