3445/Cafeteria Catastrophe
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Cafeteria Catastrophe | |
Date of Scene: | 20 December 2017 |
Location: | Xavier's School, Westchester, New York |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Rift, Arc
- Rift has posed:
It's good to be home. The nice thing about being in a school for mutants is that people can look different and it's no problem. One of the main perks for Kitora's 'powered form' is that heat or cold don't bother her. So she flies in and lands, stretching. Her body glows with a dull red aura, with bright red lights visible in her arms, legs, chest, and head. She smiles as she orders her usual, and she ends up with a heavily-laden tray. "Thank ye kindly," she drawls, winking with a glowing eye, as she moves to sit, starting to dig in.
- Arc has posed:
Its her first day at the new school and Rikki is completely out of sorts. She is still pretty new to having powers let alone being around others with powers. So seeing all of this has her a little shy. Quietly she enters the Cafeteria. They've been informed about her courtesy of the administration. So when they see the raven haired girl, they set what equates to 2 and a half pizzas on a tray and let her go with it. Not little personal pizzas. 14 inch pizzas. Yup. Someone else can out eat a small country
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua grins widely as she waves. "Ah - another girl with a hearty appetite," calls the glowing Kitora, who might look a bit eerie but has an equally laden tray. "Just a light snack?" she asks, looking at the 2.5 pizzas.
- Arc has posed:
Rikki blinks a few times. She wasn't expecting to be called out. It could almost be insulting to say that sort of thing. Rikki shrugs. The girl looks like she's not been eating enough. "Something like that. Ummm... Hi?" She asks as she moves towards the glowing person. "Ummm I'm sorta new here."
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Oh right.." She takes a deep breath and her glow winks out, revealing a relatively-normal Asian teenager with bright red hair. She shivers a bit. "Oh, it's a bit cool in here. I'm Kitora. Sorry, I left my glow on so the chilll didn't bother me." She smiles faintly. "Yeah, everyone jokes I'm on the speedster's diet," she muses. "I'm not one - but it's close." She is working on her food at high speed.
- Arc has posed:
Rikki smiles softly, "My name is Rikki. I am a speedster I think." She shrugs as she sits down and begins inhaling the pizza like there is a shortage of it. "Mmmmm" She keeps going. "Sorry. I sorta accidentally did a thing. I umm... Pick pocketed Ms. Grey. She was really nice about it honestly..." She shutters. "Most people aren't so cool when you swipe their purse without them ever knowing it."
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles faintly. "Oh my." She grins. "Word of advice - don't try to pickpocket a telepath. They're really good at catching you. Most I ever did was dump a swimming pool on Mr. Wagner. Of course, it was summertime." She giggles softly. "That was fun." She had almost finished her plate already as she sighs happily.
- Arc has posed:
Rikki shrugs, "She didn't get mad at me though. Thats sorta scary. I mean she can read my mind.." She's already through the half pizza and into her first whole one. "A swimming pool? Like a bucket from it or..." She looks confused
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua snorts. "Nah. The whole pool. I can do portals. I opened one on the bottom of the pool and theo ther over his head. It's amazing - even though he can teleport, he wasn't fast enough." She giggles. "My best prank." She hmmmms. "So - you're a speedster? How fast can you go?" she asks as she finishes her plate and pushes it away, burping happily.
- Arc has posed:
Rikki shrugs. "I don't know." She frowns. "I umm... Something weird happens when I run. Lightning wraps around me and I panic. My umm... My parents and I were... They didn't survive. I did."
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "I've seen the Flash run - he's wrapped in lightning when he runs. " She sighs. "My parents almost didn't survive when my powers started - I accidentally tore my house apart... I was unharmed." She sighs. "They disowned me. Threw me out. I'm not even sure where they are anymore." She smiles. "I actually ate lunch with the Flash once at an all-you-can-eat buffet. They threw us out."
- Arc has posed:
Rikki laughs, "I bet that was fun." She finishes off the rest of the pizza and shrugs. "I've been afraid of lightning since that happened though. So I'm just really scared to run."
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "So... ummmm... you're scared of your own powers... that's... rough." She sighs softly. "I can see how that could be a problem."
- Arc has posed:
Rikki nods, "I don't know why the lightning thing happens. I just... I don't want it to hurt me." She frowns and goes up for more. A moment or so later she is back with even more pizza. Thankfully, different kinds. "Its not all bad I guess. I can heal really fast and stuff. I mean the doctors couldn't get how I recovered as quick as I did.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Lucky. I was down for two weeks when I got a bullet in the arm," she mutters. "There were protests in Mutant Town after the assassination and.. I was trying to help. Didn't do much good, I suppose, but they appreciaetd my effort." She ponders. "So when you run, you're surrounded by lightning? Has it ever hurt you? Or maybe it's just a visual effect?"
- Arc has posed:
Rikki frowns, "I don't know if it hurts me or not. I just sorta stop when I see it. Then I hide and deal with the aftermath. Its really freaky." She's already through much of the rest of her pizza.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua ponders. "Maybe Ms. Grey or Professor Xavier can help you with those issues... I don't know what to say. I enjoy my powers maybe a little too much... but you should try to see what happens. Run with your eyes closed or something so you can't see it, and see if it hurts you?"
- Arc has posed:
Rikki finishes her food. "I guess We could go out back and try, See what happens." She takes a deep breath. Yup she's nervous.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua ponders. "But I don't wnat to push you. You look scared. If you'er scared, something might happen... maybe we should wait till you feel more confident?"
- Arc has posed:
Rikki shrugs, "What could go wrong? I get fried? Big deal I'll heal right?" She sighs and looks outside. "The problem is if I'm a speedster, I can't run with my eyes closed. I could run into a wall or something."
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "I don't think your powers would betray you like that... I mean, it's possible... perhaps you should have someone qualified check you out. I wish I had a way of getting hold of..." She trails off. "You should talk to my friend Kaydin. He's a speedster too."
- Arc has posed:
Rikki smiles, "I heard about him. The Professor mentoned him." She stands up and looks outside. "Wanna come along?" She asks curiously as she gets ready to run.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Think you can hold your speed to 500 MPH? So I could keep pace?" she asks as she gathers up the dishes and returns them to the dropoff area. Her glow reignites as she goes to follow you.
- Arc has posed:
Rikki blinks, "500 Miles per hour? I have no idea if I can even run that fast." She heads outside and looks for a good place to start. Settling on a good spot. She stretches out a little and prepares herself. "I feel a little weird."
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua ponders. "I've heard speedsters can go supersonic..." She smiles as she murmurs, "How about the track?" she asks. "Like for running races and stuff? That would seem to be ideal."
- Arc has posed:
Rikki smiles, "Okay! to the Track!" She walks to the track and gets ready to go. "Alright, shall we do this?" She gets onto the starting line.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just floats near you, nodding slowly. "Alright. I'll be right here. I hope... nothing happens.."
- Arc has posed:
Rikki takes a deep breath. Her eyes close for a moment as suddenly everything seems to stop. She takes off. The sound barrier doesn't break. It shatters. The shockwave is enough to rattle a few windows and break one. Lightning crackles all around her as she races around the track repeatedly. She isn't pushing herself. This is just a steady pace for her and that steady pace is definitely beyond the sound barrier, probably around a cool 1k mph She looks at the lightning and starts freaking out from it. It doesn't seem to be hurting her though. Its rolling off her though. Also the area at the center of the track might be getting a bit windy.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua was buffeted by the shock wave, almost blown away by that soni boom. Rubbing her ears, she turns her weight up to anchor herself in the grass in the middle of the track, her glow brighter, watching as you run and run and run. She can't keep track of how far you've ran - but she bets she couldn't move that fast. She just watches for now, waiting for you to stop, enjoying the light show.
- Arc has posed:
Rikki finally stops. The final sparks of speed force lightning fizzle out. as she looks around. "Holy Crap! Everything looked like it stopped moving. Also... once I got past all the lightning, it felt like something was tugging at me. I don't get it. All I know is holy smoke that was insane!?"
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "I couldnt' track how many laps you made... your sonic boom almost blew me away..." She moves towards you, her footsteps making the ground quiver and sinking into the soft ground. "Oh, oops," she states as her glow lessened and she starts walking normally. "I had to anchor myself to the ground in high gravity or you would've blew me away." She gestures to some chairs set up in the grassy area in the middle of the track - they're in a pile near the middle. "You were generating a whirlwind."
- Arc has posed:
Rikki blinks a few times, "Oh wow. I didn't know! I just... I was was running at a steady pace. I didn't push myself or anything." She just shakes her head."So I guess its safe to say I'm a speedster right?"
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "You did a sonic boom. So you were probably going around a thousand MPH. You'd beat me in a race." She hmmmms softly. "Also... think about it. You don't seem as scared by it. Maybe we can be friends... us big eaters have to stick together, eh?"
- Arc has posed:
Rikki nods, "Yeah. We gotta make sure people keep their food stock up!" She laughs and shrugs, "So umm what is dinner tonight?"